/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2009 The Broad Institute * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package picard.fastq; import htsjdk.samtools.ReservedTagConstants; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader; import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord; import htsjdk.samtools.SamReader; import htsjdk.samtools.SamReaderFactory; import htsjdk.samtools.filter.AggregateFilter; import htsjdk.samtools.filter.FailsVendorReadQualityFilter; import htsjdk.samtools.filter.FilteringSamIterator; import htsjdk.samtools.filter.SamRecordFilter; import htsjdk.samtools.filter.TagFilter; import htsjdk.samtools.filter.WholeReadClippedFilter; import htsjdk.samtools.util.BinaryCodec; import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloserUtil; import htsjdk.samtools.util.IOUtil; import htsjdk.samtools.util.Log; import htsjdk.samtools.util.PeekableIterator; import picard.PicardException; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * Class to take unmapped reads in BAM file format and create Maq binary fastq format file(s) -- * one or two of them, depending on whether it's a paired-end read. This relies on the unmapped * BAM file having all paired reads together in order. */ public class BamToBfqWriter { private static final int SEED_REGION_LENGTH = 28; private static final int MAX_SEED_REGION_NOCALL_FIXES = 2; private final File bamFile; private final String outputPrefix; private final String namePrefix; private final int nameTrim; private boolean pairedReads = false; private int wrote = 0; private int increment = 1; private int chunk = 0; private BinaryCodec codec1; private BinaryCodec codec2; private final Log log = Log.getInstance(BamToBfqWriter.class); private final boolean includeNonPfReads; private final boolean clipAdapters; private final Integer basesToWrite; /** * Constructor * * @param bamFile the BAM file to read from * @param outputPrefix the directory and file prefix for the binary fastq files * @param total the total number of records that should be written, drawn evenly * from throughout the file (null for all). * @param chunk the maximum number of records that should be written to any one file * @param pairedReads whether these reads are from a paired-end run * @param namePrefix The string to be stripped off the read name * before writing to the bfq file. May be null, in which case * the name will not be trimmed. * @param includeNonPfReads whether to include non pf-reads * @param clipAdapters whether to replace adapters as marked with XT:i clipping position attribute */ public BamToBfqWriter(final File bamFile, final String outputPrefix, final Integer total, final Integer chunk, final boolean pairedReads, String namePrefix, boolean includeNonPfReads, boolean clipAdapters, Integer basesToWrite) { IOUtil.assertFileIsReadable(bamFile); this.bamFile = bamFile; this.outputPrefix = outputPrefix; this.pairedReads = pairedReads; if (total != null) { final double writeable = (double)countWritableRecords(); this.increment = (int)Math.floor(writeable/total.doubleValue()); if (this.increment == 0) { this.increment = 1; } } if (chunk != null) { this.chunk = chunk; } this.namePrefix = namePrefix; this.nameTrim = namePrefix != null ? namePrefix.length() : 0; this.includeNonPfReads = includeNonPfReads; this.clipAdapters = clipAdapters; this.basesToWrite = basesToWrite; } /** * Constructor * * @param bamFile the BAM file to read from * @param outputPrefix the directory and file prefix for the binary fastq files * @param pairedReads whether these reads are from a paired-end run * @param namePrefix the barcode of the run (to be stripped off the read name * before writing to the bfq file) * @param includeNonPfReads whether to include non pf-reads */ public BamToBfqWriter(final File bamFile, final String outputPrefix, final boolean pairedReads, String namePrefix, boolean includeNonPfReads) { this(bamFile, outputPrefix, null, null, pairedReads, namePrefix, includeNonPfReads, true, null); } /** * Writes the binary fastq file(s) to the output directory */ public void writeBfqFiles() { final SamReader reader = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault().open(bamFile); final Iterator<SAMRecord> iterator = reader.iterator(); // Filter out noise reads and reads that fail the quality filter final TagFilter tagFilter = new TagFilter(ReservedTagConstants.XN, 1); final FailsVendorReadQualityFilter qualityFilter = new FailsVendorReadQualityFilter(); final WholeReadClippedFilter clippedFilter = new WholeReadClippedFilter(); if (!pairedReads) { List<SamRecordFilter> filters = new ArrayList<SamRecordFilter>(); filters.add(tagFilter); filters.add(clippedFilter); if (!this.includeNonPfReads) { filters.add(qualityFilter); } writeSingleEndBfqs(iterator, filters); codec1.close(); } else { writePairedEndBfqs(iterator, tagFilter, qualityFilter, clippedFilter); codec1.close(); codec2.close(); } log.info("Wrote " + wrote + " bfq records."); CloserUtil.close(reader); } /** * Path for writing bfqs for paired-end reads * * @param iterator the iterator witht he SAM Records to write * @param tagFilter the filter for noise reads * @param qualityFilter the filter for PF reads */ private void writePairedEndBfqs(final Iterator<SAMRecord> iterator, final TagFilter tagFilter, final FailsVendorReadQualityFilter qualityFilter, SamRecordFilter ... otherFilters) { // Open the codecs for writing int fileIndex = 0; initializeNextBfqFiles(fileIndex++); int records = 0; RECORD_LOOP: while (iterator.hasNext()) { final SAMRecord first = iterator.next(); if (!iterator.hasNext()) { throw new PicardException("Mismatched number of records in " + this.bamFile.getAbsolutePath()); } final SAMRecord second = iterator.next(); if (!second.getReadName().equals(first.getReadName()) || first.getFirstOfPairFlag() == second.getFirstOfPairFlag()) { throw new PicardException("Unmatched read pairs in " + this.bamFile.getAbsolutePath() + ": " + first.getReadName() + ", " + second.getReadName() + "."); } // If *both* are noise reads, filter them out if (tagFilter.filterOut(first) && tagFilter.filterOut(second)) { continue; } // If either fails to pass filter, then exclude them as well if (!includeNonPfReads && (qualityFilter.filterOut(first) || qualityFilter.filterOut(second))) { continue; } // If either fails any of the other filters, exclude them both for (SamRecordFilter filter : otherFilters) { if (filter.filterOut(first) || filter.filterOut(second)) { continue RECORD_LOOP; } } // Otherwise, write them out records++; if (records % increment == 0) { first.setReadName(first.getReadName() + "/1"); writeFastqRecord(first.getFirstOfPairFlag() ? codec1 : codec2, first); second.setReadName(second.getReadName() + "/2"); writeFastqRecord(second.getFirstOfPairFlag() ? codec1 : codec2, second); wrote++; if (wrote % 1000000 == 0) { log.info(wrote + " records written."); } if (chunk > 0 && wrote % chunk == 0) { initializeNextBfqFiles(fileIndex++); } } } } /** * Path for writing bfqs for single-end reads * * @param iterator the iterator with he SAM Records to write * @param filters the list of filters to be applied */ private void writeSingleEndBfqs(final Iterator<SAMRecord> iterator, final List<SamRecordFilter> filters) { // Open the codecs for writing int fileIndex = 0; initializeNextBfqFiles(fileIndex++); int records = 0; final FilteringSamIterator it = new FilteringSamIterator(iterator, new AggregateFilter(filters)); while (it.hasNext()) { final SAMRecord record = it.next(); records++; if (records % increment == 0) { record.setReadName(record.getReadName() + "/1"); writeFastqRecord(codec1, record); wrote++; if (wrote % 1000000 == 0) { log.info(wrote + " records processed."); } if (chunk > 0 && wrote % chunk == 0) { initializeNextBfqFiles(fileIndex++); } } } } /** * Closes any the open bfq file(s), if any, and opens the new one(s) * * @param fileIndex the index (counter) of the files to write */ private void initializeNextBfqFiles(final int fileIndex) { // Close the codecs if they were writing before if (codec1 != null) { codec1.close(); if (pairedReads) { codec2.close(); } } // Open new file, using the fileIndex. final File bfq1 = getOutputFile(this.outputPrefix , 1, fileIndex); codec1 = new BinaryCodec(IOUtil.openFileForWriting(bfq1)); log.info("Now writing to file " + bfq1.getAbsolutePath()); if (pairedReads) { final File bfq2 = getOutputFile(this.outputPrefix , 2, fileIndex); codec2 = new BinaryCodec(IOUtil.openFileForWriting(bfq2)); log.info("Now writing to file " + bfq2.getAbsolutePath()); } } /** * Writes out a SAMRecord in Maq fastq format * * @param codec the code to write to * @param rec the SAMRecord to write */ private void writeFastqRecord(final BinaryCodec codec, final SAMRecord rec) { // Trim the run barcode off the read name String readName = rec.getReadName(); if (namePrefix != null && readName.startsWith(namePrefix)) { readName = readName.substring(nameTrim); } // Writes the length of the read name and then the name (null-terminated) codec.writeString(readName, true, true); final char[] seqs = rec.getReadString().toCharArray(); final char[] quals = rec.getBaseQualityString().toCharArray(); int retainedLength = seqs.length; if (clipAdapters){ // adjust to a shorter length iff clipping tag exists Integer trimPoint = rec.getIntegerAttribute(ReservedTagConstants.XT); if (trimPoint != null) { assert (rec.getReadLength() == seqs.length); retainedLength = Math.min(seqs.length, Math.max(SEED_REGION_LENGTH, trimPoint -1)); } } // Write the length of the sequence codec.writeInt(basesToWrite != null ? basesToWrite : seqs.length); // Calculate and write the sequence and qualities final byte[] seqsAndQuals = encodeSeqsAndQuals(seqs, quals, retainedLength); codec.writeBytes(seqsAndQuals); } private byte[] encodeSeqsAndQuals(char[] seqs, char[] quals, int retainedLength) { final byte[] seqsAndQuals = new byte[basesToWrite == null ? seqs.length : basesToWrite]; int seedRegionNoCallFixes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < retainedLength && i < seqsAndQuals.length; i++) { int quality = Math.min(quals[i]-33, 63); final int base; switch(seqs[i]) { case 'A': case 'a': base = 0; break; case 'C': case 'c': base = 1; break; case 'G': case 'g': base = 2; break; case 'T': case 't': base = 3; break; case 'N': case 'n': case '.': base = 0; if (i < SEED_REGION_LENGTH ) { if (seedRegionNoCallFixes < MAX_SEED_REGION_NOCALL_FIXES) { quality = 1; seedRegionNoCallFixes++; } else { quality = 0; } } else { quality = 1; } break; default: throw new PicardException("Unknown base when writing bfq file: " + seqs[i]); } seqsAndQuals[i] = encodeBaseAndQuality(base, quality); } // rewrite clipped adapter with all A's of quality 1 for (int i = retainedLength; i < seqsAndQuals.length; i++) { seqsAndQuals[i] = encodeBaseAndQuality(0, 1); } return seqsAndQuals; } private byte encodeBaseAndQuality(int base, int quality) { return (byte) ((base << 6) | quality); } /** * Count the number of records in the bamFile that could potentially be written * * @return the number of records in the Bam file */ private int countWritableRecords() { int count = 0; final SamReader reader = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault().open(this.bamFile); if(!reader.getFileHeader().getSortOrder().equals(SAMFileHeader.SortOrder.queryname)) { //this is a fix for issue PIC-274: It looks like BamToBfqWriter requires that the input BAM is queryname sorted, //but it doesn't check this early, nor produce an understandable error message." throw new PicardException("Input file (" + this.bamFile.getAbsolutePath() +") needs to be sorted by queryname."); } final PeekableIterator<SAMRecord> it = new PeekableIterator<SAMRecord>(reader.iterator()); if (!this.pairedReads) { // Filter out noise reads and reads that fail the quality filter final List<SamRecordFilter> filters = new ArrayList<SamRecordFilter>(); filters.add(new TagFilter(ReservedTagConstants.XN, 1)); if (!this.includeNonPfReads) { filters.add(new FailsVendorReadQualityFilter()); } final FilteringSamIterator itr = new FilteringSamIterator(it, new AggregateFilter(filters)); while (itr.hasNext()) { itr.next(); count++; } } else { while (it.hasNext()) { final SAMRecord first = it.next(); final SAMRecord second = it.next(); // If both are noise reads, filter them out if (first.getAttribute(ReservedTagConstants.XN) != null && second.getAttribute(ReservedTagConstants.XN) != null) { // skip it } // If either fails to pass filter, then exclude them as well else if (!this.includeNonPfReads && (first.getReadFailsVendorQualityCheckFlag() || second.getReadFailsVendorQualityCheckFlag()) ) { // skip it } // Otherwise, write them out else { count++; } } } it.close(); CloserUtil.close(reader); return count; } /** * Constructs the name for the output file and returns the file * * @param outputPrefix the directory and file prefix for the output bfq file * @param read whether this is the file for the first or second read * @param index used in file name * @return a new File object for the bfq file. */ private File getOutputFile(final String outputPrefix, final int read, final int index) { final File result = new File(outputPrefix + index + "." + read + ".bfq"); IOUtil.assertFileIsWritable(result); return result; } }