/* * @(#)Package.java 1.38 06/10/10 * * Copyright 1990-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version * 2 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License version 2 for more details (a copy is * included at /legal/license.txt). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 or visit www.sun.com if you need additional * information or have any questions. * */ package java.lang; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.security.AccessController; import java.security.PrivilegedAction; import java.util.jar.JarInputStream; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.Attributes.Name; import java.util.jar.JarException; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import sun.net.www.ParseUtil; /** * <code>Package</code> objects contain version information * about the implementation and specification of a Java package. * This versioning information is retrieved and made available * by the {@link ClassLoader <code>ClassLoader</code>} instance that * loaded the class(es). Typically, it is stored in the manifest that is * distributed with the classes. * * <p>The set of classes that make up the package may implement a * particular specification and if so the specification title, version number, * and vendor strings identify that specification. * An application can ask if the package is * compatible with a particular version, see the {@link #isCompatibleWith * <code>isCompatibleWith</code>} method for details. * * <p>Specification version numbers use a syntax that consists of positive * decimal integers separated by periods ".", for example "2.0" or * "". This allows an extensible number to be used to represent * major, minor, micro, etc. versions. The version specification is described * by the following formal grammar: * <blockquote> * <dl> * <dt><i>SpecificationVersion: * <dd>Digits RefinedVersion<sub>opt</sub></i> * <p><dt><i>RefinedVersion:</i> * <dd><code>.</code> <i>Digits</i> * <dd><code>.</code> <i>Digits RefinedVersion</i> * * <p><dt><i>Digits: * <dd>Digit * <dd>Digits</i> * * <p><dt><i>Digit:</i> * <dd>any character for which {@link Character#isDigit} returns <code>true</code>, * e.g. 0, 1, 2, ... * </dl> * </blockquote> * * <p>The implementation title, version, and vendor strings identify an * implementation and are made available conveniently to enable accurate * reporting of the packages involved when a problem occurs. The contents * all three implementation strings are vendor specific. The * implementation version strings have no specified syntax and should * only be compared for equality with desired version identifers. * * <p>Within each <code>ClassLoader</code> instance all classes from the same * java package have the same Package object. The static methods allow a package * to be found by name or the set of all packages known to the current class * loader to be found. * * @see ClassLoader#definePackage */ public class Package { /** * Return the name of this package. * * @return The name of this package using the Java language dot notation * for the package. i.e java.lang */ public String getName() { return pkgName; } /** * Return the title of the specification that this package implements. * @return the specification title, null is returned if it is not known. */ public String getSpecificationTitle() { return specTitle; } /** * Returns the version number of the specification * that this package implements. * This version string must be a sequence of positive decimal * integers separated by "."'s and may have leading zeros. * When version strings are compared the most significant * numbers are compared. * @return the specification version, null is returned if it is not known. */ public String getSpecificationVersion() { return specVersion; } /** * Return the name of the organization, vendor, * or company that owns and maintains the specification * of the classes that implement this package. * @return the specification vendor, null is returned if it is not known. */ public String getSpecificationVendor() { return specVendor; } /** * Return the title of this package. * @return the title of the implementation, null is returned if it is not known. */ public String getImplementationTitle() { return implTitle; } /** * Return the version of this implementation. It consists of any string * assigned by the vendor of this implementation and does * not have any particular syntax specified or expected by the Java * runtime. It may be compared for equality with other * package version strings used for this implementation * by this vendor for this package. * @return the version of the implementation, null is returned if it is not known. */ public String getImplementationVersion() { return implVersion; } /** * Returns the name of the organization, * vendor or company that provided this implementation. * @return the vendor that implemented this package.. */ public String getImplementationVendor() { return implVendor; } /** * Returns true if this package is sealed. * * @return true if the package is sealed, false otherwise */ public boolean isSealed() { return sealBase != null; } /** * Returns true if this package is sealed with respect to the specified * code source url. * * @param url the code source url * @return true if this package is sealed with respect to url */ public boolean isSealed(URL url) { return url.equals(sealBase); } /** * Splits a string by the delimiter. * * @param s the string to be splitted * @param d the delimiter character * @return string array */ private static String[] splitString(String s, char d) { int parts = 0, begin = 0; do { begin = s.indexOf(d, begin) + 1; parts++; } while (begin > 0); String[] result = new String[parts]; int end = s.indexOf(d), i = 0; begin = 0; if (end >= 0) do { result[i] = s.substring(begin, end); begin = end + 1; end = s.indexOf(d, begin); i++; } while (end >= 0); result[i] = s.substring(begin); return result; } /** * Compare this package's specification version with a * desired version. It returns true if * this packages specification version number is greater than or equal * to the desired version number. <p> * * Version numbers are compared by sequentially comparing corresponding * components of the desired and specification strings. * Each component is converted as a decimal integer and the values * compared. * If the specification value is greater than the desired * value true is returned. If the value is less false is returned. * If the values are equal the period is skipped and the next pair of * components is compared. * * @param desired the version string of the desired version. * @return true if this package's version number is greater * than or equal to the desired version number * * @exception NumberFormatException if the desired or current version * is not of the correct dotted form. */ public boolean isCompatibleWith(String desired) throws NumberFormatException { if (specVersion == null || specVersion.length() < 1) { throw new NumberFormatException("Empty version string"); } //String [] sa = specVersion.split("\\.", -1); String [] sa = splitString(specVersion, '.'); int [] si = new int[sa.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sa.length; i++) { si[i] = Integer.parseInt(sa[i]); if (si[i] < 0) throw NumberFormatException.forInputString("" + si[i]); } //String [] da = desired.split("\\.", -1); String [] da = splitString(desired, '.'); int [] di = new int[da.length]; for (int i = 0; i < da.length; i++) { di[i] = Integer.parseInt(da[i]); if (di[i] < 0) throw NumberFormatException.forInputString("" + di[i]); } int len = Math.max(di.length, si.length); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int d = (i < di.length ? di[i] : 0); int s = (i < si.length ? si[i] : 0); if (s < d) return false; if (s > d) return true; } return true; } /** * Find a package by name in the callers <code>ClassLoader</code> instance. * The callers <code>ClassLoader</code> instance is used to find the package * instance corresponding to the named class. If the callers * <code>ClassLoader</code> instance is null then the set of packages loaded * by the system <code>ClassLoader</code> instance is searched to find the * named package. <p> * * Packages have attributes for versions and specifications only if the class * loader created the package instance with the appropriate attributes. Typically, * those attributes are defined in the manifests that accompany the classes. * * @param name a package name, for example, java.lang. * @return the package of the requested name. It may be null if no package * information is available from the archive or codebase. */ public static Package getPackage(String name) { ClassLoader l = ClassLoader.getCallerClassLoader(); if (l != null) { return l.getPackage(name); } else { return getSystemPackage(name); } } /** * Get all the packages currently known for the caller's <code>ClassLoader</code> * instance. Those packages correspond to classes loaded via or accessible by * name to that <code>ClassLoader</code> instance. If the caller's * <code>ClassLoader</code> instance is the bootstrap <code>ClassLoader</code> * instance, which may be represented by <code>null</code> in some implementations, * only packages corresponding to classes loaded by the bootstrap * <code>ClassLoader</code> instance will be returned. * * @return a new array of packages known to the callers <code>ClassLoader</code> * instance. An zero length array is returned if none are known. */ public static Package[] getPackages() { ClassLoader l = ClassLoader.getCallerClassLoader(); if (l != null) { return l.getPackages(); } else { return getSystemPackages(); } } /** * Get the package for the specified class. * The class's class loader is used to find the package instance * corresponding to the specified class. If the class loader * is the bootstrap class loader, which may be represented by * <code>null</code> in some implementations, then the set of packages * loaded by the bootstrap class loader is searched to find the package. * <p> * Packages have attributes for versions and specifications only * if the class loader created the package * instance with the appropriate attributes. Typically those * attributes are defined in the manifests that accompany * the classes. * * @param class the class to get the package of. * @return the package of the class. It may be null if no package * information is available from the archive or codebase. */ static Package getPackage(Class c) { String name = c.getName(); int i = name.lastIndexOf('.'); if (i != -1) { name = name.substring(0, i); ClassLoader cl = c.getClassLoader(); if (cl != null) { return cl.getPackage(name); } else { return getSystemPackage(name); } } else { return null; } } /** * Return the hash code computed from the package name. * @return the hash code computed from the package name. */ public int hashCode(){ return pkgName.hashCode(); } /** * Returns the string representation of this Package. * Its value is the string "package " and the package name. * If the package title is defined it is appended. * If the package version is defined it is appended. * @return the string representation of the package. */ public String toString() { String spec = specTitle; String ver = specVersion; if (spec != null && spec.length() > 0) spec = ", " + spec; else spec = ""; if (ver != null && ver.length() > 0) ver = ", version " + ver; else ver = ""; return "package " + pkgName + spec + ver; } /** * Returns specification version of the stack for system packages. * * @param pkgName the name of the package * @return the specification version if it is a system package. * And null otherwise. */ private static String getSystemPackageSpecVersion(String pkgName) { if (pkgName.startsWith("java.") || pkgName.startsWith("javax.") || pkgName.startsWith("sun.") || pkgName.startsWith("com.sun.")) { return System.getProperty("com.sun.package.spec.version"); } return null; } /** * Construct a package instance with the specified version * information. * @param pkgName the name of the package * @param spectitle the title of the specification * @param specversion the version of the specification * @param specvendor the organization that maintains the specification * @param impltitle the title of the implementation * @param implversion the version of the implementation * @param implvendor the organization that maintains the implementation * @return a new package for containing the specified information. */ Package(String name, String spectitle, String specversion, String specvendor, String impltitle, String implversion, String implvendor, URL sealbase) { pkgName = name; implTitle = impltitle; implVersion = implversion; implVendor = implvendor; specTitle = spectitle; specVersion = specversion; specVendor = specvendor; sealBase = sealbase; if (specVersion == null) { specVersion = getSystemPackageSpecVersion(name); } } /* * Construct a package using the attributes from the specified manifest. * * @param name the package name * @param man the optional manifest for the package * @param url the optional code source url for the package */ private Package(String name, Manifest man, URL url) { String path = name.replace('.', '/').concat("/"); String sealed = null; Attributes attr = man.getAttributes(path); if (attr != null) { specTitle = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE); specVersion = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION); specVendor = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_VENDOR); implTitle = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE); implVersion = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION); implVendor = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR); sealed = attr.getValue(Name.SEALED); } attr = man.getMainAttributes(); if (attr != null) { if (specTitle == null) { specTitle = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_TITLE); } if (specVersion == null) { specVersion = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_VERSION); } if (specVendor == null) { specVendor = attr.getValue(Name.SPECIFICATION_VENDOR); } if (implTitle == null) { implTitle = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_TITLE); } if (implVersion == null) { implVersion = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION); } if (implVendor == null) { implVendor = attr.getValue(Name.IMPLEMENTATION_VENDOR); } if (sealed == null) { sealed = attr.getValue(Name.SEALED); } } if (specVersion == null) { specVersion = getSystemPackageSpecVersion(name); } if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(sealed)) { sealBase = url; } pkgName = name; } /* * Returns the loaded system package for the specified name. */ static Package getSystemPackage(String name) { synchronized (pkgs) { Package pkg = (Package)pkgs.get(name); if (pkg == null) { name = name.replace('.', '/').concat("/"); String fn = getSystemPackage0(name); if (fn != null) { pkg = defineSystemPackage(name, fn); } } return pkg; } } /* * Return an array of loaded system packages. */ static Package[] getSystemPackages() { // First, update the system package map with new package names String[] names = getSystemPackages0(); synchronized (pkgs) { for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { defineSystemPackage(names[i], getSystemPackage0(names[i])); } return (Package[])pkgs.values().toArray(new Package[pkgs.size()]); } } private static Package defineSystemPackage(final String iname, final String fn) { return (Package) AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() { public Object run() { String name = iname; // Get the cached code source url for the file name URL url = (URL)urls.get(fn); if (url == null) { // URL not found, so create one File file = new File(fn); try { url = ParseUtil.fileToEncodedURL(file); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { } if (url != null) { urls.put(fn, url); // If loading a JAR file, then also cache the manifest if (file.isFile()) { mans.put(fn, loadManifest(fn)); } } } // Convert to "."-separated package name name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 1).replace('/', '.'); Package pkg; Manifest man = (Manifest)mans.get(fn); if (man != null) { pkg = new Package(name, man, url); } else { pkg = new Package(name, null, null, null, null, null, null, null); } pkgs.put(name, pkg); return pkg; } }); } /* * Returns the Manifest for the specified JAR file name. */ private static Manifest loadManifest(String fn) { try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fn); JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(fis, false); Manifest man = jis.getManifest(); jis.close(); return man; } catch (IOException e) { return null; } } // The map of loaded system packages private static Map pkgs = new HashMap(31); // Maps each directory or zip file name to its corresponding url private static Map urls = new HashMap(10); // Maps each code source url for a jar file to its manifest private static Map mans = new HashMap(10); private static native String getSystemPackage0(String name); private static native String[] getSystemPackages0(); /* * Private storage for the package name and attributes. */ private String pkgName; private String specTitle; private String specVersion; private String specVendor; private String implTitle; private String implVersion; private String implVendor; private URL sealBase; }