package thaw.plugins.miniFrost.frostKSK; import java.sql.*; import org.w3c.dom.*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Date; import frost.util.XMLTools; import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Base64; import frost.crypt.FrostCrypt; import thaw.plugins.signatures.Identity; import thaw.plugins.Hsqldb; import thaw.core.Logger; import thaw.core.I18n; import thaw.plugins.miniFrost.RegexpBlacklist; /** * Dirty parser reusing some Frost functions * (Note: dirty mainly because of the Frost format :p) */ public class KSKMessageParser { private final static SimpleDateFormat simpleFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.M.d HH:mm:ss"); private SimpleDateFormat gmtFormat; public KSKMessageParser() { gmtFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.M.d HH:mm:ss"); gmtFormat.setTimeZone(java.util.TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); } private String messageId; private String inReplyTo; private String inReplyToFull; private String from; private String subject; private String date; private String time; private String recipient; private String board; private String body; private String publicKey; private String signature; private String idLinePos; private String idLineLen; private String wotPublicKey; private String wotPublicKeySignature; private Vector attachments; private Identity identity; private boolean read = false; private boolean archived = false; private Identity encryptedFor = null; private static FrostCrypt frostCrypt; private boolean loaded = false; public KSKMessageParser(Hsqldb db, String inReplyTo, /* msg id */ String from, String subject, java.util.Date dateUtil, Identity encryptedFor, String board, String body, String publicKey, Vector attachments, Identity identity, int idLinePos, int idLineLen, String wotPublicKey) { this(); this.messageId = ""; /* will be generated from the SHA1 of the content */ this.inReplyTo = inReplyTo; this.from = from; this.subject = subject; String[] date = simpleFormat.format(dateUtil).toString().split(" "); = date[0]; this.time = date[1]; this.encryptedFor = encryptedFor; this.recipient = (encryptedFor != null ? encryptedFor.toString() : null); this.board = board; this.body = body; this.publicKey = publicKey; this.idLinePos = Integer.toString(idLinePos); this.idLineLen = Integer.toString(idLineLen); this.attachments = attachments; this.identity = identity; inReplyToFull = getFullInReplyTo(db, inReplyTo); if (frostCrypt == null) frostCrypt = new FrostCrypt(); /* frost wants a SHA256 hash, but can't check from what is comes :p */ this.messageId = frostCrypt.computeChecksumSHA256(getSignedContent(false)); this.wotPublicKey = wotPublicKey; if (identity == null) { signature = null; } else { signature = identity.sign(getSignedContent(true)); } wotPublicKeySignature = getWotPublicKeySignature(identity, wotPublicKey); } private String getWotPublicKeySignature(Identity identity, String wotPublicKey) { if (identity == null || wotPublicKey == null) return null; String toSign = wotPublicKey+"|"+date+"|"+time+"|"+messageId; /* no 'GMT' at the end of the time string because I'm a lazy bastard */ return identity.sign(toSign); } private boolean checkWotPublicKeySignature(Identity identity, String wotPublicKey, String signature) { if (identity == null || wotPublicKey == null || signature == null) return false; String toSign = wotPublicKey+"|"+date+"|"+time+"|"+messageId; /* no 'GMT' at the end of the time string because I'm a lazy bastard */ return identity.check(toSign, signature); } public Identity getIdentity() { return identity; } public String getTrustListPublicKey() { return wotPublicKey; } private boolean alreadyInTheDb(Hsqldb db, String msgId) { try { synchronized(db.dbLock) { PreparedStatement st; st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM frostKSKMessages "+ "WHERE msgId = ? LIMIT 1"); st.setString(1, msgId); ResultSet res = st.executeQuery(); boolean b = (; st.close(); return b; } } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Exception while checking if the message was already in the db: "+ e.toString()); return false; } } public java.util.Date getDate() { date = date.trim(); time = time.trim(); date += " "+time; java.util.Date dateUtil = null; try { dateUtil = simpleFormat.parse(date); } catch(java.text.ParseException e) { Logger.notice(this, "Can't parse the date !"); return null; } return dateUtil; } public boolean insert(Hsqldb db, int boardId, java.util.Date boardDate, int rev, String boardNameExpected) { if (boardNameExpected == null) { Logger.notice(this, "Board name expected == null ?!"); return false; } if (board != null && !(boardNameExpected.toLowerCase().equals(board.toLowerCase()))) { Logger.notice(this, "Board name doesn't match"); return false; } if (messageId == null) { Logger.notice(this, "No message id, can't store."); return false; } if (alreadyInTheDb(db, messageId)) { Logger.notice(this, "We have already this id in the db ?!"); archived = true; read = true; } date = date.trim(); time = time.trim(); date += " "+time; java.util.Date dateUtil = null; try { dateUtil = simpleFormat.parse(date); } catch(java.text.ParseException e) { Logger.notice(this, "Can't parse the date !"); return false; } if (dateUtil != null) { long dateDiff = KSKBoard.getMidnight(dateUtil).getTime() - KSKBoard.getMidnight(boardDate).getTime(); /* we accept between X days before and X days after */ if (dateDiff < (KSKBoard.MAX_DAYS_IN_THE_PAST+1)*(-1)*28*60*60*1000 || dateDiff > (KSKBoard.MAX_DAYS_IN_THE_FUTURE+1)*24*60*60*1000) dateUtil = null; } java.sql.Timestamp timestampSql; if (dateUtil != null) timestampSql = new java.sql.Timestamp(dateUtil.getTime()); else timestampSql = new java.sql.Timestamp(boardDate.getTime()); java.sql.Date dateSql = new java.sql.Date(boardDate.getTime()); int replyToId = -1; try { synchronized(db.dbLock) { PreparedStatement st; /* we search the message to this one answer */ if (inReplyTo != null) { inReplyToFull = inReplyTo; String[] split = inReplyTo.split(","); inReplyTo = split[split.length-1]; st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM frostKSKMessages "+ "WHERE msgId = ? LIMIT 1"); st.setString(1, inReplyTo); ResultSet res = st.executeQuery(); if ( replyToId = res.getInt("id"); st.close(); } /* we insert the message */ st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO frostKSKMessages ("+ "subject, nick, sigId, content, "+ "date, msgId, inReplyTo, inReplyToId, "+ "rev, keyDate, read, archived, "+ "encryptedFor, boardId) VALUES ("+ "?, ?, ?, ?, "+ "?, ?, ?, ?, "+ "?, ?, ?, ?, "+ "?, ?)"); st.setString(1, subject); st.setString(2, from); /* nick */ if (identity != null) st.setInt(3, identity.getId()); else st.setNull(3, Types.INTEGER); st.setString(4, body); /* content */ st.setTimestamp(5, timestampSql); st.setString(6, messageId); if (replyToId >= 0) st.setInt(7, replyToId); else st.setNull(7, Types.INTEGER); if (inReplyTo != null) st.setString(8, inReplyTo); else st.setNull(8, Types.VARCHAR); st.setInt(9, rev); st.setDate(10, dateSql); st.setBoolean(11, read); st.setBoolean(12, archived); if (encryptedFor == null) st.setNull(13, Types.INTEGER); else st.setInt(13, encryptedFor.getId()); st.setInt(14, boardId); st.execute(); st.close(); String boardName = (board != null) ? board : "(null)"; Logger.notice(this, "Last inserted message in the db : "+ boardName + " (" + Integer.toString(boardId) + ") - " + timestampSql.toString() + " - " + Integer.toString(rev)); /* we need the id of the message */ st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT id FROM frostKSKmessages "+ "WHERE msgId = ? LIMIT 1"); st.setString(1, messageId); ResultSet set = st.executeQuery();; int id = set.getInt("id"); st.close(); /* we insert the attachments */ if (attachments != null) { for(Iterator it = attachments.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { KSKAttachment a = (KSKAttachment); a.insert(db, id); } } } } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.warning(this, "Can't insert the message into the db because : "+e.toString()); return false; } return true; } public boolean filter(RegexpBlacklist blacklist) { if (!loaded) { /* message was not loaded and so was replaced by an "invalid message" * so the message haven't to be filtered */ return true; } if (blacklist.isBlacklisted(subject) || blacklist.isBlacklisted(from) || blacklist.isBlacklisted(body)) { read = true; archived = true; } return true; } public final static char SIGNATURE_ELEMENTS_SEPARATOR = '|'; /** * @param withMsgId require to check the signature */ private String getSignedContent(boolean withMsgId) { final StringBuffer allContent = new StringBuffer(); allContent.append(date).append(SIGNATURE_ELEMENTS_SEPARATOR); allContent.append(time+"GMT").append(SIGNATURE_ELEMENTS_SEPARATOR); allContent.append(board).append(SIGNATURE_ELEMENTS_SEPARATOR); allContent.append(from).append(SIGNATURE_ELEMENTS_SEPARATOR); if (withMsgId) allContent.append(messageId).append(SIGNATURE_ELEMENTS_SEPARATOR); if( inReplyToFull != null && inReplyToFull.length() > 0 ) { allContent.append(inReplyToFull).append(SIGNATURE_ELEMENTS_SEPARATOR); } if( recipient != null && recipient.length() > 0 ) { allContent.append(recipient).append(SIGNATURE_ELEMENTS_SEPARATOR); } allContent.append(idLinePos).append(SIGNATURE_ELEMENTS_SEPARATOR); allContent.append(idLineLen).append(SIGNATURE_ELEMENTS_SEPARATOR); allContent.append(subject).append(SIGNATURE_ELEMENTS_SEPARATOR); allContent.append(body).append(SIGNATURE_ELEMENTS_SEPARATOR); if (attachments != null) { for (Iterator it = attachments.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { KSKAttachment a = (KSKAttachment); allContent.append(a.getSignedStr()); } } return allContent.toString(); } public boolean checkSignature(Hsqldb db) { if (!loaded) { /* message was not loaded and so was replaced by an "invalid message" * so the signature have not to be checked */ return true; } if (publicKey == null || signature == null) { from = from.replaceAll("@", "_"); return true; } String[] split = from.split("@"); if (split.length < 2 || "".equals(split[0].trim())) { Logger.notice(this, "Unable to extract the nick name from the message"); return false; } String nick = split[0].trim(); identity = Identity.getIdentity(db, nick, publicKey); boolean ret = identity.check(getSignedContent(true), signature); if (!ret) { Logger.notice(this, "Invalid signature !"); wotPublicKeySignature = null; wotPublicKey = null; return invalidMessage("Invalid signature"); } if (wotPublicKey != null) { if (!checkWotPublicKeySignature(identity, wotPublicKey, wotPublicKeySignature)) { wotPublicKeySignature = null; wotPublicKey = null; } } return true; } protected boolean loadXMLElements(Element root) { messageId = XMLTools.getChildElementsCDATAValue(root, "MessageId"); inReplyTo = XMLTools.getChildElementsCDATAValue(root, "InReplyTo"); inReplyToFull = inReplyTo; from = XMLTools.getChildElementsCDATAValue(root, "From"); subject = XMLTools.getChildElementsCDATAValue(root, "Subject"); date = XMLTools.getChildElementsCDATAValue(root, "Date"); time = XMLTools.getChildElementsCDATAValue(root, "Time"); if (time == null) time = "00:00:00GMT"; time = time.replaceAll("GMT", ""); recipient = XMLTools.getChildElementsCDATAValue(root, "recipient"); board = XMLTools.getChildElementsCDATAValue(root, "Board"); if (board == null) board = ""; /* won't validate a check in insert() :p */ body = XMLTools.getChildElementsCDATAValue(root, "Body"); signature = XMLTools.getChildElementsCDATAValue(root, "SignatureV2"); publicKey = XMLTools.getChildElementsCDATAValue(root, "pubKey"); idLinePos = XMLTools.getChildElementsTextValue(root, "IdLinePos"); idLineLen = XMLTools.getChildElementsTextValue(root, "IdLineLen"); wotPublicKey = XMLTools.getChildElementsTextValue(root, "trustListPublicKey"); wotPublicKeySignature = XMLTools.getChildElementsTextValue(root, "trustListPublicKeySignature"); List l = XMLTools.getChildElementsByTagName(root, "AttachmentList"); if (l.size() == 1) { attachments = new Vector(); KSKAttachmentFactory factory = new KSKAttachmentFactory(); Element attachmentsEl = (Element) l.get(0); Iterator i = XMLTools.getChildElementsByTagName(attachmentsEl,"Attachment").iterator(); while (i.hasNext()){ Element el = (Element); KSKAttachment attachment = factory.getAttachment(el); if (attachment != null) attachments.add(attachment); } } if (from == null || subject == null || body == null) { Logger.notice(this, "Field missing"); return false; } return true; } protected boolean decrypt(Hsqldb db, Element rootNode) { Vector identities = Identity.getYourIdentities(db); byte[] content; String recipient = XMLTools.getChildElementsCDATAValue(rootNode, "recipient"); try { content = Base64.decode(XMLTools.getChildElementsCDATAValue(rootNode, "content").getBytes("UTF-8")); /* ISO-8859-1 in Frost */ } catch(Exception e) { Logger.notice(this, "Unable to decode encrypted message because : "+e.toString()); return false; } Identity identity = null; for (Iterator it = identities.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Identity id = (Identity); if (id.toString().equals(recipient)) { identity = id; break; } } if (identity == null) {, "Not for us but for '"+recipient+"'"); } byte[] decoded = null; if (identity != null) decoded = identity.decode(content); if (decoded != null) { /*** we are able to decrypt it ***/ /* Hm, there should be a better way (all in RAM) */ encryptedFor = identity; File tmp = null; boolean ret = false; try { tmp = File.createTempFile("thaw-", "-decrypted-msg.xml"); tmp.deleteOnExit(); frost.util.FileAccess.writeFile(decoded, tmp); /* recursivity (bad bad bad, but I'm lazy :) */ ret = loadFile(tmp, db); } catch(Exception e) { Logger.warning(this, "Unable to read the decrypted message because: "+e.toString()); } if (tmp != null) tmp.delete(); return ret; } /*** Unable to decrypt the message, but we will store what we know anyway *** * to not fetch this message again */ /* (I'm still thinking that mixing up Boards & private messages is a BAD idea) */ inReplyTo = null; inReplyToFull = null; from = "["+I18n.getMessage("thaw.plugin.miniFrost.encrypted")+"]"; subject = "["+I18n.getMessage("thaw.plugin.miniFrost.encryptedBody").replaceAll("X", recipient)+"]"; String[] date = gmtFormat.format(new Date()).toString().split(" "); = date[0]; this.time = date[1]; /* not really used */ this.recipient = recipient; /* will be ignored by the checks */ this.board = null; this.body = I18n.getMessage("thaw.plugin.miniFrost.encryptedBody").replaceAll("X", recipient); this.publicKey = null; this.signature = null; this.idLinePos = "0"; this.idLineLen = "0"; attachments = null; identity = null; if (frostCrypt == null) frostCrypt = new FrostCrypt(); this.messageId = frostCrypt.computeChecksumSHA256(date[0] + date[1]); read = true; archived = true; /* because we have date to store: */ return true; } private boolean invalidMessage(String reason) { /* Invalid message -> Will use default value */ /* the goal is to not download this message again */ inReplyTo = null; inReplyToFull = null; from = "["+I18n.getMessage("thaw.plugin.miniFrost.invalidMessage")+"]"; subject = "["+I18n.getMessage("thaw.plugin.miniFrost.invalidMessage")+"]"; String[] date = gmtFormat.format(new Date()).toString().split(" "); = date[0]; this.time = date[1]; /* not really used */ this.recipient = null; /* will be ignored by the checks */ this.board = null; this.body = I18n.getMessage("thaw.plugin.miniFrost.invalidMessage")+ ((reason != null) ? "\n"+reason : ""); this.publicKey = null; this.signature = null; this.idLinePos = "0"; this.idLineLen = "0"; attachments = null; identity = null; if (frostCrypt == null) frostCrypt = new FrostCrypt(); this.messageId = frostCrypt.computeChecksumSHA256(date[0] + date[1]); read = true; archived = true; return true; } /** * This function has been imported from FROST. * Parses the XML file and passes the FrostMessage element to XMLize load method. * @param db require if the message is encrypted */ public boolean loadFile(File file, Hsqldb db) { try { Document doc = null; try { doc = XMLTools.parseXmlFile(file, false); } catch(Exception ex) { // xml format error Logger.notice(this, "Invalid Xml"); loaded = false; //return invalidMessage("XML parser error:\n"+ex.toString()); return false; } if( doc == null ) { Logger.notice(this, "Error: couldn't parse XML Document - " + "File name: '" + file.getName() + "'"); loaded = false; //return invalidMessage("Nothing parsed ?!"); return false; } Element rootNode = doc.getDocumentElement(); if(rootNode.getTagName().equals("EncryptedFrostMessage")) { if (db != null && decrypt(db, rootNode)) { loaded = true; return true; } else { loaded = false; Logger.error(this, "Can't decrypt the message"); return false; } } // load the message itself loaded = (loadXMLElements(rootNode)); return loaded; } catch(Exception e) { /* XMLTools throws runtime exception sometimes ... */ Logger.notice(this, "Unable to parse XML message because : "+e.toString()); e.printStackTrace(); loaded = false; //return invalidMessage("Unable to parse XML message because : "+e.toString()); return false; } } public Element makeText(Document doc, String tagName, String content) { if (content == null || tagName == null) return null; Text txt; Element current; current = doc.createElement(tagName); txt = doc.createTextNode(content); current.appendChild(txt); return current; } public Element makeCDATA(Document doc, String tagName, String content) { if (content == null || tagName == null) return null; CDATASection cdata; Element current; current = doc.createElement(tagName); cdata = doc.createCDATASection(content); current.appendChild(cdata); return current; } public String getFullInReplyTo(Hsqldb db, String inReplyTo) { String lastId = inReplyTo; PreparedStatement st; synchronized(db.dbLock) { try { st = db.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT inReplyToId FROM frostKSKMessages "+ "WHERE msgId = ? LIMIT 1"); } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Can't get full inReplyTo String because: "+e.toString()); return inReplyTo; } while(lastId != null) { /* I don't remember if inReplyTo is correctly set, so we will * use inReplyToId to be safer */ try { st.setString(1, lastId); ResultSet set = st.executeQuery(); if ( { lastId = set.getString("inReplyToId"); if (lastId != null) inReplyTo = lastId + ","+inReplyTo; } else lastId = null; } catch(SQLException e) { Logger.error(this, "Can't find message parent because : "+e.toString()); lastId = null; } } try { st.close(); } catch(SQLException e) { /* \_o< */ } } return inReplyTo; } public Element getXMLTree(Hsqldb db, Document doc) { Element root = doc.createElement("FrostMessage"); Element el; if ((el = makeText( doc, "client", "Thaw "+thaw.core.Main.VERSION)) != null) root.appendChild(el); if (wotPublicKey != null) { if ((el = makeText(doc, "trustListPublicKey", wotPublicKey)) != null) root.appendChild(el); if ((el = makeText(doc, "trustListPublicKeySignature", wotPublicKeySignature)) != null) root.appendChild(el); } if ((el = makeCDATA(doc, "MessageId", messageId)) != null) root.appendChild(el); if ((el = makeCDATA(doc, "InReplyTo", inReplyToFull)) != null) root.appendChild(el); if ((el = makeText( doc, "IdLinePos", idLinePos)) != null) root.appendChild(el); if ((el = makeText( doc, "IdLineLen", idLineLen)) != null) root.appendChild(el); if ((el = makeCDATA(doc, "From", from)) != null) root.appendChild(el); if ((el = makeCDATA(doc, "Subject", subject)) != null) root.appendChild(el); if ((el = makeCDATA(doc, "Date", date)) != null) root.appendChild(el); if ((el = makeCDATA(doc, "Time", time+"GMT")) != null) root.appendChild(el); if ((el = makeCDATA(doc, "Body", body)) != null) root.appendChild(el); if ((el = makeCDATA(doc, "Board", board)) != null) root.appendChild(el); if ((el = makeCDATA(doc, "pubKey", publicKey)) != null) root.appendChild(el); if ((el = makeCDATA(doc, "recipient", recipient)) != null) root.appendChild(el); if ((el = makeCDATA(doc, "SignatureV2", signature)) != null) root.appendChild(el); if (attachments != null) { el = doc.createElement("AttachmentList"); for (Iterator it = attachments.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { el.appendChild(((KSKAttachment); } root.appendChild(el); } return root; } private byte[] readByteArray(File file) { try { byte[] data = new byte[(int)file.length()]; FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(file); DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream(fileIn); din.readFully(data); fileIn.close(); return data; } catch( e) { Logger.error(this, "Exception thrown in readByteArray(File file): '"+e.toString()+"'"); } return null; } public File crypt(Identity receiver, File msgFile) { File tmpFile; try { tmpFile = File.createTempFile("thaw-", "-message.xml"); tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); } catch( e) { Logger.error(this, "Can't create temporary file because : "+e.toString()); return null; } Document doc = XMLTools.createDomDocument(); Element el; Element root = doc.createElement("EncryptedFrostMessage"); /* first tag : recipient */ if ((el = makeCDATA(doc, "recipient", receiver.toString())) != null) root.appendChild(el); /* second tag : crypted content */ byte[] xmlContent = readByteArray(msgFile); byte[] encContent = receiver.encode(xmlContent); String base64enc; try { base64enc = new String(Base64.encode(encContent), "UTF-8"); /* ISO-8859-1 in Frost */ } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { Logger.error(this, "UTF-8 encoding is not supported ?! : '"+ex.toString()+"'"); return null; } if ((el = makeCDATA(doc, "content", base64enc)) != null) root.appendChild(el); doc.appendChild(root); File cryptedFile = (XMLTools.writeXmlFile(doc, tmpFile.getPath()) ? tmpFile : null); return cryptedFile; } public File generateXML(Hsqldb db) { File tmpFile; try { tmpFile = File.createTempFile("thaw-", "-message.xml"); tmpFile.deleteOnExit(); } catch( e) { Logger.error(this, "Can't create temporary file because : "+e.toString()); return null; } Document doc = XMLTools.createDomDocument(); doc.appendChild(getXMLTree(db, doc)); File clearMsg = (XMLTools.writeXmlFile(doc, tmpFile.getPath()) ? tmpFile : null); if (encryptedFor == null) return clearMsg; File cryptedFile = crypt(encryptedFor, clearMsg); tmpFile.delete(); return cryptedFile; } protected boolean mustBeDisplayedAsRead() { return read; } }