package; import Jama.Matrix; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.main.Util; /** * @author Trevor Decker * Representation of a so2 point (x,y,orientation) */ public class So2Pose { private Point location; private double orientation; //in radians /** * @param newLocation the new location * @param newOrientation the new orientation */ public So2Pose(Point newLocation, double newOrientation) { this.location = newLocation; this.orientation = Util.normalizeAngleRad(newOrientation); } /** * @param x x cord of the point * @param y y cord of the point * @param newOrientation the new orientation */ public So2Pose(double x, double y, double newOrientation) { location = new Point(x, y); orientation = Util.normalizeAngleRad(newOrientation); } /** * @param postPose the pose that is being applied to the right of the expression * @return the new So2Pose TODO */ public So2Pose mult(So2Pose postPose) { double[][] aM = { { Math.cos(orientation), -Math.sin(orientation), getX() }, { Math.sin(orientation), Math.cos(orientation), getY() }, { 0, 0, 1 } }; double[][] bM = { { Math.cos(postPose.orientation), -Math.sin(postPose.orientation), postPose.getX() }, { Math.sin(postPose.orientation), Math.cos(postPose.orientation), postPose.getY() }, { 0, 0, 1 } }; Matrix a = new Matrix(aM); Matrix b = new Matrix(bM); Matrix c = a.times(b); double th = Util.normalizeAngleRad(Math.atan2(c.get(1, 0), c.get(0, 0))); return new So2Pose(c.get(0, 2), c.get(1, 2), th); } /** * evaluates to the inverse of the so2 pose (the position change needed to get to zero) * * @return an So2Pose object that is the inverse of the current object */ public So2Pose inverse() { double[][] mArray = { { Math.cos(orientation), -Math.sin(orientation), getX() }, { Math.sin(orientation), Math.cos(orientation), getY() }, { 0, 0, 1 } }; Matrix mMatrix = new Matrix(mArray); Matrix mMatrixInv = mMatrix.inverse(); double th = Util.normalizeAngleRad(Math.atan2(mMatrixInv.get(1, 0), mMatrixInv.get(0, 0))); return new So2Pose(mMatrixInv.get(0, 2), mMatrixInv.get(1, 2), th); } /** * updates the values of the pose * * @param newPoint the new se2 point to be set * @param newOrientation the new orientation */ public void updatePoint(Point newPoint, double newOrientation) { this.orientation = Util.normalizeAngleRad(newOrientation); this.location = newPoint; } /** * returns the most recent position (se2 point) value * * @return se2 Point */ public Point getSe2Point() { return location; } /** * @return the x coordinate of the of the se2 position of the pose */ public double getX() { return location.getX(); } /** * @return the y coordinate of the se2 position of the pose */ public double getY() { return location.getY(); } /** * @return the orientation of the pose */ public double getOrientation() { return orientation; } /** * Evaluates to the identity object for So2Pose (no position, or orientation change) * * @return the Identity So2Pose */ public static So2Pose identity() { return new So2Pose(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } /** * hashcode function needed for storing the object */ @Override public int hashCode() { return (int) (getOrientation() * getX() * 1000); } /** * equals function for So2Pose that can be used to check if two poses are the same * * @return equality */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof So2Pose)) { return false; } So2Pose otherPose = (So2Pose) o; if (Math.abs(otherPose.getX() - getX()) > .0001) { return false; } if (Math.abs(otherPose.getY() - getY()) > .0001) { return false; } if (Math.abs(otherPose.getOrientation() - getOrientation()) > .0001) { return false; } //all values were equal so the two poses represent the same pose aka they are equal return true; } /** * evaluates to a string encoding information about this class * * @return a string encoding what this objects information */ public String toString() { return "{So2Pose | x: " + getX() + ", y: " + getY() + ", orintation:" + getOrientation() + "}"; } }