package com.roboclub.robobuggy.nodes.sensors; import; import; import; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.main.RobobuggyConfigFile; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.main.RobobuggyLogicNotification; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.main.RobobuggyMessageLevel; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.BrakeMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.EncoderMeasurement; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.FingerPrintMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.GPSPoseMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.GpsMeasurement; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.GuiLoggingButtonMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.ImageMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.ImuMeasurement; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.NodeStatusMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.ResetMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.RobobuggyLogicNotificationMeasurement; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.StateMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.SteeringMeasurement; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.nodes.baseNodes.BuggyBaseNode; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.nodes.baseNodes.BuggyDecoratorNode; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.nodes.baseNodes.SerialNode; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.ros.Message; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.ros.MessageListener; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.ros.NodeChannel; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.ros.Publisher; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.ros.Subscriber; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.ui.Gui; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; /** * {@link SerialNode} for reading in logging commands from the GUI * When logging begins, a new folder is created, and then logging begins * to that folder */ public class LoggingNode extends BuggyDecoratorNode { private Publisher loggingButtonPub; private File outputFile; private File outputDirectory; private NodeChannel[] filters; private LinkedBlockingQueue<Message> messageQueue; private LogWriterThread loggingThread; private boolean keepLogging; private static final int MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 10000; private Publisher statusPub; private static final String DATE_FILE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"; /** * the statuses of the logging node */ public enum LoggingNodeStatus implements INodeStatus { INITIALIZED, STARTED_LOGGING, STOPPED_LOGGING, } /** * Create a new {@link LoggingNode} decorator * * @param channel the {@link NodeChannel} of the {@link LoggingNode} * @param outputDirPath The path to the output directory (not file) * @param filters sensors to log. To log all sensors, just use NodeChannel.values() */ public LoggingNode(NodeChannel channel, String outputDirPath, NodeChannel... filters) { super(new BuggyBaseNode(channel), "logging_node"); this.filters = filters; messageQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(MAX_QUEUE_SIZE); keepLogging = true; outputDirectory = new File(outputDirPath); statusPub = new Publisher(NodeChannel.NODE_STATUS.getMsgPath()); setupSubscriberList(); if (!RobobuggyConfigFile.isDataPlayBack()) { setupLoggingTrigger(); } statusPub.publish(new NodeStatusMessage(LoggingNode.class, LoggingNodeStatus.INITIALIZED, null)); } /** * Starts the logging process */ private void setupLoggingTrigger() { new Subscriber("log", NodeChannel.GUI_LOGGING_BUTTON.getMsgPath(), new MessageListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(String topicName, Message m) { GuiLoggingButtonMessage message = (GuiLoggingButtonMessage) m; if (message.getLoggingMessage().equals(GuiLoggingButtonMessage.LoggingMessage.START)) { if (!createNewLogFile()) { new RobobuggyLogicNotification("Error creating new log file!", RobobuggyMessageLevel.EXCEPTION); return; } // we want to clear out old messages every time we start to log messageQueue.clear(); keepLogging = true; loggingThread = new LogWriterThread(); loggingThread.start(); new RobobuggyLogicNotification("Starting up logging thread!", RobobuggyMessageLevel.NOTE); JsonObject params = new JsonObject(); params.addProperty("outputDir", outputDirectory.getPath()); statusPub.publish(new NodeStatusMessage(LoggingNode.class, LoggingNodeStatus.STARTED_LOGGING, params)); } else if (message.getLoggingMessage().equals(GuiLoggingButtonMessage.LoggingMessage.STOP)) { keepLogging = false; new RobobuggyLogicNotification("Stopping logging thread!", RobobuggyMessageLevel.NOTE); statusPub.publish(new NodeStatusMessage(LoggingNode.class, LoggingNodeStatus.STOPPED_LOGGING, null)); loggingThread.interrupt(); } else { new RobobuggyLogicNotification("Gui said something logger couldn't understand!", RobobuggyMessageLevel.EXCEPTION); } } }); } /** * Sets up the subscriber list - Simply enumerates over our NodeChannel filters and adds * a subscriber for each one */ private void setupSubscriberList() { for (NodeChannel filter : filters) { new Subscriber("log", filter.getMsgPath(), new MessageListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(String topicName, Message m) { while (!messageQueue.offer(m)) { messageQueue.poll(); } } }); } } /** * Method to create a file name from a Date * * @param d date to create the file name from * @return the date as a filename-compatible string */ private static String formatDateIntoFile(Date d) { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FILE_FORMAT); return dateFormat.format(d); } /** * Creates the log file, and returns the status * Returns false if anything went wrong, but already throws the logic exception * * @return the status of the operation - true if it succeeded, false if it didn't */ private boolean createNewLogFile() { if (!outputDirectory.exists() || !outputDirectory.isDirectory()) { new RobobuggyLogicNotification("Output directory path isn't a folder!", RobobuggyMessageLevel.EXCEPTION); return false; } Date logCreationDate = new Date(); outputDirectory = new File(RobobuggyConfigFile.LOG_FILE_LOCATION + "/" + formatDateIntoFile(logCreationDate)); if (!outputDirectory.mkdirs()) { new RobobuggyLogicNotification("Couldn't create log folder!", RobobuggyMessageLevel.EXCEPTION); return false; } // each log file is called {filename}_{date}.txt outputFile = new File(outputDirectory.getPath() + "/" + RobobuggyConfigFile.LOG_FILE_NAME + "_" + formatDateIntoFile(logCreationDate) + ".txt") ; try { if (!outputFile.createNewFile()) { new RobobuggyLogicNotification("Couldn't create log file!", RobobuggyMessageLevel.EXCEPTION); return false; } } catch (IOException e) { new RobobuggyLogicNotification("Error reading the filesystem!", RobobuggyMessageLevel.EXCEPTION); return false; } //everything succeeded! return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected boolean startDecoratorNode() { loggingButtonPub = new Publisher(NodeChannel.GUI_LOGGING_BUTTON.getMsgPath()); new Subscriber("log", Gui.GuiPubSubTopics.GUI_LOG_BUTTON_UPDATED.toString(), new MessageListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(String topicName, Message m) { loggingButtonPub.publish(m); } }); return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected boolean shutdownDecoratorNode() { return true; } /** * LogWriterThread - where we actually process each message and write it to the file */ private class LogWriterThread extends Thread { private PrintStream fileWriteStream; private Gson messageTranslator; private int imuHits = 0; private int encoderHits = 0; private int gpsHits = 0; private int brakeHits = 0; private int fingerprintHits = 0; private int steeringHits = 0; private int logicNotificationHits = 0; private int logButtonHits = 0; private int imageHits = 0; private int poseMessageHits = 0; private int resetHits = 0; private int stateHits = 0; private String name = "\"name\": \"Robobuggy Data Logs\","; private String schemaVersion = "\"schema_version\": 1.1,"; private String dateRecorded = "\"date_recorded\": \"" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").format(new Date()) + "\","; private String swVersion = "\"software_version\": \"" + RobobuggyConfigFile.ALICE_LIBRARY_VERSION + "\","; private String sensorDataHeader = "\"sensor_data\": ["; private String footerDataEntry = " {\"VERSION_ID\":\"STOP\"}"; @Override public void interrupt() { //// TODO: 2/6/2016 add the stop message to the end of the queue, so that we parse all messageQueue.clear(); printDataBreakdown(); } /** * Instantiates a new LogWriterThread by clearing the message queue */ LogWriterThread() { } @Override public synchronized void run() { try { fileWriteStream = new PrintStream(outputFile, "UTF-8"); messageTranslator = new GsonBuilder() .excludeFieldsWithModifiers(Modifier.TRANSIENT) .serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues() .create() ; } catch (FileNotFoundException | UnsupportedEncodingException e) { new RobobuggyLogicNotification("Error setting up the output file. Aborting logging!", RobobuggyMessageLevel.EXCEPTION); return; } fileWriteStream.println("{" + "\n " + name + "\n " + schemaVersion + "\n " + dateRecorded + "\n " + swVersion + "\n " + sensorDataHeader); //always want to log :) while (keepLogging) { //block until we have a message from the queue Message toSort; try { toSort = messageQueue.take(); String msgAsJsonString = messageTranslator.toJson(toSort); // and if you look on your right you'll see the almost-unnecessary // giganti-frickin-ic telemetry block if (toSort instanceof BrakeMessage) { brakeHits++; } else if (toSort instanceof EncoderMeasurement) { encoderHits++; } else if (toSort instanceof FingerPrintMessage) { fingerprintHits++; } else if (toSort instanceof GpsMeasurement) { gpsHits++; } else if (toSort instanceof GuiLoggingButtonMessage) { logButtonHits++; } else if (toSort instanceof ImuMeasurement) { imuHits++; } else if (toSort instanceof GPSPoseMessage) { poseMessageHits++; } else if (toSort instanceof ResetMessage) { resetHits++; } else if (toSort instanceof RobobuggyLogicNotificationMeasurement) { logicNotificationHits++; } else if (toSort instanceof StateMessage) { stateHits++; } else if (toSort instanceof SteeringMeasurement) { steeringHits++; } else if (toSort instanceof ImageMessage) { imageHits++; } fileWriteStream.println(" " + msgAsJsonString + ","); fileWriteStream.flush(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { //flush all the messages that came after the stop button messageQueue.clear(); //note level since this is expected behavior new RobobuggyLogicNotification("Logging was interrupted, exiting logging thread!", RobobuggyMessageLevel.NOTE); } } } private synchronized void printDataBreakdown() { //we've stopped logging JsonObject dataBreakdown = new JsonObject(); dataBreakdown.addProperty(NodeChannel.GUI_LOGGING_BUTTON.getName(), logButtonHits); dataBreakdown.addProperty(NodeChannel.GPS.getName(), gpsHits); dataBreakdown.addProperty(NodeChannel.IMU.getName(), imuHits); dataBreakdown.addProperty(NodeChannel.ENCODER.getName(), encoderHits); dataBreakdown.addProperty(NodeChannel.BRAKE_STATE.getName(), brakeHits); dataBreakdown.addProperty(NodeChannel.STEERING.getName(), steeringHits); dataBreakdown.addProperty(NodeChannel.FP_HASH.getName(), fingerprintHits); dataBreakdown.addProperty(NodeChannel.LOGIC_NOTIFICATION.getName(), logicNotificationHits); dataBreakdown.addProperty(NodeChannel.PUSHBAR_CAMERA.getName(), imageHits); dataBreakdown.addProperty(NodeChannel.POSE.getName(), poseMessageHits); dataBreakdown.addProperty(NodeChannel.RESET.getName(), resetHits); dataBreakdown.addProperty(NodeChannel.STATE.getName(), stateHits); fileWriteStream.println(footerDataEntry); fileWriteStream.println(" ],\n \"data_breakdown\" : " + dataBreakdown.toString() + "\n}"); fileWriteStream.close(); new RobobuggyLogicNotification("Finished writing to file", RobobuggyMessageLevel.NOTE); } } }