package com.roboclub.robobuggy.nodes.sensors; import com.hcrest.jfreespace.Device; import com.hcrest.jfreespace.DeviceListenerInterface; import com.hcrest.jfreespace.Discovery; import com.hcrest.jfreespace.DiscoveryListenerInterface; import com.hcrest.jfreespace.FreespaceErrorCodes; import com.hcrest.jfreespace.inreport.FreespaceMsgInMotionEngineOutput; import com.hcrest.jfreespace.inreport.HidInMsg; import com.hcrest.jfreespace.outreport.FreespaceMsgOutDataModeControlV2Request; import com.hcrest.jfreespace.outreport.HidOutMsg; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.main.RobobuggyLogicNotification; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.main.RobobuggyMessageLevel; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.IMUAccelerationMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.IMUAngularPositionMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.IMUAngularVelocityMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.IMUCompassMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.IMUInclinationMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.IMULinearAccelerationMessage; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.messages.MagneticMeasurement; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.nodes.baseNodes.BuggyBaseNode; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.nodes.baseNodes.BuggyDecoratorNode; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.ros.NodeChannel; import com.roboclub.robobuggy.ros.Publisher; /** * A node to communicate with the Hillcrest Freespace 9DOF IMU * * Comments will make callbacks to page numbers on the datasheet/reference manual, which can be found here: * */ public class HillCrestImuNode extends BuggyDecoratorNode implements DeviceListenerInterface, DiscoveryListenerInterface { private Device hillcrestImu; // Constants private static final int IMU_FORMAT_MODE = 1; // Mode 1 - page 21 // Publishers for the different messages private Publisher accelerationPub; private Publisher linearAccelerationPub; private Publisher angularVelocityPub; private Publisher magnetometerPub; private Publisher inclinationPub; private Publisher compassHeadingPub; private Publisher angularPositionPub; /** * Creates a new Hillcrest IMU node */ public HillCrestImuNode() { super(new BuggyBaseNode(NodeChannel.IMU), "Hillcrest IMU"); // initialize the publishers accelerationPub = new Publisher(NodeChannel.IMU_ACCELERATION.getMsgPath()); linearAccelerationPub = new Publisher(NodeChannel.IMU_LINEAR_ACC.getMsgPath()); angularVelocityPub = new Publisher(NodeChannel.IMU_ANG_VEL.getMsgPath()); magnetometerPub = new Publisher(NodeChannel.IMU_MAGNETIC.getMsgPath()); inclinationPub = new Publisher(NodeChannel.IMU_INCLINATION.getMsgPath()); compassHeadingPub = new Publisher(NodeChannel.IMU_COMPASS.getMsgPath()); angularPositionPub = new Publisher(NodeChannel.IMU_ANG_POS.getMsgPath()); } @Override protected boolean startDecoratorNode() { // look for an IMU, and add this as a listener Discovery.getInstance().addListener(this); return true; } @Override protected boolean shutdownDecoratorNode() { Discovery.getInstance().removeListener(this); return true; } /** * This method parses the IMU data array by using the spec on Pages 22 and 23 of the * reference manual * * Note that parameters i and l are unknown since this overrides a method given to us in a * library without documentation. We do not use these parameters, and so ignore them. * * @param device the IMU in question * @param message the message from the IMU * @param i [Unknown] * @param l [Unknown] */ @Override public void handleRead(Device device, HidInMsg message, int i, long l) { // first check whether the message was the kind we're looking for // at this point we are only handling MotionEngineOutput messages if (!(message instanceof FreespaceMsgInMotionEngineOutput)) { new RobobuggyLogicNotification("IMU gave us a message other than motion engine output!", RobobuggyMessageLevel.NOTE); return; } FreespaceMsgInMotionEngineOutput imuMotionEngineOutput = ((FreespaceMsgInMotionEngineOutput) message); // check whether we are in the correct mode if (imuMotionEngineOutput.getFormatSelect() != IMU_FORMAT_MODE) { new RobobuggyLogicNotification("IMU is in an unexpected mode!", RobobuggyMessageLevel.EXCEPTION); return; } // get the data array, and start our tracker int[] imuDataArray = imuMotionEngineOutput.getMeData(); int dataArrayOffset = 0; // FF0 measures acceleration in the x, y, z coordinates (outlined on the device) // x positive is to the right // y positive is forward // z positive is up // reported in units of 0.01g if (imuMotionEngineOutput.getFf0()) { int xAccelInHundredths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double xAccel = xAccelInHundredths / 100.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; int yAccelInHundredths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double yAccel = yAccelInHundredths / 100.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; int zAccelInHundredths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double zAccel = zAccelInHundredths / 100.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; accelerationPub.publish(new IMUAccelerationMessage(xAccel, yAccel, zAccel)); } // FF1 measures linear acceleration in the xyz plane (outlined on the device) // x positive is right // y positive is forward // z positive is up // reported in units of 0.01g if (imuMotionEngineOutput.getFf1()) { int xAccelInHundredths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double xAccel = xAccelInHundredths / 100.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; int yAccelInHundredths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double yAccel = yAccelInHundredths / 100.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; int zAccelInHundredths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double zAccel = zAccelInHundredths / 100.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; linearAccelerationPub.publish(new IMULinearAccelerationMessage(xAccel, yAccel, zAccel)); } // FF2 measures angular velocity // +x is tilt up (pitch) // +y is tilt right (roll) // +z is turn left (yaw) // reported in units of 0.1 degrees/sec if (imuMotionEngineOutput.getFf2()) { int xAngularVelocityInTenths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double xAngularVel = xAngularVelocityInTenths / 10.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; int yAngularVelocityInTenths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double yAngularVel = yAngularVelocityInTenths / 10.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; int zAngularVelocityInTenths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double zAngularVel = zAngularVelocityInTenths / 10.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; angularVelocityPub.publish(new IMUAngularVelocityMessage(xAngularVel, yAngularVel, zAngularVel)); } // FF3 measures the magnetometer with respect to the device frame of reference // +x is forward // +y is to the right // +z is down // reported in units of 0.001 gauss if (imuMotionEngineOutput.getFf3()) { int xMagInThousandths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double xMag = xMagInThousandths / 1000.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; int yMagInThousandths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double yMag = yMagInThousandths / 1000.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; int zMagInThousandths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double zMag = zMagInThousandths / 1000.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; magnetometerPub.publish(new MagneticMeasurement(xMag, yMag, zMag)); } // FF4 measures the inclination // +x is tilt up (pitch) // +y is tilt right (roll) // +z is turn left (yaw) // reported in units of 0.1 degrees if (imuMotionEngineOutput.getFf4()) { int xInclinationInTenths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double xInclination = xInclinationInTenths / 10.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; int yInclinationInTenths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double yInclination = yInclinationInTenths / 10.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; int zInclinationInTenths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double zInclination = zInclinationInTenths / 10.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; inclinationPub.publish(new IMUInclinationMessage(xInclination, yInclination, zInclination)); } // FF5 measures the compass heading // reported in units of 0.1 degrees if (imuMotionEngineOutput.getFf5()) { int degreesInTenths = extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset); double degrees = degreesInTenths/10.0; dataArrayOffset += 2; compassHeadingPub.publish(new IMUCompassMessage(degrees)); } // FF6 measures angular position // Gives 4 quaternions (dimensionless) that are expressed as Q14 decimals if (imuMotionEngineOutput.getFf6()) { double w = convertQNToDouble(extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset), 14); dataArrayOffset += 2; double x = convertQNToDouble(extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset), 14); dataArrayOffset += 2; double y = convertQNToDouble(extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset), 14); dataArrayOffset += 2; double z = convertQNToDouble(extractHalfWordFromDataArray(imuDataArray, dataArrayOffset), 14); dataArrayOffset += 2; double r11 = 1 - 2 * y * y - 2 * z * z; double r12 = 2 * x * y - 2 * z * w; double r13 = 2 * x * z + 2 * y * w; double r21 = 2 * x * y + 2 * z * w; double r22 = 1 - 2 * x * x - 2 * z * z; double r23 = 2 * y * z - 2 * x * w; double r31 = 2 * x * z - 2 * y * w; double r32 = 2 * y * z + 2 * x * w; double r33 = 1 - 2 * x * x - 2 * y * y; //TODO normalize //extracts double[][] rot = { { r11, r12, r13 }, { r21, r22, r23 }, { r31, r32, r33 } }; angularPositionPub.publish(new IMUAngularPositionMessage(rot)); } } /** * Returns a 2-byte data value from the IMU's data array * @param data the byte array for the IMU * @param offsetInBytes the offset into the data array where the halfword starts from. Note that this value does * NOT get increased, you will need to keep track of an offset externally * @return the halfword extracted */ protected int extractHalfWordFromDataArray(int[] data, int offsetInBytes) { int lsb = data[offsetInBytes]; int msb = data[offsetInBytes + 1]; return ((msb << 8) | lsb); } /** * Converts from fixed point to floating point * * Some of the imu data is expressed as fixed point numbers, with the format of Q{N}, * where Q represents 'fixed point', and N represents the point. Q10 represents a * fixed point number with 1 sign bit, 5 integer bits and 10 fractional bits * * More info is found on Page 18 * * The algorithm is as follows on Wikipedia: * * * @param q the 16-bit fixed-point number * @param n the location of the point * @return Converted floating point val */ protected double convertQNToDouble(int q, int n) { // convert it to a double double qDouble = (double) q; // get the sign bit int signBit = (q >> 15) & 0x1; int sign = 0; if (signBit == 0) { sign = 1; } else { sign = -1; } // multiply it by 2^(-n) return sign * qDouble * Math.pow(2, -1 * n); } @Override public void handleSend(Device device, HidOutMsg hidOutMsg, int i) { } @Override public void notifyRemoved(Device device) { } @Override public void freespaceDeviceInserted(Device device) { hillcrestImu = device; // open the device FreespaceErrorCodes openResponse =; if (!openResponse.equals(FreespaceErrorCodes.FREESPACE_SUCCESS)) { new RobobuggyLogicNotification("Error opening IMU!", RobobuggyMessageLevel.EXCEPTION); return; } int modeAndStatus = 8; // bit 3 set gives Full Motion On mode - page 41 int packetSelect = 8; // 8 = MotionEngineOutput - page 41 int formatSelect = IMU_FORMAT_MODE; // Mode 1 - page 21 FreespaceMsgOutDataModeControlV2Request configMsg = new FreespaceMsgOutDataModeControlV2Request(); configMsg.setModeAndStatus(modeAndStatus); configMsg.setPacketSelect(packetSelect); configMsg.setFormatSelect(formatSelect); // we want to make sure that we get all the packets // the Format Flags are basically a way to enable each individual sensor - page 41 configMsg.setFf0(true); configMsg.setFf1(true); configMsg.setFf2(true); configMsg.setFf3(true); configMsg.setFf4(true); configMsg.setFf5(true); configMsg.setFf6(true); configMsg.setFf7(true); // send down the config info, and get the response FreespaceErrorCodes configResponse = hillcrestImu.sendMessage(configMsg); if (!configResponse.equals(FreespaceErrorCodes.FREESPACE_SUCCESS)) { new RobobuggyLogicNotification("Error configuring IMU!", RobobuggyMessageLevel.EXCEPTION); } } @Override public void freespaceDeviceRemoved(Device device) { // close doesn't return a status hillcrestImu.close(); hillcrestImu = null; } }