package thaw.fcp; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; import thaw.core.Logger; import thaw.core.ThawThread; import thaw.core.ThawRunnable; public class FCPClientGet extends FCPTransferQuery implements Observer { private int maxRetries = -1; private final static int PACKET_SIZE = 65536; private FCPQueueManager queueManager; private FCPQueryManager duplicatedQueryManager; private String key = null; private String filename = null; /* Extract from the key */ private int priority = DEFAULT_PRIORITY; private int persistence = PERSISTENCE_FOREVER; private boolean globalQueue = true; private String destinationDir = null; private String finalPath = null; private int attempt = -1; private String status; private int fromTheNodeProgress = 0; private long fileSize; private long maxSize = 0; private boolean writingSuccessful = true; private boolean fatal = true; private boolean isLockOwner = false; private boolean alreadySaved = false; private boolean noDDA = false; private boolean noRedir = false; private FCPTestDDA testDDA = null; /* used when redirected */ private boolean restartIfFailed = false; private int protocolErrorCode = -1; private int getFailedCode = -1; /** * See setParameters(). */ public FCPClientGet(final FCPQueueManager queueManager, final HashMap parameters) { super((String)parameters.get("Identifier"), false); this.queueManager = queueManager; setParameters(parameters); fromTheNodeProgress = 0; /* If isPersistent(), then start() won't be called, so must relisten the queryManager by ourself */ if(isPersistent() && (getIdentifier() != null) && !getIdentifier().equals("")) { this.queueManager.getQueryManager().deleteObserver(this); this.queueManager.getQueryManager().addObserver(this); } } /** * Used to resume query from persistent queue of the node. * Think of adding this FCPClientGet as a queryManager observer. * @param destinationDir if null, then a temporary file will be create * (path determined only when the file is availabed ; * this file will be deleted on jvm exit) */ protected FCPClientGet(final String id, final String key, final int priority, final int persistence, final boolean globalQueue, final String destinationDir, String status, final int maxRetries, final FCPQueueManager queueManager) { this(key, priority, persistence, globalQueue, maxRetries, destinationDir); this.queueManager = queueManager; this.status = status; if(status == null) { Logger.warning(this, "status == null ?!"); status = "(null)"; } setIdentifier(id); /* FIX : This is a fix for the files inserted by Frost */ /* To remove when bback will do his work correctly */ if (filename == null && id != null) { Logger.notice(this, "Fixing Frost key filename"); String[] split = id.split("-"); if (split.length >= 2) { filename = ""; for (int i = 1 ; i < split.length; i++) filename += split[i]; } } /* /FIX */ setStatus(true, false, false); } /** * See the other entry point * @param noDDA refuse the use of DDA (if true, request must be *NOT* *PERSISTENT*) */ public FCPClientGet(final String key, final int priority, final int persistence, boolean globalQueue, final int maxRetries, String destinationDir, boolean noDDA) { this(key, priority, persistence, globalQueue, maxRetries, destinationDir); this.noDDA = noDDA; } /** * Entry point: Only for initial queries * @param destinationDir if null => temporary file * @param persistence PERSISTENCE_FOREVER ; PERSISTENCE_UNTIL_NODE_REBOOT ; PERSISTENCE_UNTIL_DISCONNECT */ public FCPClientGet(final String key, final int priority, final int persistence, boolean globalQueue, final int maxRetries, String destinationDir) { super(null, false); if (globalQueue && (persistence >= PERSISTENCE_UNTIL_DISCONNECT)) globalQueue = false; /* else protocol error */ fromTheNodeProgress = 0; this.maxRetries = maxRetries; this.key = key; this.priority = priority; this.persistence = persistence; this.globalQueue = globalQueue; this.destinationDir = destinationDir; fileSize = 0; attempt = 0; status = "Waiting"; filename = FreenetURIHelper.getFilenameFromKey(key); if (filename == null) { Logger.warning(this, "Nameless key !!"); } Logger.debug(this, "Query for getting "+key+" created"); } /** * See the other entry point * @param noDDA refuse the use of DDA (if true, request must be *NOT* *PERSISTENT*) */ public FCPClientGet(final String key, final int priority, final int persistence, boolean globalQueue, final int maxRetries, String destinationDir, long maxSize, boolean noDDA) { this(key, priority, persistence, globalQueue, maxRetries, destinationDir, maxSize); this.noDDA = noDDA; } /** * Another entry point allowing to specify a max size */ public FCPClientGet(final String key, final int priority, final int persistence, boolean globalQueue, final int maxRetries, String destinationDir, long maxSize) { this(key, priority, persistence, globalQueue, maxRetries, destinationDir); this.maxSize = maxSize; } /** * won't follow the redirections */ public void setNoRedirectionFlag(boolean noRedir) { this.noRedir = noRedir; } public boolean start(final FCPQueueManager queueManager) { attempt++; setStatus(true, false, false); this.queueManager = queueManager; /* TODO : seems to be true sometimes => find why */ if (queueManager == null || queueManager.getQueryManager() == null || queueManager.getQueryManager().getConnection() == null) return false; return sendClientGet(); } public boolean sendClientGet() { if (finalPath == null && destinationDir == null) { if ((destinationDir = System.getProperty("")) == null) { Logger.error(this, "Unable to find temporary directory ! Will create troubles !"); destinationDir = ""; } else Logger.notice(this, "Using temporary file: "+getPath()); } status = "Requesting"; if((getIdentifier() == null) || "".equals( getIdentifier() )) setIdentifier(queueManager.getAnID() + "-"+filename); Logger.debug(this, "Requesting key : "+getFileKey()); final FCPMessage queryMessage = new FCPMessage(); queryMessage.setMessageName("ClientGet"); queryMessage.setValue("URI", key); queryMessage.setValue("Identifier", getIdentifier()); queryMessage.setValue("Verbosity", "1"); queryMessage.setValue("MaxRetries", Integer.toString(maxRetries)); queryMessage.setValue("PriorityClass", Integer.toString(priority)); if (maxSize > 0) queryMessage.setValue("MaxSize", Long.toString(maxSize)); if(destinationDir != null) queryMessage.setValue("ClientToken", destinationDir); if(persistence == PERSISTENCE_FOREVER) queryMessage.setValue("Persistence", "forever"); if(persistence == PERSISTENCE_UNTIL_NODE_REBOOT) queryMessage.setValue("Persistence", "reboot"); if(persistence == PERSISTENCE_UNTIL_DISCONNECT) queryMessage.setValue("Persistence", "connection"); if(globalQueue) queryMessage.setValue("Global", "true"); else queryMessage.setValue("Global", "false"); if (!queueManager.getQueryManager().getConnection().isLocalSocket() || noDDA) queryMessage.setValue("ReturnType", "direct"); else { queryMessage.setValue("ReturnType", "disk"); queryMessage.setValue("Filename", getPath()); if (getPath() == null) { Logger.error(this, "getPath() returned null ! Will create troubles !"); } } queueManager.getQueryManager().deleteObserver(this); queueManager.getQueryManager().addObserver(this); return queueManager.getQueryManager().writeMessage(queryMessage); } public void update(final Observable o, final Object arg) { if (o == testDDA) { if (!testDDA.mayTheNodeWrite()) noDDA = true; sendClientGet(); return; } FCPQueryManager queryManager = null; final FCPMessage message = (FCPMessage)arg; if (o instanceof FCPQueryManager) queryManager = (FCPQueryManager)o; else queryManager = queueManager.getQueryManager(); /* default one */ if((message.getValue("Identifier") == null) || !message.getValue("Identifier").equals(getIdentifier())) return; if("DataFound".equals( message.getMessageName() )) { Logger.debug(this, "DataFound!"); if(!isFinished()) { if(!alreadySaved) { alreadySaved = true; fileSize = Long.parseLong(message.getValue("DataLength")); if(isPersistent() || (queueManager.getQueryManager().getConnection().isLocalSocket() && !noDDA)) { if(destinationDir != null) { if (!fileExists() && !(queueManager.getQueryManager().getConnection().isLocalSocket() && !noDDA) && queueManager.getQueryManager().getConnection().getAutoDownload()) { status = "Requesting file from the node"; writingSuccessful = false; saveFileTo(destinationDir, false); } else { status = "Available"; setStatus(false, true, true); writingSuccessful = true; Logger.notice(this, "Download finished => File already existing. Not rewrited"); } } else { setStatus(false, true, true); status = "Available but not downloaded"; writingSuccessful = true; Logger.notice(this, "Download finished => Don't know where to put file, so file not asked to the node"); } } else { /* we do nothing : the request is not persistent, so we should get a AllData */ } } notifyChange(); } return; } if("IdentifierCollision".equals( message.getMessageName() )) { Logger.notice(this, "IdentifierCollision ! Resending with another id"); setIdentifier(null); start(queueManager); notifyChange(); return; } if ("PersistentGet".equals(message.getMessageName())) { /* not our problem */ return; } if("ProtocolError".equals( message.getMessageName() )) { Logger.debug(this, "ProtocolError !"); if ("25".equals(message.getValue("Code")) && queueManager.getQueryManager().getConnection().isLocalSocket() && !noDDA && (destinationDir != null || finalPath != null)) { if (destinationDir == null) destinationDir = new File(finalPath).getAbsoluteFile().getParent(); testDDA = new FCPTestDDA(destinationDir, false, true); testDDA.addObserver(this); testDDA.start(queueManager); return; } if ("4".equals(message.getValue("Code"))) { Logger.warning(this, "The node reported an invalid key. Please check the following key\n"+ key); } if("15".equals( message.getValue("Code") )) { Logger.debug(this, "Unknow URI ? was probably a stop order so no problem ..."); return; } Logger.error(this, "=== PROTOCOL ERROR === \n"+message.toString()); protocolErrorCode = Integer.parseInt(message.getValue("Code")); status = "Protocol Error ("+message.getValue("CodeDescription")+")"; setStatus(false, true, false); fatal = true; if((message.getValue("Fatal") != null) && message.getValue("Fatal").equals("false")) { fatal = false; status = status + " (non-fatal)"; } if(isLockOwner) { if (duplicatedQueryManager != null) duplicatedQueryManager.getConnection().removeFromWriterQueue(); isLockOwner= false; } notifyChange(); queueManager.getQueryManager().deleteObserver(this); return; } /* we assume that the change is not about the clientToken */ if ("PersistentRequestModified".equals(message.getMessageName())) { if (message.getValue("PriorityClass") == null) { Logger.warning(this, "No priority specified ?! Message ignored."); } else { priority = Integer.parseInt(message.getValue("PriorityClass")); } return; } if ("PersistentRequestRemoved".equals(message.getMessageName())) { status = "Removed"; if (!isFinished()) { setStatus(false, true, false); fatal = true; }, "PersistentRequestRemoved >> Removing from the queue"); queueManager.getQueryManager().deleteObserver(this); queueManager.remove(this); notifyChange(); return; } if ("GetFailed".equals(message.getMessageName())) { Logger.debug(this, "GetFailed !"); if (message.getValue("RedirectURI") != null && !noRedir) { Logger.debug(this, "Redirected !"); key = message.getValue("RedirectURI"); status = "Redirected ..."; if (queueManager.isOur(message.getValue("Identifier"))) { restartIfFailed = true; stop(queueManager, false); } else { Logger.debug(this, "Not our transfer ; we don't touch"); } } if (restartIfFailed) { restartIfFailed = false; start(queueManager); return; } if (!"13".equals(message.getValue("Code"))) /* if != of Data Not Found */ Logger.notice(this, "GetFailed : "+message.getValue("CodeDescription")); if(!isRunning()) { /* Must be a "GetFailed: cancelled by caller", so we simply ignore */, "Cancellation confirmed."); return; } //removeRequest(); getFailedCode = Integer.parseInt(message.getValue("Code")); status = "Failed ("+message.getValue("CodeDescription")+")"; setStatus(false, true, false); fatal = true; if((message.getValue("Fatal") != null) && message.getValue("Fatal").equals("false")) { fatal = false; status = status + " (non-fatal)"; } notifyChange(); return; } if ("SimpleProgress".equals(message.getMessageName())) { Logger.debug(this, "SimpleProgress !"); if (message.getValue("Total") != null && message.getValue("Required") != null && message.getValue("Succeeded") != null) { fileSize = Long.parseLong(message.getValue("Required"))*FCPClientGet.BLOCK_SIZE; final long total = Long.parseLong(message.getValue("Total")); final long required = Long.parseLong(message.getValue("Required")); final long succeeded = Long.parseLong(message.getValue("Succeeded")); boolean progressReliable = false; if((message.getValue("FinalizedTotal") != null) && message.getValue("FinalizedTotal").equals("true")) { progressReliable = true; } status = "Fetching"; setBlockNumbers(required, total, succeeded, progressReliable); setStatus(true, false, false); } else { setBlockNumbers(-1, -1, -1, false); } notifyChange(); return; } if ("AllData".equals(message.getMessageName())) { Logger.debug(this, "AllData ! : " + getIdentifier()); fileSize = message.getAmountOfDataWaiting(); setStatus(true, false, false); setStartupTime(Long.valueOf(message.getValue("StartupTime")).longValue()); setCompletionTime(Long.valueOf(message.getValue("CompletionTime")).longValue()); status = "Writing to disk";, "Receiving file ..."); notifyChange(); if(fetchDirectly(queryManager.getConnection(), fileSize, true)) {, "File received"); writingSuccessful = true; status = "Available"; } else { Logger.warning(this, "Unable to fetch correctly the file. This may create problems on socket"); writingSuccessful = false; status = "Error while receveing the file"; } if (duplicatedQueryManager != null) duplicatedQueryManager.getConnection().removeFromWriterQueue(); isLockOwner= false; setStatus(false, true, writingSuccessful); queryManager.deleteObserver(this); if (queryManager != queueManager.getQueryManager()) { queueManager.getQueryManager().deleteObserver(this); queryManager.getConnection().disconnect(); duplicatedQueryManager = null; } notifyChange(); return; } if ("SendingToNetwork".equals(message.getMessageName())) { //TODO: Handle this? do we need to? -TS return; } Logger.warning(this, "Unknown message : "+message.getMessageName() + " !"); } private class UnlockWaiter implements ThawRunnable { FCPClientGet clientGet; FCPConnection c; String dir; public UnlockWaiter(final FCPClientGet clientGet, final FCPConnection c, final String dir) { this.clientGet = clientGet; this.dir = dir; this.c = c; } private Thread th; private boolean waiting = false; public void run() { synchronized(this) { waiting = true; } c.addToWriterQueue(); synchronized(this) { waiting = false; if (Thread.interrupted()) { c.removeFromWriterQueue(); return; } } isLockOwner = true; Logger.debug(this, "I take the lock !"); if(dir == null) { Logger.warning(this, " : Wtf ?"); } clientGet.continueSaveFileTo(dir); return; } public void setThread(Thread th) { synchronized(this) { = th; } } /* race-conditions may happen but "shits happen" */ public void stop() { synchronized(this) { if (waiting) th.interrupt(); } } } public boolean saveFileTo(final String dir) { return saveFileTo(dir, true); } public synchronized boolean saveFileTo(final String dir, final boolean checkStatus) { fromTheNodeProgress = 0;, "Saving file to '"+dir+"'"); if(dir == null) { Logger.warning(this, "saveFileTo() : Can't save to null."); return false; } destinationDir = dir; if(checkStatus && (!isFinished() || !isSuccessful())) { Logger.warning(this, "Unable to fetch a file not finished"); return false; } if(!isPersistent()) { Logger.warning(this, "Not persistent, so unable to ask"); return false; }, "Duplicating socket ..."); if (globalQueue) { duplicatedQueryManager = queueManager.getQueryManager().duplicate(getIdentifier()); duplicatedQueryManager.addObserver(this); } else { /* won't duplicate ; else it will use another id */ duplicatedQueryManager = queueManager.getQueryManager(); }, "Waiting for socket ..."); status = "Waiting for socket availability ..."; fromTheNodeProgress = 1; /* display issue */ setStatus(true, false, false); notifyChange(); UnlockWaiter uw = new UnlockWaiter(this, duplicatedQueryManager.getConnection(), dir); final Thread fork = new ThawThread(uw, "Unlock waiter", this); uw.setThread(fork); fork.start(); return true; } public synchronized boolean continueSaveFileTo(final String dir) {, "Asking file '"+filename+"' to the node..."); destinationDir = dir; status = "Requesting file"; fromTheNodeProgress = 1; /* display issue */ setStatus(true, false, false); notifyChange(); if(destinationDir == null) { Logger.warning(this, "saveFileTo() : Wtf ?"); } final FCPMessage getRequestStatus = new FCPMessage(); getRequestStatus.setMessageName("GetRequestStatus"); getRequestStatus.setValue("Identifier", getIdentifier()); if(globalQueue) getRequestStatus.setValue("Global", "true"); else getRequestStatus.setValue("Global", "false"); getRequestStatus.setValue("OnlyData", "true"); duplicatedQueryManager.writeMessage(getRequestStatus, false); return true; } private boolean fileExists() { final File newFile = new File(getPath()); return newFile.exists(); } private boolean fetchDirectly(final FCPConnection connection, long size, final boolean reallyWrite) { final String file = getPath(); File newFile = null; OutputStream outputStream = null; if (file != null) { newFile = new File(file); } else { try {, "Using temporary file"); newFile = File.createTempFile("thaw_", ".tmp"); finalPath = newFile.getPath(); newFile.deleteOnExit(); } catch(final e) { Logger.error(this, "Error while creating temporary file: "+e.toString()); } } if(reallyWrite) {, "Getting file from node ... "); try { outputStream = new FileOutputStream(newFile); } catch(final e) { Logger.error(this, "Unable to write file on disk ... disk space / perms ? : "+e.toString()); status = "Write error"; return false; } } else {, "File is supposed already written. Not rewriting."); } /* size == bytes remaining on socket */ final long origSize = size; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); writingSuccessful = true; while(size > 0) { int packet = FCPClientGet.PACKET_SIZE; byte[] read; int amount; if(size < (long)packet) packet = (int)size; read = new byte[packet]; amount =, read); if(amount <= -1) { Logger.error(this, "Socket closed, damn !"); status = "Unable to read data from the node"; writingSuccessful = false; setStatus(false, true, false); try { outputStream.close(); } catch( ex) { Logger.error(this, "Unable to close the file cleanly : "+ex.toString()); Logger.error(this, "Things seem to go wrong !"); } newFile.delete(); return false; } if(reallyWrite) { try { outputStream.write(read, 0, amount); } catch(final e) { Logger.error(this, "Unable to write file on disk ... out of space ? : "+e.toString()); status = "Unable to fetch / disk probably full !"; writingSuccessful = false; setStatus(false, true, false); try { outputStream.close(); } catch( ex) { Logger.error(this, "Unable to close the file cleanly : "+ex.toString()); Logger.error(this, "Things seem to go wrong !"); } newFile.delete(); return false; } } size = size - amount; if( System.currentTimeMillis() >= (startTime+3000)) { status = "Writing to disk"; fromTheNodeProgress = (int) (((origSize-size) * 100) / origSize); if (fromTheNodeProgress <= 0) /* display issue */ fromTheNodeProgress = 1; notifyChange(); startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } fromTheNodeProgress = 100; if(reallyWrite) { try { outputStream.close(); if(!writingSuccessful && (newFile != null)) newFile.delete(); } catch(final e) { Logger.notice(this, "Unable to close correctly file on disk !? : "+e.toString()); } }, "File written"); return true; } public boolean removeRequest() { final FCPMessage stopMessage = new FCPMessage(); if(!isPersistent()) { Logger.notice(this, "Can't remove non persistent request."); return false; } if(getIdentifier() == null) { Logger.notice(this, "Can't remove non-started queries"); return true; } stopMessage.setMessageName("RemovePersistentRequest"); if(globalQueue) stopMessage.setValue("Global", "true"); else stopMessage.setValue("Global", "false"); stopMessage.setValue("Identifier", getIdentifier()); queueManager.getQueryManager().writeMessage(stopMessage); setStatus(false, isFinished(), isSuccessful()); return true; } public boolean pause(final FCPQueueManager queryManager) { /* TODO ? : Reduce the priority instead of stopping */, "Pausing fetching of the key : "+getFileKey()); removeRequest(); setStatus(false, false, false); status = "Delayed"; notifyChange(); return true; } public boolean stop(final FCPQueueManager queueManager) { return stop(queueManager, true); } public boolean stop(final FCPQueueManager queueManager, boolean notify) {, "Stop fetching of the key : "+getFileKey()); if(isPersistent() && !removeRequest()) return false; queueManager.getQueryManager().deleteObserver(this); boolean wasFinished = isFinished(); setStatus(false, true, wasFinished && isSuccessful()); fatal = true; status = "Stopped"; if (!restartIfFailed && !wasFinished && notify) { notifyChange(); } return true; } public void updatePersistentRequest(final boolean clientToken) { if(!isPersistent()) return; final FCPMessage msg = new FCPMessage(); msg.setMessageName("ModifyPersistentRequest"); msg.setValue("Global", Boolean.toString(globalQueue)); msg.setValue("Identifier", getIdentifier()); msg.setValue("PriorityClass", Integer.toString(priority)); if(clientToken && (destinationDir != null)) msg.setValue("ClientToken", destinationDir); queueManager.getQueryManager().writeMessage(msg); } public int getThawPriority() { return priority; } public int getFCPPriority() { return priority; } public void setFCPPriority(final int prio) {, "Setting priority to "+Integer.toString(prio)); priority = prio; notifyChange(); } public int getQueryType() { return 1; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public String getFileKey() { // TODO : It's a fix due to Frost // => to remove when it will become unneeded if (filename != null && key != null && key.startsWith("CHK@") && key.indexOf('/') < 0) { return key + "/" + filename; } return key; } public long getFileSize() { return fileSize; } public String getPath() { String path = null; if (finalPath != null) path = finalPath; else if(destinationDir != null) path = destinationDir + File.separator + filename; if (path != null) path = path.replaceAll("\\|", "_"); return path; } public String getFilename() { if (filename != null) return filename.replaceAll("[\\/:*?\"<>|]", "_"); return key; } public int getAttempt() { return attempt; } public void setAttempt(final int x) { attempt = x; if(x == 0) { /* We suppose it's a restart */ setBlockNumbers(-1, -1, -1, false); } } public int getMaxAttempt() { return maxRetries; } public boolean isWritingSuccessful() { return writingSuccessful; } public boolean isFatallyFailed() { return ((!isSuccessful()) && fatal); } public HashMap getParameters() { final HashMap result = new HashMap(); result.put("URI", key); result.put("Filename", filename); result.put("Priority", Integer.toString(priority)); result.put("Persistence", Integer.toString(persistence)); result.put("Global", Boolean.toString(globalQueue)); result.put("ClientToken", destinationDir); result.put("Attempt", Integer.toString(attempt)); result.put("status", status); result.put("Identifier", getIdentifier()); result.put("FileSize", Long.toString(fileSize)); result.put("Running", Boolean.toString(isRunning())); result.put("Successful", Boolean.toString(isSuccessful())); result.put("MaxRetries", Integer.toString(maxRetries)); return result; } public boolean setParameters(final HashMap parameters) { key = (String)parameters.get("URI"); Logger.debug(this, "Resuming key : "+key); filename = (String)parameters.get("Filename"); priority = Integer.parseInt((String)parameters.get("Priority")); persistence = Integer.parseInt((String)parameters.get("Persistence")); globalQueue = Boolean.valueOf((String)parameters.get("Global")).booleanValue(); destinationDir = (String)parameters.get("ClientToken"); attempt = Integer.parseInt((String)parameters.get("Attempt")); status = (String)parameters.get("Status"); setIdentifier( (String)parameters.get("Identifier"));, "Resuming id : "+getIdentifier()); fileSize = Long.parseLong((String)parameters.get("FileSize")); boolean running = Boolean.valueOf((String)parameters.get("Running")).booleanValue(); boolean successful = Boolean.valueOf((String)parameters.get("Successful")).booleanValue(); maxRetries = Integer.parseInt((String)parameters.get("MaxRetries")); setStatus(running, !running, successful); if((persistence == PERSISTENCE_UNTIL_DISCONNECT) && !isFinished()) { setStatus(false, false, false); setBlockNumbers(-1, -1, -1, false); status = "Waiting"; } return true; } public boolean isPersistent() { return (persistence < PERSISTENCE_UNTIL_DISCONNECT); } public boolean isGlobal() { return globalQueue; } public int getTransferWithTheNodeProgression() { return fromTheNodeProgress; } public int getGetFailedCode() { return getFailedCode; } public int getProtocolErrorCode() { return protocolErrorCode; } }