package picard.analysis.artifacts; import htsjdk.samtools.AlignmentBlock; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMReadGroupRecord; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord; import htsjdk.samtools.filter.*; import htsjdk.samtools.metrics.MetricsFile; import htsjdk.samtools.reference.ReferenceSequence; import htsjdk.samtools.util.*; import picard.PicardException; import picard.analysis.SinglePassSamProgram; import picard.analysis.artifacts.SequencingArtifactMetrics.BaitBiasDetailMetrics; import picard.analysis.artifacts.SequencingArtifactMetrics.BaitBiasSummaryMetrics; import picard.analysis.artifacts.SequencingArtifactMetrics.PreAdapterDetailMetrics; import picard.analysis.artifacts.SequencingArtifactMetrics.PreAdapterSummaryMetrics; import picard.cmdline.CommandLineProgramProperties; import picard.cmdline.Option; import picard.cmdline.programgroups.Metrics; import picard.util.DbSnpBitSetUtil; import picard.util.VariantType; import; import java.util.*; import; import static htsjdk.samtools.util.CodeUtil.getOrElse; import static picard.cmdline.StandardOptionDefinitions.MINIMUM_MAPPING_QUALITY_SHORT_NAME; /** * Quantify substitution errors caused by mismatched base pairings during various * stages of sample / library prep. * * We measure two distinct error types - artifacts that are introduced before * the addition of the read1/read2 adapters ("pre adapter") and those that are * introduced after target selection ("bait bias"). For each of these, we provide * summary metrics as well as detail metrics broken down by reference context * (the ref bases surrounding the substitution event). * * For a deeper explanation, see Costello et al. 2013: * * * @author mattsooknah * */ @CommandLineProgramProperties( usage = CollectSequencingArtifactMetrics.USAGE_SUMMARY + CollectSequencingArtifactMetrics.USAGE_DETAILS, usageShort = CollectSequencingArtifactMetrics.USAGE_SUMMARY, programGroup = Metrics.class ) public class CollectSequencingArtifactMetrics extends SinglePassSamProgram { static final String USAGE_SUMMARY = "Collect metrics to quantify single-base sequencing artifacts. "; static final String USAGE_DETAILS = "<p>This tool examines two sources of sequencing errors associated with hybrid selection "+ "protocols. These errors are divided into two broad categories, pre-adapter and bait-bias. Pre-adapter errors can arise from "+ "laboratory manipulations of a nucleic acid sample e.g. shearing and occur prior to the ligation of adapters for PCR "+ "amplification (hence the name pre-adapter). </p>" + "<p>Bait-bias artifacts occur during or after the target selection step, and correlate with substitution rates that are "+ "'biased', or higher for sites having one base on the reference/positive strand relative to sites having the complementary "+ "base on that strand. For example, during the target selection step, a (G>T) artifact might result in a higher substitution "+ "rate at sites with a G on the positive strand (and C on the negative), relative to sites with the flip (C positive)/(G negative)." + " This is known as the 'G-Ref' artifact. </p>" + "" + "<p>For additional information on these types of artifacts, please see the corresponding GATK dictionary entries on "+ "<a href=''>bait-bias</a> and "+ "<a href=''>pre-adapter artifacts</a>.</p>"+ ""+ "<p>This tool produces four files; summary and detail metrics files for both pre-adapter and bait-bias artifacts. The detailed "+ "metrics show the error rates for each type of base substitution within every possible triplet base configuration. Error " + "rates associated with these substitutions are Phred-scaled and provided as quality scores, the lower the value, the more " + "likely it is that an alternate base call is due to an artifact. The summary metrics provide likelihood information on the " + "'worst-case' errors. </p>" + ""+ "<h4>Usage example:</h4>" + "<pre>" + "java -jar picard.jar CollectSequencingArtifactMetrics \\<br />" + " I=input.bam \\<br />" + " O=artifact_metrics.txt \\<br />" + " R=reference_sequence.fasta" + "</pre>" + "Please see the metrics at the following links " + "<a href=''>PreAdapterDetailMetrics</a>, "+ "<a href=''>PreAdapterSummaryMetrics</a>, "+ "<a href=''>BaitBiasDetailMetrics</a>, and "+ "<a href=''>BaitBiasSummaryMetrics</a> "+ "for complete descriptions of the output metrics produced by this tool. "+ "<hr />" ; @Option(doc = "An optional list of intervals to restrict analysis to.", optional = true) public File INTERVALS; @Option(doc = "VCF format dbSNP file, used to exclude regions around known polymorphisms from analysis.", optional = true) public File DB_SNP; @Option(shortName = "Q", doc = "The minimum base quality score for a base to be included in analysis.") public int MINIMUM_QUALITY_SCORE = 20; @Option(shortName = MINIMUM_MAPPING_QUALITY_SHORT_NAME, doc = "The minimum mapping quality score for a base to be included in analysis.") public int MINIMUM_MAPPING_QUALITY = 30; @Option(shortName = "MIN_INS", doc = "The minimum insert size for a read to be included in analysis.") public int MINIMUM_INSERT_SIZE = 60; @Option(shortName = "MAX_INS", doc = "The maximum insert size for a read to be included in analysis. Set to 0 to have no maximum.") public int MAXIMUM_INSERT_SIZE = 600; @Option(shortName = "UNPAIRED", doc = "Include unpaired reads. If set to true then all paired reads will be included as well - " + "MINIMUM_INSERT_SIZE and MAXIMUM_INSERT_SIZE will be ignored.") public boolean INCLUDE_UNPAIRED = false; @Option(shortName = "DUPES", doc = "Include duplicate reads. If set to true then all reads flagged as duplicates will be included as well.") public boolean INCLUDE_DUPLICATES = false; @Option(shortName = "NON_PF", doc = "Whether or not to include non-PF reads.") public boolean INCLUDE_NON_PF_READS = false; @Option(shortName = "TANDEM", doc = "Set to true if mate pairs are being sequenced from the same strand, " + "i.e. they're expected to face the same direction.") public boolean TANDEM_READS = false; @Option(doc = "When available, use original quality scores for filtering.") public boolean USE_OQ = true; @Option(doc = "The number of context bases to include on each side of the assayed base.") public int CONTEXT_SIZE = 1; @Option(doc = "If specified, only print results for these contexts in the detail metrics output. " + "However, the summary metrics output will still take all contexts into consideration.") public Set<String> CONTEXTS_TO_PRINT = new HashSet<String>(); @Option(shortName = "EXT", doc="Append the given file extension to all metric file names (ex. OUTPUT.pre_adapter_summary_metrics.EXT). None if null", optional=true) public String FILE_EXTENSION = null; private static final String UNKNOWN_LIBRARY = "UnknownLibrary"; private static final String UNKNOWN_SAMPLE = "UnknownSample"; private File preAdapterSummaryOut; private File preAdapterDetailsOut; private File baitBiasSummaryOut; private File baitBiasDetailsOut; private File errorSummaryFile; private IntervalListReferenceSequenceMask intervalMask; private DbSnpBitSetUtil dbSnpMask; private SamRecordFilter recordFilter; private String currentRefString = null; private int currentRefIndex = -1; private final Set<String> samples = new HashSet<String>(); private final Set<String> libraries = new HashSet<String>(); private final Map<String, ArtifactCounter> artifactCounters = new HashMap<String, ArtifactCounter>(); private static final Log log = Log.getInstance(CollectSequencingArtifactMetrics.class); @Override protected String[] customCommandLineValidation() { final List<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>(); final int contextFullLength = 2 * CONTEXT_SIZE + 1; if (CONTEXT_SIZE < 0) messages.add("CONTEXT_SIZE cannot be negative"); for (final String context : CONTEXTS_TO_PRINT) { if (context.length() != contextFullLength) { messages.add("Context " + context + " is not the length implied by CONTEXT_SIZE: " + contextFullLength); } } if (MINIMUM_INSERT_SIZE < 0) messages.add("MINIMUM_INSERT_SIZE cannot be negative"); if (MAXIMUM_INSERT_SIZE < 0) messages.add("MAXIMUM_INSERT_SIZE cannot be negative"); if (MAXIMUM_INSERT_SIZE > 0 && MAXIMUM_INSERT_SIZE < MINIMUM_INSERT_SIZE) { messages.add("MAXIMUM_INSERT_SIZE cannot be less than MINIMUM_INSERT_SIZE unless set to 0"); } if (REFERENCE_SEQUENCE == null) messages.add("REFERENCE_SEQUENCE must be provided."); return messages.isEmpty() ? null : messages.toArray(new String[messages.size()]); } @Override protected void setup(final SAMFileHeader header, final File samFile) { final String outext = (null != FILE_EXTENSION) ? FILE_EXTENSION : ""; // Add a file extension if desired preAdapterSummaryOut = new File(OUTPUT + SequencingArtifactMetrics.PRE_ADAPTER_SUMMARY_EXT + outext); preAdapterDetailsOut = new File(OUTPUT + SequencingArtifactMetrics.PRE_ADAPTER_DETAILS_EXT + outext); baitBiasSummaryOut = new File(OUTPUT + SequencingArtifactMetrics.BAIT_BIAS_SUMMARY_EXT + outext); baitBiasDetailsOut = new File(OUTPUT + SequencingArtifactMetrics.BAIT_BIAS_DETAILS_EXT + outext); errorSummaryFile = new File(OUTPUT + SequencingArtifactMetrics.ERROR_SUMMARY_EXT + outext); IOUtil.assertFilesAreWritable(Arrays.asList(preAdapterSummaryOut, preAdapterDetailsOut, baitBiasSummaryOut, baitBiasDetailsOut, errorSummaryFile)); for (final SAMReadGroupRecord rec : header.getReadGroups()) { samples.add(getOrElse(rec.getSample(), UNKNOWN_SAMPLE)); libraries.add(getOrElse(rec.getLibrary(), UNKNOWN_LIBRARY)); } if (INTERVALS != null) { IOUtil.assertFileIsReadable(INTERVALS); final IntervalList intervalList = IntervalList.fromFile(INTERVALS).uniqued(); intervalMask = new IntervalListReferenceSequenceMask(intervalList); if (DB_SNP != null) { IOUtil.assertFileIsReadable(DB_SNP); dbSnpMask = new DbSnpBitSetUtil(DB_SNP, header.getSequenceDictionary(), EnumSet.noneOf(VariantType.class), intervalList, Optional.of(log)); } } else if (DB_SNP != null) { IOUtil.assertFileIsReadable(DB_SNP); dbSnpMask = new DbSnpBitSetUtil(DB_SNP, header.getSequenceDictionary(), EnumSet.noneOf(VariantType.class), null, Optional.of(log)); } // set record-level filters final List<SamRecordFilter> filters = new ArrayList<SamRecordFilter>(); if (!INCLUDE_NON_PF_READS) filters.add(new FailsVendorReadQualityFilter()); filters.add(new NotPrimaryAlignmentFilter()); if (!INCLUDE_DUPLICATES) filters.add(new DuplicateReadFilter()); filters.add(new AlignedFilter(true)); // discard unmapped reads filters.add(new MappingQualityFilter(MINIMUM_MAPPING_QUALITY)); if (!INCLUDE_UNPAIRED) { final int effectiveMaxInsertSize = (MAXIMUM_INSERT_SIZE == 0) ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : MAXIMUM_INSERT_SIZE; filters.add(new InsertSizeFilter(MINIMUM_INSERT_SIZE, effectiveMaxInsertSize)); } recordFilter = new AggregateFilter(filters); // set up the artifact counters final String sampleAlias = StringUtil.join(",", new ArrayList<String>(samples)); for (final String library : libraries) { artifactCounters.put(library, new ArtifactCounter(sampleAlias, library, CONTEXT_SIZE, TANDEM_READS)); } } @Override protected void acceptRead(final SAMRecord rec, final ReferenceSequence ref) { // see if the whole read should be skipped if (recordFilter.filterOut(rec)) return; // check read group + library final String library = (rec.getReadGroup() == null) ? UNKNOWN_LIBRARY : getOrElse(rec.getReadGroup().getLibrary(), UNKNOWN_LIBRARY); if (!libraries.contains(library)) { // should never happen if SAM is valid throw new PicardException("Record contains library that is missing from header: " + library); } // set up some constants that don't change in the loop below final int contextFullLength = 2 * CONTEXT_SIZE + 1; final ArtifactCounter counter = artifactCounters.get(library); final byte[] readBases = rec.getReadBases(); final byte[] readQuals; if (USE_OQ) { final byte[] tmp = rec.getOriginalBaseQualities(); readQuals = tmp == null ? rec.getBaseQualities() : tmp; } else { readQuals = rec.getBaseQualities(); } // iterate over aligned positions for (final AlignmentBlock block : rec.getAlignmentBlocks()) { for (int offset = 0; offset < block.getLength(); offset++) { // remember, these are 1-based! final int readPos = block.getReadStart() + offset; final int refPos = block.getReferenceStart() + offset; // skip low BQ sites final byte qual = readQuals[readPos - 1]; if (qual < MINIMUM_QUALITY_SCORE) continue; // skip N bases in read final char readBase = Character.toUpperCase((char)readBases[readPos - 1]); if (readBase == 'N') continue; /** * Skip regions outside of intervals. * * NB: IntervalListReferenceSequenceMask.get() has side-effects which assume * that successive ReferenceSequence's passed to this method will be in-order * (e.g. it will break if you call acceptRead() with chr1, then chr2, then chr1 * again). So this only works if the underlying iteration is coordinate-sorted. */ if (intervalMask != null && !intervalMask.get(ref.getContigIndex(), refPos)) continue; // skip dbSNP sites if (dbSnpMask != null && dbSnpMask.isDbSnpSite(ref.getName(), refPos)) continue; // skip the ends of the reference final int contextStartIndex = refPos - CONTEXT_SIZE - 1; if (contextStartIndex < 0 || contextStartIndex + contextFullLength > ref.length()) continue; // skip contexts with N bases final String context = getRefContext(ref, contextStartIndex, contextFullLength); if (context.contains("N")) continue; // count the base! counter.countRecord(context, readBase, rec); } } } private String getRefContext(final ReferenceSequence ref, final int contextStartIndex, final int contextFullLength) { // cache the upper-cased string version of this reference so we don't need to create a string for every base in every read if (currentRefIndex != ref.getContigIndex()) { currentRefString = new String(ref.getBases()).toUpperCase(); currentRefIndex = ref.getContigIndex(); } return currentRefString.substring(contextStartIndex, contextStartIndex + contextFullLength); } @Override protected void finish() { final MetricsFile<PreAdapterSummaryMetrics, Integer> preAdapterSummaryMetricsFile = getMetricsFile(); final MetricsFile<PreAdapterDetailMetrics, Integer> preAdapterDetailMetricsFile = getMetricsFile(); final MetricsFile<BaitBiasSummaryMetrics, Integer> baitBiasSummaryMetricsFile = getMetricsFile(); final MetricsFile<BaitBiasDetailMetrics, Integer> baitBiasDetailMetricsFile = getMetricsFile(); final MetricsFile<ErrorSummaryMetrics,?> errorSummaryMetricsFile = getMetricsFile(); for (final ArtifactCounter counter : artifactCounters.values()) { // build metrics counter.finish(); // write metrics preAdapterSummaryMetricsFile.addAllMetrics(counter.getPreAdapterSummaryMetrics()); baitBiasSummaryMetricsFile.addAllMetrics(counter.getBaitBiasSummaryMetrics()); for (final PreAdapterDetailMetrics preAdapterDetailMetrics : counter.getPreAdapterDetailMetrics()) { if (CONTEXTS_TO_PRINT.isEmpty() || CONTEXTS_TO_PRINT.contains(preAdapterDetailMetrics.CONTEXT)) { preAdapterDetailMetricsFile.addMetric(preAdapterDetailMetrics); } } for (final BaitBiasDetailMetrics baitBiasDetailMetrics : counter.getBaitBiasDetailMetrics()) { if (CONTEXTS_TO_PRINT.isEmpty() || CONTEXTS_TO_PRINT.contains(baitBiasDetailMetrics.CONTEXT)) { baitBiasDetailMetricsFile.addMetric(baitBiasDetailMetrics); } } } preAdapterDetailMetricsFile.write(preAdapterDetailsOut); preAdapterSummaryMetricsFile.write(preAdapterSummaryOut); baitBiasDetailMetricsFile.write(baitBiasDetailsOut); baitBiasSummaryMetricsFile.write(baitBiasSummaryOut); // Calculate the summary error rates - it's CRITICAL that the other files are written out // first as this code modifies the pre-adapter detail metrics! if (!preAdapterDetailMetricsFile.getMetrics().isEmpty()) { final List<PreAdapterDetailMetrics> in = preAdapterDetailMetricsFile.getMetrics(); in.forEach(m -> { if (m.REF_BASE == 'G' || m.REF_BASE == 'T') { m.REF_BASE = (char) SequenceUtil.complement((byte) m.REF_BASE); m.ALT_BASE = (char) SequenceUtil.complement((byte) m.ALT_BASE); } }); // Group the metrics by error type final Map<String,List<PreAdapterDetailMetrics>> byError = -> m.REF_BASE + ">" + m.ALT_BASE)); for (final String error : new TreeSet<>(byError.keySet())) { final List<PreAdapterDetailMetrics> ms = byError.get(error); final ErrorSummaryMetrics summary = new ErrorSummaryMetrics(); summary.REF_BASE = ms.get(0).REF_BASE; summary.ALT_BASE = ms.get(0).ALT_BASE; summary.SUBSTITUTION = error; summary.REF_COUNT = -> m.PRO_REF_BASES + m.CON_REF_BASES).sum(); summary.ALT_COUNT = -> m.PRO_ALT_BASES + m.CON_ALT_BASES).sum(); summary.calculateDerivedFields(); errorSummaryMetricsFile.addMetric(summary); } } errorSummaryMetricsFile.write(errorSummaryFile); } @Override protected boolean usesNoRefReads() { return false; } }