package picard.util; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMSequenceDictionary; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMSequenceRecord; import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloserUtil; import htsjdk.samtools.util.IOUtil; import htsjdk.samtools.util.Interval; import htsjdk.samtools.util.IntervalList; import htsjdk.samtools.util.Log; import htsjdk.samtools.util.ProgressLogger; import htsjdk.tribble.AbstractFeatureReader; import htsjdk.tribble.CloseableTribbleIterator; import htsjdk.tribble.FeatureReader; import htsjdk.tribble.annotation.Strand; import htsjdk.tribble.bed.BEDCodec; import htsjdk.tribble.bed.BEDFeature; import htsjdk.variant.utils.SAMSequenceDictionaryExtractor; import picard.PicardException; import picard.cmdline.CommandLineProgram; import picard.cmdline.CommandLineProgramProperties; import picard.cmdline.Option; import picard.cmdline.StandardOptionDefinitions; import picard.cmdline.programgroups.Intervals; import; import; /** * @author nhomer */ @CommandLineProgramProperties( usage = BedToIntervalList.USAGE_SUMMARY + BedToIntervalList.USAGE_DETAILS, usageShort = BedToIntervalList.USAGE_SUMMARY, programGroup = Intervals.class ) public class BedToIntervalList extends CommandLineProgram { static final String USAGE_SUMMARY = "Converts a BED file to a Picard Interval List. " ; static final String USAGE_DETAILS = "This tool provides easy conversion from BED to the Picard interval_list format which is " + "required by many Picard processing tools. Note that the coordinate system of BED files is such that the first base or " + "position in a sequence is numbered \"0\", while in interval_list files it is numbered \"1\"." + "<br /><br />" + "BED files contain sequence data displayed in a flexible format that includes nine optional fields, " + "in addition to three required fields within the annotation tracks. The required fields of a BED file include:" + "<pre>" + " chrom - The name of the chromosome (e.g. chr20) or scaffold (e.g. scaffold10671) <br />" + " chromStart - The starting position of the feature in the chromosome or scaffold. The first base in a chromosome is numbered \"0\" <br />" + " chromEnd - The ending position of the feature in the chromosome or scaffold. The chromEnd base is not" + " included in the display of the feature. For example, the first 100 bases of a " + "chromosome are defined as chromStart=0, chromEnd=100, and span the bases numbered 0-99." + "</pre>" + "In each annotation track, the number of fields per line must be consistent throughout a data set. " + "For additional information regarding BED files and the annotation field options, please see:" + "" + "<br /> <br /> " + "Interval_list files contain sequence data distributed into intervals. The interval_list file format is relatively simple " + "and reflects the SAM alignment format to a degree. A SAM style header must be present in the file that lists the sequence " + "records against which the intervals are described. After the header, the file then contains records, one per line in plain " + "text format with the following values tab-separated::" + "<pre> " + " -Sequence name (SN) - The name of the sequence in the file for identification purposes, can be chromosome number e.g. chr20 <br /> " + " -Start position - Interval start position (starts at +1) <br /> " + " -End position - Interval end position (1-based, end inclusive) <br /> " + " -Strand - Indicates +/- strand for the interval (either + or -) <br /> " + " -Interval name - (Each interval should have a unique name) " + "</pre>" + " <br /><br />" + "This tool requires sequence dictionary file (with \".dict\" extension), which can be created from a reference sequence " + "using Picard's CreateSequenceDictionary tool."+ "<h4>Usage example:</h4>" + "<pre>" + "java -jar picard.jar BedToIntervalList \\<br />" + " I=input.bed \\<br />" + " O=list.interval_list \\<br />" + " SD=reference_sequence.dict" + "</pre>" + "<br /> <br /> "+ "<hr />" ; @Option(shortName = StandardOptionDefinitions.INPUT_SHORT_NAME, doc = "The input BED file") public File INPUT; @Option(shortName = StandardOptionDefinitions.SEQUENCE_DICTIONARY_SHORT_NAME, doc = "The sequence dictionary") public File SEQUENCE_DICTIONARY; @Option(shortName = StandardOptionDefinitions.OUTPUT_SHORT_NAME, doc = "The output Picard Interval List") public File OUTPUT; @Option(doc="If true, sort the output interval list before writing it.") public boolean SORT = true; @Option(doc="If true, unique the output interval list by merging overlapping regions, before writing it (implies sort=true).") public boolean UNIQUE = false; final Log LOG = Log.getInstance(getClass()); // Stock main method public static void main(final String[] args) { new BedToIntervalList().instanceMainWithExit(args); } @Override protected int doWork() { IOUtil.assertFileIsReadable(INPUT); IOUtil.assertFileIsReadable(SEQUENCE_DICTIONARY); IOUtil.assertFileIsWritable(OUTPUT); try { // create a new header that we will assign the dictionary provided by the SAMSequenceDictionaryExtractor to. final SAMFileHeader header = new SAMFileHeader(); final SAMSequenceDictionary samSequenceDictionary = SAMSequenceDictionaryExtractor.extractDictionary(SEQUENCE_DICTIONARY); header.setSequenceDictionary(samSequenceDictionary); // set the sort order to be sorted by coordinate, which is actually done below // by getting the .uniqued() intervals list before we write out the file header.setSortOrder(SAMFileHeader.SortOrder.coordinate); final IntervalList intervalList = new IntervalList(header); /** * NB: BED is zero-based, but a BEDCodec by default (since it is returns tribble Features) has an offset of one, * so it returns 1-based starts. Ugh. Set to zero. */ final FeatureReader<BEDFeature> bedReader = AbstractFeatureReader.getFeatureReader(INPUT.getAbsolutePath(), new BEDCodec(BEDCodec.StartOffset.ZERO), false); final CloseableTribbleIterator<BEDFeature> iterator = bedReader.iterator(); final ProgressLogger progressLogger = new ProgressLogger(LOG, (int) 1e6); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final BEDFeature bedFeature =; final String sequenceName = bedFeature.getContig(); /** * NB: BED is zero-based, so we need to add one here to make it one-based. Please observe we set the start * offset to zero when creating the BEDCodec. */ final int start = bedFeature.getStart() + 1; /** * NB: BED is 0-based OPEN (which, for the end is equivalent to 1-based closed). */ final int end = bedFeature.getEnd(); // NB: do not use an empty name within an interval String name = bedFeature.getName(); if (name.isEmpty()) name = null; final SAMSequenceRecord sequenceRecord = header.getSequenceDictionary().getSequence(sequenceName); // Do some validation if (null == sequenceRecord) { throw new PicardException(String.format("Sequence '%s' was not found in the sequence dictionary", sequenceName)); } else if (start < 1) { throw new PicardException(String.format("Start on sequence '%s' was less than one: %d", sequenceName, start)); } else if (sequenceRecord.getSequenceLength() < start) { throw new PicardException(String.format("Start on sequence '%s' was past the end: %d < %d", sequenceName, sequenceRecord.getSequenceLength(), start)); } else if (end < 1) { throw new PicardException(String.format("End on sequence '%s' was less than one: %d", sequenceName, end)); } else if (sequenceRecord.getSequenceLength() < end) { throw new PicardException(String.format("End on sequence '%s' was past the end: %d < %d", sequenceName, sequenceRecord.getSequenceLength(), end)); } else if (end < start - 1) { throw new PicardException(String.format("On sequence '%s', end < start-1: %d <= %d", sequenceName, end, start)); } final boolean isNegativeStrand = bedFeature.getStrand() == Strand.NEGATIVE; final Interval interval = new Interval(sequenceName, start, end, isNegativeStrand, name); intervalList.add(interval); progressLogger.record(sequenceName, start); } CloserUtil.close(bedReader); // Sort and write the output IntervalList out = intervalList; if (SORT) out = out.sorted(); if (UNIQUE) out = out.uniqued(); out.write(OUTPUT); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return 0; } }