/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2014 The Broad Institute * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package picard.util; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord; import htsjdk.samtools.util.CollectionUtil; import htsjdk.samtools.util.SequenceUtil; import htsjdk.samtools.util.StringUtil; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /** * Store one or more AdapterPairs to use to mark adapter sequence of SAMRecords. This is a very compute-intensive process, so * this class implements two heuristics to reduce computation: * - Adapter sequences are truncated, and then any adapter pairs that become identical after truncation are collapsed into a single pair. * - After a specified number of reads with adapter sequence has been seen, prune the list of adapter pairs to include only the most * frequently seen adapters. For a flowcell, there should only be a single adapter pair found. * * Note that the AdapterPair object returned by all the adapterTrim* methods will not be one of the original AdapterPairs * passed to the ctor, but rather will be one of the truncated copies. */ public class AdapterMarker { public static final int DEFAULT_ADAPTER_LENGTH = 30; public static final int DEFAULT_PRUNE_ADAPTER_LIST_AFTER_THIS_MANY_ADAPTERS_SEEN = 100; public static final int DEFAULT_NUM_ADAPTERS_TO_KEEP = 1; // It is assumed that these are set once during execution, before the class is used to mark any adapters, but this is not enforced. private int thresholdForSelectingAdaptersToKeep = DEFAULT_PRUNE_ADAPTER_LIST_AFTER_THIS_MANY_ADAPTERS_SEEN; private int numAdaptersToKeep = DEFAULT_NUM_ADAPTERS_TO_KEEP; private int minSingleEndMatchBases = ClippingUtility.MIN_MATCH_BASES; private int minPairMatchBases = ClippingUtility.MIN_MATCH_PE_BASES; private double maxSingleEndErrorRate = ClippingUtility.MAX_ERROR_RATE; private double maxPairErrorRate = ClippingUtility.MAX_PE_ERROR_RATE; // This is AtomicReference because one thread could be matching adapters while the threshold has been crossed in another // thread and the array is being replaced. private final AtomicReference<AdapterPair[]> adapters = new AtomicReference<AdapterPair[]>(); // All the members below are only accessed within a synchronized block. private boolean thresholdReached = false; private int numAdaptersSeen = 0; private final CollectionUtil.DefaultingMap<AdapterPair, Integer> seenCounts = new CollectionUtil.DefaultingMap<AdapterPair, Integer>(0); /** * Truncates adapters to DEFAULT_ADAPTER_LENGTH * @param originalAdapters These should be in order from longest & most likely to shortest & least likely. */ public AdapterMarker(final AdapterPair... originalAdapters) { this(DEFAULT_ADAPTER_LENGTH, originalAdapters); } /** * @param adapterLength Truncate adapters to this length. * @param originalAdapters These should be in order from longest & most likely to shortest & least likely. */ public AdapterMarker(final int adapterLength, final AdapterPair... originalAdapters) { // Truncate each AdapterPair to the given length, and then combine any that end up the same after truncation. final ArrayList<TruncatedAdapterPair> truncatedAdapters = new ArrayList<TruncatedAdapterPair>(); for (final AdapterPair adapter : originalAdapters) { final TruncatedAdapterPair truncatedAdapter = makeTruncatedAdapterPair(adapter, adapterLength); final int matchingIndex = truncatedAdapters.indexOf(truncatedAdapter); if (matchingIndex == -1) { truncatedAdapters.add(truncatedAdapter); } else { final TruncatedAdapterPair matchingAdapter = truncatedAdapters.get(matchingIndex); matchingAdapter.setName(matchingAdapter.getName() + "|" + adapter.getName()); } } adapters.set(truncatedAdapters.toArray(new AdapterPair[truncatedAdapters.size()])); } public int getNumAdaptersToKeep() { return numAdaptersToKeep; } /** * After seeing the thresholdForSelectingAdapters number of adapters, keep up to this many of the original adapters. */ public synchronized AdapterMarker setNumAdaptersToKeep(final int numAdaptersToKeep) { if (numAdaptersToKeep <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("numAdaptersToKeep should be positive: %d", numAdaptersToKeep)); } this.numAdaptersToKeep = numAdaptersToKeep; return this; } public int getThresholdForSelectingAdaptersToKeep() { return thresholdForSelectingAdaptersToKeep; } /** * When this number of adapters have been matched, discard the least-frequently matching ones. * @param thresholdForSelectingAdaptersToKeep set to -1 to never discard any adapters. */ public synchronized AdapterMarker setThresholdForSelectingAdaptersToKeep(final int thresholdForSelectingAdaptersToKeep) { this.thresholdForSelectingAdaptersToKeep = thresholdForSelectingAdaptersToKeep; return this; } public int getMinSingleEndMatchBases() { return minSingleEndMatchBases; } /** * * @param minSingleEndMatchBases When marking a single-end read, adapter must match at least this many bases. */ public synchronized AdapterMarker setMinSingleEndMatchBases(final int minSingleEndMatchBases) { this.minSingleEndMatchBases = minSingleEndMatchBases; return this; } public int getMinPairMatchBases() { return minPairMatchBases; } /** * * @param minPairMatchBases When marking a paired-end read, adapter must match at least this many bases. */ public synchronized AdapterMarker setMinPairMatchBases(final int minPairMatchBases) { this.minPairMatchBases = minPairMatchBases; return this; } public double getMaxSingleEndErrorRate() { return maxSingleEndErrorRate; } /** * @param maxSingleEndErrorRate For single-end read, no more than this fraction of the bases that align with the adapter can * mismatch the adapter and still be considered an adapter match. */ public synchronized AdapterMarker setMaxSingleEndErrorRate(final double maxSingleEndErrorRate) { this.maxSingleEndErrorRate = maxSingleEndErrorRate; return this; } public double getMaxPairErrorRate() { return maxPairErrorRate; } /** * @param maxPairErrorRate For paired-end read, no more than this fraction of the bases that align with the adapter can * mismatch the adapter and still be considered an adapter match. */ public synchronized AdapterMarker setMaxPairErrorRate(final double maxPairErrorRate) { this.maxPairErrorRate = maxPairErrorRate; return this; } public AdapterPair adapterTrimIlluminaSingleRead(final SAMRecord read) { return adapterTrimIlluminaSingleRead(read, minSingleEndMatchBases, maxSingleEndErrorRate); } public AdapterPair adapterTrimIlluminaPairedReads(final SAMRecord read1, final SAMRecord read2) { return adapterTrimIlluminaPairedReads(read1, read2, minPairMatchBases, maxPairErrorRate); } /** * Overrides defaults for minMatchBases and maxErrorRate */ public AdapterPair adapterTrimIlluminaSingleRead(final SAMRecord read, final int minMatchBases, final double maxErrorRate) { final AdapterPair ret = ClippingUtility.adapterTrimIlluminaSingleRead(read, minMatchBases, maxErrorRate, adapters.get()); if (ret != null) tallyFoundAdapter(ret); return ret; } /** * Overrides defaults for minMatchBases and maxErrorRate */ public AdapterPair adapterTrimIlluminaPairedReads(final SAMRecord read1, final SAMRecord read2, final int minMatchBases, final double maxErrorRate) { final AdapterPair ret = ClippingUtility.adapterTrimIlluminaPairedReads(read1, read2, minMatchBases, maxErrorRate, adapters.get()); if (ret != null) tallyFoundAdapter(ret); return ret; } /** For unit testing only */ AdapterPair[] getAdapters() { return adapters.get(); } private TruncatedAdapterPair makeTruncatedAdapterPair(final AdapterPair adapterPair, final int adapterLength) { return new TruncatedAdapterPair("truncated " + adapterPair.getName(), substringAndRemoveTrailingNs(adapterPair.get3PrimeAdapterInReadOrder(), adapterLength), substringAndRemoveTrailingNs(adapterPair.get5PrimeAdapterInReadOrder(), adapterLength)); } /** * Truncate to the given length, and in addition truncate any trailing Ns. */ private String substringAndRemoveTrailingNs(final String s, int length) { length = Math.min(length, s.length()); final byte[] bytes = StringUtil.stringToBytes(s); while (length > 0 && SequenceUtil.isNoCall(bytes[length - 1])) { length--; } return s.substring(0, length); } /** * Keep track of every time an adapter is found, until it is time to prune the list of adapters. */ private void tallyFoundAdapter(final AdapterPair foundAdapter) { // If caller does not want adapter pruning, do nothing. if (thresholdForSelectingAdaptersToKeep < 1) return; synchronized (this) { // Already pruned adapter list, so nothing more to do. if (thresholdReached) return; // Tally this adapter seenCounts.put(foundAdapter, seenCounts.get(foundAdapter) + 1); // Keep track of the number of times an adapter has been seen. numAdaptersSeen += 1; // Reached the threshold for pruning the list. if (numAdaptersSeen >= thresholdForSelectingAdaptersToKeep) { // Sort adapters by number of times each has been seen. final TreeMap<Integer, AdapterPair> sortedAdapters = new TreeMap<Integer, AdapterPair>(new Comparator<Integer>() { @Override public int compare(final Integer integer, final Integer integer2) { // Reverse of natural ordering return integer2.compareTo(integer); } }); for (final Map.Entry<AdapterPair, Integer> entry : seenCounts.entrySet()) { sortedAdapters.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } // Keep the #numAdaptersToKeep adapters that have been seen the most, plus any ties. final ArrayList<AdapterPair> bestAdapters = new ArrayList<AdapterPair>(numAdaptersToKeep); int countOfLastAdapter = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (final Map.Entry<Integer, AdapterPair> entry : sortedAdapters.entrySet()) { if (bestAdapters.size() >= numAdaptersToKeep) { if (entry.getKey() == countOfLastAdapter) { bestAdapters.add(entry.getValue()); } else { break; } } else { countOfLastAdapter = entry.getKey(); bestAdapters.add(entry.getValue()); } } // Replace the existing list with the pruned list. thresholdReached = true; adapters.set(bestAdapters.toArray(new AdapterPair[bestAdapters.size()])); } } } private static final class TruncatedAdapterPair implements AdapterPair { String name; final String fivePrime, threePrime, fivePrimeReadOrder; final byte[] fivePrimeBytes, threePrimeBytes, fivePrimeReadOrderBytes; private TruncatedAdapterPair(final String name, final String threePrimeReadOrder, final String fivePrimeReadOrder) { this.name = name; this.threePrime = threePrimeReadOrder; this.threePrimeBytes = StringUtil.stringToBytes(threePrimeReadOrder); this.fivePrimeReadOrder = fivePrimeReadOrder; this.fivePrimeReadOrderBytes = StringUtil.stringToBytes(fivePrimeReadOrder); this.fivePrime = SequenceUtil.reverseComplement(fivePrimeReadOrder); this.fivePrimeBytes = StringUtil.stringToBytes(this.fivePrime); } public String get3PrimeAdapter(){ return threePrime; } public String get5PrimeAdapter(){ return fivePrime; } public String get3PrimeAdapterInReadOrder(){ return threePrime; } public String get5PrimeAdapterInReadOrder() { return fivePrimeReadOrder; } public byte[] get3PrimeAdapterBytes() { return threePrimeBytes; } public byte[] get5PrimeAdapterBytes() { return fivePrimeBytes; } public byte[] get3PrimeAdapterBytesInReadOrder() { return threePrimeBytes; } public byte[] get5PrimeAdapterBytesInReadOrder() { return fivePrimeReadOrderBytes; } public String getName() { return this.name; } public void setName(final String name) { this.name = name; } // WARNING: These methods ignore the name member! @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; final TruncatedAdapterPair that = (TruncatedAdapterPair) o; if (!fivePrime.equals(that.fivePrime)) return false; if (!threePrime.equals(that.threePrime)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = fivePrime.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + threePrime.hashCode(); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "TruncatedAdapterPair{" + "fivePrimeReadOrder='" + fivePrimeReadOrder + '\'' + ", threePrime='" + threePrime + '\'' + ", name='" + name + '\'' + '}'; } } }