package picard.util; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMException; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMProgramRecord; import htsjdk.samtools.util.CollectionUtil; import htsjdk.samtools.util.IOUtil; import htsjdk.samtools.util.Interval; import htsjdk.samtools.util.IntervalList; import htsjdk.samtools.util.Log; import htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFFileReader; import picard.PicardException; import picard.cmdline.CommandLineParser; import picard.cmdline.CommandLineProgram; import picard.cmdline.CommandLineProgramProperties; import picard.cmdline.Option; import picard.cmdline.programgroups.Intervals; import picard.cmdline.StandardOptionDefinitions; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Little class to aid working with interval lists. * * @author Tim Fennell */ @CommandLineProgramProperties( usage = IntervalListTools.USAGE_SUMMARY + IntervalListTools.USAGE_DETAILS, usageShort = IntervalListTools.USAGE_SUMMARY, programGroup = Intervals.class ) public class IntervalListTools extends CommandLineProgram { static final String USAGE_SUMMARY = "Manipulates interval lists. "; static final String USAGE_DETAILS = "This tool offers multiple interval list file manipulation capabilities include sorting, " + "merging, subtracting, padding, customizing, and other set-theoretic operations. If given one or more inputs, the default " + "operation is to merge and sort them. Other options e.g. interval subtraction are controlled by the arguments. The tool " + "lists intervals with respect to a reference sequence." + "<br /><br />" + "Both interval_list and VCF files are accepted as input. The interval_list file format is relatively simple" + " and reflects the SAM alignment format to a degree. A SAM style header must be present in the file that " + "lists the sequence records against which the intervals are described. After the header, the file then" + " contains records, one per line in text format with the following" + " values tab-separated: " + "<pre>" + " -Sequence name (SN) <br />" + " -Start position (1-based)** <br />" + " -End position (1-based, end inclusive) <br />" + " -Strand (either + or -) <br />" + " -Interval name (ideally unique names for intervals)" + "</pre>" + "The coordinate system of interval_list files is such that the first base or position in a sequence is position \"1\"." + "<h4>Usage example:</h4>" + "<pre>" + "java -jar picard.jar IntervalListTools \\<br />" + " I=input.interval_list \\<br />" + " SI=input_2.interval_list \\<br />" + " O=new.interval_list" + "</pre>" + "<hr />"; @Option(shortName = StandardOptionDefinitions.INPUT_SHORT_NAME, doc = "One or more interval lists. If multiple interval lists are provided the output is the" + "result of merging the inputs. Supported formats are interval_list and VCF.", minElements = 1) public List<File> INPUT; @Option(doc = "The output interval list file to write (if SCATTER_COUNT is 1) or the directory into which " + "to write the scattered interval sub-directories (if SCATTER_COUNT > 1)", shortName = StandardOptionDefinitions.OUTPUT_SHORT_NAME, optional = true) public File OUTPUT; @Option(doc = "The amount to pad each end of the intervals by before other operations are undertaken. Negative numbers are allowed " + "and indicate intervals should be shrunk. Resulting intervals < 0 bases long will be removed. Padding is applied to the interval lists <b> before </b> the ACTION is performed.", optional = true) public int PADDING = 0; @Option(doc = "If true, merge overlapping and adjacent intervals to create a list of unique intervals. Implies SORT=true") public boolean UNIQUE = false; @Option(doc = "If true, sort the resulting interval list by coordinate.") public boolean SORT = true; @Option(doc = "Action to take on inputs.") public Action ACTION = Action.CONCAT; @Option(shortName = "SI", doc = "Second set of intervals for SUBTRACT and DIFFERENCE operations.", optional = true) public List<File> SECOND_INPUT; @Option(doc = "One or more lines of comment to add to the header of the output file.", optional = true) public List<String> COMMENT = null; @Option(doc = "The number of files into which to scatter the resulting list by locus; in some situations, fewer intervals may be emitted. " + "Note - if > 1, the resultant scattered intervals will be sorted and uniqued. The sort will be inverted if the INVERT flag is set.") public int SCATTER_COUNT = 1; @Option(doc = "Whether to include filtered variants in the vcf when generating an interval list from vcf", optional = true) public boolean INCLUDE_FILTERED=false; @Option(shortName = "BRK", doc = "If set to a positive value will create a new interval list with the original intervals broken up at integer multiples of this value. Set to 0 to NOT break up intervals", optional = true) public int BREAK_BANDS_AT_MULTIPLES_OF = 0; @Option(shortName = "M", doc = "Do not subdivide ") public IntervalListScatterer.Mode SUBDIVISION_MODE = IntervalListScatterer.Mode.INTERVAL_SUBDIVISION; @Option(doc = "Produce the inverse list", optional = true) public boolean INVERT = false; private static final Log LOG = Log.getInstance(IntervalListTools.class); public enum Action implements CommandLineParser.ClpEnum { CONCAT("The concatenation of all the INPUTs, no sorting or merging of overlapping/abutting intervals implied. Will result in an unsorted list unless requested otherwise.") { @Override IntervalList act(final List<IntervalList> list, final List<IntervalList> unused) { if (!unused.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Second List found when action was %s. Ignoring second list.",; return IntervalList.concatenate(list); } }, UNION("Like CONCATENATE but with UNIQUE and SORT implied, the result being the set-wise union of all INPUTS.") { @Override IntervalList act(final List<IntervalList> list, final List<IntervalList> unused) { if (!unused.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Second List found when action was %s. Ignoring second list.",; return IntervalList.union(list); } }, INTERSECT("The sorted, uniqued set of all loci that are contained in all of the INPUTs.") { @Override IntervalList act(final List<IntervalList> list, final List<IntervalList> unused) { if (!unused.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Second List found when action was %s. Ignoring second list.",; return IntervalList.intersection(list); } }, SUBTRACT("Subtracts SECOND_INPUT from INPUT. The resulting loci are there in INPUT that are not in SECOND_INPUT") { @Override IntervalList act(final List<IntervalList> list1, final List<IntervalList> list2) { return IntervalList.subtract(list1, list2); } }, SYMDIFF("Find loci that are in INPUT or SECOND_INPUT but are not in both.") { @Override IntervalList act(final List<IntervalList> list1, final List<IntervalList> list2) { return IntervalList.difference(list1, list2); } }; String helpdoc; Action(final String helpdoc) { this.helpdoc = helpdoc; } @Override public String getHelpDoc() { return helpdoc; } abstract IntervalList act(final List<IntervalList> list1, final List<IntervalList> list2); } // Stock main method public static void main(final String[] args) { new IntervalListTools().instanceMainWithExit(args); } @Override protected int doWork() { // Check inputs for (final File f : INPUT) IOUtil.assertFileIsReadable(f); for (final File f : SECOND_INPUT) IOUtil.assertFileIsReadable(f); if (OUTPUT != null) { if (SCATTER_COUNT == 1) { IOUtil.assertFileIsWritable(OUTPUT); } else { IOUtil.assertDirectoryIsWritable(OUTPUT); } } // Read in the interval lists and apply any padding final List<IntervalList> lists = openIntervalLists(INPUT); // same for the second list final List<IntervalList> secondLists = openIntervalLists(SECOND_INPUT); if (UNIQUE && !SORT) { LOG.warn("UNIQUE=true requires sorting but SORT=false was specified. Results will be sorted!"); } final IntervalList result = ACTION.act(lists, secondLists); if (SCATTER_COUNT > 1) { // Scattering requires a uniqued, sorted interval list. We want to do this up front (before BREAKING AT BANDS) SORT = true; UNIQUE = true; } if (INVERT) { SORT = false; // no need to sort, since return will be sorted by definition. UNIQUE = true; } final IntervalList possiblySortedResult = SORT ? result.sorted() : result; final IntervalList possiblyInvertedResult = INVERT ? IntervalList.invert(possiblySortedResult) : possiblySortedResult; //only get unique if this has been asked unless inverting (since the invert will return a unique list) List<Interval> finalIntervals = UNIQUE ? possiblyInvertedResult.uniqued().getIntervals() : possiblyInvertedResult.getIntervals(); if (BREAK_BANDS_AT_MULTIPLES_OF > 0) { finalIntervals = IntervalList.breakIntervalsAtBandMultiples(finalIntervals, BREAK_BANDS_AT_MULTIPLES_OF); } // Decide on a PG ID and make a program group final SAMFileHeader header = result.getHeader(); final Set<String> pgs = new HashSet<String>(); for (final SAMProgramRecord pg : header.getProgramRecords()) pgs.add(pg.getId()); for (int i = 1; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; ++i) { if (!pgs.contains(String.valueOf(i))) { final SAMProgramRecord pg = new SAMProgramRecord(String.valueOf(i)); pg.setCommandLine(getCommandLine()); pg.setProgramName(getClass().getSimpleName()); header.addProgramRecord(pg); break; } } // Add any comments if (COMMENT != null) { for (final String comment : COMMENT) { header.addComment(comment); } } final IntervalList output = new IntervalList(header); for (final Interval i : finalIntervals) { output.add(i); } final List<IntervalList> resultIntervals; if (OUTPUT != null) { if (SCATTER_COUNT == 1) { output.write(OUTPUT); resultIntervals = Arrays.asList(output); } else { final List<IntervalList> scattered = writeScatterIntervals(output);"Wrote %s scatter subdirectories to %s.", scattered.size(), OUTPUT)); if (scattered.size() != SCATTER_COUNT) { LOG.warn(String.format( "Requested scatter width of %s, but only emitted %s. (This may be an expected consequence of running in %s mode.)", SCATTER_COUNT, scattered.size(), SUBDIVISION_MODE )); } resultIntervals = scattered; } } else { resultIntervals = Arrays.asList(output); } long totalUniqueBaseCount = 0; long intervalCount = 0; for (final IntervalList finalInterval : resultIntervals) { totalUniqueBaseCount += finalInterval.getUniqueBaseCount(); intervalCount += finalInterval.size(); }"Produced " + intervalCount + " intervals totalling " + totalUniqueBaseCount + " unique bases."); return 0; } private List<IntervalList> openIntervalLists(final List<File> files){ final List<IntervalList> lists = new ArrayList<IntervalList>(); for (final File f : files) { lists.add(TYPE.getIntervalList(f, INCLUDE_FILTERED).padded(PADDING)); } return lists; } @Override protected String[] customCommandLineValidation() { final List<String> errorMsgs = new ArrayList<String>(); if (SCATTER_COUNT < 1) { errorMsgs.add("SCATTER_COUNT must be greater than 0."); } if (BREAK_BANDS_AT_MULTIPLES_OF < 0) { errorMsgs.add("BREAK_BANDS_AT_MULTIPLES_OF must be greater than or equal to 0."); } return errorMsgs.isEmpty() ? null : errorMsgs.toArray(new String[errorMsgs.size()]); } /** * Method to scatter an interval list by locus. * * @param list The list of intervals to scatter * @return The scattered intervals, represented as a {@link List} of {@link IntervalList} */ private List<IntervalList> writeScatterIntervals(final IntervalList list) { final IntervalListScatterer scatterer = new IntervalListScatterer(SUBDIVISION_MODE); final List<IntervalList> scattered = scatterer.scatter(list, SCATTER_COUNT, UNIQUE); final DecimalFormat fileNameFormatter = new DecimalFormat("0000"); int fileIndex = 1; for (final IntervalList intervals : scattered) { intervals.write(createDirectoryAndGetScatterFile(OUTPUT, scattered.size(), fileNameFormatter.format(fileIndex++))); } return scattered; } public static File getScatteredFileName(final File scatterDirectory, final long scatterTotal, final String formattedIndex) { return new File(scatterDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/temp_" + formattedIndex + "_of_" + scatterTotal + "/scattered" + IntervalList.INTERVAL_LIST_FILE_EXTENSION); } private static File createDirectoryAndGetScatterFile(final File outputDirectory, final long scatterCount, final String formattedIndex) { createDirectoryOrFail(outputDirectory); final File result = getScatteredFileName(outputDirectory, scatterCount, formattedIndex); createDirectoryOrFail(result.getParentFile()); return result; } private static void createDirectoryOrFail(final File directory) { if (!directory.exists() && !directory.mkdir()) { throw new PicardException("Unable to create directory: " + directory.getAbsolutePath()); } } enum TYPE { VCF(IOUtil.VCF_EXTENSIONS) { @Override protected IntervalList getIntervalListInternal(final File vcf, final boolean includeFiltered) { return VCFFileReader.fromVcf(vcf, includeFiltered); } }, INTERVAL_LIST(IOUtil.INTERVAL_LIST_FILE_EXTENSION) { @Override protected IntervalList getIntervalListInternal(final File intervalList, final boolean includeFiltered) { return IntervalList.fromFile(intervalList); } }; final Collection<String> applicableExtensions; TYPE(final String... s) { applicableExtensions = CollectionUtil.makeSet(s); } TYPE(final Collection<String> extensions) { applicableExtensions = extensions; } abstract protected IntervalList getIntervalListInternal(final File file, final boolean includeFiltered); static TYPE forFile(final File intervalListExtractable) { for (final TYPE type : TYPE.values()) { for (final String s : type.applicableExtensions) { if (intervalListExtractable.getName().endsWith(s)) { return type; } } } throw new SAMException("Cannot figure out type of file " + intervalListExtractable.getAbsolutePath() + " from extension. Current implementation understands the following types: " + Arrays.toString(TYPE.values())); } static public IntervalList getIntervalList(final File file, final boolean includeFiltered){ return forFile(file).getIntervalListInternal(file, includeFiltered); } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString() + ": " + applicableExtensions.toString(); } } }