/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2011 The Broad Institute * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package picard.illumina.parser; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import picard.PicardException; import picard.illumina.parser.readers.BclQualityEvaluationStrategy; import java.io.File; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static htsjdk.samtools.util.CollectionUtil.makeList; //import static htsjdk.samtools.util.CollectionUtil.*; /** * @author jburke@broadinstitute.org */ public class IlluminaDataProviderTest { public static final BclQualityEvaluationStrategy bclQualityEvaluationStrategy = new BclQualityEvaluationStrategy(BclQualityEvaluationStrategy.ILLUMINA_ALLEGED_MINIMUM_QUALITY); public static final File BINARY_TD_LOCATION = new File("testdata/picard/illumina/25T8B25T/Data/Intensities/BaseCalls"); private static final IlluminaDataType[] DEFAULT_DATA_TYPES = new IlluminaDataType[]{ IlluminaDataType.Position, IlluminaDataType.BaseCalls, IlluminaDataType.QualityScores, IlluminaDataType.PF }; private void runTest( final String testName, final int size, final Map<Integer, ClusterData> readNoToClusterData, final int seekAfterFirstRead, final int seekTestDataReadOffset, final IlluminaDataProvider dataProvider) throws Exception { int count = 0; int readNum = 0; while (dataProvider.hasNext()) { final ClusterData cluster = dataProvider.next(); if (readNoToClusterData.containsKey(readNum)) { compareReadData(cluster, readNoToClusterData.get(readNum), testName + " cluster num " + readNum); } if (seekAfterFirstRead != 0 && count == 0) { dataProvider.seekToTile(seekAfterFirstRead); readNum += seekTestDataReadOffset; } readNum++; count++; } Assert.assertEquals(count, size, testName); dataProvider.close(); } private IlluminaDataType[] getDataTypes(final IlluminaDataType[] extraDataTypes) { final IlluminaDataType[] dts; if (extraDataTypes == null) { dts = DEFAULT_DATA_TYPES; } else { dts = Arrays.copyOf(DEFAULT_DATA_TYPES, DEFAULT_DATA_TYPES.length + extraDataTypes.length); System.arraycopy(extraDataTypes, 0, dts, DEFAULT_DATA_TYPES.length, extraDataTypes.length); } return dts; } private void compareBasesAndQuals(final ReadData rd1, final ReadData rd2, final String testName) { Assert.assertEquals(rd1.getBases(), rd2.getBases(), testName); Assert.assertEquals(rd1.getQualities(), rd2.getQualities(), testName); Assert.assertEquals(rd1.getReadType(), rd2.getReadType()); } private void comparePositionalData(final ClusterData cd1, final ClusterData cd2, final String testName) { Assert.assertEquals(cd1.getLane(), cd2.getLane(), testName); Assert.assertEquals(cd1.getTile(), cd2.getTile(), testName); Assert.assertEquals(cd1.getX(), cd2.getX(), testName); Assert.assertEquals(cd1.getY(), cd2.getY(), testName); } //Doesn't compare intensities right now -- Do we want too? private void compareReadData(final ClusterData cd1, final ClusterData cd2, final String testName) { comparePositionalData(cd1, cd2, testName); Assert.assertEquals(cd1.getNumReads(), cd2.getNumReads()); for (int i = 0; i < cd1.getNumReads(); i++) { compareBasesAndQuals(cd1.getRead(i), cd2.getRead(i), testName); } Assert.assertEquals(cd1.getMatchedBarcode(), cd2.getMatchedBarcode(), testName); Assert.assertEquals(cd1.isPf().booleanValue(), cd2.isPf().booleanValue(), testName); } public void runBarcodeParsingTest(final IlluminaDataProviderFactory factory) { int total = 0; final IlluminaDataProvider dataProvider = factory.makeDataProvider(); while (dataProvider.hasNext()) { final ClusterData cluster = dataProvider.next(); final String matchedBarcode = cluster.getMatchedBarcode(); if (matchedBarcode != null) { Assert.assertEquals(matchedBarcode, new String(cluster.getRead(1).getBases())); } if(total > 10){ break; } total++; } dataProvider.close(); } @Test public void barcodeParsingTest() { runBarcodeParsingTest(new IlluminaDataProviderFactory(BINARY_TD_LOCATION, 1, new ReadStructure("25T8B25T"), bclQualityEvaluationStrategy, IlluminaDataType.BaseCalls, IlluminaDataType.Barcodes)); } @DataProvider(name = "binaryData") public Object[][] binaryData() { return new Object[][]{ { "Bustard Parsing Test(25T8B25T) w/Clocs", 1, 180, makeList(1101, 1201, 2101), new IlluminaDataType[]{IlluminaDataType.Barcodes}, "25T8B25T", 0, 0, BINARY_TD_LOCATION }, { "Bustard Parsing Test(25T8S25T) w/Clocs", 1, 180, makeList(1101, 1201, 2101), new IlluminaDataType[]{IlluminaDataType.Barcodes}, "25T8S25T", 0, 0, BINARY_TD_LOCATION }, { "Bustard Parsing Test(25T8S25T) w/Clocs with ending skip", 1, 180, makeList(1101, 1201, 2101), new IlluminaDataType[]{IlluminaDataType.Barcodes}, "25T8B1S", 0, 0, BINARY_TD_LOCATION }, { "Bustard Parsing Test(25S8S25T) w/Clocs", 1, 180, makeList(1101, 1201, 2101), new IlluminaDataType[]{IlluminaDataType.Barcodes}, "25S8S25T", 0, 0, BINARY_TD_LOCATION }, { "Bustard Parsing Test(25T8B25T) w/Clocs And Seeking", 1, 61, makeList(1101, 1201, 2101), new IlluminaDataType[]{IlluminaDataType.Barcodes}, "25T8B25T", 2101, 4631, BINARY_TD_LOCATION } }; } @Test(dataProvider = "binaryData") public void testIlluminaDataProviderBclMethod( final String testName, final int lane, final int size, final List<Integer> tiles, final IlluminaDataType[] extraDataTypes, final String illuminaConfigStr, final int seekAfterFirstRead, final int seekTestDataReadOffset, final File basecallsDirectory) throws Exception { final IlluminaDataType[] dts = getDataTypes(extraDataTypes); final Map<Integer, ClusterData> readNoToClusterData = BinTdUtil.clusterData(lane, tiles, illuminaConfigStr, dts); final IlluminaDataProviderFactory factory = new IlluminaDataProviderFactory(basecallsDirectory, lane, new ReadStructure(illuminaConfigStr), bclQualityEvaluationStrategy, dts); final IlluminaDataProvider dataProvider = factory.makeDataProvider(); runTest(testName, size, readNoToClusterData, seekAfterFirstRead, seekTestDataReadOffset, dataProvider); } //Unlike above, the data types here do not have DEFAULT_DATA_TYPES added before creating the dataProvider @DataProvider(name = "badData") public Object[][] badData() { return new Object[][]{ { "Bad Lane(5)", 5, 60, makeList(1101, 1201, 2101), new IlluminaDataType[]{IlluminaDataType.Barcodes}, "25T8B25T", BINARY_TD_LOCATION }, { "Bad Read Structure(25TB25T)", 4, 60, makeList(1101, 1201, 2101), DEFAULT_DATA_TYPES, "25TB25T", BINARY_TD_LOCATION }, { "Bad Read Structure(25T0B25T)", 4, 60, makeList(1101, 1201, 2101), DEFAULT_DATA_TYPES, "25T0B25T", BINARY_TD_LOCATION }, { "Bad Read Structure(-225T0B25T)", 4, 60, makeList(1101, 1201, 2101), DEFAULT_DATA_TYPES, "-25T0B25T", BINARY_TD_LOCATION }, { "Missing Barcodes File", 9, 60, makeList(1101, 1201, 2101), new IlluminaDataType[]{IlluminaDataType.Position, IlluminaDataType.Barcodes}, "25T8B25T", BINARY_TD_LOCATION }, { "Missing Cycle File", 9, 60, makeList(1101, 1201, 2101), new IlluminaDataType[]{IlluminaDataType.BaseCalls}, "25T8B25T", BINARY_TD_LOCATION }, { "Missing Filter File", 9, 60, makeList(1101, 1201, 2101), new IlluminaDataType[]{IlluminaDataType.PF, IlluminaDataType.BaseCalls, IlluminaDataType.QualityScores}, "25T8B24T", BINARY_TD_LOCATION } }; } @Test(dataProvider = "badData", expectedExceptions = {PicardException.class, IllegalArgumentException.class}) public void testIlluminaDataProviderMissingDatas( final String testName, final int lane, final int size, final List<Integer> tiles, final IlluminaDataType[] actualDts, final String illuminaConfigStr, final File basecallsDirectory) throws Exception { final IlluminaDataProviderFactory factory = new IlluminaDataProviderFactory(basecallsDirectory, lane, new ReadStructure(illuminaConfigStr), bclQualityEvaluationStrategy, actualDts); factory.makeDataProvider(); } }