package com.roboclub.robobuggy.nodes.sensors; import; import; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.main.RobobuggyConfigFile; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.main.RobobuggyLogicNotification; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.main.RobobuggyMessageLevel; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Scanner; /** * @author Trevor Decker * An object for reading the header configuration file so that low level and high level are synchronized on the RBSM communication protocol */ public class RBSMConfigReader { private JsonObject headers; private static RBSMConfigReader instance; /** * evaluates to a reference of the only RBSMConfigReader on the system * allows for any object to access header information * * @return RBSMConfigReader reference */ public static synchronized RBSMConfigReader getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new RBSMConfigReader(); } return instance; } /** * gets the headers json object * * @return the json object to lookup header values */ public JsonObject getHeaders() { return headers; } /** * The constructor for the RBSMConfig reader, this file function is where the RBSM header file is read and its data is stored */ public RBSMConfigReader() { headers = new JsonObject(); try { Scanner fileIn = new Scanner(new File(RobobuggyConfigFile.RBSM_HEADER_FILE_LOCATION), "UTF-8"); while (fileIn.hasNextLine()) { String line = fileIn.nextLine(); if (!line.equals("") && !line.contains("//")) { String[] lineContents = line.split(", "); String headerName = lineContents[0]; int headerNumber = Integer.parseInt(lineContents[1]); headers.addProperty(headerName, headerNumber); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { new RobobuggyLogicNotification("rbsm header File not read correctly: " + e.getMessage(), RobobuggyMessageLevel.EXCEPTION); } } /** * Determines if the headerByte is a valid RBSM header * * @param headerByte header byte * @return true iff the headerByte is valid */ public boolean isValidHeader(byte headerByte) { //see if that's a value in the headers object for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> object : headers.entrySet()) { if (object.getValue().getAsByte() == headerByte) { return true; } } return false; } }