package thaw.core; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; import java.util.Random; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.UIManager; import freenet.crypt.Yarrow; import thaw.fcp.FCPClientHello; import thaw.fcp.FCPConnection; import thaw.fcp.FCPQueryManager; import thaw.fcp.FCPQueueLoader; import thaw.fcp.FCPQueueManager; import thaw.fcp.FCPWatchGlobal; import thaw.fcp.FCPMessage; import thaw.gui.IconBox; /** * A "core" contains references to all the main parts of Thaw. * The Core has all the functions needed to initialize Thaw / stop Thaw. */ public class Core implements Observer { private SplashScreen splashScreen = null; private MainWindow mainWindow = null; private Config config = null; private PluginManager pluginManager = null; private ConfigWindow configWindow = null; private FCPConnection connection = null; private FCPQueryManager queryManager = null; private FCPQueueManager queueManager = null; private FCPClientHello clientHello = null; private String lookAndFeel = null; public final static int MAX_CONNECT_TRIES = 3; public final static int TIME_BETWEEN_EACH_TRY = 20000; private ReconnectionManager reconnectionManager = null; private static final Random RANDOM = new Yarrow(); private boolean isStopping = false; /** * Creates a core, but do nothing else (no initialization). */ public Core() { isStopping = false;, "Thaw, version "+Main.VERSION, true);, "2006-2008(c) Freenet project", true);, "Released under GPL license version 2 or later (see", true); } /** * Gives a ref to the object containing the config. */ public Config getConfig() { return config; } /** * Gives a ref to the object managing the splash screen. */ public SplashScreen getSplashScreen() { return splashScreen; } /** * Gives a ref to the object managing the main window. */ public MainWindow getMainWindow() { return mainWindow; } /** * Gives a ref to the object managing the config window. */ public ConfigWindow getConfigWindow() { return configWindow; } /** * Gives a ref to the plugin manager. */ public PluginManager getPluginManager() { return pluginManager; } /** * Here really start the program. * @return true is success, false if not */ public boolean initAll() { IconBox.loadIcons(); splashScreen = new SplashScreen(); splashScreen.display(); splashScreen.setProgressionAndStatus(0, "Loading configuration ..."); splashScreen.addIcon(IconBox.settings); if(!initConfig()) return false; splashScreen.setProgressionAndStatus(10, "Applying look and feel ..."); if (!initializeLookAndFeel()) return false; splashScreen.setProgressionAndStatus(20, "Connecting ..."); if(!initConnection()) new thaw.gui.WarningWindow(this, I18n.getMessage("thaw.warning.unableToConnectTo")+ " "+ config.getValue("nodeAddress")+ ":"+ config.getValue("nodePort")); splashScreen.setProgressionAndStatus(40, "Preparing the main window ..."); splashScreen.addIcon(IconBox.mainWindow); if(!initGraphics()) return false; splashScreen.setProgressionAndStatus(50, "Loading plugins ..."); if(!initPluginManager()) return false; splashScreen.setProgressionAndStatus(100, "Ready"); mainWindow.setStatus(IconBox.minDisconnectAction, "Thaw "+Main.VERSION+" : "+I18n.getMessage("thaw.statusBar.ready")); splashScreen.hide(); splashScreen = null; mainWindow.setVisible(true); setTheme(lookAndFeel); return true; } /** * Init configuration. May re-set I18n. */ public boolean initConfig() { config = new Config(this, Config.CONFIG_FILE_NAME); config.loadConfig(); config.setDefaultValues(); if (config.getValue("logLevel") != null) Logger.setLogLevel(Integer.parseInt(config.getValue("logLevel"))); if (config.getValue("tmpDir") != null) System.setProperty("", config.getValue("tmpDir")); if (config.getValue("lang") != null) I18n.setLocale(new java.util.Locale(config.getValue("lang"))); return true; } /** * My node takes too much time to answer. So now the connection process is partially threaded. */ protected class ConnectionProcess implements ThawRunnable { private Core c; private boolean running; public ConnectionProcess(Core c) { this.c = c; this.running = true; } public void run() { process(); connectionProcess = null; } public void stop() { running = false; } public boolean process() { boolean ret = true; clientHello = new FCPClientHello(queryManager, config.getValue("thawId")); if(!clientHello.start(null)) { Logger.warning(this, "Id already used or timeout !"); subDisconnect(); ret = false; } else { Logger.debug(this, "Hello successful"); Logger.debug(this, "Node name : "+clientHello.getNodeName()); Logger.debug(this, "FCP version : "+clientHello.getNodeFCPVersion()); Logger.debug(this, "Node version : "+clientHello.getNodeVersion()); if (ret) queueManager.startScheduler(); if (!running) ret = false; if (ret) queueManager.restartNonPersistent(); if (!running) ret = false; if (ret) { final FCPWatchGlobal watchGlobal = new FCPWatchGlobal(true); watchGlobal.start(queueManager); } if (!running) ret = false; if (ret) { final FCPQueueLoader queueLoader = new FCPQueueLoader(config.getValue("thawId")); queueLoader.start(queueManager); } if (!running) ret = false; } if(ret && connection.isConnected()) connection.addObserver(c); if(getMainWindow() != null && running) { if (ret) getMainWindow().setStatus(IconBox.minConnectAction, I18n.getMessage("thaw.statusBar.ready")); else getMainWindow().setStatus(IconBox.minDisconnectAction, I18n.getMessage("thaw.statusBar.disconnected"), java.awt.Color.RED); } return ret; } } private ConnectionProcess connectionProcess = null; /** * Init the connection to the node. * If a connection is already established, it will disconnect, so * if you called canDisconnect() before, then this function can be called safely. * <br/> * If the connection is opened successfully, ClientHello will be thread, so you won't have its result * @see #canDisconnect() */ public boolean initConnection() { boolean ret = true; if (connectionProcess != null) { Logger.notice(this, "A connection process is already running"); return false; } if(getMainWindow() != null) { getMainWindow().setStatus(IconBox.blueBunny, I18n.getMessage("thaw.statusBar.connecting"), java.awt.Color.RED); } try { if(queueManager != null) queueManager.stopScheduler(); if((connection != null) && connection.isConnected()) { subDisconnect(); } if (connection != null) connection.deleteObserver(this); connection = new FCPConnection(config.getValue("nodeAddress"), Integer.parseInt(config.getValue("nodePort")), Integer.parseInt(config.getValue("maxUploadSpeed")), Boolean.valueOf(config.getValue("multipleSockets")).booleanValue(), Boolean.valueOf(config.getValue("sameComputer")).booleanValue(), Boolean.valueOf(config.getValue("downloadLocally")).booleanValue()); if(!connection.connect()) { Logger.warning(this, "Unable to connect !"); ret = false; } if (queryManager != null) queryManager.deleteObserver(this); queryManager = new FCPQueryManager(connection); queryManager.addObserver(this); queueManager = new FCPQueueManager(queryManager, config.getValue("thawId"), Integer.parseInt(config.getValue("maxSimultaneousDownloads")), Integer.parseInt(config.getValue("maxSimultaneousInsertions"))); if(ret && connection.isConnected()) { queryManager.startListening(); QueueKeeper.loadQueue(queueManager, "thaw.queue.xml"); connectionProcess = new ConnectionProcess(this); Thread th = new ThawThread(connectionProcess, "Connection process", this); th.start(); } } catch(final Exception e) { /* A little bit not ... "nice" ... */ Logger.warning(this, "Exception while connecting : "+e.toString()+" ; "+e.getMessage() + " ; "+e.getCause()); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return ret; } public FCPConnection getConnectionManager() { return connection; } public FCPQueueManager getQueueManager() { return queueManager; } /** * FCPClientHello object contains all the information given by the node when the connection * was initiated. */ public FCPClientHello getClientHello() { return clientHello; } /** * To call before initGraphics() ! * @param lAndF LookAndFeel name */ public void setLookAndFeel(final String lAndF) { this.lookAndFeel = lAndF; } private static class LnFSetter implements Runnable { private Core core; private String theme; public LnFSetter(Core c, String t) { core = c; theme = t; } public void run() { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(theme); } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { Logger.error(this, "Theme '"+theme+"' not found ! : "+e.toString()); } catch(InstantiationException e) { Logger.error(this, "(1) Error while loading theme '"+theme+"' : "+e.toString()); } catch(IllegalAccessException e) { Logger.error(this, "(2) Error while loading theme '"+theme+"' : "+e.toString()); } catch(javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) { Logger.error(this, "(3) Error while loading theme '"+theme+"' : "+e.toString()); } if (core.getMainWindow() != null) javax.swing.SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(core.getMainWindow().getMainFrame()); if (core.getConfigWindow() != null) javax.swing.SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI(core.getConfigWindow().getFrame()); } } private void reallySetTheme(String theme) { if (theme == null) return; Logger.notice(this, "Setting theme : "+ theme); LnFSetter s = new LnFSetter(this, theme); try { javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(s); } catch(InterruptedException e) { Logger.error(s, "Interrupted while setting theme '"+theme+"' because: "+e.toString()); } catch(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException e) { Logger.error(s, "Error while setting theme : "+e.toString()); Logger.notice(s, "Original exception: "+e.getTargetException().toString()); e.getTargetException().printStackTrace(); } } public void setTheme(String theme) { if (theme == null) { if (getConfig() != null) theme = getConfig().getValue("lookAndFeel"); if (theme == null) theme = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName(); } lookAndFeel = theme; /* the recommandation is to set the lnf before displaying the first window */ /* but I had more bugs with the GTK lnf when I followed the recommandation than * when I didn't. So now I only change it when the main window is already displayed :p */ if (mainWindow != null && mainWindow.getMainFrame() != null && mainWindow.getMainFrame().isVisible()) reallySetTheme(lookAndFeel); } /** * This method sets the look and feel specified with setLookAndFeel(). * If none was specified, the System Look and Feel is set. */ private boolean initializeLookAndFeel() { /* non static, else I can't call correctly Logger functions */ JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(false); /* Don't touch my window decorations ! */ JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(false); try { setTheme(this.lookAndFeel); if (splashScreen != null) splashScreen.rebuild(); } catch (final Exception e) { Logger.warning(this, "Exception while setting the L&F : " + e.toString() + " ; " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); Logger.warning(this, "Will use the default lookAndFeel"); } return true; } /** * Init graphics. */ public boolean initGraphics() { //initializeLookAndFeel(); mainWindow = new MainWindow(this); configWindow = new ConfigWindow(this); return true; } /** * Init plugin manager. */ public boolean initPluginManager() { pluginManager = new PluginManager(this); if(!pluginManager.loadAndRunPlugins()) return false; return true; } /** * End of the world. */ public void exit() { this.exit(false); } /** * Makes things nicely ... :) */ public void disconnect() { if (reconnectionManager != null) { reconnectionManager.stop(); reconnectionManager = null; } subDisconnect(); } public void subDisconnect() {, "Disconnecting"); if (mainWindow != null) { mainWindow.setStatus(IconBox.minDisconnectAction, I18n.getMessage("thaw.statusBar.disconnected"), java.awt.Color.RED); /* not null because we want to force the cleaning */ mainWindow.changeButtonsInTheToolbar(this, new java.util.Vector()); } if (connection != null) { connection.deleteObserver(this); connection.disconnect();, "Saving queue state"); QueueKeeper.saveQueue(queueManager, "thaw.queue.xml"); } else { Logger.warning(this, "No connection ?!"); } } /** * Check if the connection can be interrupted safely. */ public boolean canDisconnect() { return (connection == null) || !connection.isWriting(); } /** * End of the world. * @param force if true, doesn't check if FCPConnection.isWriting(). * @see #exit() */ public void exit(boolean force) { isStopping = true; if(!force) { if(!canDisconnect()) { if(!askDeconnectionConfirmation()) return; } }, "Stopping scheduler ..."); if(queueManager != null) queueManager.stopScheduler();, "Hidding main window ..."); mainWindow.setVisible(false); configWindow.setVisible(false);, "Stopping plugins ..."); pluginManager.stopPlugins(); disconnect();, "Saving configuration ..."); if(!config.saveConfig()) { Logger.error(this, "Config was not saved correctly !"); } ThawThread.setAllowFullStop(true);, "Threads remaining:"); ThawThread.listThreads();, "Stopping all the remaining threads ..."); ThawThread.stopAll(); } public boolean askDeconnectionConfirmation() { final int ret = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog((java.awt.Component)null, I18n.getMessage("thaw.warning.isWriting"), "Thaw - "+I18n.getMessage("thaw.warning.title"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, (javax.swing.Icon)null, (java.lang.Object[])null, (java.lang.Object)null); if((ret == JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION) || (ret == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION) || (ret == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION)) return false; return true; } protected class ReconnectionManager implements ThawRunnable { private boolean running = true; private boolean initialWait = true; public ReconnectionManager(boolean initialWait) { running = true; this.initialWait = initialWait; } public void run() { synchronized(PluginManager.pluginLock) { Logger.notice(this, "Starting reconnection process !"); getMainWindow().setStatus(IconBox.blueBunny, I18n.getMessage("thaw.statusBar.connecting"), java.awt.Color.RED); getPluginManager().stopPlugins(); /* don't forget there is the status bar plugin */ getMainWindow().setStatus(IconBox.blueBunny, I18n.getMessage("thaw.statusBar.connecting"), java.awt.Color.RED); subDisconnect(); while(running && !isStopping()) { try { if (initialWait) Thread.sleep(Core.TIME_BETWEEN_EACH_TRY); } catch(final java.lang.InterruptedException e) { // brouzouf } initialWait = true; Logger.notice(this, "Trying to reconnect ..."); if(initConnection()) break; } if (running && !isStopping()) { getMainWindow().setStatus(IconBox.minConnectAction, I18n.getMessage("thaw.statusBar.ready")); } else { getMainWindow().setStatus(IconBox.minDisconnectAction, I18n.getMessage("thaw.statusBar.disconnected"), java.awt.Color.RED); } if (running && !isStopping()) { getPluginManager().loadAndRunPlugins(); } reconnectionManager = null; getMainWindow().connectionHasChanged(); } } public void stop() { Logger.warning(this, "Canceling reconnection ..."); running = false; } } /** * use Thread => will also do all the work related to the plugins */ public void reconnect(boolean withInitialWait) { synchronized(this) { if (reconnectionManager == null) { reconnectionManager = new ReconnectionManager(withInitialWait); final Thread th = new ThawThread(reconnectionManager, "Reconnection manager", this); th.start(); } else { Logger.warning(this, "Already trying to reconnect !"); } } } public boolean isReconnecting() { return (reconnectionManager != null); } public void askToDisableDDA() { String text = I18n.getMessage("thaw.warning.DDA.l0") + "\n" + I18n.getMessage("thaw.warning.DDA.l1") + "\n" + I18n.getMessage("thaw.warning.DDA.l2") + "\n" + I18n.getMessage("thaw.warning.DDA.l3") + "\n" + I18n.getMessage("thaw.warning.DDA.l4"); text = text.replaceAll("#", I18n.getMessage("thaw.config.sameComputer")); int ret = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(mainWindow.getMainFrame(), text, I18n.getMessage("thaw.warning.title"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); if (ret == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { getConfig().setValue("sameComputer", Boolean.toString(false)); getConnectionManager().setLocalSocket(false); getConfigWindow().close(true, false); /* if we are lucky, it's enought */ } } public void update(final Observable o, final Object target) { Logger.debug(this, "Move on the connection (?)"); if ((o == connection) && !connection.isConnected()) { reconnect(true); } if ((o == queryManager) && target instanceof FCPMessage) { FCPMessage m = (FCPMessage)target; if ("ProtocolError".equals(m.getMessageName())) { int code = Integer.parseInt(m.getValue("Code")); if (connection.isLocalSocket() && (code == 8 /* Invalid field (?!) */ || code == 9 /* File not found */ || code == 12 /* Couldn't create file */ || code == 13 /* Couldn't write file */ || code == 14 /* Couldn't rename file */ || code == 22 /* File parse error */ || code == 26 /* Could not read file */)) { askToDisableDDA(); } } } } public static Random getRandom() { return RANDOM; } public boolean isStopping() { return isStopping; } /* * @param major always 1 atm * @param minor 5, 6, etc, depending of what you want */ public static boolean checkJavaVersion(int major, int minor) { String ver = System.getProperty("java.version"); if (ver == null) { Logger.notice(ver, "No Jvm version ?!"); return false; }, "JVM Version : "+ver); String[] version = ver.split("\\."); if (version.length < 2) { Logger.notice(ver, "Can't parse the jvm version !"); return false; } if (Integer.parseInt(version[0]) < major) return false; if (Integer.parseInt(version[1]) < minor) return false; return true; } }