package com.roboclub.robobuggy.nodes.localizers; import java.util.Map; /** * Created by vivaanbahl on 3/31/16. * A location to store helper functions for localizers */ public class LocalizerUtil { // some math for the conversion of latitude to meters // obtained from Wikipedia article on latitude as well as Google Maps private static final double ONE_DEG_LON_TO_METERS_EQUATOR = 111319.9; private static final double ONE_DEG_LAT_TO_METERS = ONE_DEG_LON_TO_METERS_EQUATOR; // delta Lat doesn't depend on degree private static final double LAT_DEGREE_PITTSBURGH = 40.440310; // center of Schenley private static final double ONE_DEG_LON_TO_METERS_PITTSBURGH = ONE_DEG_LON_TO_METERS_EQUATOR * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(LAT_DEGREE_PITTSBURGH)); /** * Takes 2 GPS points and computes the distance and heading between them * * @param point1 point 1 * @param point2 point 2 * @return a pair whose 1st is the distance in meters, and whose 2nd is the heading in radians */ public static Map.Entry<Double, Double> convertLatLngDeltaToMeters(LocTuple point1, LocTuple point2) { double deltaLon = point2.getLongitude() - point1.getLongitude(); double deltaLat = point2.getLatitude() - point1.getLatitude(); double deltaMetersX = deltaLon * ONE_DEG_LON_TO_METERS_PITTSBURGH; double deltaMetersY = deltaLat * ONE_DEG_LAT_TO_METERS; double deltaMeters = Math.sqrt(deltaMetersX * deltaMetersX + deltaMetersY * deltaMetersY); double heading = Math.atan2(deltaLat, deltaLon); return new Map.Entry<Double, Double>() { @Override public Double getKey() { return deltaMeters; } @Override public Double getValue() { return heading; } @Override public Double setValue(Double value) { return null; } }; } /** * Converts a delta distance into a delta of GPS coordinates * * @param meters the distance travelled in meters * @param heading the heading travelled <b>(IN DEGREES)</b> * @return a {@link LocTuple} whose lat and lon are the DELTAS to add to a position estimate */ public static LocTuple convertMetersToLatLng(double meters, double heading) { double deltaMetersX = meters * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(heading)); double deltaMetersY = meters * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(heading)); double deltaDegreesLat = convertMetersToLat(deltaMetersY); double deltaDegreesLon = convertMetersToLon(deltaMetersX); return new LocTuple(deltaDegreesLat, deltaDegreesLon); } /** * converts meters to Lattitude * * @param meters distince in meters * @return distince in lattitude */ public static double convertMetersToLat(double meters) { return meters / ONE_DEG_LAT_TO_METERS; } /** * converts meters to longitude only works around pittsbrugh * * @param meters distance in meters * @return distance in lattitude */ public static double convertMetersToLon(double meters) { return meters / ONE_DEG_LON_TO_METERS_PITTSBURGH; } /** * Converts latitude to meters * * @param lat distance in latitude * @return distance in meters */ public static double convertLatToMeters(double lat) { return lat * ONE_DEG_LAT_TO_METERS; } /** * converts longitude to meters * * @param lon distance in longitude * @return distance in meters */ public static double convertLonToMeters(double lon) { return lon * ONE_DEG_LON_TO_METERS_PITTSBURGH; } // /** * UTM (meter-based projections) to GPS Lat/Long is from * * It looks like it is based on the same algorithm as * * * @param loc a gps location tuple to be converted to a utm tuple * @return utm tuple of the position */ public static UTMTuple deg2UTM(LocTuple loc) { double lat = loc.getLatitude(); double lon = loc.getLongitude(); double easting; double northing; int zone; char letter; zone = (int) Math.floor(lon / 6 + 31); if (lat < -72) letter = 'C'; else if (lat < -64) letter = 'D'; else if (lat < -56) letter = 'E'; else if (lat < -48) letter = 'F'; else if (lat < -40) letter = 'G'; else if (lat < -32) letter = 'H'; else if (lat < -24) letter = 'J'; else if (lat < -16) letter = 'K'; else if (lat < -8) letter = 'L'; else if (lat < 0) letter = 'M'; else if (lat < 8) letter = 'N'; else if (lat < 16) letter = 'P'; else if (lat < 24) letter = 'Q'; else if (lat < 32) letter = 'R'; else if (lat < 40) letter = 'S'; else if (lat < 48) letter = 'T'; else if (lat < 56) letter = 'U'; else if (lat < 64) letter = 'V'; else if (lat < 72) letter = 'W'; else letter = 'X'; easting = 0.5 * Math.log((1 + Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180) * Math.sin(lon * Math.PI / 180 - (6 * zone - 183) * Math.PI / 180)) / (1 - Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180) * Math.sin(lon * Math.PI / 180 - (6 * zone - 183) * Math.PI / 180))) * 0.9996 * 6399593.62 / Math.pow((1 + Math.pow(0.0820944379, 2) * Math.pow(Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180), 2)), 0.5) * (1 + Math.pow(0.0820944379, 2) / 2 * Math.pow((0.5 * Math.log((1 + Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180) * Math.sin(lon * Math.PI / 180 - (6 * zone - 183) * Math.PI / 180)) / (1 - Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180) * Math.sin(lon * Math.PI / 180 - (6 * zone - 183) * Math.PI / 180)))), 2) * Math.pow(Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180), 2) / 3) + 500000; easting = Math.round(easting * 100) * 0.01; northing = (Math.atan(Math.tan(lat * Math.PI / 180) / Math.cos((lon * Math.PI / 180 - (6 * zone - 183) * Math.PI / 180))) - lat * Math.PI / 180) * 0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt(1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180), 2)) * (1 + 0.006739496742 / 2 * Math.pow(0.5 * Math.log((1 + Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180) * Math.sin((lon * Math.PI / 180 - (6 * zone - 183) * Math.PI / 180))) / (1 - Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180) * Math.sin((lon * Math.PI / 180 - (6 * zone - 183) * Math.PI / 180)))), 2) * Math.pow(Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180), 2)) + 0.9996 * 6399593.625 * (lat * Math.PI / 180 - 0.005054622556 * (lat * Math.PI / 180 + Math.sin(2 * lat * Math.PI / 180) / 2) + 4.258201531e-05 * (3 * (lat * Math.PI / 180 + Math.sin(2 * lat * Math.PI / 180) / 2) + Math.sin(2 * lat * Math.PI / 180) * Math.pow(Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180), 2)) / 4 - 1.674057895e-07 * (5 * (3 * (lat * Math.PI / 180 + Math.sin(2 * lat * Math.PI / 180) / 2) + Math.sin(2 * lat * Math.PI / 180) * Math.pow(Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180), 2)) / 4 + Math.sin(2 * lat * Math.PI / 180) * Math.pow(Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180), 2) * Math.pow(Math.cos(lat * Math.PI / 180), 2)) / 3); if (letter < 'M') northing = northing + 10000000; northing = Math.round(northing * 100) * 0.01; return new UTMTuple(zone, letter, easting, northing); } /** * Converts from utm to gps degrees * * @param loc the input utm tuple * @return the output gps coordinates */ public static LocTuple utm2Deg(UTMTuple loc) { int zone = loc.getZone(); char letter = loc.getLetter(); double easting = loc.getEasting(); double northing = loc.getNorthing(); double latitude; double longitude; double hem; if (letter > 'M') hem = 'N'; else hem = 'S'; double north; if (hem == 'S') north = northing - 10000000; else north = northing; latitude = (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + (1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) , 2) - 0.006739496742 * Math.sin(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * (Math.atan(Math.cos(Math.atan((Math.exp((easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))) * (1 - 0.006739496742 * Math.pow((easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow( Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))), 2) / 2 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2) / 3)) - Math.exp(-(easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt(( 1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))) * (1 - 0.006739496742 * Math.pow((easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow( Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))), 2) / 2 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2) / 3))) / 2 / Math.cos((north - 0.9996 * 6399593.625 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 - 0.006739496742 * 3 / 4 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.pow(0.006739496742 * 3 / 4, 2) * 5 / 3 * (3 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 4 - Math.pow(0.006739496742 * 3 / 4, 3) * 35 / 27 * (5 * (3 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 4 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 3)) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt( (1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))) * (1 - 0.006739496742 * Math.pow((easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow( Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))), 2) / 2 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) + north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996))) * Math.tan((north - 0.9996 * 6399593.625 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 - 0.006739496742 * 3 / 4 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.pow(0.006739496742 * 3 / 4, 2) * 5 / 3 * (3 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 4 - Math.pow(0.006739496742 * 3 / 4, 3) * 35 / 27 * (5 * (3 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 4 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 3)) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))) * (1 - 0.006739496742 * Math.pow((easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))), 2) / 2 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) + north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996)) - north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * 3 / 2) * (Math.atan(Math.cos(Math.atan((Math.exp((easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt( (1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))) * (1 - 0.006739496742 * Math.pow((easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))), 2) / 2 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2) / 3)) - Math.exp(-(easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))) * (1 - 0.006739496742 * Math.pow((easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos( north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))), 2) / 2 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2) / 3))) / 2 / Math.cos((north - 0.9996 * 6399593.625 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 - 0.006739496742 * 3 / 4 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.pow(0.006739496742 * 3 / 4, 2) * 5 / 3 * (3 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 4 - Math.pow(0.006739496742 * 3 / 4, 3) * 35 / 27 * (5 * (3 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 4 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 3)) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow( Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))) * (1 - 0.006739496742 * Math.pow((easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) , 2)))), 2) / 2 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) + north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996))) * Math.tan((north - 0.9996 * 6399593.625 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 - 0.006739496742 * 3 / 4 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.pow( 0.006739496742 * 3 / 4, 2) * 5 / 3 * (3 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 4 - Math.pow(0.006739496742 * 3 / 4, 3) * 35 / 27 * (5 * (3 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 4 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 3)) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))) * (1 - 0.006739496742 * Math.pow((easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))), 2) / 2 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) + north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996)) - north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996)) * 180 / Math.PI; //TODO clean this up latitude = Math.round(latitude * 10000000); latitude = latitude / 10000000; longitude = Math.atan((Math.exp((easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))) * (1 - 0.006739496742 * Math.pow((easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))), 2) / 2 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2) / 3)) - Math.exp( -(easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))) * (1 - 0.006739496742 * Math.pow((easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))), 2) / 2 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2) / 3))) / 2 / Math.cos( (north - 0.9996 * 6399593.625 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 - 0.006739496742 * 3 / 4 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.pow(0.006739496742 * 3 / 4, 2) * 5 / 3 * (3 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 4 - Math.pow(0.006739496742 * 3 / 4, 3) * 35 / 27 * (5 * (3 * (north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) / 2) + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 4 + Math.sin(2 * north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2) * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) / 3)) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt((1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))) * (1 - 0.006739496742 * Math.pow((easting - 500000) / (0.9996 * 6399593.625 / Math.sqrt( (1 + 0.006739496742 * Math.pow(Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)))), 2) / 2 * Math.pow( Math.cos(north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996), 2)) + north / 6366197.724 / 0.9996)) * 180 / Math.PI + zone * 6 - 183; longitude = Math.round(longitude * 10000000); longitude = longitude / 10000000; return new LocTuple(latitude, longitude); } }