package thaw.core; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; /** * Manage all log message. * @author Jflesch */ public class Logger { public final static int LOG_LEVEL_ERROR = 0; public final static int LOG_LEVEL_WARNING = 1; public final static int LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE = 2; public final static int LOG_LEVEL_INFO = 3; public final static int LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG = 4; public final static int LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE = 5; private static int LOG_LEVEL = 2; public final static String[] PREFIXES = new String[] { "[ ERROR ]", "[WARNING]", "[NOTICE ]", "[ INFO ]", "[ DEBUG ]", "[VERBOSE]" }; /** * 0 = Errors only * 1 = Errors + warnings * 2 = Errors + warnings + notices * 3 = Errors + warnings + notices + infos * 4 = Errors + warnings + notices + infos + debug * 5 = [...] + horrible things that only God could understand easily. * (or maybe someone with the FCPv2 specs :) * * 2 or more is recommended. * 4 or more is unhealthy */ public static void setLogLevel(int logLevel) { Logger.notice(null, "Setting verbosity to "+Integer.toString(logLevel)); LOG_LEVEL = logLevel; } public static int getLogLevel() { return LOG_LEVEL; } private static Vector logListeners = null; private static void displayErr(final String msg) { System.err.println(msg); } private static void display(final String msg) { System.out.println(msg); } private static void log(final int level, final Object o, final String msg) { log(level, o, msg, false); } private static void log(final int level, final Object o, final String msg, final boolean manda) { if (Logger.LOG_LEVEL < level && !manda) return; String str = ((o != null) ? o.getClass().getName()+": " : ""); if (level <= 1) displayErr(PREFIXES[level]+" "+str+msg); else display(PREFIXES[level]+" "+str+msg); notify(level, o, msg); } /** * Errors. * A process ended because of it. */ public static void error(final Object o, final String message) { log(0, o, message); } /** * Warnings. * Some informations will probably be / are probably missing. * Or: Can't do something, but it's normal. */ public static void warning(final Object o, final String message) { log(1, o, message); } /** * Notices. * Strange event, but probably not unusual. * Or: Normal event, but who can create troubles. */ public static void notice(final Object o, final String msg) { log(2, o, msg); } /** * Infos. * Normal process. */ public static void info(final Object o, final String msg) { log(3, o, msg); } /** * Infos. * @param manda force the display of these informations */ public static void info(final Object o, final String msg, final boolean manda) { log(3, o, msg, manda); } /** * Debug. * Details about a normal process. */ public static void debug(final Object o, final String msg) { log(4, o, msg); } /** * Verbose. Too Verbose. * Details, a LOT of details. */ public static void verbose(final Object o, final String msg) { log(5, o, msg); } public static void addLogListener(final LogListener logListener) { if(Logger.logListeners == null) Logger.logListeners = new Vector(); synchronized(logListeners) { Logger.logListeners.add(logListener); } } public static void removeLogListener(final LogListener logListener) { if(Logger.logListeners == null) return; synchronized(logListener) { Logger.logListeners.remove(logListener); if (logListeners.size() == 0) logListeners = null; } } /** * notify the observers if there is. */ private static void notify(final int level, final Object src, final String line) { if(Logger.logListeners == null) return; synchronized(logListeners) { for(final Iterator it = Logger.logListeners.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { final LogListener logListener = (LogListener); logListener.newLogLine(level, src, line); } } } }