package thaw.fcp; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Observable; import thaw.core.Logger; /** * This object manages directly the socket attached to the node. * After being instanciated, you should commit it to the FCPQueryManager, and then * commit the FCPQueryManager to the FCPQueueManager. * Call observer when connected / disconnected.<br/> * WARNING: This FCP implementation doesn't guarantee that messages are sent in the same order than initally put * if the lock on writting is not set !<br/> */ public class FCPConnection extends Observable { /** * If == true, then will print on stdout * all fcp input / output. */ private final static boolean DEBUG_MODE = true; private final static int MAX_RECV = 1024; /* global to avoid each time free() / malloc() */ private final byte[] recvBytes = new byte[FCPConnection.MAX_RECV]; private FCPBufferedStream bufferedOut = null; private int maxUploadSpeed = 0; private String nodeAddress = null; private int port = 0; private Socket socket = null; private InputStream in = null; private OutputStream out = null; private BufferedInputStream reader = null; private long rawBytesWaiting = 0; private int writersWaiting; private Object monitor; private boolean duplicationAllowed = true; private boolean localSocket = false; private boolean autoDownload = true; private FCPClientHello clientHello; /** * Don't connect. Call connect() for that. * @param maxUploadSpeed in KB: -1 means no limit * @param duplicationAllowed FCPClientGet and FCPClientPut will be allowed to * open a separate socket to transfer the files * @param autoDownload If !localSocket and if autoDownload, then files are automatically downloaded * when the transfer ends */ public FCPConnection(final String nodeAddress, final int port, int maxUploadSpeed, boolean duplicationAllowed, final boolean localSocket, final boolean autoDownload) { if (localSocket) duplicationAllowed = false; if(FCPConnection.DEBUG_MODE) { Logger.notice(this, "DEBUG_MODE ACTIVATED"); } monitor = new Object(); maxUploadSpeed = -1; setNodeAddress(nodeAddress); setNodePort(port); setMaxUploadSpeed(maxUploadSpeed); setDuplicationAllowed(duplicationAllowed); setLocalSocket(localSocket); setAutoDownload(autoDownload); writersWaiting = 0; } public void setNodeAddress(final String nodeAddress) { this.nodeAddress = nodeAddress; } public void setNodePort(final int port) { this.port = port; } public void setMaxUploadSpeed(final int max) { maxUploadSpeed = max; } public void setDuplicationAllowed(final boolean allowed) { duplicationAllowed = allowed; } public void setLocalSocket(final boolean local) { localSocket = local; } public void setAutoDownload(final boolean autoDownload) { this.autoDownload = autoDownload; } public boolean getAutoDownload() { return autoDownload; } public boolean isLocalSocket() { return localSocket; } public void disconnect() { try { if(isConnected()) socket.close(); else {, "Disconnect(): Already disconnected."); } synchronized(monitor) { monitor.notifyAll(); } } catch(final e) { Logger.warning(this, "Unable to close cleanly the connection : " +e.toString() +" ; "+e.getMessage()); } socket = null; in = null; out = null; if(bufferedOut != null) { bufferedOut.stopSender(); bufferedOut = null; } setChanged(); this.notifyObservers(); } /** * If already connected, disconnect before connecting. * @return true if successful */ public boolean connect() { if((nodeAddress == null) || (port == 0)) { Logger.warning(this, "Address or port not defined ! Unable to connect"); return false; }, "Connection to "+nodeAddress+":"+ Integer.toString(port) +"..."); if((socket != null) && !socket.isClosed()) disconnect(); try { socket = new Socket(nodeAddress, port); } catch(final e) { Logger.error(this, "Error while trying to connect to "+nodeAddress+":"+port+" : "+ e.toString()); socket = null; return false; } catch(final e) { Logger.error(this, "Error while trying to connect to "+nodeAddress+":"+port+" : "+ e.toString() + " ; "+e.getMessage()); socket = null; return false; } if(!socket.isConnected()) { Logger.warning(this, "Unable to connect, but no exception ?!"); Logger.warning(this, "Will try to continue ..."); } try { in = socket.getInputStream(); out = socket.getOutputStream(); } catch(final e) { Logger.error(this, "Socket and connection established, but unable to get "+ "in/output streams ?! : "+e.toString()+ " ; "+e.getMessage() ); return false; } reader = new BufferedInputStream(in); bufferedOut = new FCPBufferedStream(this, maxUploadSpeed); bufferedOut.startSender(); rawBytesWaiting = 0; writersWaiting = 0;, "Connected"); setChanged(); this.notifyObservers(); return true; } public boolean isOutputBufferEmpty() { return bufferedOut.isOutputBufferEmpty(); } public boolean isConnected() { if(socket == null) return false; else return socket.isConnected(); } /** * Doesn't check the lock state ! You have to manage it yourself. */ public synchronized boolean rawWrite(final byte[] data) { if(bufferedOut != null) return bufferedOut.write(data); else { Logger.notice(this, "rawWrite(), bufferedOut == null ? Socket closed ?"); disconnect(); return false; } } /** * Should be call by FCPBufferedStream. */ protected synchronized boolean realRawWrite(final byte[] data) { if((out != null) && (socket != null) && socket.isConnected()) { try { out.write(data); out.flush(); } catch(final e) { Logger.warning(this, "Unable to write() on the socket ?! : " + e.toString()+ " ; "+e.getMessage()); disconnect(); return false; } } else { Logger.notice(this, "Cannot write if disconnected !"); if (out == null) Logger.notice(this, "^ no output stream ^"); if (socket == null) Logger.notice(this, "^ no socket ^"); else if (!socket.isConnected()) Logger.notice(this, "^ socket but not connected ^"); return false; } return true; } public void addToWriterQueue() { synchronized(monitor) { writersWaiting++; if (writersWaiting > 1) { try { monitor.wait(); } catch(final java.lang.InterruptedException e) { Logger.warning(this, "Interrupted while waiting ?!"); } } return; } } public void removeFromWriterQueue() { synchronized(monitor) { writersWaiting--; if (writersWaiting < 0) { Logger.warning(this, "Negative number of writers ?!"); writersWaiting = 0; } monitor.notify(); } } public boolean isWriting() { if( !isConnected() ) { return false; } return (writersWaiting > 0); } public boolean write(final String toWrite) { return this.write(toWrite, true); } public boolean write(final String toWrite, final boolean checkLock) { if (checkLock) { addToWriterQueue(); } if (DEBUG_MODE) { Logger.debug(this, "Thaw >>> Node :"); Logger.debug(this, toWrite); } if((out != null) && (socket != null) && socket.isConnected()) { try { bufferedOut.write(toWrite.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch(final e) { Logger.error(this, "UNSUPPORTED ENCODING EXCEPTION : UTF-8"); bufferedOut.write(toWrite.getBytes()); } } else { Logger.notice(this, "Cannot write if disconnected !"); if (out == null) Logger.notice(this, "^ no output stream ^"); if (socket == null) Logger.notice(this, "^ no socket ^"); else if (!socket.isConnected()) Logger.notice(this, "^ socket but not connected ^"); if (checkLock) removeFromWriterQueue(); return false; } if (checkLock) removeFromWriterQueue(); return true; } /** * For security : FCPQueryManager uses this function to tells FCPConnection * how many raw bytes are waited (to avoid to *serious* problems). */ public void setRawDataWaiting(final long waiting) { rawBytesWaiting = waiting; } /** * @see #read(int, byte[]) */ public int read(final byte[] buf) { return read(buf.length, buf); } /** * @param lng Obsolete. * @return -1 Disconnection. */ public int read(final int lng, final byte[] buf) { int rdBytes = 0; try { rdBytes =; if(rdBytes < 0) { Logger.error(this, "Error while reading on the socket => disconnection"); disconnect(); return rdBytes; } rawBytesWaiting = rawBytesWaiting - rdBytes; //Logger.verbose(this, "Remaining: "+rawBytesWaiting); return rdBytes; } catch(final e) { Logger.error(this, "IOException while reading raw bytes on socket => disconnection:"); Logger.error(this, " ========="); Logger.error(this, e.getMessage() + ":"); if (e.getCause() != null) Logger.error(this, e.getCause().toString()); Logger.error(this, e.getMessage() ); Logger.error(this, " ========="); disconnect(); return -2; /* -1 can mean eof */ } } /** * Read a line. * @return null if disconnected or error */ public String readLine() { /* SECURITY */ if(rawBytesWaiting > 0) { Logger.warning(this, "RAW BYTES STILL WAITING ON SOCKET. THIS IS ABNORMAL. -> Will drop them."); while(rawBytesWaiting > 0) { int to_read = 1024; if(to_read > rawBytesWaiting) to_read = (int)rawBytesWaiting; final byte[] read = new byte[to_read];, read); rawBytesWaiting = rawBytesWaiting - to_read; } } String result; if((in != null) && (reader != null) && (socket != null) && socket.isConnected()) { try { for(int i = 0; i < recvBytes.length ; i++) recvBytes[i] = 0; result = ""; int c = 0; int i = 0; /* position in recvBytes */ while((c != '\n') && (i < recvBytes.length)) { c =; if(c == -1) { if(isConnected()) Logger.warning(this, "Unable to read but still connected"); else Logger.notice(this, "Disconnected"); disconnect(); /* will warn everybody */ return null; } if(c == '\n') break; //result = result + new String(new byte[] { (byte)c }); recvBytes[i] = (byte)c; i++; } result = new String(recvBytes, 0, i, "UTF-8"); if(FCPConnection.DEBUG_MODE) { if(result.matches("[\\-\\ \\?.a-zA-Z0-9\\,~%@/_=\\[\\]\\(\\)]*")) Logger.debug(this, "Thaw <<< Node : "+result); else Logger.debug(this, "Thaw <<< Node : Unknow chars in message. Not displayed"); } return result; } catch (final e) { if(isConnected()) Logger.notice(this, "IOException while reading but still connected ?! : " +e.toString()+ " ; "+e.getMessage() ); else Logger.notice(this, "IOException. Disconnected. : "+e.toString() + " ; " +e.getMessage()); disconnect(); return null; } } else { Logger.notice(this, "Cannot read if disconnected => null"); } return null; } /** * If duplicationAllowed, returns a copy of this object, using a different * socket and differents lock / buffer. * If !duplicationAllowed, returns this object. * The duplicate socket is just connected but not initialized (ClientHello, etc). */ public FCPConnection duplicate() { if (!duplicationAllowed) return this;, "Duplicating connection to the node ..."); FCPConnection newConnection; /* upload limit is useless here, since we can't do a global limit * on all the connections */ newConnection = new FCPConnection(nodeAddress, port, -1, duplicationAllowed, localSocket, autoDownload); if (!newConnection.connect()) { Logger.warning(this, "Unable to duplicate socket !"); return this; } return newConnection; } public void registerClientHello(FCPClientHello ch) { clientHello = ch; } public FCPClientHello getClientHello() { return clientHello; } }