/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.intel.mtwilson.common; import com.intel.mtwilson.datatype.IPAddress; import java.io.*; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; /** * * @author dsmagadX */ public class CommandUtil { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommandUtil.class.getName()); private static final Pattern singleQuoteShellSpecialCharacters = Pattern.compile("[*?#~=%\\[]"); private static final Pattern anySingleQuoteShellSpecialCharacters = Pattern.compile("(.*?)" + singleQuoteShellSpecialCharacters.pattern() + "(.*?)"); private static final Pattern doubleQuoteShellSpecialCharacters = Pattern.compile("[$`*@\\\\]"); private static final Pattern anyDoubleQuoteShellSpecialCharacters = Pattern.compile("(.*?)" + doubleQuoteShellSpecialCharacters.pattern() + "(.*?)"); public static CommandResult runCommand(String commandLine) throws TAException, IOException { return runCommand(commandLine, null); } public static CommandResult runCommand(String commandLine, String[] envp) throws TAException, IOException { if(StringUtils.isBlank(commandLine)) throw new TAException(ErrorCode.ERROR,"Command cannot be empty."); String[] command = commandLine.split(" "); if(new File(Config.getBinPath() + File.separator + command[0]).exists()) commandLine = Config.getBinPath() + File.separator + commandLine; if(new File(Config.getBinPath() + File.separator + commandLine).exists()) commandLine = Config.getBinPath() + File.separator + commandLine; log.debug("Command to be executed is :" + commandLine); Process p; if( envp == null ) { p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandLine); } else { p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandLine, envp); } // read stdout InputReader stdout = new InputReader(p.getInputStream()); Thread stdoutThread = new Thread(stdout); stdoutThread.start(); // read stderr InputReader stderr = new InputReader(p.getErrorStream()); Thread stderrThread = new Thread(stderr); stderrThread.start(); CommandResult result = new CommandResult(); try { // wait until the process exits result.exitcode = p.waitFor(); // after the process exits the stdout and stderr threads will terminate stdoutThread.join(); // throws InterruptedException stderrThread.join(); // throws InterruptedException } catch(InterruptedException e) { log.error("Interrupted", e); } log.debug("stdout:\n{}", stdout.getResult()); log.debug("stderr:\n{}", stderr.getResult()); result.command = commandLine; result.stdout = stdout.getResult(); result.stderr = stderr.getResult(); if( result.exitcode != 0 ) { throw new TAException(ErrorCode.FATAL_ERROR, result.exitcode + ": Error while running command: " + commandLine); } return result; } public static byte[] readfile(String fileName) throws TAException { try (InputStream fStream = new FileInputStream(fileName)) { int fileLength = (int) new File(fileName).length(); byte[] fileContents = new byte[fileLength]; int read = fStream.read(fileContents); if (read != fileLength) { log.warn("Length of file read is not same as file length"); } return fileContents; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new TAException(ErrorCode.ERROR, "Error while reading cert", ex); } } public static String readCertificate(String fileName) throws TAException { try { String pem; try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File(fileName))) { pem = IOUtils.toString(in); } // X509Certificate certificate = X509Util.decodePemCertificate(pem); return pem; } catch (Exception e) { throw new TAException(ErrorCode.ERROR, "Error while reading AIK Cert", e); } } public static String getHostIpAddress() { String localIpAddress = ""; Enumeration<NetworkInterface> networkInterface; try { networkInterface = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); for (; networkInterface.hasMoreElements();) { NetworkInterface e = networkInterface.nextElement(); log.debug( "Interface: {}", new Object[]{e.getName()}); Enumeration<InetAddress> ad = e.getInetAddresses(); for (; ad.hasMoreElements();) { InetAddress addr = ad.nextElement(); String returnIpAddress = addr.getHostAddress(); if (!returnIpAddress.equals(localIpAddress) && IPAddress.isValid(returnIpAddress)) { return returnIpAddress; } else { log.debug("{} == {} or ip validation failed.", new Object[]{returnIpAddress, localIpAddress}); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error while getting the network interfaces returning", ex); } return localIpAddress; } public static String generateErrorResponse(ErrorCode errorCode) { return generateErrorResponse(errorCode, null); } public static String generateErrorResponse(ErrorCode errorCode, String optionalDescription) { String extra = ""; if( optionalDescription != null ) { extra = ": "+optionalDescription; } String responseXML = "<client_request> " + "<timestamp>" + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString() + "</timestamp>" + "<clientIp>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(CommandUtil.getHostIpAddress()) + "</clientIp>" + "<error_code>" + errorCode.getErrorCode() + "</error_code>" + "<error_message>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(errorCode.getMessage() + extra) + "</error_message>" + "</client_request>"; return responseXML; } // This function returns true if the string input contains bash/shell single quote special characters public static boolean containsSingleQuoteShellSpecialCharacters(String input) { return anySingleQuoteShellSpecialCharacters.matcher(input).matches(); } // This function returns true if the string input contains bash/shell double quote special characters public static boolean containsDoubleQuoteShellSpecialCharacters(String input) { return anyDoubleQuoteShellSpecialCharacters.matcher(input).matches(); } // This function will escape special characters in an argument being passed to the bash/shell command line public static String singleQuoteEscapeShellArgument(String input) { return "\'" + input.replaceAll(singleQuoteShellSpecialCharacters.pattern(), "\\\\$0") + "\'"; } // This function will escape special characters in an option being passed to the bash/shell command line public static String singleQuoteEscapeShellOption(String input) { if (input.contains("=")) { String[] option = input.split("=", 2); String parameter = option[0]; String value = option[1]; return parameter + "=\'" + value.replaceAll(singleQuoteShellSpecialCharacters.pattern(), "\\\\$0") + "\'"; } else { return singleQuoteEscapeShellArgument(input); } } // Overload for supplying both the parameter and argument value public static String singleQuoteEscapeShellOption(String parameterName, String argumentValue) { return String.format("%s=%s", singleQuoteEscapeShellArgument(parameterName), singleQuoteEscapeShellArgument(argumentValue)); } // This function will escape special characters in an argument being passed to the bash/shell command line public static String doubleQuoteEscapeShellArgument(String input) { return input.replaceAll(doubleQuoteShellSpecialCharacters.pattern(), "\\\\$0"); } // This function will escape special characters in an option being passed to the bash/shell command line public static String doubleQuoteEscapeShellOption(String input) { if (input.contains("=")) { String[] option = input.split("=", 2); String parameter = option[0]; String value = option[1]; return parameter + "=\'" + value.replaceAll(doubleQuoteShellSpecialCharacters.pattern(), "\\\\$0") + "\'"; } else { return doubleQuoteEscapeShellArgument(input); } } // Overload for supplying both the parameter and argument value public static String doubleQuoteEscapeShellOption(String parameterName, String argumentValue) { return String.format("%s=%s", doubleQuoteEscapeShellArgument(parameterName), doubleQuoteEscapeShellArgument(argumentValue)); } }