/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.intel.mtwilson.attestation.client.jaxrs; import com.intel.mtwilson.jaxrs2.client.MtWilsonClient; import com.intel.mtwilson.as.rest.v2.model.RegisterHostsRpcInput; import com.intel.mtwilson.as.rest.v2.model.RegisterHostsWithOptionsRpcInput; import com.intel.mtwilson.datatypes.HostConfigResponse; import com.intel.mtwilson.i18n.ErrorCode; import java.net.URL; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import javax.ws.rs.client.Entity; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class RegisterHosts extends MtWilsonClient { Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass().getName()); public RegisterHosts(URL url) throws Exception{ super(url); } public RegisterHosts(Properties properties) throws Exception { super(properties); } /** * Registers the list of hosts specified with the system. By default all the hosts will be associated with Mles created with * BIOS_OEM & VMM_OEM as the White List target option. If any of the hosts specified have already been registered, the function * will update the host association with MLEs to match the current version of the BIOS & OS/Hypervisor running on the host. So, * this RPC function can be used for both new registration and updating the host in the system.<br> * White list has to be configured with the White List target of OEM since this function uses * OEM as the white list target by default. If the user has created the White List with either GLOBAL or HOST Specific option * then the custom host registration function has to be used or else an error would be returned back to the caller. * Here we are assuming that the user already created the TlsPolicy to be used to connect to the host. Alternatively, the user * can also specify the TlsPolicy details using the TlsPolicyDescriptor without having to pre-configure the TlsPolicy. * @param obj RegisterHostsRpcInput object with the list of all the hosts to be registered. Only the host name and the connection string * parameters are required for each of the hosts. * @return HostConfigResponse list having the list of hosts created and their associated status. * @since Mt.Wilson 2.0 * @mtwRequiresPermissions hosts:create,hosts:store * @mtwContentTypeReturned JSON/XML/YAML * @mtwMethodType POST * @mtwSampleRestCall * <pre> * https://server.com:8443/mtwilson/v2/rpc/register-hosts * Input: {"hosts":{"host_records":[{"host_name":"","add_on_connection_string":"vmware:vmware:;admin;pwd", * "tls_policy_choice":{"tls_policy_id":"e1a527b5-2020-49c1-83be-6bd8bf641258"}}]}} * Output: {"hosts":{"host_records":[{"host_name":"","bios_name":"Intel_Corporation","bios_version":"01.00.0060", * "bios_oem":"Intel Corporation","vmm_name":"Intel_Thurley_VMware_ESXi","vmm_version":"5.1.0-799733","vmm_osname": * "VMware_ESXi","vmm_osversion":"5.1.0","add_on_connection_string":"vmware:;admin;pwd", * "processor_info":"Westmere","tls_policy_choice":{"tls_policy_id":"e1a527b5-2020-49c1-83be-6bd8bf641258"}}]}, * "result":{"host_records":[{"host_name":"","status":"true","error_message":"","error_code":"OK"}]}} * </pre> * @mtwSampleApiCall * <pre> * Properties prop = My.configuration().getClientProperties(); * RegisterHosts client = new RegisterHosts(prop); * TxtHostRecord host = new TxtHostRecord(); * host.HostName = ""; * host.AddOn_Connection_String = "vmware:;admin;pwd"; * TlsPolicyChoice tlsPolicyChoice = new TlsPolicyChoice(); * tlsPolicyChoice.setTlsPolicyId("e1a527b5-2020-49c1-83be-6bd8bf641258"); * gkvHost.tlsPolicyChoice = tlsPolicyChoice; * TxtHostRecordList hostList = new TxtHostRecordList(); * hostList.getHostRecords().add(host); * RegisterHostsRpcInput rpcInput = new RegisterHostsRpcInput(); * rpcInput.setHosts(hostList); * List<HostConfigResponse> rpcOutput = client.registerHosts(rpcInput); * </pre> */ public List<HostConfigResponse> registerHosts(RegisterHostsRpcInput obj) { List<HostConfigResponse> hostRecords = new ArrayList<>(); log.debug("target: {}", getTarget().getUri().toString()); Object result = getTarget().path("rpc/register-hosts").request().accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(Entity.json(obj), Object.class); if (result.getClass().equals(LinkedHashMap.class)) { LinkedHashMap resultMap = (LinkedHashMap)result; if (resultMap.containsKey("result")) { LinkedHashMap outputHashMap = (LinkedHashMap) resultMap.get("result"); hostRecords = convertToHostConfigResponseList((List<LinkedHashMap>) outputHashMap.get("host_records")); } } return hostRecords; } /** * Registers the list of hosts specified with the system using the customized options. This function allows the user to specify * the white list (Mle) that needs to be associated with the host by specifying the white list target. The system support 3 options * for white list target.[GLOBAL: The white list is applicable for hosts from any OEM running the same version of the OS/Hypervisor. * OEM: The white list is applicable for the hosts from a specific OEM running the same version of the OS/Hypervisor. * HOST: The white list is valid only for specific host.]. <br> * White list has to be configured with the White List target that the host would be using. If the * MLE & associated white lists do not exist, then appropriate error would be returned back to the caller. * @param obj RegisterHostsWithOptionsRpcInput object with the list of all the hosts to be registered. Only the host name and the connection string * parameters are required for each of the hosts. For each of the hosts, the user can specify whether it has to be associated with which BIOS Mle * (BIOS_OEM,BIOS_GLOBAL,or BIOS_HOST) and which VMM Mle (VMM_OEM, VMM_GLOBAL or VMM_HOST). * Here we are assuming that the user already created the TlsPolicy to be used to connect to the host. Alternatively, the user * can also specify the TlsPolicy details using the TlsPolicyDescriptor without having to pre-configure the TlsPolicy. * @return HostConfigResponse list having the list of hosts created and their associated status. * @since Mt.Wilson 2.0 * @mtwRequiresPermissions hosts:create,hosts:store * @mtwContentTypeReturned JSON/XML/YAML * @mtwMethodType POST * @mtwSampleRestCall * <pre> * https://server.com:8443/mtwilson/v2/rpc/register-hosts-with-options * Input: {"hosts":{"host_records":[{"bios_white_list_target":"BIOS_OEM","vmm_white_list_target":"VMM_OEM", * "txt_host_record":{"host_name":"","add_on_connection_string":"vmware:;admin;pwd", * "tls_policy_choice":{"tls_policy_id":"e1a527b5-2020-49c1-83be-6bd8bf641258"}}}]}} * * Output: {"hosts":{"host_records":[{"add_bios_white_list":false,"add_vmm_white_list":false,"bios_white_list_target":"BIOS_OEM", * "vmm_white_list_target":"VMM_OEM","bios_pcrs":"","vmm_pcrs":"","host_location":"","register_host":false, * "txt_host_record":{"host_name":"","bios_name":"Intel_Corporation","bios_version":"01.00.0060", * "bios_oem":"Intel Corporation","vmm_name":"Intel_Thurley_VMware_ESXi","vmm_version":"5.1.0-799733","vmm_osname":"VMware_ESXi", * "vmm_osversion":"5.1.0","add_on_connection_string":"vmware:;admin;pwd", * "processor_info":"Westmere","tls_policy_choice":{"tls_policy_id":"e1a527b5-2020-49c1-83be-6bd8bf641258"}}, * "overwrite_whitelist":false}]}, * "result":{"host_records":[{"host_name":"","status":"true","error_message":"","error_code":"OK"}]}} * </pre> * @mtwSampleApiCall * <pre> * Properties prop = My.configuration().getClientProperties(); * RegisterHosts client = new RegisterHosts(prop); * TxtHostRecord host = new TxtHostRecord(); * host.HostName = ""; * host.AddOn_Connection_String = "vmware:;admin;pwd"; * TlsPolicyChoice tlsPolicyChoice = new TlsPolicyChoice(); * tlsPolicyChoice.setTlsPolicyId("e1a527b5-2020-49c1-83be-6bd8bf641258"); * gkvHost.tlsPolicyChoice = tlsPolicyChoice; * HostConfigData config = new HostConfigData(); * config.setBiosWLTarget(HostWhiteListTarget.BIOS_OEM); * config.setVmmWLTarget(HostWhiteListTarget.VMM_OEM); * config.setTxtHostRecord(host); * HostConfigDataList hostConfigDataList = new HostConfigDataList(); * hostConfigDataList.getHostRecords().add(config); * RegisterHostsWithOptionsRpcInput rpcInput = new RegisterHostsWithOptionsRpcInput(); * rpcInput.setHosts(hostConfigDataList); * List<HostConfigResponse> rpcOutput = client.registerHostsWithOptions(rpcInput); * </pre> */ public List<HostConfigResponse> registerHostsWithOptions(RegisterHostsWithOptionsRpcInput obj) { List<HostConfigResponse> hostRecords = new ArrayList<>(); log.debug("target: {}", getTarget().getUri().toString()); Object result = getTarget().path("rpc/register-hosts-with-options").request().accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(Entity.json(obj), Object.class); if (result.getClass().equals(LinkedHashMap.class)) { LinkedHashMap resultMap = (LinkedHashMap)result; if (resultMap.containsKey("result")) { LinkedHashMap outputHashMap = (LinkedHashMap) resultMap.get("result"); hostRecords = convertToHostConfigResponseList((List<LinkedHashMap>) outputHashMap.get("host_records")); } } return hostRecords; } private List<HostConfigResponse> convertToHostConfigResponseList (List<LinkedHashMap> inputList) { List<HostConfigResponse> hostRecords = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i=0; i< inputList.size(); i++) { HostConfigResponse hcr = new HostConfigResponse(); hcr.setHostName((String)inputList.get(i).get("host_name")); hcr.setStatus((String)inputList.get(i).get("status")); hcr.setErrorMessage((String)inputList.get(i).get("error_message")); ErrorCode ec = ErrorCode.valueOf((String)inputList.get(i).get("error_code")); hcr.setErrorCode(ec); log.debug("Processing the register host response for {}", hcr.getHostName()); hostRecords.add(hcr); } return hostRecords; } }