package thaw.fcp; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import thaw.core.Logger; /** * This class is a generic class, able to handle all kind of FCPMessage. * Raw data are NOT stored inside. You *have* to handle them by yourself * ( / FCPConnection.write()) * after reading / writing a message with this class. */ public class FCPMessage { private String messageName = null; private Hashtable fields = null; /* String (field) -> String (value) ; See */ private long dataWaiting = 0; public FCPMessage() { fields = new Hashtable(); } /** * As you can't fetch the value returns by loadFromRawMessage(), this constructor is not recommanded. */ public FCPMessage(final String rawMessage) { this(); loadFromRawMessage(rawMessage); } /** * Raw message does not need to finish by "EndMessage" / "Data". */ public boolean loadFromRawMessage(final String rawMessage) { int i; final String[] lines = rawMessage.split("\n"); for(i = 0 ; "".equals( lines[i] );) { i++; } setMessageName(lines[i]); for(i++; i < lines.length ; i++) { /* Empty lines are ignored. */ /* Line not containing '=' (like "Data" or "EndMessage") are ignored */ if("".equals( lines[i] ) || !(lines[i].indexOf("=") >= 0)) continue; int equalPos = lines[i].indexOf('='); String name = lines[i].substring(0, equalPos); String value = lines[i].substring(equalPos+1); setValue(name, value); } if("ProtocolError".equals( getMessageName() ) && !"25".equals(getValue("Code")) ) /* code 25 == need to test DDA */ Logger.warning(this, "PROTOCOL ERROR:\n"+toString()); else if (Logger.getLogLevel() <= 3), "Message (Node >> Thaw): "+getMessageName()); else Logger.debug(this, "Message (Node >> Thaw): "+toString()); return true; } public String getMessageName() { return messageName; } public void setMessageName(final String name) { if ((name == null) || "".equals( name )) { Logger.notice(this, "Setting name to empty ? weird"); } if (name.indexOf("\n") >= 0) { Logger.notice(this, "Name shouldn't contain '\n'"); } messageName = name; } public String getValue(final String field) { return ((String)fields.get(field)); } public Hashtable getValues() { return fields; } public void setValue(final String field, final String value) { if("DataLength".equals( field )) { setAmountOfDataWaiting((new Long(value)).longValue()); } if(value == null) { fields.remove(field); return; } fields.put(field, value); } /** * Returns the amount of data waiting on socket (in octets). * @return if > 0 : Data are still waiting (except if the message name is "PersistentPut" !), if == 0 : No data waiting, if < 0 : These data are now unavailable. */ public long getAmountOfDataWaiting() { return dataWaiting; } public void setAmountOfDataWaiting(final long amount) { if(amount == 0) { Logger.warning(this, "Setting amount of data waiting to 0 ?! Abnormal !"); } dataWaiting = amount; } /** * Generate FCP String to send. * If amount of data waiting is set to > 0, then, a field "DataLength" is added, * and resulting string finish by "Data", else resulting string simply finish by "EndMessage". */ public String toString() { String result = "";, "Message (Node << Thaw): "+getMessageName()); result = result + getMessageName() + "\n"; for(final Enumeration fieldNames = fields.keys() ; fieldNames.hasMoreElements();) { final String fieldName = ((String)fieldNames.nextElement()); result = result + fieldName + "=" + getValue(fieldName) + "\n"; } if(getAmountOfDataWaiting() == 0) result = result + "EndMessage\n"; else { result = result + "DataLength="+ (new Long(getAmountOfDataWaiting())).toString() + "\n"; result = result + "Data\n"; } return result; } }