package thaw.plugins.signatures; import java.sql.*; import thaw.core.Config; import thaw.core.SplashScreen; import thaw.core.Logger; import thaw.plugins.Hsqldb; public class DatabaseManager { private DatabaseManager() { } public static boolean init(Hsqldb db, Config config, SplashScreen splashScreen) { boolean newDb; newDb = false; if (config.getValue("signaturesDatabaseVersion") == null) { newDb = true; config.setValue("signaturesDatabaseVersion", "2"); } else { /* CONVERTIONS */ if ("1".equals(config.getValue("signaturesDatabaseVersion"))) { if (splashScreen != null) splashScreen.setStatus("Converting database ..."); if (convertDatabase_1_to_2(db)) config.setValue("signaturesDatabaseVersion", "2"); } } createTables(db); addDevs(db); return newDb; } protected static boolean sendQuery(final Hsqldb db, final String query) { try { db.executeQuery(query); return true; } catch(final SQLException e) { Logger.notice(new DatabaseManager(), "While (re)creating sql tables: "+e.toString()); return false; } } public static void createTables(Hsqldb db) { sendQuery(db, "CREATE CACHED TABLE signatures (" + "id INTEGER IDENTITY NOT NULL, " + "nickName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, " + "publicKey VARCHAR(400) NOT NULL, " /* publicKey */ + "privateKey VARCHAR(400) DEFAULT NULL NULL, " /* privateKey */ + "isDup BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL, " + "trustLevel TINYINT DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, " /* See */ + "PRIMARY KEY(id))"); } public static void addDev(Hsqldb db, String nick, String publicKey) { Identity identity; if ( (identity = Identity.getIdentity(db, nick, publicKey, false /* dontCreate */)) == null) { identity = new Identity(db, -1, nick, publicKey, null, false, Identity.trustLevelInt[0] /* dev */); identity.insert(); return; } /* TODO : Find a nicer way to update someone to the rank of developper */ if (identity.getTrustLevel() >= 0) identity.setTrustLevel(Identity.trustLevelInt[0]); } public static void addDevs(Hsqldb db) { String[][] devs = thaw.plugins.Signatures.DEVS; for (int i = 0 ; i < devs.length ; i++) { addDev(db, devs[i][0], devs[i][1]); } } /* dropTables is not implemented because signatures may be VERY important */ /* (anyway, because of the foreign key, it would probably fail */ protected static boolean convertDatabase_1_to_2(Hsqldb db) { if (!sendQuery(db, "DELETE FROM indexComments") || !sendQuery(db, "DELETE FROM signatures") || !sendQuery(db, "ALTER TABLE signatures DROP y") || !sendQuery(db, "ALTER TABLE signatures DROP x") || !sendQuery(db, "ALTER TABLE signatures ADD publicKey VARCHAR(400) NOT NULL") || !sendQuery(db, "ALTER TABLE signatures ADD privateKey VARCHAR(400) NULL")) return false; return true; } }