package com.roboclub.robobuggy.simulation; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.main.Util; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.GPSPoseMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.ros.NodeChannel; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.ros.Publisher; import java.util.Date; import java.util.TimerTask; /** * @author Trevor Decker * <p> * The controller class for tracking how the buggy actually hidden state allowing for simulated * sensors to receive information * y is latitude, x is longitude */ public final class SimulatedBuggy { private static SimulatedBuggy instance; private boolean brakesDown = false; private Publisher simPosePub = new Publisher(NodeChannel.SIM_POSE.getMsgPath()); /** * @return the brakesDown */ public boolean isBrakesDown() { return brakesDown; } /** * @param brakesDown the brakesDown to set */ public void setBrakesDown(boolean brakesDown) { this.brakesDown = brakesDown; } private double x = 0.0; private double y = 0.0; private double th = 0.0; private double wheelTh = 0.0;//the orintation in buggy coordinates of the front wheel private double desiredWheelTh = 0.0; private double dx = 0.0; private double dy = 0.0; private long lastUpdateTime; /** * @return a reference to the simulated buggy */ public static synchronized SimulatedBuggy getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new SimulatedBuggy(); } return instance; } /** * Constructor for the simulated buggy */ private SimulatedBuggy() { //set init values x = 0.0; y = 0.0; th = 0.0; //in degrees dx = 0.0; dy = 0.0; lastUpdateTime = new Date().getTime(); java.util.Timer t = new java.util.Timer(); t.schedule(new TimerTask() { //TODO add delays and error @Override public void run() { //figure out timing long now = new Date().getTime(); long dtMili = now - lastUpdateTime; lastUpdateTime = now; double dt = dtMili / 1000.0; // double dth = desiredWheelTh - wheelTh; // if(dth > .1){ // dth = .1; // }else if(dth < -.1){ // dth = -.1; // } wheelTh = desiredWheelTh;//wheelTh + dth; double heading = Util.normalizeAngleDeg(wheelTh + th); //the direction of the front wheel in world frame double headingRad = Math.toRadians(heading); //now update the internal state x = x + dx * Math.cos(headingRad) * dt - dy * Math.sin(headingRad) * dt + 0;//(2*Math.random()-1)/10; y = y + dx * Math.sin(headingRad) * dt + dy * Math.cos(headingRad) * dt + 0;//(2*Math.random()-1)/10; th = heading; //TODO make pose message periodic simPosePub.publish(new GPSPoseMessage(new Date(), y, x, th)); } }, 1000, 25); } /** * Getter for the wheel angle * * @return the current wheel value */ public double getWheelTh() { return wheelTh; } /** * updates the orientation of the front wheel * * @param newWheelTh the orientation of the front wheel */ public void setWheelTh(double newWheelTh) { desiredWheelTh = newWheelTh; } /** * @return the x */ public double getX() { return x; } /** * @param x the x to set */ public void setX(double x) { this.x = x; } /** * @return the y */ public double getY() { return y; } /** * @param y the y to set */ public void setY(double y) { this.y = y; } /** * @return the current th value in degrees */ public double getTh() { return th; } /** * @param th the th to set in degrees */ public void setTh(double th) { = th; } /** * @return the dx */ public double getDx() { return dx; } /** * @param dx the dx to set */ public void setDx(double dx) { this.dx = dx; } /** * @return the dy */ public double getDy() { return dy; } /** * @param dy the dy to set */ public void setDy(double dy) { this.dy = dy; } }