package thaw.fcp; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Observable; import thaw.core.Logger; /** * Transfer query == fetch / insert query. These queries must be able to * give more informations than the other. * Functions returning status of the request may be call frequently, so try to make them fast. * Some methods are only useful for downloads, and some for insertions, so check getQueryType() before calling them. */ public abstract class FCPTransferQuery extends Observable implements FCPQuery { public final static int BLOCK_SIZE = 32768; public final static int KEY_TYPE_CHK = 0; public final static int KEY_TYPE_KSK = 1; public final static int KEY_TYPE_SSK = 2; /* also USK */ public final static int DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 4; public final static int DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES = -1; public final static int PERSISTENCE_FOREVER = 0; public final static int PERSISTENCE_UNTIL_NODE_REBOOT = 1; public final static int PERSISTENCE_UNTIL_DISCONNECT = 2; private boolean insertion = false; /* last known values */ private long requiredBlocks = -1; private long totalBlocks = -1; private long transferedBlocks = -1; private boolean reliable = false; /* reminder to do the maths */ public final static int NMB_REMINDERS = 300; /* one per seconde, so 5 minutes here */ private long[] transferedBlocksPast = new long[NMB_REMINDERS]; private int currentReadCursor = 0; /* read Cursor in the *past arrays */ private int currentWriteCursor = 0; /* write Cursor in the *past arrays */ private boolean running = false; private boolean finished = false; private boolean successful = false; private long averageSpeed = 0; private long ETA = 0; private long startupTime = -1; private long completionTime = -1; private String id; /** * @param id can be null if currently unknown * @param insertion */ protected FCPTransferQuery(String id, boolean insertion) { setIdentifier(id); this.insertion = insertion; reliable = insertion; for (int i = 0 ; i < NMB_REMINDERS ; i++) { transferedBlocksPast[i] = -1; } } protected void setIdentifier(String id) { if (id == null || "".equals(id.trim())) = null; else = id.trim(); } public String getIdentifier() { return id; } protected void setBlockNumbers(long required, long total, long transfered, boolean reliable) { synchronized(this) { requiredBlocks = required; totalBlocks = total; transferedBlocks = transfered; this.reliable = reliable; } } protected void setStatus(boolean running, boolean finished, boolean successful) { this.running = running; this.finished = ((!running) ? finished : false); this.successful = (finished ? successful : false); } /** * Called about each second by the queueManager. Used to make the average speed and the ETA * as precise as possible */ protected void updateStats() { synchronized(this) { /* computing average speed & ETA */ if (completionTime >= 0 && startupTime >= 0 && finished) { /* wooch, final values ! :) */ long blocks = (insertion) ? totalBlocks : requiredBlocks; long diffTime = (completionTime - startupTime) / 1000; if (blocks <= 0 || diffTime <= 0) return; long prevAverageSpeed = averageSpeed; long prevETA = ETA; averageSpeed = (blocks * BLOCK_SIZE) / diffTime; ETA = diffTime; /* ok, it's a little bit icky, but it does the trick :) */ if (prevAverageSpeed != averageSpeed || prevETA != ETA) notifyChange(new Long(ETA)); return; } if (!running || finished) return; if (transferedBlocks < 0) return; if ((reliable || insertion) && (currentReadCursor != currentWriteCursor)) { if (transferedBlocksPast[currentReadCursor] < 0) Logger.warning(this, "TransferedBlocksNumber < 0, shouldn't happen !"); /* reminder : we have one second between each slot of the *Past arrays */ long diffTimeSec = ((currentWriteCursor < currentReadCursor) ? currentWriteCursor+NMB_REMINDERS : currentWriteCursor) - currentReadCursor; long diffBlocks = transferedBlocks - transferedBlocksPast[currentReadCursor]; long remainingBlocks = (insertion ? (totalBlocks - transferedBlocks) : (requiredBlocks - transferedBlocks)); //Logger.notice(this, "T: "+Long.toString(diffTimeSec)+ " ; B: "+ Long.toString(diffBlocks)+" ; R: "+Long.toString(remainingBlocks)); if (diffTimeSec <= 0 || diffBlocks <= 0 || remainingBlocks == 0) { if (diffBlocks < 0) Logger.warning(this, "DiffBlocks < 0, shouldn't happen !"); if (diffTimeSec < 0) Logger.warning(this, "DiffTimeSec < 0, shouldn't happen !"); averageSpeed = 0; ETA = 0; } else { //averageSpeed = (diffBlocks*BLOCK_SIZE) / diffTimeSec; double averageSpeedInBlocksPerSecond = ((double)diffBlocks) / diffTimeSec; averageSpeed = (long)(((double)averageSpeedInBlocksPerSecond) * ((double)BLOCK_SIZE)); if (averageSpeed >= 0.00000001) { ETA = (long)((double)remainingBlocks / averageSpeedInBlocksPerSecond); /* Logger.notice(this, "R: "+Long.toString(remainingBlocks) * + " ; AS: "+Double.toString(averageSpeedInBlocksPerSecond) * + " ; ETA: "+Long.toString(ETA)); */ } else { /*Logger.notice(this, "R: "+Long.toString(remainingBlocks) * + " ; AS: "+Double.toString(averageSpeedInBlocksPerSecond) * + " ; ETA == 0"); */ ETA = 0; } } if (currentWriteCursor == currentReadCursor-1 || (currentWriteCursor == NMB_REMINDERS-1 && currentReadCursor == 0)) { /* the currentWriteCursor will push the currentReadCursor */ currentReadCursor++; if (currentReadCursor >= NMB_REMINDERS) currentReadCursor = 0; } notifyChange(); } /* updating known values */ transferedBlocksPast[currentWriteCursor] = transferedBlocks; currentWriteCursor++; if (currentWriteCursor >= NMB_REMINDERS) currentWriteCursor = 0; } } /** * @return in bytes / s (0 = unknown) */ public long getAverageSpeed() { return averageSpeed; } /** * @return in second */ public long getETA() { return ETA; } /** * When did the request start ? */ public long getStartupTime() { return startupTime; } protected void setStartupTime(long startupTime) { this.startupTime = startupTime; } /** * When did the request finish ? * @return -1 if not finished */ public long getCompletionTime() { return completionTime; } protected void setCompletionTime(long time) { this.completionTime = time; } /** * Informal. * Is about the transfer on the network. * In pourcents. */ public int getProgression() { if (finished) return 100; if (transferedBlocks < 0) return 0; if (insertion) { if (totalBlocks <= 0) return 0; return (int)(transferedBlocks * 100 / totalBlocks); } else { if (requiredBlocks <= 0) return 0; return (int)(transferedBlocks * 99 / requiredBlocks); } } public boolean isProgressionReliable() { if (getProgression() == 0) return true; return reliable || insertion; } public boolean isRunning() { return running; } public boolean isFinished() { return finished; } /** * If unknow, return false. * Query is considered as a failure is isFinished() && !isSuccesful() */ public boolean isSuccessful() { return successful; } public void notifyChange() { setChanged(); notifyObservers(); } public void notifyChange(Object o) { setChanged(); notifyObservers(o); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof FCPTransferQuery)) return false; if (getIdentifier() == null) return false; if (((FCPTransferQuery)o).getIdentifier() == null) return false; if (((FCPTransferQuery)o).getIdentifier() == getIdentifier()) return true; return getIdentifier().equals(((FCPTransferQuery)o).getIdentifier()); } /**** To implement to implement a FCPTransferQuery: ****/ /** * Stop the transfer, but don't consider it as failed. * @param queueManager QueueManager gives access to QueryManager; */ public abstract boolean pause(FCPQueueManager queueManager); /** * Should only be called if isFinished() == true && isSuccessful() == false */ public abstract boolean isFatallyFailed(); /** * Only if persistent. Remove it from the queue. */ public abstract boolean removeRequest(); /** * Used by the QueueManager only. * Currently these priority are the same * as FCP priority, but it can change in the * future. * -1 = No priority * Always between -1 and 6. */ public abstract int getThawPriority(); /** * Currently the same than Thaw priority. */ public abstract int getFCPPriority(); /** * call updatePersistentRequest() after to apply the change (Please note that the change * will be visible even if you don't call it). */ public abstract void setFCPPriority(int prio); /** * you can call it after saveFileTo() to update the clientToken. * @param clientToken tell if the clientToken must be updated or just the priority */ public abstract void updatePersistentRequest(boolean clientToken); /** * Informal. * Human readable string describring the * status of the query. * @return can be null (== "Waiting") */ public abstract String getStatus(); /** * For persistent request only. * @param dir Directory */ public abstract boolean saveFileTo(String dir); /** * Is about the transfer between the node and thaw. */ public abstract int getTransferWithTheNodeProgression(); /** * Informal. * Gives *public* final key only. * @return can be null */ public abstract String getFileKey(); /** * Informal. In bytes. * @return can be -1 */ public abstract long getFileSize(); /** * Where is the file on the disk. */ public abstract String getPath(); /** * @return can return -1 */ public abstract int getAttempt(); public abstract void setAttempt(int x); /** * @return can return -1 */ public abstract int getMaxAttempt(); /** * Use to save the query in an XML file / a database / whatever. * @return A HashMap : String (parameter name) -> String (parameter value) or null. */ public abstract HashMap getParameters(); /** * Opposite of getParameters(). * @return true if successful (or ignored) ; false if not. */ public abstract boolean setParameters(HashMap parameters); public abstract boolean isGlobal(); public abstract boolean isPersistent(); public abstract String getFilename(); }