package picard.analysis.artifacts; import htsjdk.samtools.util.SequenceUtil; import java.util.Arrays; enum Transition { AtoA('A','A'), AtoC('A','C'), AtoG('A','G'), AtoT('A','T'), CtoA('C','A'), CtoC('C','C'), CtoG('C','G'), CtoT('C','T'), GtoA('G','A'), GtoC('G','C'), GtoG('G','G'), GtoT('G','T'), TtoA('T','A'), TtoC('T','C'), TtoG('T','G'), TtoT('T','T'); private static final Transition[] ALT_VALUES = new Transition[]{ AtoC, AtoG, AtoT, CtoA, CtoG, CtoT, GtoA, GtoC, GtoT, TtoA, TtoC, TtoG }; private final char ref; private final char call; Transition(final char ref, final char call) { this.ref = ref; = call; } public static Transition transitionOf(final char ref, final char call) { return transitionIndexMap[baseIndexMap[ref]][baseIndexMap[call]]; } /** * Like values(), but ignores the ref:ref "transitions". */ public static Transition[] altValues() { return ALT_VALUES; } /** * Return the complementary transition. Both ref and call must be complemented. */ public Transition complement() { return transitionOf((char) SequenceUtil.complement((byte) this.ref), (char) SequenceUtil.complement((byte); } public char ref() { return this.ref; } public char call() { return; } @Override public String toString() { return this.ref + ">" +; } protected enum Base { A ('A'), C ('C'), G ('G'), T ('T'); public byte base; private Base(final char base) { this.base = (byte)base; } } // only 4 of the values will be used but we want to optimize for speed by accessing via the int value of a char static protected final int[] baseIndexMap = new int[256]; static { Arrays.fill(baseIndexMap, -1); for (final Base b : Base.values()) { baseIndexMap[b.base] = b.ordinal(); } } static private final Transition[][] transitionIndexMap = new Transition[Base.values().length][Base.values().length]; static { for (final Base b1 : Base.values()) { for (final Base b2 : Base.values()) { transitionIndexMap[b1.ordinal()][b2.ordinal()] = Transition.valueOf(b1.toString() + "to" + b2.toString()); } } } }