/* * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Intel Corporation * All rights reserved. */ package com.intel.mtwilson; import com.intel.mtwilson.i18n.ErrorCode; import com.intel.mtwilson.security.http.apache.ApacheHmacHttpAuthorization; import com.intel.mtwilson.security.http.apache.ApacheRsaHttpAuthorization; import com.intel.mountwilson.as.hostmanifestreport.data.HostManifestReportType; import com.intel.mountwilson.as.hosttrustreport.data.HostsTrustReportType; import com.intel.mtwilson.api.MtWilson; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.crypto.CryptographyException; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.crypto.HmacCredential; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.crypto.PasswordHash; import com.intel.mtwilson.api.*; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.crypto.RsaCredential; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.crypto.RsaCredentialX509; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.crypto.SimpleKeystore; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.x509.X509Util; import com.intel.mtwilson.model.*; import com.intel.mtwilson.datatypes.*; import com.intel.mtwilson.datatypes.xml.HostTrustXmlResponse; import com.intel.mtwilson.datatypes.xml.HostTrustXmlResponseList; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.io.ConfigurationUtil; import com.intel.mtwilson.security.http.*; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.tls.policy.TlsPolicy; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.StringReader; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.security.*; import java.security.cert.CertificateEncodingException; import java.security.cert.CertificateException; import java.security.cert.X509Certificate; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import static javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType.*; import javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; import org.apache.commons.codec.EncoderException; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.commons.codec.net.URLCodec; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.MapConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.rfc822.Headers; //import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.xml.JAXB; import com.intel.mtwilson.security.http.apache.ApacheBasicHttpAuthorization; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials; /** * This class has many constructors to provide convenience for developers. * However, too many options may be confusing. * Based on developer feedback, we should retain the most useful constructors * and deprecate the rest. * Two candidates for KEEPING are (File) and (URL,Hmac/RsaCredential,SimpleKeystore). * Those two constructors provide the two extremes: with (File), all properties in a file, * developer specifies the path for easy integration into any system); with * (URL,Hmac/RsaCredential,SimpleKeystore) a developer is able to instantiate a secure * ApiClient completely in Java without requiring a configuration file (it will enable * requireTrustedCertificate and verifyHostname). * @since 0.5.2 * @author jbuhacoff */ public class ApiClient implements MtWilson, AttestationService, WhitelistService, ManagementService { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApiClient.class); // private JerseyHttpClient httpClient; private ApacheHttpClient httpClient; private URL baseURL; // https://attestationservice.local:443 private String attestationServicePath = "/AttestationService/resources"; // or /AttestationHandler/resources private String whitelistServicePath = "/WLMService/resources"; private String managementServicePath = "/ManagementService/resources"; // private Credential credential; // private HmacCredential hmacCredential; // private RsaCredential rsaCredential; protected static final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); private static final String defaultConfigurationFilename = "mtwilson.properties"; // private ClassLoader jaxbClassLoader = null; private JAXB jaxb = new JAXB(); private Locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); private SimpleKeystore keystore; /** * Loads configuration from the specified file. * * The configuration file must include the web service base URL and * authentication information. * * @param configurationFilename * @throws ClientException that may wrap NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException, MalformedURLException, UnsupportedEncodingException, KeyStoreException, IOException, UnrecoverableEntryException, or CertificateException * @throws IOException if there was a problem reading the specified file */ public ApiClient(File configurationFile) throws ClientException, IOException { this(ConfigurationUtil.fromPropertiesFile(configurationFile)); log.debug("Initialized with configuration file: "+configurationFile.getAbsolutePath()); } public ApiClient(Properties properties) throws ClientException { this(new MapConfiguration(properties)); } /** * Instantiates an ApiClient using the provided configuration. It must * include the base URL and authentication credentials. * * @param config * @throws ClientException that may wrap NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException, MalformedURLException, UnsupportedEncodingException, KeyStoreException, IOException, UnrecoverableEntryException, or CertificateException */ public ApiClient(Configuration config) throws ClientException { try { setBaseURL(config.getString("mtwilson.api.baseurl")); //log.debug("Base URL: "+baseURL.toExternalForm()); /* httpClient = new JerseyHttpClient(baseURL.toExternalForm(), config.getString("mtwilson.api.clientId"), config.getString("mtwilson.api.secretKey")); */ setKeystore(config); setHttpClientWithConfig(config); } catch(Exception e) { throw new ClientException("Cannot initialize client", e); } } /** * Instantiates an ApiClient using the provided base URL and authentication * credential, and using configuration information from the provided properties. * * @param baseURL * @param credential * @param properties * @throws ClientException that may wrap NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException, MalformedURLException, UnsupportedEncodingException, KeyStoreException, IOException, or CertificateException */ public ApiClient(URL baseURL, HmacCredential credential, Properties properties) throws ClientException { try { setBaseURL(baseURL); Configuration config = new MapConfiguration(properties); setKeystore(config); setLocale(properties); log.debug("Base URL: "+baseURL.toExternalForm()); httpClient = new ApacheHttpClient(baseURL, new ApacheHmacHttpAuthorization(credential), keystore, config); httpClient.setLocale(locale); log.debug("HMAC-256 Identity: "+new String(credential.identity(), "UTF-8")); } catch(Exception e) { throw new ClientException("Cannot initialize client", e); } } /** * Instantiates an ApiClient using the provided base URL and authentication * credential, and using configuration information from the provided properties. * * @param baseURL * @param credential * @param properties * @throws ClientException that may wrap NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException, MalformedURLException, UnsupportedEncodingException, KeyStoreException, IOException, or CertificateException */ public ApiClient(URL baseURL, RsaCredential credential, Properties properties) throws ClientException { try { setBaseURL(baseURL); Configuration config = new MapConfiguration(properties); setKeystore(config); setLocale(properties); log.debug("Base URL: "+baseURL.toExternalForm()); httpClient = new ApacheHttpClient(baseURL, new ApacheRsaHttpAuthorization(credential), keystore, config); httpClient.setLocale(locale); log.debug("RSA Identity: "+new String(credential.identity(), "UTF-8")); } catch(Exception e) { throw new ClientException("Cannot initialize client", e); } } /** * This constructor automatically enables requireTrustedCertificate and verifyHostname * because a keystore is specified. If you want to specify a keystore yet not * require trusted certificates or verify hostnames, use the Configuration constructor. * @param baseURL * @param credential * @param keystore * @throws ClientException that may wrap NoSuchAlgorithmException, KeyManagementException, MalformedURLException, UnsupportedEncodingException, KeyStoreException, IOException, or CertificateException */ public ApiClient(URL baseURL, HmacCredential credential, SimpleKeystore keystore, Configuration config) throws ClientException { try { setBaseURL(baseURL); setKeystore(keystore); setLocale(config); log.debug("Base URL: "+baseURL.toExternalForm()); httpClient = new ApacheHttpClient(baseURL, new ApacheHmacHttpAuthorization(credential), keystore, config); httpClient.setLocale(locale); log.debug("HMAC-256 Identity: "+new String(credential.identity(), "UTF-8")); } catch(Exception e) { throw new ClientException("Cannot initialize client", e); } } /** * This constructor automatically enables requireTrustedCertificate and verifyHostname * because a keystore is specified. If you want to specify a keystore yet not * require trusted certificates or verify hostnames, use the Configuration constructor. * @param baseURL * @param credential * @param keystore * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws KeyManagementException * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException * @throws KeyStoreException * @throws IOException * @throws CertificateException */ public ApiClient(URL baseURL, RsaCredential credential, SimpleKeystore keystore, Configuration config) throws ClientException { try { setBaseURL(baseURL); setKeystore(keystore); setLocale(config); log.debug("Base URL: "+baseURL.toExternalForm()); httpClient = new ApacheHttpClient(baseURL, new ApacheRsaHttpAuthorization(credential), keystore, config); httpClient.setLocale(locale); log.debug("RSA Identity: "+new String(credential.identity(), "UTF-8")); } catch(Exception e) { throw new ClientException("Cannot initialize client", e); } } public ApiClient(URL baseURL, RsaCredential credential, SimpleKeystore keystore, TlsPolicy tlsPolicy) throws ClientException { try { setBaseURL(baseURL); setKeystore(keystore); log.debug("Base URL: "+baseURL.toExternalForm()); httpClient = new ApacheHttpClient(baseURL, new ApacheRsaHttpAuthorization(credential), keystore, tlsPolicy); httpClient.setLocale(locale); log.debug("RSA Identity: "+new String(credential.identity(), "UTF-8")); } catch(Exception e) { throw new ClientException("Cannot initialize client", e); } } private void setBaseURL(URL url) { if( url == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base URL must not be null"); } baseURL = url; } private void setBaseURL(String url) throws MalformedURLException { if( url == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Base URL must not be null"); } baseURL = new URL(url); } /** * Prefers RSA-SHA256 authentication (mtwilson.api.keystore and mtwilson.api.key.alias), * then HMAC-SHA256 authentication (mtwilson.api.clientId and mtwilson.api.secretKey), * then no authentication. * * @param config * @throws KeyStoreException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws CertificateException * @throws UnrecoverableEntryException * @throws IOException * @throws KeyManagementException */ private void setHttpClientWithConfig(Configuration config) throws KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, UnrecoverableEntryException, IOException, KeyManagementException, com.intel.dcsg.cpg.crypto.CryptographyException { // if( config.containsKey("mtwilson.api.keystore") && config.containsKey("mtwilson.api.keystore.password") && config.containsKey("mtwilson.api.key.alias") ) { if( keystore != null ) { RsaCredentialX509 rsaCredential = keystore.getRsaCredentialX509(config.getString("mtwilson.api.key.alias"), config.getString("mtwilson.api.key.password")); // RsaCredential rsaCredential = RsaUtil.fromKeystore(config); setKeystore(config); setLocale(config); httpClient = new ApacheHttpClient(baseURL, new ApacheRsaHttpAuthorization(rsaCredential), keystore, config); httpClient.setLocale(locale); Hex hex = new Hex(); log.debug("RSA Identity: "+hex.encode(rsaCredential.identity())); } else if( config.containsKey("mtwilson.api.clientId") && config.containsKey("mtwilson.api.secretKey") ) { HmacCredential hmacCredential = new HmacCredential(config.getString("mtwilson.api.clientId"), config.getString("mtwilson.api.secretKey")); setKeystore(config); setLocale(config); httpClient = new ApacheHttpClient(baseURL, new ApacheHmacHttpAuthorization(hmacCredential), keystore, config); httpClient.setLocale(locale); log.debug("HMAC-256 Identity: "+new String(hmacCredential.identity(), "UTF-8")); } else if( config.containsKey("mtwilson.api.username") && config.containsKey("mtwilson.api.password") ) { UsernamePasswordCredentials passwordCredential = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(config.getString("mtwilson.api.username"), config.getString("mtwilson.api.password")); setKeystore(config); setLocale(config); httpClient = new ApacheHttpClient(baseURL, new ApacheBasicHttpAuthorization(passwordCredential), keystore, config); httpClient.setLocale(locale); log.debug("HTTP BASIC Identity: {}", config.getString("mtwilson.api.username")); } else { // no authentication setKeystore(config); setLocale(config); httpClient = new ApacheHttpClient(baseURL, null, keystore, config); httpClient.setLocale(locale); log.info("No identity configured"); } } private void setKeystore(Configuration config) throws KeyManagementException { if( config != null && config.containsKey("mtwilson.api.keystore") && config.containsKey("mtwilson.api.keystore.password") ) { keystore = new SimpleKeystore(new File(config.getString("mtwilson.api.keystore")), config.getString("mtwilson.api.keystore.password")); } else if( config != null && config.containsKey("javax.net.ssl.keyStore") && config.containsKey("javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword") ) { keystore = new SimpleKeystore(new File(config.getString("javax.net.ssl.keyStore")), config.getString("javax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword")); } } public final void setKeystore(SimpleKeystore keystore) { this.keystore = keystore; } private void setLocale(Properties properties) { String language = properties.getProperty("user.language",""); String country = properties.getProperty("user.country",""); if( !language.isEmpty() && !country.isEmpty() ) { locale = new Locale(language, country); } if( !language.isEmpty() ) { locale = new Locale(language); } } private void setLocale(Configuration config) { String language = config.getString("user.language",""); String country = config.getString("user.country",""); if( !language.isEmpty() && !country.isEmpty() ) { locale = new Locale(language, country); } if( !language.isEmpty() ) { locale = new Locale(language); } } public void setLocale(Locale locale) { this.locale = locale; if( httpClient != null ) { httpClient.setLocale(locale); } } /** * Some environments such as OSGi require the use of their own ClassLoader * when using JAXB. Use this method to set the ClassLoader that should be * used when deserializing XML responses with JAXB. * The default is to use the system class loader. * @param classLoader to use with JAXB, or null to use the default class loader */ public void setJaxbClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) { // jaxbClassLoader = classLoader; jaxb.setJaxbClassLoader(classLoader); } /** * Call this to ensure that all HTTP connections and files are closed * when your are done using the API Client. */ public void close() { // connectionManager.shutdown(); } private String querystring(MultivaluedMap<String,String> query) { URLCodec urlsafe = new URLCodec("UTF-8"); String queryString = ""; ArrayList<String> params = new ArrayList<String>(); for( String key : query.keySet() ) { if( query.get(key) == null ) { params.add(key+"="); } else { for( String value : query.get(key) ) { try { params.add(key+"="+urlsafe.encode(value)); } catch (EncoderException ex) { log.error("Cannot encode query parameter: {}", value, ex); } } } queryString = StringUtils.join(params, "&"); } return queryString; } protected String asurl(String apiPath) { return baseURL.toExternalForm().concat(attestationServicePath).concat(apiPath); } protected String asurl(String apiPath, MultivaluedMap<String,String> query) { return baseURL.toExternalForm().concat(attestationServicePath).concat(apiPath).concat("?").concat(querystring(query)); } protected String wlmurl(String apiPath) { return baseURL.toExternalForm().concat(whitelistServicePath).concat(apiPath); } protected String wlmurl(String apiPath, MultivaluedMap<String,String> query) { return baseURL.toExternalForm().concat(whitelistServicePath).concat(apiPath).concat("?").concat(querystring(query)); } protected String msurl(String apiPath) { return baseURL.toExternalForm().concat(managementServicePath).concat(apiPath); } protected String msurl(String apiPath, MultivaluedMap<String,String> query) { return baseURL.toExternalForm().concat(managementServicePath).concat(apiPath).concat("?").concat(querystring(query)); } protected ApiResponse httpGet(String path) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { return httpClient.get(path); } protected ApiResponse httpGet(String path, Headers headers) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { return httpClient.get(path, headers); } protected ApiResponse httpDelete(String path) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { return httpClient.delete(path); } protected ApiResponse httpDelete(String path, Headers headers) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { return httpClient.delete(path, headers); } protected ApiResponse httpPut(String path, ApiRequest body) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { return httpClient.put(path, body); } protected ApiResponse httpPut(String path, ApiRequest body, Headers headers) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { return httpClient.put(path, body, headers); } protected ApiResponse httpPost(String path, ApiRequest body) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { return httpClient.post(path, body); } protected ApiResponse httpPost(String path, ApiRequest body, Headers headers) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { return httpClient.post(path, body, headers); } // only call this if the Http Status is NOT OK in order to convert the response to an ApiException private ApiException error(ApiResponse response) throws IOException, ApiException { if( response.contentType.isCompatible(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE) ) { // a json error response from the web application. we need to provide the error message to the user. ErrorResponse errorResponse; try { //log.debug("Parsing JSON error response: "+new String(response.content, "UTF-8")); log.debug("Parsing JSON error response: "+new String(response.content, "UTF-8")); errorResponse = json(new String(response.content, "UTF-8"), ErrorResponse.class); } catch(Exception e) { // cannot parse the json response, so include the entire response for the user. we ignore the exception "e" because it just means we couldn't parse the response. //e.printstacktrace() // Daniel, do something to print the stack trace so you can follow it. // return new ApiException(response, "Cannot parse response: "+e.getMessage(), ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR); } return new ApiException(response, errorResponse.getErrorMessage(), ErrorCode.valueOf(errorResponse.getErrorCode())); } else if( response.contentType.isCompatible(TEXT_HTML_TYPE) ) { // typically html error message generated by web application container; we can ignore the html content because its generic String errorMessage = response.httpReasonPhrase; HtmlErrorParser errorParser = new HtmlErrorParser(new String(response.content, "UTF-8")); if( errorParser.getRootCause() != null ) { errorMessage = errorMessage.concat(": "+errorParser.getRootCause()); } return new ApiException(response, errorMessage, httpErrorCode(response.httpStatusCode)); } else { // a non-json, non-html error response from the web application: so we include the response in the exception message. http 401 unauthorized responses are included here. return new ApiException(response, new String(response.content, "UTF-8"), httpErrorCode(response.httpStatusCode)); } } private ErrorCode httpErrorCode(int httpErrorCode) { ErrorCode e; switch(httpErrorCode) { case 200: e = ErrorCode.OK; break; case 400: e = ErrorCode.HTTP_INVALID_REQUEST; break; case 401: e = ErrorCode.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED; break; case 403: e = ErrorCode.HTTP_FORBIDDEN; break; case 404: e = ErrorCode.HTTP_NOT_FOUND; break; case 500: e = ErrorCode.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; break; default: e = ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR; break; } return e; } private byte[] content(ApiResponse response) throws IOException, ApiException { log.trace("Status: {} {}", response.httpStatusCode, response.httpReasonPhrase); //log.trace("Content-Type: {}", response.contentType.toString()); #2014-02-17 rksavinx removed due to dependency issue with tomcat for org.glassfish.jersey log.trace("Content: {}", response.content); if( response.httpStatusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK ) { return response.content; } else if (response.httpStatusCode == HttpStatus.SC_NO_CONTENT) { return new byte[0]; } else { throw error(response); } } /* private <T> T deserialize(HttpResponse response, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException, ApiException { String body = responsebody(response); String contentType = response.getEntity() != null && response.getEntity().getContentType() != null ? response.getEntity().getContentType().getValue() : ""; if( "application/json".equals(contentType) ) { return fromJSON(body, valueType); } else { return null; } }*/ private String text(ApiResponse response) throws IOException, ApiException { return new String(content(response), "UTF-8"); } private byte[] binary(ApiResponse response) throws IOException, ApiException { return content(response); } private <T> T json(ApiResponse response, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException, ApiException { if( response.httpStatusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK && response.contentType.isCompatible(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE) ) { return json(new String(response.content, "UTF-8"), valueType); } else if( response.httpStatusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK ) { log.error("Unexpected content type {} in response", response.contentType.toString()); throw new ApiException(response, "Unexpected content type in response: "+response.contentType.toString()); } else { throw error(response); } } private <T> T json(String document, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException, ApiException { if( document == null ) { throw new ApiException("Response from server has no content"); } try { return mapper.readValue(document, valueType); } catch(com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException e) { log.error("Cannot parse response: "+document); throw new ApiException("Cannot parse response: "+document, e); } } private <T> T fromJSON(ApiResponse response, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException, ApiException { return json(response, valueType); } private ApiRequest toJSON(Object value) throws IOException { return new ApiRequest(APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE, mapper.writeValueAsString(value)); } private <T> T xml(ApiResponse response, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException, ApiException { if( response.httpStatusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK && response.contentType.isCompatible(APPLICATION_XML_TYPE) ) { return xml(new String(response.content, "UTF-8"), valueType); } else if( response.httpStatusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK ) { log.error("Unexpected content type {} in response", response.contentType.toString()); throw new ApiException(response, "Unexpected content type in response: "+response.contentType.toString()); } else { throw error(response); } } private <T> T xml(String document, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException, ApiException { try { // bug #1038 use secure xml parsing settings return jaxb.read(document, valueType); } catch(Exception e) { throw new ApiException("Cannot parse response: "+document, e); } } private <T> T fromXML(ApiResponse response, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException, ApiException, JAXBException { return xml(response, valueType); } /** * * @param response an HttpResponse from GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE request * @return String content from server response * @throws IOException */ /* private String plaintext(HttpResponse response) throws IOException { return IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent(), "UTF-8"); } */ // Attestation Service API /** * javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON application/json * @param hostname */ @Override public HostLocation getHostLocation(Hostname hostname) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("hostName", hostname.toString()); HostLocation location = fromJSON(httpGet(asurl("/hosts/location", query)), HostLocation.class); return location; } @Override public boolean addHostLocation(HostLocation hostLocObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPost(asurl("/hosts/location"), toJSON(hostLocObj))); return "true".equals(result); } /** * * @param trustStatusString like "BIOS:1,VMM:1" from API version 0.5.1 * @return */ private HostTrustStatus parseHostTrustStatusString(String trustStatusString) { HostTrustStatus trustStatus = new HostTrustStatus(); String[] parts = trustStatusString.split(","); for (String part : parts) { String[] subParts = part.split(":"); if (subParts[0].equals("BIOS")) { trustStatus.bios = subParts[1].equals("1"); } else if(subParts[0].equals("VMM")) { trustStatus.vmm = subParts[1].equals("1"); } } return trustStatus; } /** * /hosts/trust?hostname= * Response is PLAINTEXT ("BIOS:1,VMM:1") but needs to be changed to JSON on server (todo) so we support both. * @param hostname * @return */ @Override public HostTrustResponse getHostTrust(Hostname hostname) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("hostName", hostname.toString()); // need to support both formats: "BIOS:1,VMM:1" from 0.5.1 and JSON from 0.5.2 ApiResponse response = httpClient.get(asurl("/hosts/trust", query)); HostTrustResponse trust; if( response.httpStatusCode == HttpStatus.SC_OK ) { if( APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE.equals(response.contentType) ) { trust = json(response, HostTrustResponse.class); } else if( TEXT_PLAIN_TYPE.equals(response.contentType) ) { trust = new HostTrustResponse(hostname, parseHostTrustStatusString(text(response))); } else { throw new ApiException(response, "Unexpected content type in response: "+response.contentType, ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR.getErrorCode()); } return trust; } else { throw error(response); } } @Override public HostResponse addHost(TxtHost host) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException, MalformedURLException { HostResponse added = fromJSON(httpPost(asurl("/hosts"), toJSON(new TxtHostRecord(host))), HostResponse.class); return added; } @Override public HostConfigResponseList addHosts(TxtHostRecordList hostRecords) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { HostConfigResponseList results = fromJSON(httpPost(asurl("/hosts/bulk"), toJSON(hostRecords)), HostConfigResponseList.class); return results; } @Override public HostResponse updateHost(TxtHost host) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException, MalformedURLException { HostResponse added = fromJSON(httpPut(asurl("/hosts"), toJSON(new TxtHostRecord(host))), HostResponse.class); return added; } @Override public HostConfigResponseList updateHosts(TxtHostRecordList hostRecords) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { HostConfigResponseList results = fromJSON(httpPut(asurl("/hosts/bulk"), toJSON(hostRecords)), HostConfigResponseList.class); return results; } @Override public HostResponse deleteHost(Hostname hostname) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("hostName", hostname.toString()); HostResponse deleted = fromJSON(httpDelete(asurl("/hosts", query)), HostResponse.class); return deleted; } @Override public AttestationReport getAttestationFailureReport(Hostname hostname) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("hostName", hostname.toString()); query.add("failure_only", Boolean.toString(true)); AttestationReport report = fromJSON(httpGet(asurl("/hosts/reports/attestationreport", query)), AttestationReport.class); return report; } @Override public AttestationReport getAttestationReport(Hostname hostname) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("hostName", hostname.toString()); AttestationReport report = fromJSON(httpGet(asurl("/hosts/reports/attestationreport", query)), AttestationReport.class); return report; } @Override public X509Certificate getTlsCertificateForTrustedHost(Hostname hostname) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } /** * Returns a set of X509Certificate objects comprised of the Mt Wilson Root CA and any intermediate CA's that * are available. * * Note: this method returns only CA certs, which does NOT return the server's TLS certificate or SAML certificate. * * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException Do */ /* @Override public Set<X509Certificate> getCaCertificates() throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { try { List<X509Certificate> rootCaCerts = X509Util.decodePemCertificates(rootca); List<X509Certificate> privacyCaCerts = X509Util.decodePemCertificates(privacyca); List<X509Certificate> samlCaCerts = X509Util.decodePemCertificates(samlca); List<X509Certificate> tlsCaCerts = X509Util.decodePemCertificates(tlsca); HashSet<X509Certificate> cacerts = new HashSet<X509Certificate>(); cacerts.addAll(rootCaCerts); cacerts.addAll(privacyCaCerts); cacerts.addAll(samlCaCerts); cacerts.addAll(tlsCaCerts); for(X509Certificate cert : cacerts) { if( cert.getBasicConstraints() == -1 ) { // -1 indicates the certificate is not a CA cert; 0 and above indicates a CA cert cacerts.remove(cert); } } return cacerts; } catch (CertificateException ex) { throw new ApiException("Invalid certificate", ex); } }*/ @Override public X509Certificate getSamlCertificate() throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { byte[] certificateBytes = binary(httpGet(msurl("/saml/certificate"))); X509Certificate certificate; try { certificate = X509Util.decodeDerCertificate(certificateBytes); } catch (CertificateException ex) { throw new ApiException("Cannot read certificate from response", ex); } return certificate; } @Override public Set<X509Certificate> getRootCaCertificates() throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String rootca = text(httpGet(msurl("/ca/certificate/rootca/current"))); try { List<X509Certificate> rootCaCerts = X509Util.decodePemCertificates(rootca); HashSet<X509Certificate> cacerts = new HashSet<X509Certificate>(); cacerts.addAll(rootCaCerts); // we expect that these are all CA certs, so we are not specifically checking: /* for(X509Certificate cert : cacerts) { if( cert.getBasicConstraints() == -1 ) { // -1 indicates the certificate is not a CA cert; 0 and above indicates a CA cert cacerts.remove(cert); } }*/ return cacerts; } catch (CertificateException ex) { throw new ApiException("Invalid certificate", ex); } } @Override public Set<X509Certificate> getPrivacyCaCertificates() throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String privacyca = text(httpGet(msurl("/ca/certificate/privacyca/current"))); try { List<X509Certificate> privacyCaCerts = X509Util.decodePemCertificates(privacyca); HashSet<X509Certificate> cacerts = new HashSet<X509Certificate>(); cacerts.addAll(privacyCaCerts); // we expect that these are all CA certs, so we are not specifically checking: /* for(X509Certificate cert : cacerts) { if( cert.getBasicConstraints() == -1 ) { // -1 indicates the certificate is not a CA cert; 0 and above indicates a CA cert cacerts.remove(cert); } }*/ return cacerts; } catch (CertificateException ex) { throw new ApiException("Invalid certificate", ex); } } // includes the server's saml certificate and any root certificates if available @Override public Set<X509Certificate> getSamlCertificates() throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String samlca = text(httpGet(msurl("/ca/certificate/saml/current"))); try { List<X509Certificate> samlCaCerts = X509Util.decodePemCertificates(samlca); HashSet<X509Certificate> certs = new HashSet<X509Certificate>(); certs.addAll(samlCaCerts); return certs; } catch (CertificateException ex) { throw new ApiException("Invalid certificate", ex); } } // includes the server's tls certificate and any root certificates if available @Override public Set<X509Certificate> getTlsCertificates() throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String tlsca = text(httpGet(msurl("/ca/certificate/tls/current"))); try { List<X509Certificate> tlsCaCerts = X509Util.decodePemCertificates(tlsca); HashSet<X509Certificate> certs = new HashSet<X509Certificate>(); certs.addAll(tlsCaCerts); return certs; } catch (CertificateException ex) { throw new ApiException("Invalid certificate", ex); } } /* @Override public CaInfo getCaStatus() throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); }*/ /** * @param newPasswordString to authorize new hosts * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ /* @Override public void enableCaWithPassword(String newPasswordString) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { try { Password newPassword = new Password(newPasswordString, new byte[0]); // String result = text(httpPost(msurl("/ca/enable"), toJSON(newPassword.toString()))); //return "true".equals(result); } catch(CryptographyException e) { throw new ApiException("Cannot hash password", e); } }*/ /** * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ /* @Override public void disableCa() throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { //String result = text(httpPost(msurl("/ca/disable"), null)); }*/ @Override public List<AuditLogEntry> searchAuditLog(AuditLogSearchCriteria criteria) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); } @Override public HostTrustResponse getHostTrustByAik(Sha1Digest aikSha1) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { HostTrustResponse trust = fromJSON(httpGet(asurl("/hosts/aik-"+aikSha1.toString()+"/trust.json")), HostTrustResponse.class); return trust; } @Override public HostResponse registerHostByFindingMLE(TxtHostRecord hostObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { HostResponse result = fromJSON(httpPost(asurl("/hosts/mle"), toJSON(hostObj)), HostResponse.class); return result; } @Override public String checkMatchingMLEExists(TxtHostRecord hostObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { return text(httpPost(asurl("/hosts/mle/verify"), toJSON(hostObj))); //return result; } /* @Override public X509Certificate getCurrentTrustCertificateByAik(Sha1Digest aikSha1) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { byte[] trust = binary(httpGet(asurl("/hosts/aik-"+aikSha1.toString()+"/trustcert.x509"))); try { X509Certificate cert = X509Util.decodeDerCertificate(trust); return cert; } catch(Exception e) { throw new IOException("Cannot decode X509 certificate ("+trust.length+" bytes)"); } }*/ // this is required so that the jackson mapper will create an instance of ListMleData (List<TxtHostRecordV1>) instead of creating an instance of List<LinkedHashMap> when parsing server responses public static class ListHostData extends ArrayList<TxtHostRecord> { }; @Override public List<TxtHostRecord> queryForHosts(String searchCriteria) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { log.debug("queryForHosts no hardwareUuid"); MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("searchCriteria", searchCriteria); ListHostData results = fromJSON(httpGet(asurl("/hosts", query)), ListHostData.class); return results; } @Override public List<TxtHostRecord> queryForHosts(String searchCriteria, boolean includeHardware) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { log.debug("queryForHosts includeHardwareUuid["+includeHardware+"]"); MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("searchCriteria", searchCriteria); query.add("includeHardwareUuid",String.valueOf(includeHardware)); query.add("includeTlsPolicy",String.valueOf(false)); ListHostData results = fromJSON(httpGet(asurl("/hosts", query)), ListHostData.class); return results; } @Override public List<TxtHostRecord> queryForHosts2(String searchCriteria) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { log.debug("queryForHosts2"); MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("searchCriteria", searchCriteria); query.add("includeHardwareUuid",String.valueOf(true)); query.add("includeTlsPolicy",String.valueOf(true)); ListHostData results = fromJSON(httpGet(asurl("/hosts", query)), ListHostData.class); return results; } /** * javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType.APPLICATION_XML application/xml * @param hostnames */ @Override public OpenStackHostTrustLevelReport pollHosts(List<Hostname> hostnames) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { OpenStackHostTrustLevelQuery input = new OpenStackHostTrustLevelQuery(); input.hosts = hostnames.toArray(new Hostname[0]); OpenStackHostTrustLevelReport output = fromJSON(httpPost(asurl("/PollHosts"), toJSON(input)), OpenStackHostTrustLevelReport.class); return output; } @Override public HostsTrustReportType getHostTrustReport (List<Hostname> hostnames) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException, JAXBException { String hostNamesCSV = StringUtils.join(hostnames, ","); MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("hostNames", hostNamesCSV); HostsTrustReportType report = fromXML(httpGet(asurl("/hosts/reports/trust", query)), HostsTrustReportType.class); return report; } @Override public HostManifestReportType getHostManifestReport (Hostname hostname) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException, JAXBException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("hostName", hostname.toString()); HostManifestReportType report = fromXML(httpGet(asurl("/hosts/reports/manifest", query)), HostManifestReportType.class); return report; } /** * application/samlassertion+xml * * @param hostname */ @Override public String getSamlForHost(Hostname hostname) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("hostName", hostname.toString()); // By default we will get it from cache. query.add("force_verify", Boolean.toString(false)); String saml = text(httpGet(asurl("/saml/assertions/host", query))); // NOTE: we are returning the raw XML document, we don't try to instantiate any Java object via the xml() funciton. The client can create a TrustAssertion object using this XML string in order to parse it. return saml; } @Override public String getSamlForHost(Hostname hostname, boolean forceVerify) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("hostName", hostname.toString()); query.add("force_verify", Boolean.toString(forceVerify)); String saml = text(httpGet(asurl("/saml/assertions/host", query))); // NOTE: we are returning the raw XML document, we don't try to instantiate any Java object via the xml() funciton. The client can create a TrustAssertion object using this XML string in order to parse it. return saml; } @Override public String getSamlForHostByAik(Sha1Digest aikSha1, boolean forceVerify) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("force_verify", Boolean.toString(forceVerify)); String saml = text(httpGet(asurl("/hosts/aik-"+aikSha1.toString()+"/trust.saml", query))); // NOTE: we are returning the raw XML document, we don't try to instantiate any Java object via the xml() funciton. The client can create a TrustAssertion object using this XML string in order to parse it. return saml; } public TrustAssertion verifyTrustAssertion(String saml) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { X509Certificate[] trustedSamlCertificates; try { trustedSamlCertificates = keystore.getTrustedCertificates(SimpleKeystore.SAML); } catch(KeyStoreException e) { throw new ApiException("Cannot load trusted SAML certificates", e); } catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new ApiException("Cannot load trusted SAML certificates", e); } catch(UnrecoverableEntryException e) { throw new ApiException("Cannot load trusted SAML certificates", e); } catch(CertificateEncodingException e) { throw new ApiException("Cannot load trusted SAML certificates", e); } catch(Exception e) { throw new ApiException("Cannot load SAML certificates: keystore not loaded", e); } TrustAssertion trustAssertion = new TrustAssertion(trustedSamlCertificates, saml); return trustAssertion; } /** * @param hostnames * @param forceVerify * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ @Override public List<HostTrustXmlResponse> getSamlForMultipleHosts(Set<Hostname> hostnames, boolean forceVerify) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { // prepare the request String hostnamesCSV = StringUtils.join(hostnames, ","); // calls toString() on each hostname MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("hosts", hostnamesCSV); query.add("force_verify", Boolean.toString(forceVerify)); // make the request and parse the xml response HostTrustXmlResponseList list = xml(httpGet(asurl("/hosts/bulk/trust/saml", query)), HostTrustXmlResponseList.class); return list.getHost(); // get the list of <Host> elements inside the root <Hosts> element... it's an automatically generated method name. would have been nice if they named it getHostList() } /** * this method is used only by OpenSourceVMMHelper which is being replaced by IntelHostAgent; also the service implementation of this method only supports hosts with trust agents (even though vmware hosts also have their own attestation report) * @param hostname * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ /*@Override public String getHostAttestationReport(Hostname hostname) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("hostName", hostname.toString()); String attReport = text(httpGet(asurl("/hosts/reports/attestation", query))); return attReport; }*/ @Override public boolean importAssetTagCertificate(AssetTagCertCreateRequest aTagObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPost(asurl("/assetTagCert"), toJSON(aTagObj))); return "true".equals(result); } @Override public boolean revokeAssetTagCertificate(AssetTagCertRevokeRequest aTagObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPut(asurl("/assetTagCert"), toJSON(aTagObj))); return "true".equals(result); } // Whitelist Management API @Override public boolean addMLE(MleData mle) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPost(wlmurl("/mles"), toJSON(mle))); return "true".equals(result); } @Override public boolean updateMLE(MleData mle) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPut(wlmurl("/mles"), toJSON(mle))); return "true".equals(result); } @Override public BulkHostTrustResponse getTrustForMultipleHosts(Set<Hostname> hostnames, boolean forceVerify) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { // prepare the request String hostnamesCSV = StringUtils.join(hostnames, ","); // calls toString() on each hostname MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("hosts", hostnamesCSV); query.add("force_verify", Boolean.toString(forceVerify)); // make the request and parse the xml response return json(httpGet(asurl("/hosts/bulk/trust", query)), BulkHostTrustResponse.class); } // this is required so that the jackson mapper will create an instance of ListMleData (List<MleData>) instead of creating an instance of List<LinkedHashMap> public static class ListMleData extends ArrayList<MleData> { }; @Override public List<MleData> searchMLE(String name) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("searchCriteria", name); ListMleData results = fromJSON(httpGet(wlmurl("/mles", query)), ListMleData.class); return results; } /** * Also known as GetMLEDetails * * @param criteria */ @Override public MleData getMLEManifest(MLESearchCriteria criteria) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("mleName", criteria.mleName); query.add("mleVersion", criteria.mleVersion); query.add("osName", criteria.osName); query.add("osVersion", criteria.osVersion); query.add("oemName", criteria.oemName); MleData mle = fromJSON(httpGet(wlmurl("/mles/manifest", query)), MleData.class); return mle; } @Override public boolean deleteMLE(MLESearchCriteria criteria) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("mleName", criteria.mleName); query.add("mleVersion", criteria.mleVersion); query.add("osName", criteria.osName); query.add("osVersion", criteria.osVersion); query.add("oemName", criteria.oemName); String result = fromJSON(httpDelete(wlmurl("/mles", query)), String.class); return "true".equals(result); } // this is required so that the jackson mapper will create an instance of ListOemData (List<OemData>) instead of creating an instance of List<LinkedHashMap> public static class ListOemData extends ArrayList<OemData> { }; @Override public List<OemData> listAllOEM() throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { ListOemData results = fromJSON(httpGet(wlmurl("/oem")), ListOemData.class); return results; } @Override public boolean addOEM(OemData oem) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPost(wlmurl("/oem"), toJSON(oem))); return "true".equals(result); } @Override public boolean updateOEM(OemData oem) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPut(wlmurl("/oem"), toJSON(oem))); return "true".equals(result); } @Override public boolean deleteOEM(String name) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("Name", name); String result = text(httpDelete(wlmurl("/oem", query))); return "true".equals(result); } // this is required so that the jackson mapper will create an instance of ListOsData (List<OsData>) instead of creating an instance of List<LinkedHashMap> public static class ListOsData extends ArrayList<OsData> { }; @Override public List<OsData> listAllOS() throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { //ArrayList<OsData> results = fromJSON(GET(wlmurl("/os")), ArrayList.class); ListOsData results = fromJSON(httpGet(wlmurl("/os")), ListOsData.class); return results; } @Override public boolean updateOS(OsData os) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPut(wlmurl("/os"), toJSON(os))); return "true".equals(result); } @Override public boolean addOS(OsData os) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPost(wlmurl("/os"), toJSON(os))); return "true".equals(result); } @Override public boolean deleteOS(OsData os) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("Name", os.getName()); query.add("Version", os.getVersion()); String result = text(httpDelete(wlmurl("/os", query))); return "true".equals(result); } // Registration API public void register(ApiClientCreateRequest apiClient) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { httpPost(msurl("/apiclient/register"), toJSON(apiClient)); //return "true".equals(result); } @Override public boolean registerApiClient(ApiClientCreateRequest apiClient) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPost(msurl("/apiclient/register"), toJSON(apiClient))); // return true; return "OK".equalsIgnoreCase(result); } // Credential Management API // this is required so that the jackson mapper will create an instance of ListOsData (List<OsData>) instead of creating an instance of List<LinkedHashMap> public static class ListApiClientInfo extends ArrayList<ApiClientInfo> { }; @Override public List<ApiClientInfo> searchApiClients(ApiClientSearchCriteria criteria) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); ArrayList<BasicNameValuePair> queryList = new ArrayList<BasicNameValuePair>(); if( criteria.enabledEqualTo != null ) { queryList.add(new BasicNameValuePair("enabledEqualTo", String.valueOf(criteria.enabledEqualTo))); // boolean will serialize to "true" or "false" } if( criteria.expiresAfter != null ) { queryList.add(new BasicNameValuePair("expiresAfter", dateFormat.format(criteria.expiresAfter))); } if( criteria.expiresBefore != null ) { queryList.add(new BasicNameValuePair("expiresBefore", dateFormat.format(criteria.expiresBefore))); } if( criteria.fingerprintEqualTo != null ) { queryList.add(new BasicNameValuePair("fingerprintEqualTo", new String(Hex.encodeHex(criteria.fingerprintEqualTo)))); } if( criteria.issuerEqualTo != null ) { queryList.add(new BasicNameValuePair("issuerEqualTo", criteria.issuerEqualTo)); } if( criteria.nameContains != null ) { queryList.add(new BasicNameValuePair("nameContains", criteria.nameContains)); } if( criteria.nameEqualTo != null ) { queryList.add(new BasicNameValuePair("nameEqualTo", criteria.nameEqualTo)); } if( criteria.serialNumberEqualTo != null ) { queryList.add(new BasicNameValuePair("serialNumberEqualTo", String.valueOf(criteria.serialNumberEqualTo))); } if( criteria.statusEqualTo != null ) { queryList.add(new BasicNameValuePair("statusEqualTo", criteria.statusEqualTo)); } if( criteria.commentContains != null ) { queryList.add(new BasicNameValuePair("commentContains", criteria.commentContains)); } String queryString = URLEncodedUtils.format(queryList, "UTF-8"); ListApiClientInfo results = fromJSON(httpGet(msurl("/apiclient/search?"+queryString)), ListApiClientInfo.class); return results; } @Override public List<ApiClientInfo> listPendingAccessRequests() throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { ApiClientSearchCriteria criteria = new ApiClientSearchCriteria(); criteria.enabledEqualTo = false; criteria.statusEqualTo = "Pending"; return searchApiClients(criteria); } @Override public boolean updateApiClient(ApiClientUpdateRequest apiClient) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPut(msurl("/apiclient"), toJSON(apiClient))); log.debug("updateApiClient: result is {}.", result); return "OK".equals(result); } @Override public boolean deleteApiClient(byte[] fingerprint) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { // String fingerprintBase64 = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(fingerprint)); String fingerprintHex = new String(Hex.encodeHex(fingerprint)); String result = text(httpDelete(msurl(String.format("/apiclient?fingerprint=%s", fingerprintHex)))); log.debug("deleteApiClient: result is {}.", result); return result.isEmpty(); } @Override public ApiClientInfo getApiClientInfo(byte[] fingerprint) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { // String fingerprintBase64 = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(fingerprint)); String fingerprintHex = new String(Hex.encodeHex(fingerprint)); ApiClientInfo result = fromJSON(httpGet(msurl(String.format("/apiclient?fingerprint=%s", fingerprintHex))), ApiClientInfo.class); return result; } @Override public Role[] listAvailableRoles() throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { Role[] roles = fromJSON(httpGet(msurl("/apiclient/availableRoles")), Role[].class); return roles; } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 26, 2012 * * Process the add request into the PCR manifest table. * * @param pcrObj : White List data to be added to the PCR Manifest table * NOTE: OS Details need to be provided only when the associated MLE is of VMM type. * For MLEs of BIOS type OEM Details have to be provided * @return : "true" if success or else exception. * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ @Override public boolean addPCRWhiteList(PCRWhiteList pcrObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPost(wlmurl("/mles/whitelist/pcr"), toJSON(pcrObj))); return "true".equals(result); } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 26, 2012 * * Processes the update request into the PCR manifest table. * * @param pcrObj : White List data to be updated in the PCR Manifest table. * NOTE: OS Details need to be provided only when the associated MLE is of VMM type. * For MLEs of BIOS type OEM Details have to be provided * @return : "true" if success or else exception. * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ @Override public boolean updatePCRWhiteList(PCRWhiteList pcrObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPut(wlmurl("/mles/whitelist/pcr"), toJSON(pcrObj))); return "true".equals(result); } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 26, 2012 * * Processes the delete request from the PCR manifest table. * * @param pcrObj : White List data to be from the PCR Manifest table. * NOTE: PCR name along with MLE details need to be provided. No need to * specify PCR Digest value. OS Details need to be provided only when the * associated MLE is of VMM type. For MLEs of BIOS type OEM Details have to be provided. * @return : "true" if success or else exception. * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ @Override public boolean deletePCRWhiteList(PCRWhiteList pcrObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("pcrName", pcrObj.getPcrName()); query.add("mleName", pcrObj.getMleName()); query.add("mleVersion", pcrObj.getMleVersion()); query.add("osName", pcrObj.getOsName()); query.add("osVersion", pcrObj.getOsVersion()); query.add("oemName", pcrObj.getOemName()); String result = text(httpDelete(wlmurl("/mles/whitelist/pcr", query))); return "true".equals(result); } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 26, 2012 * * Process the add request into the Module manifest table. * * @param moduleObj : White List data to be added to the Module Manifest table * NOTE: OS Details need to be provided only when the associated MLE is of VMM type. * For MLEs of BIOS type OEM Details have to be provided * @return : "true" if success or else exception. * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ @Override public boolean addModuleWhiteList(ModuleWhiteList moduleObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPost(wlmurl("/mles/whitelist/module"), toJSON(moduleObj))); return "true".equals(result); } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 26, 2012 * * Processes the update request into the Module manifest table. * * @param moduleObj : White List data to be updated in the Module Manifest table. * NOTE: OS Details need to be provided only when the associated MLE is of VMM type. * For MLEs of BIOS type OEM Details have to be provided * @return : "true" if success or else exception. * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ @Override public boolean updateModuleWhiteList(ModuleWhiteList moduleObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPut(wlmurl("/mles/whitelist/module"), toJSON(moduleObj))); return "true".equals(result); } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 26, 2012 * * Processes the delete request from the Module manifest table. * * @param moduleObj : White List data to be deleted from the Module Manifest table. * NOTE: Component & Event names along with MLE details need to be provided. * OS Details need to be provided only when the associated MLE is of VMM type. * For MLEs of BIOS type OEM Details have to be provided. * @return : "true" if success or else exception. * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ @Override public boolean deleteModuleWhiteList(ModuleWhiteList moduleObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("componentName", moduleObj.getComponentName()); query.add("eventName", moduleObj.getEventName()); query.add("mleName", moduleObj.getMleName()); query.add("mleVersion", moduleObj.getMleVersion()); query.add("osName", moduleObj.getOsName()); query.add("osVersion", moduleObj.getOsVersion()); query.add("oemName", moduleObj.getOemName()); String result = text(httpDelete(wlmurl("/mles/whitelist/module", query))); return "true".equals(result); } // /** * This is required so that the jackson mapper will create an instance of ListModuleWhiteList * (List<ModuleWhiteList>) instead of creating an instance of List<LinkedHashMap> */ public static class ListModuleWhiteList extends ArrayList<ModuleWhiteList> { }; /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 26, 2012 * * Retrieves the list of all the Module white list for the specified MLE. * * @param mleName : Name of the measured launch environment (MLE) associated with the white list. * @param mleVersion : Version of the MLE or Hypervisor * @param osName : Name of the OS running the hypervisor. OS Details need to be provided only * when the associated MLE is of VMM type. * @param osVersion : Version of the OS * @param oemName : OEM vendor of the hardware system. OEM Details have to be provided only * when the associated MLE is of BIOS type. * @return : List of module white lists. * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ @Override public List<ModuleWhiteList> listModuleWhiteListForMLE(String mleName, String mleVersion, String osName, String osVersion, String oemName) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("mleName", mleName); query.add("mleVersion", mleVersion); query.add("osName", osName); query.add("osVersion", osVersion); query.add("oemName", oemName); ListModuleWhiteList results = fromJSON(httpGet(wlmurl("/mles/whitelist/module", query)), ListModuleWhiteList.class); return results; } /** * Author: Sudhir * * This function registers the specified host with mount wilson. The main difference between this and the addHost * function of the Attestation service is that this automatically creates the required OEM, OS, BIOS MLE and VMM MLE * configurations without any user intervention. * * @param hostObj * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ @Override public boolean registerHost(TxtHostRecord hostObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPost(msurl("/host"), toJSON(hostObj))); return "true".equals(result); } @Override public boolean registerHost(HostConfigData hostConfigObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPost(msurl("/host/custom"), toJSON(hostConfigObj))); return "true".equals(result); } /** * Author : Sudhir * * This function automates the white list database configuration using the details of the host provided. If * need this function also configures the OEM, OS, BIOS MLE, VMM MLE and also registers the host. The reason * why the registration happens is because unless the host is registered, the Trust Agent cannot take the * ownership of the TPM and retrieve the boot time measurements. Whereas this is not the case with VMware. But * since we want both the implementation to be similar even for VMware hosts, we will register the host if it is * not already done so. * * @param hostObj * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ @Override public boolean configureWhiteList(TxtHostRecord hostObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPost(msurl("/host/whitelist"), toJSON(hostObj))); return "true".equals(result); } @Override public boolean configureWhiteList(HostConfigData hostConfigObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPost(msurl("/host/whitelist/custom"), toJSON(hostConfigObj))); return "true".equals(result); } @Override public boolean addMleSource(MleSource mleSourceObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPost(wlmurl("/mles/source"), toJSON(mleSourceObj))); return "true".equals(result); } @Override public boolean updateMleSource(MleSource mleSourceObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String result = text(httpPut(wlmurl("/mles/source"), toJSON(mleSourceObj))); return "true".equals(result); } @Override public boolean deleteMleSource(MleData mleDataObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("mleName", mleDataObj.getName()); query.add("mleVersion", mleDataObj.getVersion()); query.add("osName", mleDataObj.getOsName()); query.add("osVersion", mleDataObj.getOsVersion()); query.add("oemName", mleDataObj.getOemName()); String result = text(httpDelete(wlmurl("/mles/source", query))); return "true".equals(result); } @Override public String getMleSource(MleData mleDataObj) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("mleName", mleDataObj.getName()); query.add("mleVersion", mleDataObj.getVersion()); query.add("osName", mleDataObj.getOsName()); query.add("osVersion", mleDataObj.getOsVersion()); query.add("oemName", mleDataObj.getOemName()); String result = text(httpGet(wlmurl("/mles/source", query))); return result; } /** * This method support multiple host registration/updates with a single call. Since the user has passed in the simple TxtHostRecord * object, we will use the default values for the white list target (BIOS: OEM and VMM:OEM). If those white lists are not defined then * error messages would be sent back to the caller. * * @param hostRecords * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ @Override public HostConfigResponseList registerHosts(TxtHostRecordList hostRecords) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { HostConfigResponseList result = fromJSON(httpPost(msurl("/host/bulk"), toJSON(hostRecords)), HostConfigResponseList.class); return result; } /** * This method similar to the above one is used for multiple host registration/update in a single call. The only difference is that in this the user * would specify which White List the host has to use during registration * @param hostRecords * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ @Override public HostConfigResponseList registerHosts(HostConfigDataList hostRecords) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { HostConfigResponseList results = fromJSON(httpPost(msurl("/host/bulk/custom"), toJSON(hostRecords)), HostConfigResponseList.class); return results; } /** * Retrieves list of available i18n locales * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ @Override public String[] getLocales() throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { String localesParsed = text(httpGet(msurl("/i18n/locales"))).replaceAll("\\s+", ""); return localesParsed.substring(1, localesParsed.length() - 1).split(","); } /** * Retrieves locale for specific portal user * * @param username * @return * @throws IOException * @throws ApiException * @throws SignatureException */ @Override public String getLocaleForUser(String username) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { MultivaluedMap<String,String> query = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); query.add("username", username); String userLocale = text(httpGet(msurl("/i18n/locale", query))); return userLocale; } @Override public String setLocaleForUser(PortalUserLocale pul) throws IOException, ApiException, SignatureException { log.debug("Calling api to set locale [{}] for user [{}]", pul.getLocale(), pul.getUser()); String resp = text(httpPost(msurl("/i18n/locale"), toJSON(pul))); log.debug("resp: {}",resp); return resp; } }