/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation * All rights reserved. */ package com.intel.mtwilson.v2.file.client.jaxrs; import com.intel.mtwilson.jaxrs2.client.MtWilsonClient; import com.intel.mtwilson.v2.file.model.File; import com.intel.mtwilson.v2.file.model.FileCollection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Properties; import javax.ws.rs.client.Entity; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; import javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget; import com.intel.mtwilson.v2.file.model.FileFilterCriteria; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import javax.ws.rs.core.Response; /** * * @author jbuhacoff */ public class Files extends MtWilsonClient { private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(Files.class); /** * Constructor to create the <code> Files </code> object. * @param properties <code> Properties </code> object to initialize the <code>Files</code> with Mt.Wilson properties * Use <code>MyConfiguration.getClientProperties()</code> to get the Properties to use for initialization * @throws Exception * * <i><u>Sample Java API call :</u></i><br> * {@code * Properties prop = My.configuration().getClientProperties(); * Files files = new Files(prop); * } */ public Files(Properties properties) throws Exception { super(properties); } /** * Search for Files that match a specified Filter criteria. * @param criteria <code> FileFilterCriteria </code> used to specify the parameters of search. * criteria can be one of nameEqualTo, nameContains and contentTypeEquals * @return <code> FileCollection</code>, list of the Files that match the specified collection. * * The search always returns back a collection. * <p> * <i><u>Roles Needed:</u></i> TOCHECK? * <p> * <i><u>Content type returned:</u></i>JSON/XML/YAML<br> * <p> * <i><u>Sample REST API call :</u></i><br> * <i>Method Type: GET</i><br> * * <p> * <i><u>Sample Output:</u></i><br> * { * files: [1] * 0: { * name: "testfile" * content_type: "text/plain" * } * } * <i><u>Sample Java API call :</u></i><br> * {@code * Files files = new Files(My.configuration().getClientProperties()) * FileFilterCriteria criteria = new FileFilterCriteria(); * criteria.nameEquals = "testfile"; * FileCollection resultCollection = files.searchFiles(criteria); * } */ public FileCollection searchFiles(FileFilterCriteria criteria) { log.debug("target: {}", getTarget().getUri().toString()); FileCollection files = getTargetPathWithQueryParams("host-files", criteria).request().accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(FileCollection.class); return files; } /** * Retrieve for Files with the specified id. * @param id - ID of the File to be retrieved * @return <code> File </code>, File with the specified Id value. * * The search always returns back a collection. * <p> * <i><u>Roles Needed:</u></i> TOCHECK? * <p> * <i><u>Content type returned:</u></i>JSON/XML/YAML<br> * <p> * <i><u>Sample REST API call :</u></i><br> * <i>Method Type: GET</i><br> * * <i><u>Sample Output:</u></i><br> * { * id: "88bff1c8-0766-465f-a25f-78c6a37c0321" * meta: { * content_href: "/files/88bff1c8-0766-465f-a25f-78c6a37c0321/content" * } * name: "testfile" * content_type: "text/plain" * } * * <i><u>Sample Java API call :</u></i><br> * {@code * Files files = new Files(My.configuration().getClientProperties()) * File file = files.retrieveFile((new UUID()).toString()); * } */ public File retrieveFile(String id) { log.debug("target: {}", getTarget().getUri().toString()); HashMap<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String,Object>(); map.put("id", id); File file = getTarget().path("host-files/{id}").resolveTemplates(map).request().accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(File.class); return file; } /** * Creates the File in the database. * @param file - File to be created * @return - File post creation * * <i><u>Roles Needed:</u></i> TOCHECK? * <p> * <i><u>Content type returned:</u></i>JSON/XML/YAML<br> * <p> * <i><u>Sample REST API call :</u></i><br> * <i>Method Type: POST</i><br> * * <p> * <i>Sample Input</i><br> * {"name":"123_TEST","content_type":"text/plain"} * <p> * <i><u>Sample Output:</u></i><br> * { * id: "3b5563d2-c5e2-4a4d-9ce7-acf6f9ec3d02" * name: "TEST123" * content_type: "text/plain" * } * * <i><u>Sample Java API call :</u></i><br> * {@code * Files files = new Files(My.configuration().getClientProperties()) * File file = new File(); * file.setId(new UUID()); * file.setName("TEST123"); * file.setContent("hello world"); * file.setContentType("textplain"); * File responseFile = files.createFile(file); * * } */ public File createFile(File file) { log.debug("target: {}", getTarget().getUri().toString()); /* Response response = getTarget().path("host-files").request().post(Entity.entity(file, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)); if( response.hasEntity()) { log.debug("response has an entity"); String test = response.readEntity(String.class); log.debug("Response = {}", test); } return null; */ File responseFile = getTarget().path("host-files").request().accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(Entity.json(file)).readEntity(File.class); return responseFile; } }