package thaw.core; import java.util.Locale; import javax.swing.UIManager; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Main class. Only used to display some informations and init the core. * * @author <a href="">Jerome Flesch</a> */ public class Main { public final static int _major = 0, _minor = 8, _update = 5; public final static String _svnBuildNumber = "@custom@"; public final static String VERSION = Main._major + "." + Main._minor + "." + Main._update + " r"+Main._svnBuildNumber; /** * Look & feel use by GUI front end */ private static String lookAndFeel = null; /** * Locale (null = default) */ private static String locale = null; private Main() { } /** * Used to start the program * * @param args "-?", "-help", "--help", "/?", "/help", "-lf lookandfeel" */ public static void main(final String[] args) { Core core; Main.extractDeps(); Main.parseCommandLine(args); if(Main.locale != null) I18n.setLocale(new Locale(Main.locale)); core = new Core(); /* we specify to the core what lnf to use */ core.setLookAndFeel(Main.lookAndFeel); /* and we force it to refresh change it right now */ if (Main.lookAndFeel != null) core.setTheme(Main.lookAndFeel); core.initAll(); } /** * This method parses the command line arguments * * @param args the arguments */ private static void parseCommandLine(final String[] args) { int count = 0; try { while (args.length > count) { if ("-?".equals( args[count] ) || "-help".equals( args[count] ) || "--help".equals( args[count] ) || "/?".equals( args[count] ) || "/help".equals( args[count] )) { Main.showHelp(); count++; } else if ("-lf".equals( args[count] )) { Main.lookAndFeel = args[count + 1]; count = count + 2; } else if ("-lc".equals( args[count] )) { Main.locale = args[count + 1]; count = count + 2; } else { Main.showHelp(); } } } catch (final ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception) { Main.showHelp(); } } /** * This method shows a help message on the standard output and exits the * program. */ private static void showHelp() { System.out.println("java -jar thaw.jar [-lf lookAndFeel]\n"); System.out.println("-lf Sets the 'Look and Feel' will use."); System.out.println(" (overriden by the skins preferences)\n"); System.out.println(" These ones are currently available:"); Vector feels = thaw.plugins.ThemeSelector.getPossibleThemes(); for (Iterator it = feels.iterator() ; it.hasNext(); ) { String str = (String); System.out.println(" " + str); } System.out.println("\n And this one is used by default:"); System.out.println(" " + UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() + "\n"); System.out.println("\n-lc Sets the locale to use: 'en' for english,"); System.out.println(" 'fr' for french, etc."); System.out.println(" see"); System.out.println(" for the complete list"); System.exit(0); } /** * need a non-static context */ public void extractFileFromJar(String src, String dst) { try { String realHome = this.getClass().getProtectionDomain(). getCodeSource().getLocation().toString(); String home =, "UTF-8");, "Extracting : "+realHome+" ; "+src+" ; "+dst); ZipFile jar = new ZipFile(home); ZipEntry entry = jar.getEntry(src); File jarFile = new File(dst); InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(jar.getInputStream(entry)); OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jarFile)); byte[] buffer = new byte[2048]; int nBytes; while( (nBytes = > 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, nBytes); } out.flush(); out.close(); in.close(); return; } catch( e) { Logger.warning(this, "Can't extract '"+src+"' because : "+e.toString()); if (e.getCause() != null) Logger.warning(this, "Cause : "+e.getCause().toString()); e.printStackTrace(); } Logger.warning(this, "Will try to continue anyway"); //System.exit(1); } public final static String[] DEPS = new String[] { "jmdns.jar", "hsqldb.jar", "BouncyCastle.jar" }; public static void extractDeps() { Main main = new Main(); /* we erase each time the files to be sure that they are always up to date */ for (int i = 0 ; i < DEPS.length ; i++) { main.extractFileFromJar("lib/"+DEPS[i], DEPS[i]); } } }