/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2014 The Broad Institute * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package picard.vcf.filter; import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloseableIterator; import htsjdk.samtools.util.CollectionUtil; import htsjdk.samtools.util.ListMap; import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContext; import htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFFileReader; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import picard.PicardException; import picard.vcf.VcfTestUtils; import java.io.File; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * Tests for VCF filtration */ public class TestFilterVcf { private final File INPUT = new File("testdata/picard/vcf/filter/testFiltering.vcf"); private final File BAD_INPUT = new File("testdata/picard/vcf/filter/testFilteringNoSeqDictionary.vcf"); /* write content of javascript in the returned file */ private File quickJavascriptFilter(String content) throws Exception { final File out = File.createTempFile("jsfilter", ".js"); out.deleteOnExit(); try (final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(out)) { pw.println(content); } return out; } @Test public void testJavaScript() throws Exception { final File out = VcfTestUtils.createTemporaryIndexedVcfFile("filterVcfTestJS.", ".vcf"); final FilterVcf filterer = new FilterVcf(); filterer.INPUT = INPUT; filterer.OUTPUT = out; filterer.JAVASCRIPT_FILE = quickJavascriptFilter("variant.getStart()%5 != 0"); final int retval = filterer.doWork(); Assert.assertEquals(retval, 0); //count the number of reads final int expectedNumber = 4; int count=0; VCFFileReader in = new VCFFileReader(filterer.OUTPUT, false); CloseableIterator<VariantContext> iter = in.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { final VariantContext ctx = iter.next(); count += (ctx.isFiltered()?1:0); } iter.close(); in.close(); Assert.assertEquals(count, expectedNumber); } /** Returns a sorted copy of the supplied set, for safer comparison. */ <T extends Comparable> SortedSet<T> sorted(Set<T> in) { return new TreeSet<T>(in); } /** Tests that all records get PASS set as their filter when extreme values are used for filtering. */ @Test public void testNoFiltering() throws Exception { final File out = testFiltering(INPUT, ".vcf.gz", 0, 0, 0, Double.MAX_VALUE); final VCFFileReader in = new VCFFileReader(out, false); for (final VariantContext ctx : in) { if (!ctx.filtersWereApplied() || ctx.isFiltered()) { Assert.fail("Context should not have been filtered: " + ctx.toString()); } } in.close(); } /** Tests that sites with a het allele balance < 0.4 are marked as filtered out. */ @Test public void testAbFiltering() throws Exception { final Set<String> fails = CollectionUtil.makeSet("tf2", "rs28566954", "rs28548431"); final File out = testFiltering(INPUT, ".vcf.gz", 0.4, 0, 0, Double.MAX_VALUE); final ListMap<String,String> filters = slurpFilters(out); Assert.assertEquals(sorted(filters.keySet()), sorted(fails), "Failed sites did not match expected set of failed sites."); } /** Tests that genotypes with DP < 18 are marked as failed, but not >= 18. */ @Test public void testDpFiltering() throws Exception { final Set<String> fails = CollectionUtil.makeSet("rs71509448", "rs71628926", "rs13302979", "rs2710876"); final File out = testFiltering(INPUT, ".vcf.gz", 0, 18, 0, Double.MAX_VALUE); final ListMap<String,String> filters = slurpFilters(out); Assert.assertEquals(sorted(filters.keySet()), sorted(fails), "Failed sites did not match expected set of failed sites."); } /** Tests that genotypes with DP < 18 are marked as failed, but not >= 18. */ @Test public void testDpFilteringToVcf() throws Exception { final Set<String> fails = CollectionUtil.makeSet("rs71509448", "rs71628926", "rs13302979", "rs2710876"); final File out = testFiltering(INPUT, ".vcf", 0, 18, 0, Double.MAX_VALUE); final ListMap<String,String> filters = slurpFilters(out); Assert.assertEquals(sorted(filters.keySet()), sorted(fails), "Failed sites did not match expected set of failed sites."); } /** Tests that genotypes with low GQ are filtered appropriately. */ @Test public void testGqFiltering() throws Exception { final Set<String> fails = CollectionUtil.makeSet("rs71509448"); // SNP with GQ=21; lowest GQ in file { final File out = testFiltering(INPUT, ".vcf.gz", 0, 0, 20, Double.MAX_VALUE); final ListMap<String, String> filters = slurpFilters(out); Assert.assertEquals(filters.size(), 0, "Should not have filtered sites: " + filters); } { final File out = testFiltering(INPUT, ".vcf.gz", 0, 0, 21, Double.MAX_VALUE); final ListMap<String, String> filters = slurpFilters(out); Assert.assertEquals(filters.size(), 0, "Should not have filtered sites: " + filters); } { final File out = testFiltering(INPUT, ".vcf.gz", 0, 0, 22, Double.MAX_VALUE); final ListMap<String, String> filters = slurpFilters(out); Assert.assertEquals(sorted(filters.keySet()), sorted(fails), "Failed sites did not match expected set of failed sites."); } } /** Tests that genotypes with DP < 18 are marked as failed, but not >= 18. */ @Test public void testFsFiltering() throws Exception { final Set<String> fails = CollectionUtil.makeSet("rs13303033", "rs28548431", "rs2799066"); final File out = testFiltering(INPUT, ".vcf.gz", 0, 0, 0, 5.0d); final ListMap<String,String> filters = slurpFilters(out); Assert.assertEquals(sorted(filters.keySet()), sorted(fails), "Failed sites did not match expected set of failed sites."); } @Test public void testCombinedFiltering() throws Exception { final TreeSet<String> fails = new TreeSet<String>(CollectionUtil.makeSet("rs13302979", "rs13303033", "rs2710876" , "rs2799066" , "rs28548431", "rs28566954", "rs71509448", "rs71628926", "tf2")); final File out = testFiltering(INPUT, ".vcf.gz", 0.4, 18, 22, 5.0d); final ListMap<String,String> filters = slurpFilters(out); Assert.assertEquals(new TreeSet<String>(filters.keySet()), fails, "Failed sites did not match expected set of failed sites."); } /** Utility method that takes a a VCF and a set of parameters and filters the VCF. */ private File testFiltering(final File vcf, final String outputExtension, final double minAb, final int minDp, final int minGq, final double maxFs) throws Exception { final File out = VcfTestUtils.createTemporaryIndexedVcfFile("filterVcfTest.", outputExtension); final FilterVcf filterer = new FilterVcf(); filterer.CREATE_INDEX = true; filterer.INPUT = vcf; filterer.OUTPUT = out; filterer.MIN_AB = minAb; filterer.MIN_DP = minDp; filterer.MIN_GQ = minGq; filterer.MAX_FS = maxFs; final int retval = filterer.doWork(); if (retval != 0) { throw new PicardException("Return value non-zero: " + retval); } return out; } /** Tests that attempting to write to an uncompressed vcf fails if the input has no sequence dictionary */ @Test(expectedExceptions = PicardException.class) public void testFilteringToVcfWithNoSequenceDictionary() throws Exception { final File out = File.createTempFile("filterVcfTest.", ".vcf"); out.deleteOnExit(); final FilterVcf filterer = new FilterVcf(); filterer.CREATE_INDEX = true; filterer.INPUT = BAD_INPUT; filterer.OUTPUT = out; filterer.MIN_AB = 0; filterer.MIN_DP = 18; filterer.MIN_GQ = 0; filterer.MAX_FS = Double.MAX_VALUE; filterer.doWork(); } /** Consumes a VCF and returns a ListMap where each they keys are the IDs of filtered out sites and the values are the set of filters. */ private ListMap<String,String> slurpFilters(final File vcf) { final ListMap<String,String> map = new ListMap<String, String>(); final VCFFileReader in = new VCFFileReader(vcf, false); for (final VariantContext ctx : in) { if (ctx.isNotFiltered()) continue; for (final String filter : ctx.getFilters()) { map.add(ctx.getID(), filter); } } in.close(); return map; } }