/* * * @(#)DateFormatSymbols.java 1.41 06/10/10 * * Portions Copyright 2000-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights * Reserved. Use is subject to license terms. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version * 2 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License version 2 for more details (a copy is * included at /legal/license.txt). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 or visit www.sun.com if you need additional * information or have any questions. */ /* * (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996 - All Rights Reserved * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996 - All Rights Reserved * * The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted * and owned by Taligent, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBM. These * materials are provided under terms of a License Agreement between Taligent * and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple US and International * patents. This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed. * Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc. * */ package java.text; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.io.Serializable; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Enumeration; import sun.text.Utility; import sun.text.resources.LocaleData; import java.util.Hashtable; /** * <code>DateFormatSymbols</code> is a public class for encapsulating * localizable date-time formatting data, such as the names of the * months, the names of the days of the week, and the time zone data. * <code>DateFormat</code> and <code>SimpleDateFormat</code> both use * <code>DateFormatSymbols</code> to encapsulate this information. * * <p> * Typically you shouldn't use <code>DateFormatSymbols</code> directly. * Rather, you are encouraged to create a date-time formatter with the * <code>DateFormat</code> class's factory methods: <code>getTimeInstance</code>, * <code>getDateInstance</code>, or <code>getDateTimeInstance</code>. * These methods automatically create a <code>DateFormatSymbols</code> for * the formatter so that you don't have to. After the * formatter is created, you may modify its format pattern using the * <code>setPattern</code> method. For more information about * creating formatters using <code>DateFormat</code>'s factory methods, * see {@link DateFormat}. * * <p> * If you decide to create a date-time formatter with a specific * format pattern for a specific locale, you can do so with: * <blockquote> * <pre> * new SimpleDateFormat(aPattern, new DateFormatSymbols(aLocale)). * </pre> * </blockquote> * * <p> * <code>DateFormatSymbols</code> objects are cloneable. When you obtain * a <code>DateFormatSymbols</code> object, feel free to modify the * date-time formatting data. For instance, you can replace the localized * date-time format pattern characters with the ones that you feel easy * to remember. Or you can change the representative cities * to your favorite ones. * * <p> * New <code>DateFormatSymbols</code> subclasses may be added to support * <code>SimpleDateFormat</code> for date-time formatting for additional locales. * @see DateFormat * @see SimpleDateFormat * @see java.util.SimpleTimeZone * @version 1.41, 10/10/06 * @author Chen-Lieh Huang */ public class DateFormatSymbols implements Serializable, Cloneable { /** * Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from * resources for the default locale. * * @exception java.util.MissingResourceException * if the resources for the default locale cannot be * found or cannot be loaded. */ public DateFormatSymbols() { initializeData(Locale.getDefault()); } /** * Construct a DateFormatSymbols object by loading format data from * resources for the given locale. * * @exception java.util.MissingResourceException * if the resources for the specified locale cannot be * found or cannot be loaded. */ public DateFormatSymbols(Locale locale) { initializeData(locale); } /** * Era strings. For example: "AD" and "BC". An array of 2 strings, * indexed by <code>Calendar.BC</code> and <code>Calendar.AD</code>. * @serial */ String eras[] = null; /** * Month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc. An array * of 13 strings (some calendars have 13 months), indexed by * <code>Calendar.JANUARY</code>, <code>Calendar.FEBRUARY</code>, etc. * @serial */ String months[] = null; /** * Short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc. An array of * 13 strings (some calendars have 13 months), indexed by * <code>Calendar.JANUARY</code>, <code>Calendar.FEBRUARY</code>, etc. * @serial */ String shortMonths[] = null; /** * Weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc. An array * of 8 strings, indexed by <code>Calendar.SUNDAY</code>, * <code>Calendar.MONDAY</code>, etc. * The element <code>weekdays[0]</code> is ignored. * @serial */ String weekdays[] = null; /** * Short weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc. An array * of 8 strings, indexed by <code>Calendar.SUNDAY</code>, * <code>Calendar.MONDAY</code>, etc. * The element <code>shortWeekdays[0]</code> is ignored. * @serial */ String shortWeekdays[] = null; /** * AM and PM strings. For example: "AM" and "PM". An array of * 2 strings, indexed by <code>Calendar.AM</code> and * <code>Calendar.PM</code>. * @serial */ String ampms[] = null; /** * Localized names of time zones in this locale. This is a * two-dimensional array of strings of size <em>n</em> by <em>m</em>, * where <em>m</em> is at least 5. Each of the <em>n</em> rows is an * entry containing the localized names for a single <code>TimeZone</code>. * Each such row contains (with <code>i</code> ranging from * 0..<em>n</em>-1): * <ul> * <li><code>zoneStrings[i][0]</code> - time zone ID</li> * <li><code>zoneStrings[i][1]</code> - long name of zone in standard * time</li> * <li><code>zoneStrings[i][2]</code> - short name of zone in * standard time</li> * <li><code>zoneStrings[i][3]</code> - long name of zone in daylight * savings time</li> * <li><code>zoneStrings[i][4]</code> - short name of zone in daylight * savings time</li> * </ul> * The zone ID is <em>not</em> localized; it corresponds to the ID * value associated with a system time zone object. All other entries * are localized names. If a zone does not implement daylight savings * time, the daylight savings time names are ignored. * @see java.util.TimeZone * @serial */ String zoneStrings[][] = null; /** * Unlocalized date-time pattern characters. For example: 'y', 'd', etc. * All locales use the same these unlocalized pattern characters. */ static final String patternChars = "GyMdkHmsSEDFwWahKzZ"; /** * Localized date-time pattern characters. For example, a locale may * wish to use 'u' rather than 'y' to represent years in its date format * pattern strings. * This string must be exactly 18 characters long, with the index of * the characters described by <code>DateFormat.ERA_FIELD</code>, * <code>DateFormat.YEAR_FIELD</code>, etc. Thus, if the string were * "Xz...", then localized patterns would use 'X' for era and 'z' for year. * @serial */ String localPatternChars = null; /* use serialVersionUID from JDK 1.1.4 for interoperability */ static final long serialVersionUID = -5987973545549424702L; /** * Gets era strings. For example: "AD" and "BC". * @return the era strings. */ public String[] getEras() { return duplicate(eras); } /** * Sets era strings. For example: "AD" and "BC". * @param newEras the new era strings. */ public void setEras(String[] newEras) { eras = duplicate(newEras); } /** * Gets month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc. * @return the month strings. */ public String[] getMonths() { return duplicate(months); } /** * Sets month strings. For example: "January", "February", etc. * @param newMonths the new month strings. */ public void setMonths(String[] newMonths) { months = duplicate(newMonths); } /** * Gets short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc. * @return the short month strings. */ public String[] getShortMonths() { return duplicate(shortMonths); } /** * Sets short month strings. For example: "Jan", "Feb", etc. * @param newShortMonths the new short month strings. */ public void setShortMonths(String[] newShortMonths) { shortMonths = duplicate(newShortMonths); } /** * Gets weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc. * @return the weekday strings. Use <code>Calendar.SUNDAY</code>, * <code>Calendar.MONDAY</code>, etc. to index the result array. */ public String[] getWeekdays() { return duplicate(weekdays); } /** * Sets weekday strings. For example: "Sunday", "Monday", etc. * @param newWeekdays the new weekday strings. The array should * be indexed by <code>Calendar.SUNDAY</code>, * <code>Calendar.MONDAY</code>, etc. */ public void setWeekdays(String[] newWeekdays) { weekdays = duplicate(newWeekdays); } /** * Gets short weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc. * @return the short weekday strings. Use <code>Calendar.SUNDAY</code>, * <code>Calendar.MONDAY</code>, etc. to index the result array. */ public String[] getShortWeekdays() { return duplicate(shortWeekdays); } /** * Sets short weekday strings. For example: "Sun", "Mon", etc. * @param newShortWeekdays the new short weekday strings. The array should * be indexed by <code>Calendar.SUNDAY</code>, * <code>Calendar.MONDAY</code>, etc. */ public void setShortWeekdays(String[] newShortWeekdays) { shortWeekdays = duplicate(newShortWeekdays); } /** * Gets ampm strings. For example: "AM" and "PM". * @return the ampm strings. */ public String[] getAmPmStrings() { return duplicate(ampms); } /** * Sets ampm strings. For example: "AM" and "PM". * @param newAmpms the new ampm strings. */ public void setAmPmStrings(String[] newAmpms) { ampms = duplicate(newAmpms); } /** * Gets timezone strings. * @return the timezone strings. */ public String[][] getZoneStrings() { String[][] aCopy = new String[zoneStrings.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < zoneStrings.length; ++i) aCopy[i] = duplicate(zoneStrings[i]); return aCopy; } /** * Sets timezone strings. * @param newZoneStrings the new timezone strings. */ public void setZoneStrings(String[][] newZoneStrings) { String[][] aCopy = new String[newZoneStrings.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < newZoneStrings.length; ++i) aCopy[i] = duplicate(newZoneStrings[i]); zoneStrings = aCopy; } /** * Gets localized date-time pattern characters. For example: 'u', 't', etc. * @return the localized date-time pattern characters. */ public String getLocalPatternChars() { return new String(localPatternChars); } /** * Sets localized date-time pattern characters. For example: 'u', 't', etc. * @param newLocalPatternChars the new localized date-time * pattern characters. */ public void setLocalPatternChars(String newLocalPatternChars) { localPatternChars = new String(newLocalPatternChars); } /** * Overrides Cloneable */ public Object clone() { try { DateFormatSymbols other = (DateFormatSymbols)super.clone(); copyMembers(this, other); return other; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new InternalError(); } } /** * Override hashCode. * Generates a hash code for the DateFormatSymbols object. */ public int hashCode() { int hashcode = 0; for (int index = 0; index < this.zoneStrings[0].length; ++index) hashcode ^= this.zoneStrings[0][index].hashCode(); return hashcode; } /** * Override equals */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; DateFormatSymbols that = (DateFormatSymbols) obj; return (Utility.arrayEquals(eras, that.eras) && Utility.arrayEquals(months, that.months) && Utility.arrayEquals(shortMonths, that.shortMonths) && Utility.arrayEquals(weekdays, that.weekdays) && Utility.arrayEquals(shortWeekdays, that.shortWeekdays) && Utility.arrayEquals(ampms, that.ampms) && Utility.arrayEquals(zoneStrings, that.zoneStrings) && Utility.arrayEquals(localPatternChars, that.localPatternChars)); } // =======================privates=============================== /** * Useful constant for defining timezone offsets. */ static final int millisPerHour = 60*60*1000; /** * Cache to hold the LocaleElements and DateFormatZoneData ResourceBundles * of a Locale. */ private static Hashtable cachedLocaleData = new Hashtable(3); /** * cache to hold time zone localized strings. Keyed by Locale */ private static Hashtable cachedZoneData = new Hashtable(); /** * Look up resource data for the desiredLocale in the cache; update the * cache if necessary. */ private ResourceBundle[] cacheLookup(Locale desiredLocale) { ResourceBundle[] rbs = new ResourceBundle[2]; SoftReference[] data = (SoftReference[])cachedLocaleData.get(desiredLocale); if (data == null) { rbs[0] = LocaleData.getLocaleElements(desiredLocale); rbs[1] = LocaleData.getDateFormatZoneData(desiredLocale); data = new SoftReference[] { new SoftReference(rbs[0]), new SoftReference(rbs[1]) }; cachedLocaleData.put(desiredLocale, data); } else { ResourceBundle r; if ((r = (ResourceBundle)data[0].get()) == null) { r = LocaleData.getLocaleElements(desiredLocale); data[0] = new SoftReference(r); } rbs[0] = r; if ((r = (ResourceBundle)data[1].get()) == null) { r = LocaleData.getDateFormatZoneData(desiredLocale); data[1] = new SoftReference(r); } rbs[1] = r; } return rbs; } /** * Load time zone localized strings. Enumerate all keys (except * "localPatternChars" and "zoneStrings"). */ private String[][] loadZoneStrings(Locale desiredLocale, ResourceBundle rsrc) { String[][] zones; SoftReference data = (SoftReference)cachedZoneData.get(desiredLocale); if (data == null || ((zones = (String[][])data.get()) == null)) { Vector vec = new Vector(); Enumeration keys = rsrc.getKeys(); while(keys.hasMoreElements()) { String key = (String)keys.nextElement(); if (!key.equals("localPatternChars") && !key.equals("zoneStrings")) { vec.add(rsrc.getObject(key)); } } zones = new String[vec.size()][]; vec.toArray(zones); data = new SoftReference(zones); cachedZoneData.put(desiredLocale, data); } return zones; } private void initializeData(Locale desiredLocale) { int i; ResourceBundle[] rbs = cacheLookup(desiredLocale); ResourceBundle resource = rbs[0]; ResourceBundle zoneResource = rbs[1]; // Cache only ResourceBundle. Hence every time, will do // getObject(). This won't be necessary if the Resource itself // is cached. eras = (String[])resource.getObject("Eras"); months = resource.getStringArray("MonthNames"); shortMonths = resource.getStringArray("MonthAbbreviations"); String[] lWeekdays = resource.getStringArray("DayNames"); weekdays = new String[8]; weekdays[0] = ""; // 1-based for (i=0; i<lWeekdays.length; i++) weekdays[i+1] = lWeekdays[i]; String[] sWeekdays = resource.getStringArray("DayAbbreviations"); shortWeekdays = new String[8]; shortWeekdays[0] = ""; // 1-based for (i=0; i<sWeekdays.length; i++) shortWeekdays[i+1] = sWeekdays[i]; ampms = resource.getStringArray("AmPmMarkers"); zoneStrings = (String[][])loadZoneStrings(desiredLocale, zoneResource); localPatternChars = (String) zoneResource.getObject("localPatternChars"); } /** * Package private: used by SimpleDateFormat * Gets the index for the given time zone ID to obtain the timezone * strings for formatting. The time zone ID is just for programmatic * lookup. NOT LOCALIZED!!! * @param ID the given time zone ID. * @return the index of the given time zone ID. Returns -1 if * the given time zone ID can't be located in the DateFormatSymbols object. * @see java.util.SimpleTimeZone */ final int getZoneIndex (String ID) { for (int index=0; index<zoneStrings.length; index++) { if (ID.equalsIgnoreCase(zoneStrings[index][0])) return index; } return -1; } /** * Clones an array of Strings. * @param srcArray the source array to be cloned. * @param count the number of elements in the given source array. * @return a cloned array. */ private final String[] duplicate(String[] srcArray) { String[] dstArray = new String[srcArray.length]; System.arraycopy(srcArray, 0, dstArray, 0, srcArray.length); return dstArray; } /** * Clones all the data members from the source DateFormatSymbols to * the target DateFormatSymbols. This is only for subclasses. * @param src the source DateFormatSymbols. * @param dst the target DateFormatSymbols. */ private final void copyMembers(DateFormatSymbols src, DateFormatSymbols dst) { dst.eras = duplicate(src.eras); dst.months = duplicate(src.months); dst.shortMonths = duplicate(src.shortMonths); dst.weekdays = duplicate(src.weekdays); dst.shortWeekdays = duplicate(src.shortWeekdays); dst.ampms = duplicate(src.ampms); for (int i = 0; i < dst.zoneStrings.length; ++i) dst.zoneStrings[i] = duplicate(src.zoneStrings[i]); dst.localPatternChars = new String (src.localPatternChars); } /** * Compares the equality of the two arrays of String. * @param current this String array. * @param other that String array. */ private final boolean equals(String[] current, String[] other) { int count = current.length; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) if (!current[i].equals(other[i])) return false; return true; } }