/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation * All rights reserved. */ package com.intel.mtwilson.trustagent; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.configuration.CommonsConfigurationAdapter; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.configuration.Configuration; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.net.NetUtils; import com.intel.mtwilson.configuration.AbstractConfiguration; import java.io.File; import com.intel.mtwilson.MyFilesystem; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.SocketException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; /** * * @author jbuhacoff */ public class TrustagentConfiguration extends AbstractConfiguration { private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(TrustagentConfiguration.class); // Variables such as TRUSTAGENT_HOME, TRUSTAGENT_CONF, etc. for filesystem // paths are not defined here; see MyFilesystem instead. // Trust Agent administrator username and password is not defined here, // see shiro.ini and password.txt files instead and administrator must // provide the username and password when connecting to Trust Agent. public final static String MTWILSON_API_URL = "mtwilson.api.url"; public final static String MTWILSON_TLS_CERT_SHA1 = "mtwilson.tls.cert.sha1"; public final static String MTWILSON_API_USERNAME = "mtwilson.api.username"; // NOTE: MUST NOT STORE THE VALUE public final static String MTWILSON_API_PASSWORD = "mtwilson.api.password"; // NOTE: MUST NOT STORE THE VALUE public final static String TPM_OWNER_SECRET = "tpm.owner.secret"; // 20 bytes hex (40 hex digits) public final static String TPM_SRK_SECRET = "tpm.srk.secret"; // 20 bytes hex (40 hex digits) public final static String AIK_SECRET = "aik.secret"; // 20 bytes hex (40 hex digits) public final static String AIK_INDEX = "aik.index"; // integer, default 1 but original HIS code from NIARL defaulted to zero public final static String TRUSTAGENT_HTTP_TLS_PORT = "trustagent.http.tls.port"; // default 1443 public final static String TRUSTAGENT_TLS_CERT_DN = "trustagent.tls.cert.dn"; // default CN=trustagent public final static String TRUSTAGENT_TLS_CERT_IP = "trustagent.tls.cert.ip"; // default , can be comma-separated list of values public final static String TRUSTAGENT_TLS_CERT_DNS = "trustagent.tls.cert.dns";// default localhost , can be comma-separated list of values public final static String TRUSTAGENT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD = "trustagent.keystore.password"; public final static String DAA_ENABLED = "daa.enabled"; // default false for 1.2 and 2.0 public final static String TPM_QUOTE_IPV4 = "tpm.quote.ipv4"; public static final String HARDWARE_UUID = "hardware.uuid"; public TrustagentConfiguration(org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration configuration) { this(new CommonsConfigurationAdapter(configuration)); } public TrustagentConfiguration(Configuration configuration) { super(); configure(configuration); // initEnvironmentConfiguration(configuration); } /* private void initEnvironmentConfiguration(Configuration given) { // using the environment configuration // allows the MTWILSON_API_USERNAME and MTWILSON_API_PASSWORD to be set // in the environment instead of in trustagent.properties Configuration env = new KeyTransformerConfiguration(new AllCapsNamingStrategy(), new EnvironmentConfiguration()); // transforms mtwilson.ssl.cert.sha1 to MTWILSON_SSL_CERT_SHA1 Configuration configuration = new CompositeConfiguration(given, env); setConfiguration(configuration); } */ /** * NOTE: this comes from an environment variable and would only be used * during setup for automatic approval of the mtwilson tls cert when the * admin sets the env var MTWILSON_TLS_CERT_SHA1 to be a comma-separated list * of valid SHA1 digests. During setup the authorized certificates are * saved to the trustagent.jks keystore so this env var is not needed * after setup. * * @return */ public List<String> getMtWilsonTlsCertificateFingerprints() { String fingerprintCsv = getConfiguration().getString(MTWILSON_TLS_CERT_SHA1); if( fingerprintCsv == null || fingerprintCsv.isEmpty() ) { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } return Arrays.asList(fingerprintCsv.split("\\s*,\\s*")); } /* public File getWebAppContextFile() { return new File(MyFilesystem.getApplicationFilesystem().getConfigurationPath() + File.separator + "web.xml"); } */ public String getMtWilsonApiUrl() { return getConfiguration().getString(MTWILSON_API_URL);// intentionally no default - this must be configured during setup } public String getMtWilsonApiUsername() { return getConfiguration().getString(MTWILSON_API_USERNAME);// intentionally no default - this must be configured during setup } public String getMtWilsonApiPassword() { return getConfiguration().getString(MTWILSON_API_PASSWORD);// intentionally no default - this must be configured during setup } public String getTpmOwnerSecretHex() { return getConfiguration().getString(TPM_OWNER_SECRET); // intentionally no default - this must be generated during setup } public byte[] getTpmOwnerSecret() { try { return Hex.decodeHex(getTpmOwnerSecretHex().toCharArray()); } catch(DecoderException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid owner secret", e); } } public String getTpmSrkSecretHex() { return getConfiguration().getString(TPM_SRK_SECRET); // intentionally no default - this must be generated during setup } public byte[] getTpmSrkSecret() { try { return Hex.decodeHex(getTpmSrkSecretHex().toCharArray()); } catch(DecoderException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid SRK secret", e); } } public String getAikSecretHex() { return getConfiguration().getString(AIK_SECRET); // intentionally no default - this must be generated during setup } public byte[] getAikSecret() { try { return Hex.decodeHex(getAikSecretHex().toCharArray()); } catch(DecoderException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid AIK secret", e); } } public int getAikIndex() { return getConfiguration().getInteger(AIK_INDEX, 1); } public File getAikCertificateFile() { return new File(MyFilesystem.getApplicationFilesystem().getConfigurationPath() + File.separator + "aik.pem"); } public File getAikBlobFile() { return new File(MyFilesystem.getApplicationFilesystem().getConfigurationPath() + File.separator + "aik.blob"); } public int getTrustagentHttpTlsPort() { return getConfiguration().getInteger(TRUSTAGENT_HTTP_TLS_PORT, 1443); } public String getTrustagentTlsCertDn() { return getConfiguration().getString(TRUSTAGENT_TLS_CERT_DN, "CN=trustagent"); } public String getTrustagentTlsCertIp() { return getConfiguration().getString(TRUSTAGENT_TLS_CERT_IP, ""); } public String[] getTrustagentTlsCertIpArray() throws SocketException { // return getConfiguration().getString(TRUSTAGENT_TLS_CERT_IP, "").split(","); String[] TlsCertIPs = getConfiguration().getString(TRUSTAGENT_TLS_CERT_IP, "").split(","); if (TlsCertIPs != null && !TlsCertIPs[0].isEmpty()) { log.debug("Retrieved IPs from trust agent configuration: {}", (Object[])TlsCertIPs); return TlsCertIPs; } List<String> TlsCertIPsList = NetUtils.getNetworkAddressList(); // never returns null but may be empty String[] ipListArray = new String[TlsCertIPsList.size()]; if (ipListArray.length > 0) { log.debug("Retrieved IPs from network configuration: {}", (Object[])ipListArray); return TlsCertIPsList.toArray(ipListArray); } log.debug("Returning default IP address []"); return new String[]{""}; } public String getTrustagentTlsCertDns() { return getConfiguration().getString(TRUSTAGENT_TLS_CERT_DNS, ""); } public String[] getTrustagentTlsCertDnsArray() throws SocketException { // return getConfiguration().getString(TRUSTAGENT_TLS_CERT_DNS, "localhost").split(","); String[] TlsCertDNs = getConfiguration().getString(TRUSTAGENT_TLS_CERT_DNS, "").split(","); if (TlsCertDNs != null && !TlsCertDNs[0].isEmpty()) { log.debug("Retrieved Domain Names trust agent from configuration: {}", (Object[])TlsCertDNs); return TlsCertDNs; } List<String> TlsCertDNsList = NetUtils.getNetworkHostnameList(); // never returns null but may be empty String[] dnListArray = new String[TlsCertDNsList.size()]; if (dnListArray.length > 0) { log.debug("Retrieved Domain Names from network configuration: {}", (Object[])dnListArray); return TlsCertDNsList.toArray(dnListArray); } log.debug("Returning default Domain Name [localhost]"); return new String[]{"localhost"}; } public File getTrustagentKeystoreFile() { return new File(MyFilesystem.getApplicationFilesystem().getConfigurationPath() + File.separator + "trustagent.jks"); } public String getTrustagentKeystorePassword() { return getConfiguration().getString(TRUSTAGENT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD); // intentionally no default - this must be generated during setup } public File getEndorsementAuthoritiesFile() { return new File(MyFilesystem.getApplicationFilesystem().getConfigurationPath() + File.separator + "endorsement.pem"); } public File getTrustagentUserFile() { return new File(MyFilesystem.getApplicationFilesystem().getConfigurationPath() + File.separator + "users.txt"); } public File getTrustagentPermissionsFile() { return new File(MyFilesystem.getApplicationFilesystem().getConfigurationPath() + File.separator + "permissions.txt"); } public File getTrustagentEtagCacheFile() { return new File(MyFilesystem.getApplicationFilesystem().getConfigurationPath() + File.separator + "etag.cache"); } public boolean isDaaEnabled() { return getConfiguration().getBoolean(DAA_ENABLED, false); } public boolean isTpmQuoteWithIpAddress() { return getConfiguration().getBoolean(TPM_QUOTE_IPV4, true); } public String getHardwareUuid() { return getConfiguration().getString(HARDWARE_UUID); } public File getMeasureLogLaunchScript() { return new File(MyFilesystem.getApplicationFilesystem().getBootstrapFilesystem().getBinPath() + File.separator + "module_analysis.sh"); } public String getMtwilsonTlsPolicyCertificateSha1() { return getConfiguration().getString("mtwilson.tls.cert.sha1"); } public Properties getMtWilsonClientProperties() { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty("mtwilson.api.url", getMtWilsonApiUrl()); properties.setProperty("mtwilson.api.username", getMtWilsonApiUsername()); properties.setProperty("mtwilson.api.password", getMtWilsonApiPassword()); properties.setProperty("mtwilson.api.tls.policy.certificate.keystore.file", getTrustagentKeystoreFile().getAbsolutePath()); properties.setProperty("mtwilson.api.tls.policy.certificate.keystore.password", getTrustagentKeystorePassword()); properties.setProperty("mtwilson.api.tls.policy.certificate.sha1", getMtwilsonTlsPolicyCertificateSha1()); properties.setProperty("mtwilson.tls.cert.sha1", getMtwilsonTlsPolicyCertificateSha1()); return properties; } public static TrustagentConfiguration loadConfiguration() throws IOException { File file = new File(MyFilesystem.getApplicationFilesystem().getConfigurationPath() + File.separator + "trustagent.properties"); if( file.exists() ) { try(FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file)) { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(in); TrustagentConfiguration configuration = new TrustagentConfiguration(new PropertiesConfiguration(properties)); return configuration; } } else { TrustagentConfiguration configuration = new TrustagentConfiguration(new PropertiesConfiguration()); return configuration; } } }