package thaw.plugins.miniFrost.frostKSK; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import java.sql.*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Stack; import thaw.core.Core; import thaw.core.Logger; import thaw.core.I18n; import thaw.plugins.Hsqldb; import thaw.plugins.MiniFrost; import thaw.plugins.WebOfTrust; import thaw.plugins.signatures.Identity; public class KSKBoardFactory implements thaw.plugins.miniFrost.interfaces.BoardFactory { /* must correspond at the position in the array of boardfactory in miniFrost */ public final static int BOARD_FACTORY_ID = 0; public final static String[] DEFAULT_BOARDS = new String[] { "freenet", "freenet.0.7.bugs", "freenet-refs", "thaw", "frost", "jsite", "successful", "unsuccessful", "Thaw-indexes", "de.freenet", "fr.accueil", "fr.boards", "fr.discussion", "fr.freenet", "fr.freenet.freesites", "boards", "public", "sites", "test", "privacy", "software" }; private Hsqldb db; private Core core; private WebOfTrust wot; private MiniFrost plugin; private HashMap boardsHashMap; private Vector boards; public KSKBoardFactory() { } public boolean init(Hsqldb db, Core core, WebOfTrust wot, MiniFrost plugin) { return init(db, core, wot, plugin, "frostKSKDatabaseVersion"); } public boolean init(Hsqldb db, Core core, WebOfTrust wot, MiniFrost plugin, String configOption) { this.db = db; this.core = core; this.plugin = plugin; this.wot = wot; boolean firstStart = (core.getConfig().getValue(configOption) == null); convertExistingTables(); createTables(); if (firstStart) { addDefaultBoards(); if (core.getConfig().getValue(configOption) == null) core.getConfig().setValue(configOption, "true"); } if (core.getSplashScreen() != null) core.getSplashScreen().setStatus("MiniFrost : Compacting frost invalid slots list ..."); recompactInvalidSlots(db, core); if (core.getSplashScreen() != null) core.getSplashScreen().setStatus("MiniFrost : Loading ..."); boardsHashMap = new HashMap(); return true; } public boolean cleanUp(int archiveAfter, int deleteAfter) { try { synchronized(db.dbLock) { PreparedStatement st; java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp(new Date().getTime() - ( ((long)deleteAfter) * 24 * 60*60*1000));, "Cleaning:");, "Now: "+new Date().toString());, "Delete older than: "+timestamp.toString() + " ("+Integer.toString(deleteAfter)+")"); st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT "+ " id, msgId, inReplyToId, subject, "+ " nick, sigId, date, rev, read, "+ " archived "+ "FROM frostKSKMessages WHERE date < ?"); st.setTimestamp(1, timestamp); ResultSet set = st.executeQuery(); while( { KSKMessage msg = new KSKMessage(set.getInt("id"), set.getString("msgId"), set.getString("inReplyToId"), set.getString("subject"), set.getString("nick"), set.getInt("sigId"), null, /* author Identity */ set.getTimestamp("date"), set.getInt("rev"), set.getBoolean("read"), set.getBoolean("archived"), null, /* encryptedFor */ null /* board */);, "Destroying a message from "+ set.getTimestamp("date")); msg.destroy(db); } st.close(); st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("DELETE FROM frostKSKInvalidSlots WHERE date < ?"); st.setTimestamp(1, timestamp); st.execute(); st.close(); timestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp(new Date().getTime() - ( ((long)archiveAfter) * 24 * 60*60*1000));, "Archive older than: "+timestamp.toString()+ " ("+Integer.toString(archiveAfter)+")"); st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("UPDATE frostKSKMessages SET archived = TRUE WHERE date < ?"); st.setTimestamp(1, timestamp); st.execute(); st.close(); } } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Can't cleanup the db because : "+e.toString()); } return true; } public WebOfTrust getWoT() { return wot; } public MiniFrost getPlugin() { return plugin; } public Core getCore() { return core; } public Hsqldb getDb() { return db; } protected boolean sendQuery(String query) { return sendQuery(db, query); } protected static boolean sendQuery(final Hsqldb db, final String query) { try { db.executeQuery(query); return true; } catch(final SQLException e) { Logger.notice(e, "While (re)creating sql tables: "+e.toString()); return false; } } protected void convertExistingTables() { if (core.getConfig().getValue("frostKSKDatabaseVersion") == null) return; if ("0".equals(core.getConfig().getValue("frostKSKDatabaseVersion"))) { if (convertDatabase_0_to_1()) core.getConfig().setValue("frostKSKDatabaseVersion", "2"); } /* due to a stupid mistake, the rev 1 will never really exist */ if ("1".equals(core.getConfig().getValue("frostKSKDatabaseVersion")) || "2".equals(core.getConfig().getValue("frostKSKDatabaseVersion"))) { if (convertDatabase_2_to_3()) core.getConfig().setValue("frostKSKDatabaseVersion", "3"); } } protected boolean convertDatabase_0_to_1() { boolean b = sendQuery("ALTER TABLE frostKSKMessages ADD COLUMN encryptedFor INTEGER DEFAULT NULL NULL"); boolean c = sendQuery("ALTER TABLE frostKSKMessages ADD FOREIGN KEY (encryptedFor) REFERENCES signatures (id)"); b = b & c; if (!b) { Logger.error(this, "Error while converting the board database from version 0 to 1"); return false; } return true; } protected boolean convertDatabase_2_to_3() { if (!sendQuery("ALTER TABLE frostKSKMessages ADD COLUMN keyDate DATE DEFAULT NULL NULL")) { Logger.error(this, "Error while converting the board database from version 2 to 3"); return false; } try { synchronized(db.dbLock) { PreparedStatement st; st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT id, date FROM frostKSKMessages"); ResultSet set = st.executeQuery(); st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("UPDATE frostKSKMessages SET keyDate = ? WHERE id = ?"); while ( { int id = set.getInt("id"); java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = set.getTimestamp("date"); java.sql.Date date = new java.sql.Date(timestamp.getTime()); st.setDate(1, date); st.setInt(2, id); st.execute(); } st.close(); } } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Error while converting the board database from version 2 to 3: "+e.toString()); } return true; } protected void createTables() { sendQuery("CREATE CACHED TABLE frostKSKBoards (" + "id INTEGER IDENTITY NOT NULL, " + "name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, " + "lastUpdate DATE DEFAULT NULL NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY(id))"); sendQuery("CREATE CACHED TABLE frostSSKBoards (" + "id INTEGER IDENTITY NOT NULL, " + "publicKey VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, " + "privateKey VARCHAR(256) NULL, " + "kskBoardId INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY(id), " + "FOREIGN KEY (kskBoardId) REFERENCES frostKSKBoards (id))"); sendQuery("CREATE CACHED TABLE frostKSKInvalidSlots (" + "id INTEGER IDENTITY NOT NULL, " + "boardId INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "date DATE NOT NULL, " + "minRev INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "maxRev INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY(id), " + "FOREIGN KEY (boardId) REFERENCES frostKSKBoards (id))"); sendQuery("CREATE CACHED TABLE frostKSKMessages (" + "id INTEGER IDENTITY NOT NULL, " + "subject VARCHAR(512) NULL, " + "nick VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, " + "sigId INTEGER NULL, " + "content VARCHAR(32768) NOT NULL, " + "keyDate DATE NOT NULL, " + "date TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, " + "msgId VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, " + "inReplyToId VARCHAR(128) NULL, " + "inReplyTo INTEGER NULL, " + "rev INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "read BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL, " + "archived BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE NOT NULL, " + "encryptedFor INTEGER DEFAULT NULL NULL, " + "boardId INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY(id), " + "FOREIGN KEY (boardId) REFERENCES frostKSKBoards (id), " + "FOREIGN KEY (inReplyTo) REFERENCES frostKSKMessages (id), " + "FOREIGN KEY (sigId) REFERENCES signatures (id), " + "FOREIGN KEY (encryptedFor) REFERENCES signatures (id))"); sendQuery("CREATE CACHED TABLE frostKSKAttachmentFiles (" + "id INTEGER IDENTITY NOT NULL, " + "filename VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, " + "size BIGINT NOT NULL, " + "key VARCHAR(512) NOT NULL, " + "messageId INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY(id), " + "FOREIGN KEY (messageId) REFERENCES frostKSKMessages (id))"); sendQuery("CREATE CACHED TABLE frostKSKAttachmentBoards (" + "id INTEGER IDENTITY NOT NULL, " + "name VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, " + "publicKey VARCHAR(256) NULL, " + "privateKey VARCHAR(256) NULL, " + "description VARCHAR(512) NULL, " + "messageId INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "PRIMARY KEY(id), " + "FOREIGN KEY (messageId) REFERENCES frostKSKMessages (id))"); if (core.getConfig().getValue("frostKSKDatabaseVersion") == null) core.getConfig().setValue("frostKSKDatabaseVersion", "3"); } protected void addDefaultBoards() { for (int i = 0 ; i < DEFAULT_BOARDS.length ; i++) { createBoard(DEFAULT_BOARDS[i], false); } } public Vector getBoards() { Vector v = new Vector(); try { synchronized(db.dbLock) { PreparedStatement st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT, "+ ", "+ " frostKSKBoards.lastUpdate "+ "FROM frostKSKBoards LEFT OUTER JOIN frostSSKBoards "+ " ON = frostSSKBoards.kskBoardId "+ "WHERE IS NULL "+ "ORDER BY LOWER(name)"); ResultSet set = st.executeQuery(); while( { int id = set.getInt("id"); String name = set.getString("name"); Date lastUpdate = set.getDate("lastUpdate"); if (boardsHashMap.get(name) != null) v.add(boardsHashMap.get(name)); else { KSKBoard board = new KSKBoard(this, id, name, lastUpdate); v.add(board); boardsHashMap.put(name, board); } } st.close(); } } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Can't get the board list because : "+e.toString()); } boards = v; return v; } /** * A little bit inefficient function ... */ protected KSKBoard getBoard(int id) { for (Iterator it = boards.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { KSKBoard board = (KSKBoard); if (board.getId() == id) return board; } return null; } public Vector getAllMessages(String[] keywords, int orderBy, boolean desc, boolean archived, boolean read, boolean unsigned, int minTrustLevel) { return KSKBoard.getMessages(-1, this, null, keywords, orderBy, desc, archived, read, unsigned, minTrustLevel, true); } public Vector getSentMessages() { Vector v = new Vector(); try { synchronized(db.dbLock) { Vector identities = Identity.getYourIdentities(db); PreparedStatement st; st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT "+ " id, "+ " subject, "+ " nick, "+ " keyDate, "+ " date, "+ " msgId, "+ " rev, "+ " read, "+ " archived, "+ " encryptedFor, "+ " boardId "+ "FROM frostKSKMessages "+ "WHERE sigId = ? ORDER by DATE DESC"); for (Iterator it = identities.iterator(); it.hasNext() ; ) { Identity identity = (Identity); st.setInt(1, identity.getId()); ResultSet set = st.executeQuery(); while ( { KSKBoard board = getBoard(set.getInt("boardId")); v.add(new KSKMessage(set.getInt("id"), set.getString("msgId"), null, /* in reply to => We don't want a tree to be built */ set.getString("subject"), identity.toString(), identity.getId(), identity, set.getTimestamp("date"), set.getInt("rev"), set.getBoolean("read"), set.getBoolean("archived"), null, /* TODO : encryptedFor */ board)); } } st.close(); } } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Can't get the sent messages because : "+ e.toString()); } return v; } public void createBoard(thaw.core.MainWindow mainWindow) { String name = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(mainWindow.getMainFrame(), I18n.getMessage("thaw.plugin.miniFrost.boardName"), I18n.getMessage("thaw.plugin.miniFrost.boardName"), JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (name == null) return; try { /* ugly workaround to avoid a crash due to a Sun bug: * If you call JOptionPanel.showInputDialog() and just after * TrayIcon.displayMessage(), Swing will crash. * (Note: remember, TrayIcon.displayMessage() is called by Logger.warning()) */ Thread.sleep(1500); } catch(InterruptedException e) { /* \_o< */ } createBoard(name); } protected void createBoard(String name) { createBoard(name, true); } protected void createBoard(String name, boolean warningIfExisting) { try { synchronized(db.dbLock) { PreparedStatement st; st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT "+ "FROM frostKSKBoards LEFT OUTER JOIN frostSSKBoards "+ " ON = frostSSKBoards.kskBoardId "+ "WHERE IS NULL "+ "AND LOWER( = ? "+ "LIMIT 1"); st.setString(1, name.toLowerCase()); ResultSet set = st.executeQuery(); if ( { if (warningIfExisting) Logger.warning(this, "Board already added"); st.close(); return; } st.close(); st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO frostKSKBoards (name) "+ "VALUES (?)"); st.setString(1, name.toLowerCase()); st.execute(); st.close(); } } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Can't add board because: "+e.toString()); } } protected void createBoard(String name, String publicKey, String privateKey) { createBoard(name, publicKey, privateKey, true); } /** * Put here to make my life simpler with the KSKBoardAttachment. */ protected void createBoard(String name, String publicKey, String privateKey, boolean warningIfExisting) { if (!thaw.fcp.FreenetURIHelper.isAKey(publicKey)) { Logger.error(this, "Invalid publicKey"); return; } if (thaw.fcp.FreenetURIHelper.isObsolete(publicKey)) { new thaw.gui.WarningWindow(core, I18n.getMessage("thaw.error.obsolete")); return; } if (privateKey != null && "".equals(privateKey)) privateKey = null; try { synchronized(db.dbLock) { PreparedStatement st; st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT id "+ "FROM frostSSKBoards "+ "WHERE publicKey = ?"); st.setString(1, publicKey); ResultSet set = st.executeQuery(); if ( { if (warningIfExisting) Logger.warning(this, "Board already added"); st.close(); return; } st.close(); /* we must get the id first, else we will mix up things */ int id = 0; st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM frostKSKBoards "+ "ORDER by id DESC LIMIT 1"); set = st.executeQuery(); if ( id = set.getInt("id") + 1; st.close(); name = name.toLowerCase(); st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO frostKSKBoards "+ "(id, name) VALUES (?, ?)"); st.setInt(1, id); st.setString(2, name); st.execute(); st.close(); st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO frostSSKBoards "+ "(publicKey, privateKey, kskBoardId) "+ "VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); st.setString(1, publicKey); if (privateKey != null) st.setString(2, privateKey); else st.setNull(2, Types.VARCHAR); st.setInt(3, id); st.execute(); st.close(); } } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Can't add the board because : "+e.toString()); } } public Vector getAllKnownBoards() { Vector v = new Vector(); try { synchronized(db.dbLock) { PreparedStatement st; st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("select distinct name, publickey, privatekey from frostKSKAttachmentBoards"); ResultSet set = st.executeQuery(); while( { v.add(new KSKBoardAttachment(this, set.getString("name"), set.getString("publicKey"), set.getString("privateKey"), null)); } st.close(); } } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Can't get the list of know boards because: "+e.toString()); } return v; } public String toString() { return I18n.getMessage("thaw.plugin.miniFrost.FrostKSK"); } private void recompactInvalidSlots(Hsqldb db, int boardId, java.sql.Date date) throws SQLException { /*** Preparing statements ***/ PreparedStatement select, update, delete; /* we select them 2 by 2 */ select = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT id, minRev, maxRev FROM frostKSKinvalidSlots WHERE date = ? AND boardId = ? ORDER BY minRev LIMIT 2 OFFSET ?"); select.setDate(1, date); select.setInt(2, boardId); update = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("UPDATE frostKSKinvalidSlots SET minRev = ?, maxRev = ? WHERE id = ?"); delete = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("DELETE FROM frostKSKinvalidSlots WHERE id = ?"); /*** Compacting ***/ int pos = 0; boolean stop = false; int[] id = new int[2]; int[] min = new int[2]; int[] max = new int[2]; while(!stop) { /* selecting 2 elements */ select.setInt(3, pos); ResultSet set = select.executeQuery(); for (int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++) { if (! { stop = true; break; } id[i] = set.getInt("id"); min[i] = set.getInt("minRev"); max[i] = set.getInt("maxRev"); } if (stop) { /* can't select the two elements => we stop */ break; } /* checking if we can put them together */ if (max[0] + 1 <= min[1]) { /* if yes => we put them together */ update.setInt(1, min[0]); update.setInt(2, max[1]); update.setInt(3, id[0]); update.execute(); delete.setInt(1, id[1]); delete.execute(); } else { /* if no => we continue our progression */ pos++; } } select.close(); update.close(); delete.close(); } private void recompactInvalidSlots(Hsqldb db, int boardId) throws SQLException { Stack dates = new Stack(); PreparedStatement st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT date FROM frostKSKinvalidSlots"); ResultSet set = st.executeQuery(); while( { dates.push(set.getDate("date")); } st.close(); while(!dates.empty()) { recompactInvalidSlots(db, boardId, (java.sql.Date)dates.pop()); } } protected void recompactInvalidSlots(Hsqldb db, Core core) { synchronized(db.dbLock) { try { PreparedStatement st; Stack boardIds = new Stack(); Stack boardNames = new Stack(); st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT id, name FROM frostKSKBoards"); ResultSet set = st.executeQuery(); while( { boardIds.push(new Integer(set.getInt("id"))); boardNames.push(set.getString("name")); } st.close(); while(!boardIds.empty() && !boardNames.empty()) { String name = (String)boardNames.pop();, "Compacting invalid slots for board '"+name+"'"); if (core.getSplashScreen() != null) core.getSplashScreen().setStatus("MiniFrost : Compacting frost invalid slots list for the board '"+name+"' ..."); recompactInvalidSlots(db, ((Integer)boardIds.pop()).intValue()); } } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "SQLException while compacting the invalid slots: "+e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } }