package; import; import; import; import; import*; import java.util.*; import org.junit.AfterClass; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; /** * * @author dsmagadx */ public class ReportsBOTest { public ReportsBOTest() { } @BeforeClass public static void setUpClass() { } @AfterClass public static void tearDownClass() { } @Before public void setUp() { } /* * Expected output: Trust Report. Hostname: MLE: BIOS:EPSD-55,VMM:RHEL 6.1-Xen:4.1.1 Trust status: 0 Trust Report. Hostname: MLE: BIOS:EPSD-55,VMM:RHEL 6.1-Xen:4.1.1 Trust status: 0 */ @Test public void testTrustReport() { ArrayList<Hostname> hostnames = new ArrayList<Hostname>(); hostnames.add(new Hostname("")); HostsTrustReportType hostTrustReportType= new ReportsBO().getTrustReport(hostnames); List<> list = hostTrustReportType.getHost(); assertTrue( list != null ); if( list != null ) { for( h : list) { System.out.println(String.format("Trust Report. Hostname: %s MLE: %s Trust status: %s", h.getHostName(), h.getMLEInfo(), h.getTrustStatus())); assertEquals("", h.getHostName()); assertEquals("BIOS:EPSD-55,VMM:Xen:4.1.1", h.getMLEInfo()); // used to be: BIOS:EPSD-55,VMM:RHEL 6.1-Xen:4.1.1 assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(0), h.getTrustStatus()); } } } /* * Expected output: PCR Manifest. PCR: 0 value: e3a29bd603bf9982113b696cd37af8afc58e2877 trust: 0 verified: 2012-02-09T13:39:01.000-08:00 PCR Manifest. PCR: 19 value: cdd56ce92ce515414e72d8203a30b0107717cf27 trust: 0 verified: 2012-02-09T13:39:01.000-08:00 PCR Manifest. PCR: 17 value: 014936fb8e273d53823636235b1626ab25f1c514 trust: 0 verified: 2012-02-09T13:39:01.000-08:00 PCR Manifest. PCR: 18 value: 9c65082230f792824eba1c43e3c0fa6255186577 trust: 0 verified: 2012-02-09T13:39:01.000-08:00 */ @Test public void testManifestReport() { HostManifestReportType hostTrustReportType= new ReportsBO().getReportManifest(new Hostname("")); host = hostTrustReportType.getHost(); assertTrue( host != null ); assertEquals("", host==null?"":host.getName()); if( host != null ) { List<ManifestType> manifestList = host.getManifest(); for(ManifestType manifest : manifestList) { // each manifest represents a single PCR; so the "Name" is the PCR Number (0..23) System.out.println(String.format("PCR Manifest. PCR: %s value: %s trust: %s verified: %s", manifest.getName().toString(), manifest.getValue(), manifest.getTrustStatus(), manifest.getVerifiedOn().toString())); } } //assertEquals(4, manifestList.size()); // don't checka ctual value in a unit test in AS, it's out of scope. } /** * Test of setDataEncryptionKey method, of class ReportsBO. */ @Test public void testSetDataEncryptionKey() { System.out.println("setDataEncryptionKey"); byte[] key = null; ReportsBO instance = new ReportsBO(); // instance.setDataEncryptionKey(key); fail("The test case is a prototype."); } /** * Test of getTrustReport method, of class ReportsBO. */ @Test public void testGetTrustReport() { System.out.println("getTrustReport"); Collection<Hostname> hostNames = null; ReportsBO instance = new ReportsBO(); HostsTrustReportType expResult = null; HostsTrustReportType result = instance.getTrustReport(hostNames); assertEquals(expResult, result); fail("The test case is a prototype."); } /** * Test of getReportManifest method, of class ReportsBO. */ @Test public void testGetReportManifest() { System.out.println("getReportManifest"); Hostname hostName = null; ReportsBO instance = new ReportsBO(); HostManifestReportType expResult = null; HostManifestReportType result = instance.getReportManifest(hostName); assertEquals(expResult, result); fail("The test case is a prototype."); } /** * Test of getHostAttestationReport method, of class ReportsBO. */ @Test public void testGetHostAttestationReport() { System.out.println("getHostAttestationReport"); Hostname hostName = null; ReportsBO instance = new ReportsBO(); String expResult = ""; String result = instance.getHostAttestationReport(hostName); assertEquals(expResult, result); fail("The test case is a prototype."); } /** * Test of getAttestationFailueReport method, of class ReportsBO. */ @Test public void testGetAttestationFailueReport() { System.out.println("getAttestationFailueReport"); Hostname hostName = null; Boolean failureOnly = false; ReportsBO instance = new ReportsBO(); AttestationReport expResult = null; AttestationReport result = instance.getAttestationReport(hostName, failureOnly); assertEquals(expResult, result); fail("The test case is a prototype."); } }