package thaw.fcp; import thaw.core.Logger; import thaw.core.ThawThread; import thaw.core.ThawRunnable; /** * Only used by FCPConnection. Except special situation, you shouldn't have to use it directly. * Currently only used for output. (shouldn't be really usefull for input). * Some data are sent each 'INTERVAL' (in ms). */ public class FCPBufferedStream implements ThawRunnable { private FCPConnection connection; private int maxUploadSpeed; private byte outputBuffer[]; public final static int OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 102400; public final static int INTERVAL = 200; private int waiting = 0; /* amount of data stored in the buffer */ private int readCursor = 0; /* indicates where the nex read will be */ private int writeCursor = 0; /* indicates where the next write will be */ private Thread tractopelle = null; private boolean running = true; private int packetSize = 0; public FCPBufferedStream(final FCPConnection connection, final int maxUploadSpeed) { this.connection = connection; this.maxUploadSpeed = maxUploadSpeed; if(maxUploadSpeed >= 0) { outputBuffer = new byte[FCPBufferedStream.OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE]; packetSize = (maxUploadSpeed * 1024) / (1000/FCPBufferedStream.INTERVAL); } } /** * Add to the buffer. Can block if buffer is full ! * Never send more than OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE. */ public synchronized boolean write(final byte[] data) { if(maxUploadSpeed == -1) return connection.realRawWrite(data); while(waiting + data.length > FCPBufferedStream.OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE) { sleep(FCPBufferedStream.INTERVAL); } waiting += data.length; for(int i = 0 ; i < data.length ; i++) { outputBuffer[writeCursor] = data[i]; writeCursor++; if(writeCursor >= FCPBufferedStream.OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE) writeCursor = 0; } return true; } /** * @see #write(byte[]) */ public boolean write(final String data) { try { return this.write(data.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch(final e) { Logger.error(this, "UNSUPPORTED ENCODING EXCEPTION : UTF-8"); return this.write(data.getBytes()); } } /** * extract from the buffer */ private boolean readOutputBuffer(final byte[] data) { for(int i = 0; i < data.length ; i++) { data[i] = outputBuffer[readCursor]; readCursor++; if(readCursor >= FCPBufferedStream.OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE) readCursor = 0; } waiting -= data.length; return true; } /** * wait for the buffer being empty. */ public void flush() { while(waiting > 0) { sleep(FCPBufferedStream.INTERVAL); } } public void run() { byte[] data; while(running) { /* Wild and freeeeeee */ if(waiting > 0) { int to_read = packetSize; if(waiting < to_read) to_read = waiting; data = new byte[to_read]; readOutputBuffer(data); connection.realRawWrite(data); } sleep(FCPBufferedStream.INTERVAL); } } public void stop() { running = false; } /** * Start the thread sending data from the buffer to the OutputStream (socket). */ public boolean startSender() { running = true; if(maxUploadSpeed < 0) { Logger.notice(this, "startSender(): No upload limit. Not needed"); return false; } if(tractopelle == null) { tractopelle = new ThawThread(this, "Upload limiter", this); tractopelle.start(); return true; } else { Logger.notice(this, "startSender(): Already started"); return false; } } public boolean stopSender() { running = false; tractopelle = null; return true; } public boolean isOutputBufferEmpty() { return (waiting == 0); } public boolean isOutputBufferFull() { return ((maxUploadSpeed < 0) || (waiting >= (FCPBufferedStream.OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE-1))); } /** * Just ignore the InterruptedException. */ private void sleep(final int ms) { try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch(final java.lang.InterruptedException e) { /* just iggnnnnnooored */ } } }