package picard.analysis.directed; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMReadGroupRecord; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord; import htsjdk.samtools.SamReader; import htsjdk.samtools.SamReaderFactory; import htsjdk.samtools.metrics.MetricsFile; import htsjdk.samtools.reference.ReferenceSequenceFile; import htsjdk.samtools.reference.ReferenceSequenceFileFactory; import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloserUtil; import htsjdk.samtools.util.CollectionUtil; import htsjdk.samtools.util.IOUtil; import htsjdk.samtools.util.IntervalList; import htsjdk.samtools.util.Log; import htsjdk.samtools.util.ProgressLogger; import htsjdk.samtools.util.SequenceUtil; import picard.analysis.MetricAccumulationLevel; import picard.cmdline.CommandLineProgram; import picard.cmdline.Option; import picard.cmdline.StandardOptionDefinitions; import picard.metrics.MultilevelMetrics; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import static picard.cmdline.StandardOptionDefinitions.MINIMUM_MAPPING_QUALITY_SHORT_NAME; /** * <p>Both CollectTargetedPCRMetrics and CollectHsSelection share virtually identical program structures except * for the name of their targeting mechanisms (e.g. bait set or amplicon set). The shared behavior of these programs * is encapsulated in CollectTargetedMetrics which is then subclassed by CollectHsMetrics and CollectTargetedPcrMetrics. * <p/> * <p>This program verifies the input parameters to TargetMetricsCollector and converts all files to * the format desired by TargetMetricsCollector. Then it instantiates a TargetMetricsCollector and * collects metric information for all reads in the INPUT sam file.</p> */ public abstract class CollectTargetedMetrics<METRIC extends MultilevelMetrics, COLLECTOR extends TargetMetricsCollector<METRIC>> extends CommandLineProgram { private final Log log = Log.getInstance(getClass()); protected abstract IntervalList getProbeIntervals(); protected abstract String getProbeSetName(); /** * A factory method for the TargetMetricsCollector to use this time. Examples of TargetMetricsCollector: * (TargetedPcrMetricsCollector, HsMetricsCalculator) * * @return A TargetMetricsCollector to which we will pass SAMRecords */ protected abstract COLLECTOR makeCollector(final Set<MetricAccumulationLevel> accumulationLevels, final List<SAMReadGroupRecord> samRgRecords, final ReferenceSequenceFile refFile, final File perTargetCoverage, final File perBaseCoverage, final IntervalList targetIntervals, final IntervalList probeIntervals, final String probeSetName, final int nearProbeDistance); @Option(shortName = "TI", doc = "An interval list file that contains the locations of the targets.", minElements=1) public List<File> TARGET_INTERVALS; @Option(shortName = StandardOptionDefinitions.INPUT_SHORT_NAME, doc = "An aligned SAM or BAM file.") public File INPUT; @Option(shortName = StandardOptionDefinitions.OUTPUT_SHORT_NAME, doc = "The output file to write the metrics to.") public File OUTPUT; @Option(shortName = "LEVEL", doc = "The level(s) at which to accumulate metrics.") public Set<MetricAccumulationLevel> METRIC_ACCUMULATION_LEVEL = CollectionUtil.makeSet(MetricAccumulationLevel.ALL_READS); @Option(optional = true, doc = "An optional file to output per target coverage information to.") public File PER_TARGET_COVERAGE; @Option(optional = true, doc = "An optional file to output per base coverage information to. The per-base file contains " + "one line per target base and can grow very large. It is not recommended for use with large target sets.") public File PER_BASE_COVERAGE; @Option(optional = true, doc= "The maximum distance between a read and the nearest probe/bait/amplicon for the read to be " + "considered 'near probe' and included in percent selected.") public int NEAR_DISTANCE = TargetedPcrMetricsCollector.NEAR_PROBE_DISTANCE_DEFAULT; @Option(shortName = MINIMUM_MAPPING_QUALITY_SHORT_NAME, doc = "Minimum mapping quality for a read to contribute coverage.", overridable = true) public int MINIMUM_MAPPING_QUALITY = 1; @Option(shortName = "Q", doc = "Minimum base quality for a base to contribute coverage.", overridable = true) public int MINIMUM_BASE_QUALITY = 0; @Option(doc = "True if we are to clip overlapping reads, false otherwise.", optional=true, overridable = true) public boolean CLIP_OVERLAPPING_READS = false; @Option(shortName = "covMax", doc = "Parameter to set a max coverage limit for Theoretical Sensitivity calculations. Default is 200.", optional = true) public int COVERAGE_CAP = 200; @Option(doc="Sample Size used for Theoretical Het Sensitivity sampling. Default is 10000.", optional = true) public int SAMPLE_SIZE=10000; /** * Asserts that files are readable and writable and then fires off an * HsMetricsCalculator instance to do the real work. */ protected int doWork() { for (final File targetInterval : TARGET_INTERVALS) IOUtil.assertFileIsReadable(targetInterval); IOUtil.assertFileIsReadable(INPUT); IOUtil.assertFileIsWritable(OUTPUT); if (PER_TARGET_COVERAGE != null) IOUtil.assertFileIsWritable(PER_TARGET_COVERAGE); final SamReader reader = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault().referenceSequence(REFERENCE_SEQUENCE).open(INPUT); final IntervalList targetIntervals = IntervalList.fromFiles(TARGET_INTERVALS); // Validate that the targets and baits have the same references as the reads file SequenceUtil.assertSequenceDictionariesEqual( reader.getFileHeader().getSequenceDictionary(), targetIntervals.getHeader().getSequenceDictionary()); SequenceUtil.assertSequenceDictionariesEqual( reader.getFileHeader().getSequenceDictionary(), getProbeIntervals().getHeader().getSequenceDictionary() ); ReferenceSequenceFile ref = null; if (REFERENCE_SEQUENCE != null) { IOUtil.assertFileIsReadable(REFERENCE_SEQUENCE); ref = ReferenceSequenceFileFactory.getReferenceSequenceFile(REFERENCE_SEQUENCE); SequenceUtil.assertSequenceDictionariesEqual( reader.getFileHeader().getSequenceDictionary(), ref.getSequenceDictionary(), INPUT, REFERENCE_SEQUENCE ); } final COLLECTOR collector = makeCollector( METRIC_ACCUMULATION_LEVEL, reader.getFileHeader().getReadGroups(), ref, PER_TARGET_COVERAGE, PER_BASE_COVERAGE, targetIntervals, getProbeIntervals(), getProbeSetName(), NEAR_DISTANCE ); final ProgressLogger progress = new ProgressLogger(log); for (final SAMRecord record : reader) { collector.acceptRecord(record, null); progress.record(record); } // Write the output file final MetricsFile<METRIC, Integer> metrics = getMetricsFile(); collector.finish(); collector.addAllLevelsToFile(metrics); metrics.write(OUTPUT); CloserUtil.close(reader); return 0; } /** Renders a probe name from the provided file, returning {@link} with all extensions stripped. */ static String renderProbeNameFromFile(final File probeIntervalFile) { final String name = probeIntervalFile.getName(); final int firstPeriodIndex = name.indexOf('.'); if (firstPeriodIndex == -1) { return name; } else { return name.substring(0, firstPeriodIndex); } } protected String[] customCommandLineValidation() { if (PER_TARGET_COVERAGE != null && (METRIC_ACCUMULATION_LEVEL.size() != 1 || METRIC_ACCUMULATION_LEVEL.iterator().next() != MetricAccumulationLevel.ALL_READS)) { return new String[]{"PER_TARGET_COVERAGE can be specified only when METRIC_ACCUMULATION_LEVEL is set " + "to ALL_READS."}; } if (PER_TARGET_COVERAGE != null && REFERENCE_SEQUENCE == null) { return new String[]{"Must supply REFERENCE_SEQUENCE when supplying PER_TARGET_COVERAGE"}; } return super.customCommandLineValidation(); } }