package picard.illumina.parser.readers; import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloseableIterator; import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloserUtil; import htsjdk.samtools.util.Log; import htsjdk.samtools.util.ProgressLogger; import htsjdk.samtools.util.RuntimeIOException; import picard.illumina.parser.BclData; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; /** * ------------------------------------- CBCL Header ----------------------------------- * Bytes 0 - 1 Version number, current version is 1 unsigned 16 bits little endian integer * Bytes 2 - 5 Header size unsigned 32 bits little endian integer * Byte 6 Number of bits per basecall unsigned * Byte 7 Number of bits per q-score unsigned * <p> * q-val mapping info * Bytes 0-3 Number of bins (B), zero indicates no mapping * B pairs of 4 byte values (if B > 0) {from, to}, {from, to}, {from, to} …from: quality score bin to: quality score * <p> * Number of tile records unsigned 32bits little endian integer * <p> * gzip virtual file offsets, one record per tile * Bytes 0-3: tile number * Bytes 4-7 Number of clusters that were written into the current block (required due to bit-packed q-scores) * unsigned 32 bit integer * <p> * Bytes 8-11 Uncompressed block size of the tile data (useful for sanity check whenexcluding non-PF clusters) * unsigned 32 bit integer * <p> * Bytes 12-15 Compressed block size of the tile data unsigned 32 bit integer * <p> * non-PF clusters excluded flag 1: non-PF clusters are excluded 0: non-PF clusters are included * <p> * ------------------------------------- CBCL File Content ----------------------------------- * <p> * N blocks of gzip files, where N is the number of tiles. * <p> * Each block consists of C number of basecall, quality score pairs where C is the number of clusters for the given tile. * <p> * Each basecall, quality score pair has the following format (assuming 2 bits are used for the basecalls): * Bits 0-1: Basecalls (respectively [A, C, G, T] for [00, 01, 10, 11]) * Bits 2 and up: Quality score (unsigned Q bit little endian integer where Q is the number of bits per q-score). * For a two bit quality score, this is two clusters per byte where the bottom 4 bits are the first cluster and the * higher 4 bits are the second cluster. **/ public class CbclReader extends BaseBclReader implements CloseableIterator<BclData> { private static Log log = Log.getInstance(CbclReader.class); private ByteBuffer[] cachedTile; private int[] currentTile; private List<BclData> queue = new ArrayList<>(); private final CycleData[] cycleData; private Map<Integer, File> filters; private Map<Integer, boolean[]> cachedFilter = new HashMap<>(); void addFilters(Map<Integer, File> filters) { this.filters = filters; } private static final int INITIAL_HEADER_SIZE = 6; public CbclReader(final List<File> cbcls, final int[] outputLengths) { super(outputLengths); cycleData = new CycleData[cycles]; cachedTile = new ByteBuffer[cycles]; currentTile = new int[cycles]; try { final ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(INITIAL_HEADER_SIZE); byteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); for (int i = 0; i < cycles; i++) { currentTile[i] = 0; final File bclFile = cbcls.get(i); final InputStream stream = open(bclFile, false, false, false); int read =; //we need to read the first 6 bytes to determine the header size if (read != INITIAL_HEADER_SIZE) { close(); throw new RuntimeIOException(String.format("BCL %s has invalid header structure.", bclFile.getAbsoluteFile())); } short version = byteBuffer.getShort(); int headerSize = byteBuffer.getInt(); final ByteBuffer headerBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(headerSize - INITIAL_HEADER_SIZE); headerBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); read =; if (read != headerSize - INITIAL_HEADER_SIZE) { close(); throw new RuntimeIOException(String.format("BCL %s has invalid header structure.", bclFile.getAbsoluteFile())); } byte bitsPerBasecall = headerBuffer.get(); byte bitsPerQualityScore = headerBuffer.get(); if (bitsPerBasecall != 2 && bitsPerBasecall != bitsPerQualityScore) { close(); throw new RuntimeIOException("CBCL data not encoded in nibbles. (not currently supported)"); } int numberOfBins = headerBuffer.getInt(); byte[] qualityBins = new byte[numberOfBins]; //each bin has a pair of 4 byte mappings for (int j = 0; j < numberOfBins; j++) { headerBuffer.getInt(); // first int is "from" value, which we don't need int to = headerBuffer.getInt(); qualityBins[j] = (byte) to; } int numTiles = headerBuffer.getInt(); TileData[] tileInfo = new TileData[numTiles]; for (int j = 0; j < numTiles; j++) { int tileNum = headerBuffer.getInt(); int numClustersInTile = headerBuffer.getInt(); int uncompressedBlockSize = headerBuffer.getInt(); int compressedBlockSize = headerBuffer.getInt(); tileInfo[j] = new TileData(tileNum, numClustersInTile, uncompressedBlockSize, compressedBlockSize); } boolean pfExcluded = headerBuffer.get() == 1; cycleData[i] = new CycleData(version, headerSize, bitsPerBasecall, bitsPerQualityScore, numberOfBins, qualityBins, numTiles, tileInfo, pfExcluded); this.streams[i] = stream; this.streamFiles[i] = bclFile; byteBuffer.clear(); headerBuffer.clear(); } } catch (final IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeIOException(ioe); } } @Override public boolean hasNext() { if (queue.isEmpty()) { advance(); } return !queue.isEmpty(); } public BclData next() { if (queue.isEmpty()) { advance(); } final BclData data = queue.get(0); queue.remove(0); return data; } @Override public void close() { for (final InputStream stream : this.streams) { CloserUtil.close(stream); } } private void advance() { int totalCycleCount = 0; BclData data = new BclData(outputLengths); for (int read = 0; read < outputLengths.length; read++) { for (int cycle = 0; cycle < outputLengths[read]; cycle++) { try { CycleData currentCycleData = cycleData[totalCycleCount]; TileData currentTileData = currentCycleData.tileInfo[currentTile[totalCycleCount]]; try { if (cachedTile[totalCycleCount] == null) { if (!cachedFilter.containsKey(currentTileData.tileNum)) { cacheFilter(currentTileData); } cacheTile(totalCycleCount, currentTileData, currentCycleData); } } catch (IOException e) { // when logging the error, increment cycle by 1, since totalCycleCount is zero-indexed but Illumina directories are 1-indexed. throw new IOException(String.format("Error while reading from BCL file for cycle %d. Offending file on disk is %s", (totalCycleCount + 1), this.streamFiles[totalCycleCount].getAbsolutePath()), e); } if (!cachedTile[totalCycleCount].hasRemaining()) { //on to the next tile currentTile[totalCycleCount]++; //if past the last tile then return if (currentTile[totalCycleCount] > currentCycleData.tileInfo.length - 1) { return; } currentTileData = currentCycleData.tileInfo[currentTile[totalCycleCount]]; if (!cachedFilter.containsKey(currentTileData.tileNum)) { cacheFilter(currentTileData); } cacheTile(totalCycleCount, currentTileData, currentCycleData); } int singleByte = cachedTile[totalCycleCount].get(); decodeQualityBinnedBasecall(data, read, cycle, singleByte, currentCycleData); totalCycleCount++; } catch (final IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeIOException(ioe); } } } this.queue.add(data); } private void cacheFilter(TileData currentTileData) { boolean[] filterValues = new boolean[currentTileData.numClustersInTile]; FilterFileReader reader = new FilterFileReader(filters.get(currentTileData.tileNum)); int count = 0; while (reader.hasNext()) { filterValues[count] =; count++; } cachedFilter.put(currentTileData.tileNum, filterValues); } private void cacheTile(int totalCycleCount, TileData tileData, CycleData currentCycleData) throws IOException { ByteBuffer tileByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(tileData.compressedBlockSize); //we are going to explode the nibbles in to bytes to make PF filtering easier ByteBuffer tempUncompressedByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(tileData.uncompressedBlockSize); ByteBuffer uncompressedByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(tileData.uncompressedBlockSize); ByteBuffer unNibbledByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(tileData.uncompressedBlockSize * 2); tileByteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); uncompressedByteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); // Read the whole compressed block into a buffer, then sanity check the length int readBytes = this.streams[totalCycleCount].read(tileByteBuffer.array()); if (readBytes != tileData.compressedBlockSize) { throw new IOException(String.format("Error while reading from BCL file for cycle %d. Offending file on disk is %s", (totalCycleCount + 1), this.streamFiles[totalCycleCount].getAbsolutePath())); } // Uncompress the data from the buffer we just wrote - use gzip input stream to write to uncompressed buffer ByteArrayInputStream byteInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(tileByteBuffer.array()); if (cachedTile[totalCycleCount] != null) { //clear the old cache cachedTile[totalCycleCount] = null; } GZIPInputStream gzipInputStream = new GZIPInputStream(byteInputStream, uncompressedByteBuffer.capacity()); int read = 0; int totalRead = 0; while ((read =, 0, tempUncompressedByteBuffer.capacity())) != -1) { uncompressedByteBuffer.put(tempUncompressedByteBuffer.array(), 0, read); totalRead += read; } if (totalRead != tileData.uncompressedBlockSize) { throw new IOException(String.format("Error while decompressing from BCL file for cycle %d. Offending file on disk is %s", (totalCycleCount + 1), this.streamFiles[totalCycleCount].getAbsolutePath())); } // Read uncompressed data from the buffer and expand each nibble into a full byte for ease of use uncompressedByteBuffer.flip(); while (uncompressedByteBuffer.hasRemaining()) { byte singleByte = uncompressedByteBuffer.get(); unNibbledByteBuffer.put((byte) (singleByte & 0x0f)); unNibbledByteBuffer.put((byte) ((singleByte >> 4) & 0x0f)); } gzipInputStream.close(); // Write buffer contents to cached tile array unNibbledByteBuffer.flip(); //if nonPF reads are included we need to strip them out if (!currentCycleData.pfExcluded) { ByteBuffer uncompressedFilteredByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(tileData.uncompressedBlockSize * 2); FilterFileReader reader = new FilterFileReader(filters.get(tileData.tileNum)); while (reader.hasNext()) { byte readByte = unNibbledByteBuffer.get(); if ( { uncompressedFilteredByteBuffer.put(readByte); } } uncompressedFilteredByteBuffer.flip(); cachedTile[totalCycleCount] = uncompressedFilteredByteBuffer.slice(); } else { cachedTile[totalCycleCount] = unNibbledByteBuffer; } } }