package thaw.plugins.index; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard; import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import thaw.core.Config; import thaw.gui.FileChooser; import thaw.core.I18n; import thaw.core.Logger; import thaw.core.ThawThread; import thaw.core.ThawRunnable; import thaw.fcp.FCPQueueManager; import thaw.fcp.FCPTransferQuery; public class FileManagementHelper { /** * Class implementing FileAction will automatically do an addActionListener if necessary */ public interface FileAction extends ActionListener { /** * Can disable the abstract button if required * @param files can be null */ public void setTarget(Vector files); } public static abstract class BasicFileAction implements FileAction, ThawRunnable { private AbstractButton src; public BasicFileAction(AbstractButton src) { this.src = src; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == src) { Thread th = new ThawThread(this, "Action replier", this); th.start(); } } public void run() { apply(); } public void stop() { /* \_o< */ } public abstract void setTarget(Vector files); public abstract void apply(); } public static class FileDownloader extends BasicFileAction { private FCPQueueManager queueManager; private AbstractButton actionSource; private IndexBrowserPanel indexBrowser; private Vector target; private Config config; public FileDownloader(final Config config, final FCPQueueManager queueManager, IndexBrowserPanel indexBrowser, final AbstractButton actionSource) { super(actionSource); this.queueManager = queueManager; this.actionSource = actionSource; this.config = config; this.indexBrowser = indexBrowser; if (actionSource != null) actionSource.addActionListener(this); } public void setTarget(final Vector target) { = target; actionSource.setEnabled((target != null) && (target.size() != 0)); } public void apply() { FileChooser fileChooser; if (config.getValue("lastDestinationDirectory") == null) fileChooser = new FileChooser(); else fileChooser = new FileChooser(config.getValue("lastDestinationDirectory")); fileChooser.setDirectoryOnly(true); fileChooser.setDialogType(JFileChooser.SAVE_DIALOG); fileChooser.setTitle(I18n.getMessage("thaw.plugin.fetch.destinationDirectory")); final destination = fileChooser.askOneFile(); if (destination == null) return; config.setValue("lastDestinationDirectory", destination.getPath()); FileManagementHelper.downloadFiles(queueManager, indexBrowser, target, destination.getPath()); } } /** * @param files See thaw.plugins.index.File * @param indexBrowser can be null */ public static void downloadFiles(final FCPQueueManager queueManager, IndexBrowserPanel indexBrowser, final Vector files, final String destinationPath) { for (final Iterator it = files.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final thaw.plugins.index.File file = (thaw.plugins.index.File);, queueManager); } if (indexBrowser != null) indexBrowser.getTables().getFileTable().refresh(); } public static class FileInserter extends BasicFileAction { private FCPQueueManager queueManager; private AbstractButton actionSource; private IndexBrowserPanel indexBrowser; private Vector target; public FileInserter(final FCPQueueManager queueManager, IndexBrowserPanel indexBrowser, final AbstractButton actionSource) { super(actionSource); this.queueManager = queueManager; this.actionSource = actionSource; this.indexBrowser = indexBrowser; if (actionSource != null) actionSource.addActionListener(this); } public void setTarget(final Vector target) { boolean isOk; isOk = false; = target; if (target != null) { for (final Iterator it = target.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { final thaw.plugins.index.File file = (thaw.plugins.index.File); if (file.getLocalPath() != null && file.getTransfer(queueManager) == null) { isOk = true; break; } } } actionSource.setEnabled((target != null) && (target.size() != 0) && isOk); } public void apply() { FileManagementHelper.insertFiles(queueManager, indexBrowser, target); } } /** * @param files See thaw.plugins.index.File * @param indexBrowser can be null */ public static void insertFiles(final FCPQueueManager queueManager, IndexBrowserPanel indexBrowser, final Vector files) { for (final Iterator it = files.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final thaw.plugins.index.File file = (thaw.plugins.index.File); if (file.getLocalPath() != null) file.insertOnFreenet(queueManager); } if (indexBrowser != null) indexBrowser.getTables().getFileTable().refresh(); } public static class FileKeyComputer extends BasicFileAction { private FCPQueueManager queueManager; private IndexBrowserPanel indexBrowser; private AbstractButton actionSource; private Vector target; public FileKeyComputer(final FCPQueueManager queueManager, IndexBrowserPanel indexBrowser, final AbstractButton actionSource) { super(actionSource); this.queueManager = queueManager; this.actionSource = actionSource; this.indexBrowser = indexBrowser; if (actionSource != null) actionSource.addActionListener(this); } public void setTarget(final Vector target) { boolean isOk; isOk = false; = target; if (target != null) { for (final Iterator it = target.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { final thaw.plugins.index.File file = (thaw.plugins.index.File); if (file.getLocalPath() != null && file.getTransfer(queueManager) == null) { isOk = true; break; } } } actionSource.setEnabled((target != null) && isOk); } public void apply() { Logger.notice(this, "COMPUTING"); FileManagementHelper.computeFileKeys(queueManager, indexBrowser, target); } } /** * @param files See thaw.plugins.index.File * @param indexBrowser can be null */ public static void computeFileKeys(final FCPQueueManager queueManager, IndexBrowserPanel indexBrowser, final Vector files) { for (final Iterator it = files.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final thaw.plugins.index.File file = (thaw.plugins.index.File); if (file.getLocalPath() != null) file.recalculateCHK(queueManager); } if (indexBrowser != null) { indexBrowser.getTables().getFileTable().refresh(); } } public static class FileRemover extends BasicFileAction { private IndexBrowserPanel indexBrowser; private AbstractButton actionSource; private Vector target; /** * @param queueManager is used to stop transfers if needed */ public FileRemover(final IndexBrowserPanel indexBrowser, final AbstractButton actionSource) { super(actionSource); this.indexBrowser = indexBrowser; this.actionSource = actionSource; if (actionSource != null) actionSource.addActionListener(this); } public void setTarget(final Vector target) { boolean isOk; isOk = true; = target; if (target != null && target.size() > 0) { /* check just the first file */ thaw.plugins.index.File file = (thaw.plugins.index.File)target.get(0); if (!file.isModifiable()) isOk = false; } actionSource.setEnabled((target != null) && (target.size() != 0) && isOk); } public void apply() { FileManagementHelper.removeFiles(indexBrowser, target); } } /** * @param files See thaw.plugins.index.File / files must have their parent correctly set */ public static void removeFiles(final IndexBrowserPanel browserPanel, final Vector files) { for (final Iterator it = files.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final thaw.plugins.index.File file = (thaw.plugins.index.File); file.delete(); } browserPanel.getTables().getFileTable().refresh(); } public static class PublicKeyCopier implements FileAction { private AbstractButton src; private Vector t; public PublicKeyCopier(final AbstractButton actionSource) { src = actionSource; if (src != null) src.addActionListener(this); } public void setTarget(final Vector targets) { t = targets; src.setEnabled((targets != null) && (targets.size() > 0)); } public void actionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { FileManagementHelper.copyPublicKeyFrom(t); } } public static void copyPublicKeyFrom(final Vector targets) { String keys = ""; if (targets == null) return; final Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); for(final Iterator it = targets.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final thaw.plugins.index.File file = (thaw.plugins.index.File); keys = keys + file.getPublicKey() + "\n"; } final StringSelection st = new StringSelection(keys); final Clipboard cp = tk.getSystemClipboard(); cp.setContents(st, null); } public static class TransferCanceller extends BasicFileAction { private AbstractButton src; private FCPQueueManager queueManager; private IndexBrowserPanel indexBrowser; private Vector t; public TransferCanceller(FCPQueueManager queueManager, IndexBrowserPanel indexBrowser, final AbstractButton actionSource) { super(actionSource); src = actionSource; this.queueManager = queueManager; this.indexBrowser = indexBrowser; if (src != null) src.addActionListener(this); } public void setTarget(final Vector targets) { boolean enable = false; t = targets; if (targets != null) { for (Iterator it = targets.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { File file = (File); if (file.getTransfer(queueManager) != null) { enable = true; break; } } } src.setEnabled(enable); } public void apply() { FileManagementHelper.cancelTransfers(queueManager, indexBrowser, t); } } static void cancelTransfers(FCPQueueManager queueManager, IndexBrowserPanel indexBrowser, Vector files) { FCPTransferQuery transfer; for (Iterator it = files.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { File file = (File); if ((transfer = file.getTransfer(queueManager)) != null) { if(transfer.stop(queueManager)) { queueManager.remove(transfer); } } } indexBrowser.getTables().getFileTable().refresh(); } }