package com.roboclub.robobuggy.ros; import java.util.ArrayList; public enum NodeChannel { GPS("gps", true), //The most recent gps coordinate LOGIC_NOTIFICATION("logic_notification", true), PUSHBAR_CAMERA("push_bar_camera", true), VISION("vision", true), AUTO("auto", true), GUI_LOGGING_BUTTON("logging_button", true), RESET("reset", true), STATE("state", true), SIMULATION("simulation", true), POSE("pose", true), SIM_POSE("sim_pose",true), //represents the hidden simulated ground truth NODE_STATUS("node_status", false), PATH_PLANNER("path_planner", true), RC("rc_angle", true), //? FP_HASH("fp_hash", true), STEERING("steering", true), //The current angle that low level is steering to DRIVE_CTRL("drive_ctrl", true), BRAKE_CTRL("commanded brake", true), ENCODER("encoder", true), STEERING_COMMANDED("commanded_steering", true), // the angle that we are commanding the front wheel turn to BATTERY("battery", true), MEGATIME("mega_time", true), DEVICE_ID("device_id", true), BRAKE_STATE("brake_state", true), AUTON_STATE("auton_state", true), ENCODER_RESET("encoder_reset", true), AUTON_BRAKE_STATE("auton_brake_state", true), TELEOP_BRAKE_STATE("teleop_brake_state", true), IMU("imu", true), //The most recent imu measurement HILL_CREST_IMU("hill_crest_imu",true), IMU_MAGNETIC("mag", true), IMU_LINEAR_ACC("imu_linear_acc", true), IMU_ANG_VEL("imu_ang_vel", true), IMU_COMPASS("imu_compass", true), IMU_ANG_POS("imu_ang_pos", true), IMU_ACCELERATION("imu_acceleration", true), IMU_INCLINATION("imu_inclination", true), UNKNOWN_CHANNEL("unknown", false), ; private String rstPath; private String msgPath; private String statePath; private String name; private boolean shouldLog; private NodeChannel(String name, boolean shouldLog) { this.rstPath = "sensors/" + name + "/reset"; this.msgPath = "sensors/" + name; this.statePath = "sensor/" + name + "/state"; = name; this.shouldLog = shouldLog; } public String getRstPath() { return this.rstPath; } public String getMsgPath() { return this.msgPath; } public String getStatePath() { return this.statePath; } public String getName() { return; } public static NodeChannel getNodeForName(String nodeName) { for (NodeChannel node : NodeChannel.values()) { if (node.getName().equals(nodeName)) { return node; } } return UNKNOWN_CHANNEL; } public static NodeChannel[] getLoggingChannels() { ArrayList<NodeChannel> logChannels = new ArrayList<>(); for (NodeChannel channel : NodeChannel.values()) { if (channel.shouldLog) { logChannels.add(channel); } } return logChannels.toArray(new NodeChannel[logChannels.size()]); } }