package thaw.plugins.index; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import thaw.fcp.FreenetURIHelper; import thaw.core.Logger; import thaw.plugins.Hsqldb; public class Link extends java.util.Observable implements Comparable, LinkContainer { private int id; private final Hsqldb db; private String publicKey; private String category; private int parentId; private Index parent = null; private boolean blackListed = false; public Link(final Hsqldb hsqldb, final int id) { = id; this.db = hsqldb; reloadDataFromDb(id); } public Link(final Hsqldb hsqldb, final int id, String publicKey, String category, boolean blackListed, int parentId) { = id; this.db = hsqldb; this.publicKey = publicKey; this.blackListed = blackListed; this.parentId = parentId; this.category = category; } public Link(final Hsqldb hsqldb, final int id, String publicKey, String category, boolean blackListed, Index parent) { = id; this.db = hsqldb; this.publicKey = publicKey; this.blackListed = blackListed; this.parentId = parent.getId(); this.parent = parent; this.category = category; } public void reloadDataFromDb(int id) { = id; try { PreparedStatement st; st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT links.publicKey AS publicKey, "+ " links.blackListed AS blacklisted," + " links.indexParent AS indexParent, "+ " AS categoryName "+ " FROM links LEFT OUTER JOIN categories "+ " ON links.category = "+ " WHERE = ? LIMIT 1"); st.setInt(1, id); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(); if ( { publicKey = rs.getString("publicKey"); parentId = rs.getInt("indexParent"); blackListed = rs.getBoolean("blackListed"); category = rs.getString("categoryName"); } else { Logger.error(this, "Link '"+Integer.toString(id)+"' not found."); } st.close(); } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Error while loading data for link '"+Integer.toString(id)+"': "+e.toString()); } } public boolean isBlackListed() { return blackListed; } public String getPublicKey() { if (publicKey == null) reloadDataFromDb(id); return publicKey; } public String getCategory() { if (publicKey == null) reloadDataFromDb(id); return category; } public boolean compare(final Link l) { String key_a; String key_b; key_a = getPublicKey(); key_b = l.getPublicKey(); if ((l == null) || (key_a == null) || (key_b == null) || (key_a.length() < 40) || (key_b.length() < 40)) return false; key_a = FreenetURIHelper.getComparablePart(key_a); key_b = FreenetURIHelper.getComparablePart(key_b); return (key_a.equals(key_b)); } public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o instanceof Link) { final Link link = (Link)o; return compare(link); } else if (o instanceof Index) { final Index index = (Index)o; return compare(index); } return false; } public boolean compare(final Index l) { String key_a; String key_b; key_a = getPublicKey(); key_b = l.getPublicKey(); if ((l == null) || (getPublicKey() == null) || (l.getPublicKey() == null) || (getPublicKey().length() < 40) || (l.getPublicKey().length() < 40)) return false; key_a = FreenetURIHelper.getComparablePart(key_a); key_b = FreenetURIHelper.getComparablePart(key_b); return (key_a.equals(key_b)); } public void setParent(final Index index) { try { PreparedStatement st; st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("UPDATE links SET indexParent = ? "+ "WHERE id = ?"); st.setInt(1, index.getId()); st.setInt(2, id); st.execute(); st.close(); } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Unable to set parent because: "+e.toString()); } } /** * @return the parent index in the tree if known, else null */ public Index getTreeParent() { if (parent != null) return parent; return null; } /** * @return the parent index ; build a new one with its id if needed */ public Index getParent() { if (parent != null) return parent; int parentId; parentId = getParentId(); if (parentId < 0) return null; return new Index(db, null, parentId); } public int getParentId() { return parentId; } public String getIndexName() { String name; if (publicKey == null) reloadDataFromDb(id); name = Index.getNameFromKey(FreenetURIHelper.cleanURI(publicKey)); return name; } /** * return the index name */ public String toString() { String cat = getCategory(); if (cat == null) return getIndexName(); return cat+"/"+getIndexName(); } public void setPublicKey(final String key) { this.publicKey = key; try { PreparedStatement st; st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("UPDATE links SET publicKey = ? "+ "WHERE id = ?"); st.setString(1, key); st.setInt(2, id); st.execute(); st.close(); } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Error while changing publicKey: "+e.toString()); } } /** * database related */ public void delete() { try { PreparedStatement st; st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("DELETE FROM links WHERE id = ?"); st.setInt(1, id); st.execute(); st.close(); } catch(final SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Unable to remove link because: "+e.toString()); } } public Element getXML(final Document xmlDoc) { final Element link = xmlDoc.createElement("index"); link.setAttribute("key", getPublicKey()); return link; } /** * do a sql queries ! */ public boolean isModifiable() { Index index = getParent(); if (index == null) return false; return index.isModifiable(); } public int compareTo(Object o) { if (o instanceof Link) { return toString().toLowerCase().compareTo(((Link)o).toString().toLowerCase()); } return 0; } }