/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2013 The Broad Institute * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package picard.illumina; import htsjdk.samtools.util.Log; import htsjdk.samtools.util.PeekIterator; import htsjdk.samtools.util.ProgressLogger; import htsjdk.samtools.util.SortingCollection; import picard.PicardException; import picard.illumina.parser.ClusterData; import picard.illumina.parser.IlluminaDataProvider; import picard.illumina.parser.IlluminaDataProviderFactory; import picard.illumina.parser.IlluminaDataType; import picard.illumina.parser.ReadStructure; import picard.illumina.parser.readers.BclQualityEvaluationStrategy; import picard.util.FileChannelJDKBugWorkAround; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; /** * Manages the conversion of Illumina basecalls into some output format. Creates multiple threads to manage reading, * sorting and writing efficiently. Output is written in queryname output. Optionally demultiplexes indexed reads * into separate outputs by barcode. * * @param <CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> The class to which a ClusterData is converted in preparation for writing. */ public class IlluminaBasecallsConverter<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> { /** * Describes the state of a barcode's data's processing in the context of a tile. It is either not available in * that tile, has been read, has been queued to be written to file, or has been written to file. A barcode only * takes on a state once the tile (which is serving as the context of this state) has been read. */ private enum TileBarcodeProcessingState { NA, READ, QUEUED_FOR_WRITE, WRITTEN } /** * Describes the state of a tile being processed. It is either not yet completely read, or read. */ private enum TileProcessingState { NOT_DONE_READING, DONE_READING } private static final Log log = Log.getInstance(IlluminaBasecallsConverter.class); public static final IlluminaDataType[] DATA_TYPES_NO_BARCODE = {IlluminaDataType.BaseCalls, IlluminaDataType.QualityScores, IlluminaDataType.Position, IlluminaDataType.PF}; private static final IlluminaDataType[] DATA_TYPES_WITH_BARCODE = Arrays.copyOf(DATA_TYPES_NO_BARCODE, DATA_TYPES_NO_BARCODE.length + 1); static { DATA_TYPES_WITH_BARCODE[DATA_TYPES_WITH_BARCODE.length - 1] = IlluminaDataType.Barcodes; } /** * A comparator for tile numbers, which are not necessarily ordered by the number's value. */ public static final Comparator<Integer> TILE_NUMBER_COMPARATOR = new Comparator<Integer>() { @Override public int compare(final Integer integer1, final Integer integer2) { final String s1 = integer1.toString(); final String s2 = integer2.toString(); // Because a the tile number is followed by a colon, a tile number that // is a prefix of another tile number should sort after. (e.g. 10 sorts after 100). if (s1.length() < s2.length()) { if (s2.startsWith(s1)) { return 1; } } else if (s2.length() < s1.length() && s1.startsWith(s2)) { return -1; } return s1.compareTo(s2); } }; private final Comparator<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> outputRecordComparator; private final BclQualityEvaluationStrategy bclQualityEvaluationStrategy; private final Map<String, ? extends ConvertedClusterDataWriter<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD>> barcodeRecordWriterMap; private final int maxReadsInRamPerTile; private final boolean demultiplex; private final List<File> tmpDirs; private final IlluminaDataProviderFactory factory; private ClusterDataConverter<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> converter = null; private final ProgressLogger readProgressLogger = new ProgressLogger(log, 1000000, "Read"); private final ProgressLogger writeProgressLogger = new ProgressLogger(log, 1000000, "Write"); private int numThreads; // If FORCE_GC, this is non-null. For production this is not necessary because it will run until the JVM // ends, but for unit testing it is desirable to stop the task when done with this instance. private final TimerTask gcTimerTask; private List<Integer> tiles; private final boolean includeNonPfReads; private final boolean ignoreUnexpectedBarcodes; private final SortingCollection.Codec<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> codecPrototype; // Annoying that we need this. private final Class<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> outputRecordClass; /** * @param basecallsDir Where to read basecalls from. * @param lane What lane to process. * @param readStructure How to interpret each cluster. * @param barcodeRecordWriterMap Map from barcode to CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD writer. If demultiplex is false, must contain * one writer stored with key=null. * @param demultiplex If true, output is split by barcode, otherwise all are written to the same output stream. * @param maxReadsInRamPerTile Configures number of reads each tile will store in RAM before spilling to disk. * @param tmpDirs For SortingCollection spilling. * @param numProcessors Controls number of threads. If <= 0, the number of threads allocated is * available cores - numProcessors. * @param forceGc Force explicit GC periodically. This is good for causing memory maps to be released. * @param firstTile (For debugging) If non-null, start processing at this tile. * @param tileLimit (For debugging) If non-null, process no more than this many tiles. * @param outputRecordComparator For sorting output records within a single tile. * @param codecPrototype For spilling output records to disk. * @param outputRecordClass Inconveniently needed to create SortingCollections. * @param includeNonPfReads If true, will include ALL reads (including those which do not have PF set) * @param ignoreUnexpectedBarcodes If true, will ignore reads whose called barcode is not found in barcodeRecordWriterMap, * otherwise will throw an exception */ public IlluminaBasecallsConverter(final File basecallsDir, final int lane, final ReadStructure readStructure, final Map<String, ? extends ConvertedClusterDataWriter<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD>> barcodeRecordWriterMap, final boolean demultiplex, final int maxReadsInRamPerTile, final List<File> tmpDirs, final int numProcessors, final boolean forceGc, final Integer firstTile, final Integer tileLimit, final Comparator<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> outputRecordComparator, final SortingCollection.Codec<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> codecPrototype, final Class<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> outputRecordClass, final BclQualityEvaluationStrategy bclQualityEvaluationStrategy, final boolean applyEamssFiltering, final boolean includeNonPfReads, final boolean ignoreUnexpectedBarcodes ) { this(basecallsDir, null, lane, readStructure, barcodeRecordWriterMap, demultiplex, maxReadsInRamPerTile, tmpDirs, numProcessors, forceGc, firstTile, tileLimit, outputRecordComparator, codecPrototype, outputRecordClass, bclQualityEvaluationStrategy, applyEamssFiltering, includeNonPfReads, ignoreUnexpectedBarcodes); } /** * @param basecallsDir Where to read basecalls from. * @param barcodesDir Where to read barcodes from (optional; use basecallsDir if not specified). * @param lane What lane to process. * @param readStructure How to interpret each cluster. * @param barcodeRecordWriterMap Map from barcode to CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD writer. If demultiplex is false, must contain * one writer stored with key=null. * @param demultiplex If true, output is split by barcode, otherwise all are written to the same output stream. * @param maxReadsInRamPerTile Configures number of reads each tile will store in RAM before spilling to disk. * @param tmpDirs For SortingCollection spilling. * @param numProcessors Controls number of threads. If <= 0, the number of threads allocated is * available cores - numProcessors. * @param forceGc Force explicit GC periodically. This is good for causing memory maps to be released. * @param firstTile (For debugging) If non-null, start processing at this tile. * @param tileLimit (For debugging) If non-null, process no more than this many tiles. * @param outputRecordComparator For sorting output records within a single tile. * @param codecPrototype For spilling output records to disk. * @param outputRecordClass Inconveniently needed to create SortingCollections. * @param includeNonPfReads If true, will include ALL reads (including those which do not have PF set) * @param ignoreUnexpectedBarcodes If true, will ignore reads whose called barcode is not found in barcodeRecordWriterMap, * otherwise will throw an exception */ public IlluminaBasecallsConverter(final File basecallsDir, File barcodesDir, final int lane, final ReadStructure readStructure, final Map<String, ? extends ConvertedClusterDataWriter<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD>> barcodeRecordWriterMap, final boolean demultiplex, final int maxReadsInRamPerTile, final List<File> tmpDirs, final int numProcessors, final boolean forceGc, final Integer firstTile, final Integer tileLimit, final Comparator<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> outputRecordComparator, final SortingCollection.Codec<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> codecPrototype, final Class<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> outputRecordClass, final BclQualityEvaluationStrategy bclQualityEvaluationStrategy, final boolean applyEamssFiltering, final boolean includeNonPfReads, final boolean ignoreUnexpectedBarcodes ) { this.barcodeRecordWriterMap = barcodeRecordWriterMap; this.demultiplex = demultiplex; this.maxReadsInRamPerTile = maxReadsInRamPerTile; this.tmpDirs = tmpDirs; this.outputRecordComparator = outputRecordComparator; this.codecPrototype = codecPrototype; this.outputRecordClass = outputRecordClass; this.bclQualityEvaluationStrategy = bclQualityEvaluationStrategy; this.includeNonPfReads = includeNonPfReads; this.ignoreUnexpectedBarcodes = ignoreUnexpectedBarcodes; // If we're forcing garbage collection, collect every 5 minutes in a daemon thread. if (forceGc) { final Timer gcTimer = new Timer(true); final long delay = 5 * 1000 * 60; gcTimerTask = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { log.info("Before explicit GC, Runtime.totalMemory()=" + Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()); System.gc(); System.runFinalization(); log.info("After explicit GC, Runtime.totalMemory()=" + Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()); } }; gcTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(gcTimerTask, delay, delay); } else { gcTimerTask = null; } this.factory = new IlluminaDataProviderFactory(basecallsDir, barcodesDir, lane, readStructure, bclQualityEvaluationStrategy, getDataTypesFromReadStructure(readStructure, demultiplex)); this.factory.setApplyEamssFiltering(applyEamssFiltering); if (numProcessors == 0) { this.numThreads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); } else if (numProcessors < 0) { this.numThreads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + numProcessors; } else { this.numThreads = numProcessors; } this.tiles = new ArrayList<Integer>(factory.getAvailableTiles()); // Since the first non-fixed part of the read name is the tile number, without preceding zeroes, // and the output is sorted by read name, process the tiles in this order. Collections.sort(tiles, TILE_NUMBER_COMPARATOR); if (firstTile != null) { int i; for (i = 0; i < tiles.size(); ++i) { if (tiles.get(i).intValue() == firstTile.intValue()) { tiles = tiles.subList(i, tiles.size()); break; } } if (tiles.get(0).intValue() != firstTile.intValue()) { throw new PicardException("firstTile=" + firstTile + ", but that tile was not found."); } } if (tileLimit != null && tiles.size() > tileLimit) { tiles = tiles.subList(0, tileLimit); } this.numThreads = Math.max(1, Math.min(this.numThreads, tiles.size())); } /** * Must be called before doTileProcessing. This is not passed in the ctor because often the * IlluminaDataProviderFactory is needed in order to construct the converter. * * @param converter Converts ClusterData to CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD */ public void setConverter(final ClusterDataConverter<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> converter) { this.converter = converter; } /** * In case caller needs to get some info from factory. */ public IlluminaDataProviderFactory getFactory() { return factory; } /** * Do the work, i.e. create a bunch of threads to read, sort and write. * setConverter() must be called before calling this method. */ public void doTileProcessing() { try { // TODO: Eliminate this when switch to JDK 7 FileChannelJDKBugWorkAround.doBugWorkAround(); // Generate the list of tiles that will be processed final List<Tile> tiles = new ArrayList<Tile>(); for (final Integer tileNumber : this.tiles) { tiles.add(new Tile(tileNumber)); } final TileReadAggregator tileReadAggregator = new TileReadAggregator(tiles); tileReadAggregator.submit(); try { tileReadAggregator.awaitWorkComplete(); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { log.error(e, "Failure encountered in worker thread; attempting to shut down remaining worker threads and terminate ..."); throw new PicardException("Failure encountered in worker thread; see log for details."); } finally { tileReadAggregator.shutdown(); } for (final Map.Entry<Byte, Integer> entry : bclQualityEvaluationStrategy.getPoorQualityFrequencies().entrySet()) { log.warn(String.format("Observed low quality of %s %s times.", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } bclQualityEvaluationStrategy.assertMinimumQualities(); } finally { try { if (gcTimerTask != null) gcTimerTask.cancel(); } catch (final Throwable ex) { log.warn(ex, "Ignoring exception stopping background GC thread."); } // Close the writers for (final Map.Entry<String, ? extends ConvertedClusterDataWriter<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD>> entry : barcodeRecordWriterMap.entrySet()) { final ConvertedClusterDataWriter<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> writer = entry.getValue(); log.debug(String.format("Closing file for barcode %s.", entry.getKey())); writer.close(); } } } /** * Simple representation of a tile */ private static class Tile implements Comparable<Tile> { private final int tileNumber; public Tile(final int i) { tileNumber = i; } public int getNumber() { return tileNumber; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { return o instanceof Tile && this.getNumber() == ((Tile) o).getNumber(); } @Override public int compareTo(final Tile o) { return TILE_NUMBER_COMPARATOR.compare(this.getNumber(), o.getNumber()); } } /** * A Runnable that carries a priority which is used to compare and order other PriorityRunnables in a task queue. */ private abstract class PriorityRunnable implements Runnable { private final int priority; /** * Create a new priority runnable with a default priority of 1. */ public PriorityRunnable() { this(1); } public PriorityRunnable(final int priority) { this.priority = priority; } /** * Returns the priority level. Higher priorities are run earlier. * * @return */ int getPriority() { return this.priority; } } /** * Represents the state of a tile's processing and encapsulates the data collected from that tile. * <p/> * TileProcessingRecords are accessed from each worker thread to assess the progress of the run, so its methods * are synchronized. */ private class TileProcessingRecord { final private Map<String, SortingCollection<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD>> barcodeToRecordCollection = new HashMap<String, SortingCollection<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD>>(); final private Map<String, TileBarcodeProcessingState> barcodeToProcessingState = new HashMap<String, TileBarcodeProcessingState>(); private TileProcessingState state = TileProcessingState.NOT_DONE_READING; private long recordCount = 0; /** * Returns the state of this tile's processing. */ public synchronized TileProcessingState getState() { return this.state; } /** * Sets the state of this tile's processing. */ public synchronized void setState(final TileProcessingState state) { this.state = state; } /** * Adds the provided record to this tile. */ public synchronized void addRecord(final String barcode, final CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD record) { this.recordCount += 1; // Grab the existing collection, or initialize it if it doesn't yet exist SortingCollection<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> recordCollection = this.barcodeToRecordCollection.get(barcode); if (recordCollection == null) { // TODO: The implementation here for supporting ignoreUnexpectedBarcodes is not efficient, // but the alternative is an extensive rewrite. We are living with the inefficiency for // this special case for the time being. if (!barcodeRecordWriterMap.containsKey(barcode)) { if (ignoreUnexpectedBarcodes) { return; } throw new PicardException(String.format("Read records with barcode %s, but this barcode was not expected. (Is it referenced in the parameters file?)", barcode)); } recordCollection = this.newSortingCollection(); this.barcodeToRecordCollection.put(barcode, recordCollection); this.barcodeToProcessingState.put(barcode, null); } recordCollection.add(record); } private synchronized SortingCollection<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> newSortingCollection() { final int maxRecordsInRam = Math.max(1, maxReadsInRamPerTile / barcodeRecordWriterMap.size()); return SortingCollection.newInstance( outputRecordClass, codecPrototype.clone(), outputRecordComparator, maxRecordsInRam, tmpDirs); } /** * Returns the number of unique barcodes read. */ public synchronized long getBarcodeCount() { return this.barcodeToRecordCollection.size(); } /** * Returns the number of records read. */ public synchronized long getRecordCount() { return recordCount; } /** * Returns the mapping of barcodes to records associated with them. */ public synchronized Map<String, SortingCollection<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD>> getBarcodeRecords() { return barcodeToRecordCollection; } /** * Gets the state of the provided barcode's data's processing progress. Only invoke this query if this tile * is in a DONE_READING state. * * @throws IllegalStateException When a barcode is queried before the tile is in the DONE_READING state */ public synchronized TileBarcodeProcessingState getBarcodeState(final String barcode) { if (this.getState() == TileProcessingState.NOT_DONE_READING) { throw new IllegalStateException( "A tile's barcode data's state cannot be queried until the tile has been completely read."); } if (this.barcodeToProcessingState.containsKey(barcode)) { return this.barcodeToProcessingState.get(barcode); } else { return TileBarcodeProcessingState.NA; } } public synchronized Map<String, TileBarcodeProcessingState> getBarcodeProcessingStates() { return this.barcodeToProcessingState; } /** * Sets the processing state of the provided barcode in this record. * * @throws java.util.NoSuchElementException When the provided barcode is not one associated with this record. */ public synchronized void setBarcodeState(final String barcode, final TileBarcodeProcessingState state) { if (this.barcodeToProcessingState.containsKey(barcode)) { this.barcodeToProcessingState.put(barcode, state); } else { throw new NoSuchElementException(String.format("No record of the provided barcode, %s.", barcode)); } } /** * Returns the distinct set of barcodes for which data has been collected in this record. * * @return */ public synchronized Set<String> getBarcodes() { return this.getBarcodeRecords().keySet(); } } /** * Reads the information from a tile via an IlluminaDataProvider and feeds red information into a processingRecord * managed by the TileReadAggregator. */ private class TileReader { private final Tile tile; private final TileReadAggregator handler; private final TileProcessingRecord processingRecord; public TileReader(final Tile tile, final TileReadAggregator handler, final TileProcessingRecord processingRecord) { this.tile = tile; this.handler = handler; this.processingRecord = processingRecord; } /** * Reads the data from the appropriate IlluminaDataProvider and feeds it into the TileProcessingRecord for * this tile. */ public void process() { final IlluminaDataProvider dataProvider = factory.makeDataProvider(Arrays.asList(this.tile.getNumber())); log.debug(String.format("Reading data from tile %s ...", tile.getNumber())); while (dataProvider.hasNext()) { final ClusterData cluster = dataProvider.next(); readProgressLogger.record(null, 0); // If this cluster is passing, or we do NOT want to ONLY emit passing reads, then add it to the next if (cluster.isPf() || includeNonPfReads) { final String barcode = (demultiplex ? cluster.getMatchedBarcode() : null); this.processingRecord.addRecord(barcode, converter.convertClusterToOutputRecord(cluster)); } } this.handler.completeTile(this.tile); dataProvider.close(); } } /** * Aggregates data collected from tiles and writes them to file. Accepts records from TileReaders and maps * them to the appropriate BAM writers. */ private class TileReadAggregator { /** * The collection of records associated with a particular tile. * <p/> * Implemented as a TreeMap to guarantee tiles are iterated over in natural order. */ private final Map<Tile, TileProcessingRecord> tileRecords = new TreeMap<Tile, TileProcessingRecord>(); /** * The executor responsible for doing work. * <p/> * Implemented as a ThreadPoolExecutor with a PriorityBlockingQueue which orders submitted Runnables by their * priority. */ private final ExecutorService prioritizingThreadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor( numThreads, numThreads, 0L, MILLISECONDS, new PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable>(5, new Comparator<Runnable>() { @Override /** * Compare the two Runnables, and assume they are PriorityRunnable; if not something strange is * going on, so allow a ClassCastException be thrown. */ public int compare(final Runnable o1, final Runnable o2) { // Higher priority items go earlier in the queue, so reverse the "natural" comparison. return ((PriorityRunnable) o2).getPriority() - ((PriorityRunnable) o1).getPriority(); } }) ); /** * The object acting as a latch to notify when the aggregator completes its work. */ private final Object completionLatch = new Object(); /** * Stores the thread that is executing this work so that it can be interrupted upon failure. */ private Thread parentThread; private final Object workEnqueueMonitor = new Object(); private final AtomicBoolean submitted = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * Creates a TileReadAggregator that reads from the provided tiles. * * @param tiles */ public TileReadAggregator(final Collection<Tile> tiles) { for (final Tile t : tiles) { tileRecords.put(t, new TileProcessingRecord()); } } /** * Execute the tile aggregator's work. Creates a thread pool to read data from tiles and write them to file. * Invoke this method only once. * * @throws IllegalStateException If submit was called more than once. */ public void submit() { // Ensure the aggregator as not yet been submitted if (!this.submitted.compareAndSet(false, true)) { throw new IllegalStateException("The submit() method may not be called more than once."); } // Set the thread that is executing this work this.parentThread = Thread.currentThread(); /** * For each tile, create and submit a tile processor. Give it a negative execution priority (so that * prioritized tasks with a positive execution priority execute first), and give later tiles a lesser * (more negative) priority. */ int priority = 0; for (final Tile tile : this.tileRecords.keySet()) { final TileReader reader = new TileReader(tile, this, this.tileRecords.get(tile)); this.prioritizingThreadPool.execute(new PriorityRunnable(--priority) { @Override public void run() { try { reader.process(); } catch (final RuntimeException e) { /** * In the event of an internal failure, signal to the parent thread that something has gone * wrong. This is necessary because if an item of work fails to complete, the aggregator will * will never reach its completed state, and it will never terminate. */ parentThread.interrupt(); throw e; } catch (final Error e) { parentThread.interrupt(); throw e; } } }); } } /** * Signals that a tile's processing is complete. This must be invoked exactly once per tile, and only after * all of that tile has been processed. * * @throws IllegalStateException When the tile is already in the completed state. */ private void completeTile(final Tile tile) { final TileProcessingRecord tileRecord = this.tileRecords.get(tile); if (tileRecord.getState() == TileProcessingState.DONE_READING) { throw new IllegalStateException("This tile is already in the completed state."); } // Update all of the barcodes and the tile to be marked as read for (final String barcode : tileRecord.getBarcodes()) { tileRecord.setBarcodeState(barcode, TileBarcodeProcessingState.READ); tileRecord.barcodeToRecordCollection.get(barcode).doneAdding(); } tileRecord.setState(TileProcessingState.DONE_READING); log.debug(String.format("Completed reading tile %s; collected %s reads spanning %s barcodes.", tile.getNumber(), tileRecord.getRecordCount(), tileRecord.getBarcodeCount())); //noinspection SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter this.findAndEnqueueWorkOrSignalCompletion(); } /** * Blocks until this aggregator completes its work. * * @throws InterruptedException */ public void awaitWorkComplete() throws InterruptedException { synchronized (this.completionLatch) { this.completionLatch.wait(); } } /** * Signals to any thread awaiting via awaitWorkComplete() that no work remains. Called * when this aggregator has reached its completed state. */ private void signalWorkComplete() { synchronized (this.completionLatch) { this.completionLatch.notifyAll(); } } /** * Poll the aggregator to find more tasks for it to enqueue. Specifically, searches for un-written data * read from tiles for each barcode and enqueues it for writing. */ private void findAndEnqueueWorkOrSignalCompletion() { synchronized (this.workEnqueueMonitor) { /** * If there is work remaining to be done in this aggregator, walk through all of the barcodes and find * tiles which have not yet written their barcode data but are in a state where they are able to. */ if (this.isWorkCompleted()) { this.signalWorkComplete(); } else { final Queue<Runnable> tasks = new LinkedList<Runnable>(); for (final String barcode : barcodeRecordWriterMap.keySet()) { NEXT_BARCODE: for (final Map.Entry<Tile, TileProcessingRecord> entry : this.tileRecords.entrySet()) { final Tile tile = entry.getKey(); final TileProcessingRecord tileRecord = entry.getValue(); /** * If this tile has not been read, we cannot write this or later tiles' barcode data; * move to the next barcode. */ if (tileRecord.getState() != TileProcessingState.DONE_READING) { break; } switch (tileRecord.getBarcodeState(barcode)) { case NA: case WRITTEN: /** * There is no data for this barcode for this tile, or it is already written; in * either scenario, this barcode will not be processed further for this tile, so * move onto the next tile as a possible candidate. */ continue; case QUEUED_FOR_WRITE: /** * The write for this barcode is in progress for this tile, so skip to the next * barcode. */ break NEXT_BARCODE; case READ: /** * This barcode has been read, and all of the earlier tiles have been written * for this barcode, so queue its writing. */ tileRecord.setBarcodeState(barcode, TileBarcodeProcessingState.QUEUED_FOR_WRITE); log.debug(String.format("Enqueuing work for tile %s and barcode %s.", tile.getNumber(), barcode)); tasks.add(this.newBarcodeWorkInstance(tile, tileRecord, barcode)); break NEXT_BARCODE; } } } for (final Runnable task : tasks) { this.prioritizingThreadPool.execute(task); } } } } /** * Returns a PriorityRunnable that encapsulates the work involved with writing the provided tileRecord's data * for the given barcode to disk. * * @param tile The tile from which the record was read * @param tileRecord The processing record associated with the tile * @param barcode The barcode whose data within the tileRecord is to be written * @return The runnable that upon invocation writes the barcode's data from the tileRecord to disk */ private PriorityRunnable newBarcodeWorkInstance(final Tile tile, final TileProcessingRecord tileRecord, final String barcode) { return new PriorityRunnable() { @Override public void run() { try { final SortingCollection<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> records = tileRecord.getBarcodeRecords().get(barcode); final ConvertedClusterDataWriter<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> writer = barcodeRecordWriterMap.get(barcode); log.debug(String.format("Writing records from tile %s with barcode %s ...", tile.getNumber(), barcode)); final PeekIterator<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD> it = new PeekIterator<CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD>(records.iterator()); while (it.hasNext()) { final CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD rec = it.next(); /** * PIC-330 Sometimes there are two reads with the same cluster coordinates, and thus * the same read name. Discard both of them. This code assumes that the two first of pairs * will come before the two second of pairs, so it isn't necessary to look ahead a different * distance for paired end. It also assumes that for paired ends there will be duplicates * for both ends, so there is no need to be PE-aware. */ if (it.hasNext()) { final CLUSTER_OUTPUT_RECORD lookAhead = it.peek(); /* TODO: Put this in SAMFileWriter wrapper if (!rec.getReadUnmappedFlag() || !lookAhead.getReadUnmappedFlag()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should not have mapped reads."); } */ if (outputRecordComparator.compare(rec, lookAhead) == 0) { it.next(); log.info("Skipping reads with identical read names: " + rec.toString()); continue; } } writer.write(rec); writeProgressLogger.record(null, 0); } tileRecord.setBarcodeState(barcode, TileBarcodeProcessingState.WRITTEN); findAndEnqueueWorkOrSignalCompletion(); } catch (final RuntimeException e) { /** * In the event of an internal failure, signal to the parent thread that something has gone * wrong. This is necessary because if an item of work fails to complete, the aggregator will * will never reach its completed state, and it will never terminate. */ parentThread.interrupt(); throw e; } catch (final Error e) { parentThread.interrupt(); throw e; } } }; } /** * Returns true if this aggregator has not completed its work. Specifically, returns false iff * any tile's barcode data yas not yet been written. * * @return True if more work remains to be done, false otherwise */ public boolean isWorkCompleted() { for (final Map.Entry<Tile, TileProcessingRecord> entry : this.tileRecords.entrySet()) { final TileProcessingRecord tileProcessingRecord = entry.getValue(); if (tileProcessingRecord.getState() != TileProcessingState.DONE_READING) { log.debug(String.format("Work is not completed because a tile isn't done being read: %s.", entry.getKey().getNumber())); return false; } else { for (final Map.Entry<String, TileBarcodeProcessingState> barcodeStateEntry : tileProcessingRecord.getBarcodeProcessingStates().entrySet()) { final TileBarcodeProcessingState barcodeProcessingState = barcodeStateEntry.getValue(); if (barcodeProcessingState != TileBarcodeProcessingState.WRITTEN) { log.debug(String.format("Work is not completed because a tile isn't done being read: Tile %s, Barcode %s, Processing State %s.", entry.getKey().getNumber(), barcodeStateEntry.getKey(), barcodeProcessingState)); return false; } } } } log.info("All work is complete."); return true; } /** * Terminates the threads currently exiting in the thread pool abruptly via ThreadPoolExecutor.shutdownNow(). */ public void shutdown() { this.prioritizingThreadPool.shutdownNow(); } } /** * Given a read structure return the data types that need to be parsed for this run */ private static IlluminaDataType[] getDataTypesFromReadStructure(final ReadStructure readStructure, final boolean demultiplex) { if (readStructure.sampleBarcodes.isEmpty() || !demultiplex) { return DATA_TYPES_NO_BARCODE; } else { return DATA_TYPES_WITH_BARCODE; } } public static interface ClusterDataConverter<OUTPUT_RECORD> { /** * Creates the OUTPUT_RECORDs from the cluster */ public OUTPUT_RECORD convertClusterToOutputRecord(final ClusterData cluster); } public static interface ConvertedClusterDataWriter<OUTPUT_RECORD> { void write(final OUTPUT_RECORD rec); void close(); } }