/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation * All rights reserved. */ package test.reflection; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.validation.Regex; // 20131012 import com.intel.mtwilson.datatypes.ConnectionString; import com.intel.mtwilson.datatypes.HostConfigData; import com.intel.mtwilson.datatypes.HostVMMType; import com.intel.mtwilson.datatypes.HostWhiteListTarget; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.validation.RegexPatterns; import com.intel.mtwilson.datatypes.TxtHostRecord; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.validation.ValidationUtil; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.junit.Test; /** * * @author jbuhacoff */ public class StringCleaningTest { private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(StringCleaningTest.class); public static final HashMap<String,Pattern> patternMap = new HashMap<String,Pattern>(); public static final String DEFAULT_PATTERN = "(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\, |-]+)"; // should not include quotes, blackslashes public static final String IPADDRESS_PATTERN = "(?:(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5]))"; public static final String FQDN_PATTERN = "(?:(([a-zA-Z]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])\\.)*([A-Za-z]|[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\\-]*[A-Za-z0-9]))"; public static final String IPADDR_FQDN_PATTERN = "(?:" + IPADDRESS_PATTERN + "|" + FQDN_PATTERN + ")"; public static final String EMAIL_PATTERN = "(?:([a-z0-9_\\.-]+)@([\\da-z\\.-]+)\\.([a-z\\.]{2,6}))"; public static final String PASSWORD_PATTERN = "(?:([a-zA-Z0-9_\\.\\, @!#$%^&+=()\\[\\]\"'*-]+))"; //()\\[\\]\"'* public static final String PORT = "(?:([0-9]{1,5}))"; // TODO: Should be replaced with a RegEx for a URL // CONNECTION_STRING_PREFIX = "(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)", // ADDON_CONNECTION_STRING = "(?:" + CONNECTION_STRING_PREFIX + ":" + URL + ")|(?:" + URL +")" public static final String ADDON_CONNECTION_STRING = "ADDON_CONNECTION_STRING"; public static final String ANY_VALUE = "(.*)"; public static class Pet { // public String getName() { return "sparky@"; } // will cause error because of @ public String getName() { return "sparky"; } // validates ok } public static class Person { @Regex (ANY_VALUE) public String cs = "intel:"; //"vmware:https://server1.corp.intel.com:123/sdk;Admi@nistrator;intel123!;"; // //public HostVMMType getHostVMMType2() { return HostVMMType.CITRIX_XENSERVER;}; //public String test = "sud.-_1234"; public String[] names = new String[] {"sdf", "asdf", "2347"}; public Integer[] tes = new Integer[] {1,2,3}; public String description = "Test"; private String desc2 = "Decription"; public Integer testing = 90; // public List<String> namesList = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"one","two","th%ree"})); public Pet newPet = new Pet(); public Pet[] newPets = new Pet[] {new Pet(), new Pet()}; public List<Pet> newPetList = new ArrayList<Pet>(Arrays.asList(new Pet[] {new Pet(),new Pet(),new Pet()})); public String getName() { return "bob"; } @Regex(RegexPatterns.IPADDR_FQDN) public String getHostName() { return "";} public byte[] getBinaryData() { return new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; } // @Regex(RegExAnnotation.IPADDR_FQDN_PATTERN) // public String getHostName2() { return "18,19,20";} /*@Regex(RegExAnnotation.EMAIL_PATTERN) // not a real email regex, just for quick testing // 20131012 public String getEmail() { return "bob^@example.com"; } // 20131012 public int getAge() { return 40; } public Pet getPet() { return new Pet(); } public String[] getPetNames() { return new String[] {"doga$%","dogb","dogc"}; } public Integer[] getPetIDs() { return new Integer[] {1,2,3};} public List<Integer> getPetIDList() { return new ArrayList<Integer>(Arrays.asList(new Integer[] {1,2,3}));} public List<String> getPetList() { return new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"dogA","dogB&*","dogC"}));} //{{ add("dogA"); add("dogB"); add("dogC");}};} public List<Pet> getPetList2() {return new ArrayList<Pet>(Arrays.asList(new Pet[] {new Pet(),new Pet(),new Pet()}));} public Pet[] getPetList3() {return new Pet[] {new Pet()};}*/ // TODO methods that return arraylist<string> and string[] */ } @Test public void testValidatePojo() { HostConfigData hostObj = new HostConfigData(); hostObj.setBiosWhiteList(true); hostObj.setVmmWhiteList(true); hostObj.setBiosPCRs("0"); hostObj.setVmmPCRs("17,18"); hostObj.setBiosWLTarget(HostWhiteListTarget.BIOS_OEM); hostObj.setVmmWLTarget(HostWhiteListTarget.VMM_OEM); TxtHostRecord host = new TxtHostRecord(); host.HostName = "ssbangal.corp.intel.com"; host.AddOn_Connection_String = "vmware:;Administrator;P@ssw0rd"; host.Email = "sudhir@intel.com"; hostObj.setTxtHostRecord(host); validate(hostObj); //new String[] {"one", "two"}); //new ArrayList<Pet>(Arrays.asList(new Pet[] {new Pet(),new Pet(),new Pet()})));//new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(new String[] {"one","two","th%ree"})));//new String[] {"one", "two"}); // throws an exception if person has invalid strings } @Test public void testValidatePojo2() { Person person = new Person(); ValidationUtil.validate(person); } // entry point: call validate(TxtHost), validate(MLE), etc. public static void validate(Object object) { validate(object, new ArrayList<Object>()); } // 20131012 // this is used for String getName(), String[] getNames(), and Collection<String> getNames() but caller is responsible for iterating over the values public static void validateStringMethod(Object object, Method method, String input) { Pattern pattern; if( method.isAnnotationPresent(Regex.class) ) { String regex = method.getAnnotation(Regex.class).value(); pattern = getPattern(regex); } else { pattern = getPattern(DEFAULT_PATTERN); } validateInput(input, pattern); } // 20131012 // this is used for String name, String[] names(), and Collection<String> names() but caller is responsible for iterating over the values public static void validateStringField(Object object, Field field, String input) { Pattern pattern; if( field.isAnnotationPresent(Regex.class) ) { String regex = field.getAnnotation(Regex.class).value(); pattern = getPattern(regex); } else { pattern = getPattern(DEFAULT_PATTERN); } validateInput(input, pattern); } public static void validateConnectionString(String input) { ConnectionString.VendorConnection cs = null; if (input != null && ! input.isEmpty()) { try { // Construct the connection string object so that we can extract the individual elements and validate them cs = ConnectionString.parseConnectionString(input); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { log.error("Connection string specified is invalid. {}", ex.getMessage()); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } // validate the management server name, port, host name validateInput(cs.url.getHost(), getPattern(IPADDR_FQDN_PATTERN)); validateInput(Integer.toString(cs.url.getPort()), getPattern(PORT)); if (cs.options != null && !cs.options.isEmpty()) { validateInput(cs.options.getString(ConnectionString.OPT_HOSTNAME), getPattern(IPADDR_FQDN_PATTERN)); validateInput(cs.options.getString(ConnectionString.OPT_USERNAME), getPattern(DEFAULT_PATTERN)); Pattern pat = getPattern(PASSWORD_PATTERN); String pwd = cs.options.getString(ConnectionString.OPT_PASSWORD); validateInput(cs.options.getString(ConnectionString.OPT_PASSWORD), getPattern(PASSWORD_PATTERN)); } } } private static boolean validateBasicDataType(Object object) { boolean continueValidation = true; boolean isBasic = isBuiltInType(object.getClass()); if (isBasic) { if (object.getClass().equals(String.class)){ validateInput((String)object); continueValidation = false; } else if (object.getClass().isArray() && object.getClass().equals(String[].class)) { continueValidation = false; Object[] objArray = (Object[]) object; for (Object obj : objArray){ validateInput((String)obj); } } else { continueValidation = false; // since it is one of the basic types and is not a String[], we don't need to continue anyway } } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())) { List<Object> objList = (List<Object>) object; for (Object obj : objList){ if (obj.getClass().equals(String.class)){ validateInput((String)obj); } else { continueValidation = true;// This might be one of the custom objects return continueValidation; } } } return continueValidation; } public static void validate(Object object, ArrayList<Object> stack) { // first check if the object being requested is already in the stack... if so we skip it to avoid infinite recursion for(Object item : stack) { if( object == item ) { return; } } // add the object to the stack so we don't try to validate it again if it has a self-referential property ... unlike normal stacks we never really need to "pop" this one because it's just a record of where we've been, and we don't use it to navigate. stack.add(object); boolean continueValidation = validateBasicDataType(object); if (!continueValidation) return; // Now validate the fields Set<Field> stringFields = getStringFields(object.getClass()); for(Field field : stringFields) { log.debug("Verifying string field : " + field.getName()); try { field.setAccessible(true); String value = (String)field.get(object); // throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException log.debug("Verifying string value : " + value); validateStringField(object, field, value); // 20131012 } catch (Exception e) { // throw new ASException( ... failed to validate object so don't let it continue ...); } } Set<Field> stringArrayFields = getStringArrayFields(object.getClass()); for(Field field : stringArrayFields) { log.debug("Verifying string array field : " + field.getName()); try { field.setAccessible(true); String[] collection = (String[])field.get(object); // throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException for (String input : collection) { log.debug("Verifying string array value : " + input); validateStringField(object, field, input); // 20131012 } } catch (Exception e) { // throw new ASException( ... failed to validate object so don't let it continue ...); } } Set<Field> stringCollectionFields = getStringCollectionFields(object.getClass()); for(Field field : stringCollectionFields) { log.debug("Verifying string collection field : " + field.getName()); try { field.setAccessible(true); List<String> collection = (List<String>) field.get(object); // throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException for (String input : collection) { log.debug("Verifying string collection value : " + input); validateStringField(object, field, input); // 20131012 } } catch (Exception e) { // throw new ASException( ... failed to validate object so don't let it continue ...); } } Set<Field> customObjectFields = getCustomObjectFields(object.getClass()); for(Field field : customObjectFields) { log.debug("Verifying custom object field : " + field.getName()); try { field.setAccessible(true); Object customObject = (Object)field.get(object); // throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException validate(customObject, stack); } catch (Exception e) { // throw new ASException( ... failed to validate object so don't let it continue ...); } } Set<Field> customObjectArrayFields = getCustomObjectArrayFields(object.getClass()); for(Field field : customObjectArrayFields) { log.debug("Verifying custom object array field : " + field.getName()); try { field.setAccessible(true); Object[] collection = (Object[])field.get(object); // throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException for (Object customObject : collection) { validate(customObject, stack); } } catch (Exception e) { // throw new ASException( ... failed to validate object so don't let it continue ...); } } Set<Field> customObjectCollectionFields = getCustomObjectCollectionFields(object.getClass()); for(Field field : customObjectCollectionFields) { log.debug("Verifying custom object collection field : " + field.getName()); try { field.setAccessible(true); List<Object> collection = (List<Object>) field.get(object); // throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException for (Object customObject : collection) { validate(customObject, stack); } } catch (Exception e) { // throw new ASException( ... failed to validate object so don't let it continue ...); } } // now validate the object Set<Method> stringMethods = getStringMethods(object.getClass()); for(Method method : stringMethods) { log.debug("Verifying string method : " + method.getName()); try { String input = (String)method.invoke(object); // throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException log.debug("Verifying method return value : " + input); validateStringMethod(object, method, input); // 20131012 } catch (Exception e) { // throw new ASException( ... failed to validate object so don't let it continue ...); } } Set<Method> stringArrayMethods = getStringArrayMethods(object.getClass()); for(Method method : stringArrayMethods) { log.debug("Verifying string array method : " + method.getName()); try { String[] collection = (String[])method.invoke(object); // throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException for (String input : collection) { log.debug("Verifying string array method return value : " + input); validateStringMethod(object, method, input); // 20131012 } } catch (Exception e) { // throw new ASException( ... failed to validate object so don't let it continue ...); } } Set<Method> stringCollectionMethods = getStringCollectionMethods(object.getClass()); for(Method method : stringCollectionMethods) { log.debug("Verifying string collection method : " + method.getName()); try { List<String> collection = (List<String>) method.invoke(object); // throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException for(String input : collection) { log.debug("Verifying string collection method return value : " + input); validateStringMethod(object, method, input); // 20131012 } } catch (Exception e) { // throw new ASException( ... failed to validate object so don't let it continue ...); } } Set<Method> customMethods = getCustomObjectMethods(object.getClass()); for(Method method : customMethods) { log.debug("Verifying custom object method : " + method.getName()); try { Object customObject = method.invoke(object); // throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException validate(customObject, stack); } catch (Exception e) { // throw new ASException( ... failed to validate object so don't let it continue ...); } } Set<Method> customObjectArrayMethods = getCustomObjectArrayMethods(object.getClass()); for(Method method : customObjectArrayMethods) { log.debug("Verifying custom object array method : " + method.getName()); try { Object[] customObjectCollection = (Object[])method.invoke(object); // throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException for (Object customObject : customObjectCollection) { validate(customObject, stack); } } catch (Exception e) { // throw new ASException( ... failed to validate object so don't let it continue ...); } } Set<Method> customObjectCollectionMethods = getCustomObjectCollectionMethods(object.getClass()); for(Method method : customObjectCollectionMethods) { log.debug("Verifying custom object collection method : " + method.getName()); try { List<Object> customObjectCollection = (List<Object>) method.invoke(object); // throws IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException for (Object customObject : customObjectCollection) { validate(customObject, stack); } } catch (Exception e) { // throw new ASException( ... failed to validate object so don't let it continue ...); } } // TODO getStringCollectionMethods, getStringArrayMethods // for the collection methods, you would do Collection<String> inputCollection = (Collection<String>)method.invoke(object) and then loop on the collection and validateInput on each item. similar pattern for the arrays. // TODO getCustomObjectMethods , getCustomObjectCollectionMethods, getCustomObjectArrayMethods // for the object methods need to recurse into validate(object) for each one and each item in the collections and arrays // if we get to the end with no exceptions the object is validated. } // 20131012 public static Pattern getPattern(String regex) { Pattern pattern = patternMap.get(regex); if( pattern == null ) { pattern = Pattern.compile("^" + regex + "$"); patternMap.put(regex, pattern); } return pattern; } public static void validateInput(String input) { validateInput(input, getPattern(DEFAULT_PATTERN)); // 20131012 } // 20131012 public static void validateInput(String input, Pattern pattern) { if (pattern.pattern().contains("ADDON_CONNECTION_STRING")) { validateConnectionString(input); } else { if (input != null && !input.isEmpty()) { log.debug("Using regex {} for validating {}.", pattern.pattern(), input); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input); if (!matcher.matches()) { log.debug("Illegal characters found in : " + input); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } } } /** * This function verifies if the class is one of the built in datatypes or a custom class. This will also verify the arrays for * built-in data types. * @param clazz * @return */ public static boolean isBuiltInType(Class<?> clazz) { boolean isBuiltInType = clazz.isPrimitive() || clazz.equals(Boolean.class) || clazz.equals(Boolean[].class) || clazz.equals(Number.class) || clazz.equals(Number[].class) || clazz.equals(Float.class) || clazz.equals(Float[].class)|| clazz.equals(Integer.class) || clazz.equals(Integer[].class) || clazz.equals(Byte.class) || clazz.equals(Byte[].class) || clazz.equals(Double.class) || clazz.equals(Double[].class) || clazz.equals(Short.class) || clazz.equals(Short[].class) || clazz.equals(Long.class) || clazz.equals(Long[].class) || clazz.equals(Character.class) || clazz.equals(Character[].class) || clazz.equals(String.class) || clazz.equals(String[].class); return isBuiltInType; } public static boolean isStringMethod(Method method) { boolean conventional = method.getName().startsWith("get") || method.getName().startsWith("to"); boolean noArgs = method.getParameterTypes().length == 0; boolean stringReturn = method.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(String.class); return conventional && noArgs && stringReturn; } public static boolean isStringField(Field field) { boolean isPublic = field.getModifiers() == Modifier.PUBLIC; boolean stringReturn = field.getType().isAssignableFrom(String.class);// String.class.isAssignableFrom((Class<?>)field.getGenericType()); return isPublic && stringReturn; } public static boolean isStringFieldBasic(Class<?> clazz, Field field) { boolean isBuiltInType = isBuiltInType(clazz); boolean stringReturn = clazz.isAssignableFrom(String.class); boolean isValueField = field.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("value"); return isBuiltInType && stringReturn && isValueField; } public static boolean isStringArrayField(Field field) { boolean isPublic = field.getModifiers() == Modifier.PUBLIC; boolean isArray = field.getType().isArray(); boolean stringReturn = field.getType().isAssignableFrom(String[].class); //String[].class.isAssignableFrom((Class<?>)field.getGenericType()); return isPublic && isArray && stringReturn; } public static boolean isStringCollectionField(Field field) { boolean isPublic = field.getModifiers() == Modifier.PUBLIC; boolean isList = Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()); // java.util.List.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()); // boolean stringReturn = field.toGenericString().contains("java.util.List<java.lang.String>"); boolean stringReturn = false; if (isList) { ParameterizedType stringListType = (ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType(); Class<?> stringListClass = (Class<?>) stringListType.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; stringReturn = stringListClass.isAssignableFrom(String.class); } return isPublic && isList && stringReturn; } public static boolean isStringArrayMethod(Method method) { boolean conventional = method.getName().startsWith("get") || method.getName().startsWith("to"); boolean noArgs = method.getParameterTypes().length == 0; boolean isArray = method.getReturnType().isArray(); boolean stringReturn = String[].class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType()); return conventional && noArgs && stringReturn && isArray; } public static boolean isStringCollectionMethod(Method method) { boolean conventional = method.getName().startsWith("get") || method.getName().startsWith("to"); boolean noArgs = method.getParameterTypes().length == 0; //boolean isList = java.util.List.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType()); boolean isList = Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType()); boolean stringReturn = false; if (isList) { ParameterizedType stringListType = (ParameterizedType) method.getGenericReturnType(); Class<?> stringListClass = (Class<?>) stringListType.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; stringReturn = stringListClass.isAssignableFrom(String.class); } return conventional && noArgs && isList && stringReturn; } public static boolean isCustomObjectField(Field field) { boolean isPublic = field.getModifiers() == Modifier.PUBLIC; boolean isArrayOrCollection = field.getType().isArray() || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()); boolean builtInObjectReturn = isBuiltInType(field.getType()); boolean customObjectReturn = !builtInObjectReturn; return isPublic && !isArrayOrCollection && customObjectReturn; } public static boolean isCustomObjectCollectionField(Field field) { boolean isPublic = field.getModifiers() == Modifier.PUBLIC; boolean isCollection = Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()); boolean builtInObjectReturn = false; if (isCollection) { ParameterizedType stringListType = (ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType(); Class<?> stringListClass = (Class<?>) stringListType.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; builtInObjectReturn = isBuiltInType(stringListClass); } boolean customObjectReturn = !builtInObjectReturn; return isPublic && isCollection && customObjectReturn; } public static boolean isCustomObjectArrayField(Field field) { boolean isPublic = field.getModifiers() == Modifier.PUBLIC; boolean isArray = field.getType().isArray(); boolean builtInObjectReturn = false; if (isArray) { builtInObjectReturn = isBuiltInType(field.getType()); } boolean customObjectReturn = !builtInObjectReturn; return isPublic && isArray && customObjectReturn; } // TODO isStringCollectionMethod and isStringArrayMethod ... because those strings need to be checked too .... should be similar to isStringMethod but check Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType) and isArray public static boolean isCustomObjectMethod(Method method) { boolean conventional = method.getName().startsWith("get") || method.getName().startsWith("to"); boolean noArgs = method.getParameterTypes().length == 0; Class<?> returnType = method.getReturnType(); // Since we will process the Array and Collection return types separately, we need to first check for that boolean isArrayOrCollection = returnType.isArray() || Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType); boolean builtInObjectReturn = isBuiltInType(returnType); boolean customObjectReturn = !builtInObjectReturn; return conventional && noArgs && !isArrayOrCollection && customObjectReturn; } public static boolean isCustomObjectCollectionMethod(Method method) { boolean conventional = method.getName().startsWith("get") || method.getName().startsWith("to"); boolean noArgs = method.getParameterTypes().length == 0; Class<?> returnType = method.getReturnType(); boolean isCollection = Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(returnType); // We need to check if it is a collection of built in data types or a custom object. boolean builtInObjectReturn = false; if (isCollection) { ParameterizedType stringListType = (ParameterizedType) method.getGenericReturnType(); Class<?> stringListClass = (Class<?>) stringListType.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; builtInObjectReturn = isBuiltInType(stringListClass); } boolean customObjectReturn = !builtInObjectReturn; return conventional && noArgs && isCollection && customObjectReturn; } public static boolean isCustomObjectArrayMethod(Method method) { boolean conventional = method.getName().startsWith("get") || method.getName().startsWith("to"); boolean noArgs = method.getParameterTypes().length == 0; Class<?> returnType = method.getReturnType(); boolean isArray = returnType.isArray(); // We need to check if the array is of built in data types or a custom object. boolean builtInObjectReturn = false; if (isArray) { builtInObjectReturn = isBuiltInType(returnType); } boolean customObjectReturn = !builtInObjectReturn; return conventional && noArgs && isArray && customObjectReturn; } // TODO is isCustomObjectCollectionMethod and isCustomObjectArrayMethod ... because the contents of those would need to be checked too public static Set<Method> getStringMethods(Class<?> clazz) { HashSet<Method> stringMethods = new HashSet<Method>(); Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); for(Method method : methods ) { if( isStringMethod(method) ) { stringMethods.add(method); } } return stringMethods; } public static Set<Field> getStringFields(Class<?> clazz) { HashSet<Field> stringFields = new HashSet<Field>(); Field[] declaredFields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for(Field field : declaredFields ) { if (isStringField(field)) stringFields.add(field); } return stringFields; } public static Set<Field> getStringArrayFields(Class<?> clazz) { HashSet<Field> stringArrayFields = new HashSet<Field>(); Field[] declaredFields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for(Field field : declaredFields ) { if (isStringArrayField(field)) stringArrayFields.add(field); } return stringArrayFields; } public static Set<Field> getStringCollectionFields(Class<?> clazz) { HashSet<Field> stringCollectionFields = new HashSet<Field>(); Field[] declaredFields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for(Field field : declaredFields ) { if (isStringCollectionField(field)) stringCollectionFields.add(field); } return stringCollectionFields; } public static Set<Field> getCustomObjectFields(Class<?> clazz) { HashSet<Field> customObjectFields = new HashSet<Field>(); Field[] declaredFields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for(Field field : declaredFields ) { if (isCustomObjectField(field)) customObjectFields.add(field); } return customObjectFields; } public static Set<Field> getCustomObjectArrayFields(Class<?> clazz) { HashSet<Field> customObjectArrayFields = new HashSet<Field>(); Field[] declaredFields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for(Field field : declaredFields ) { if (isCustomObjectArrayField(field)) customObjectArrayFields.add(field); } return customObjectArrayFields; } public static Set<Field> getCustomObjectCollectionFields(Class<?> clazz) { HashSet<Field> customObjectCollectionFields = new HashSet<Field>(); Field[] declaredFields = clazz.getDeclaredFields(); for(Field field : declaredFields ) { if (isCustomObjectCollectionField(field)) customObjectCollectionFields.add(field); } return customObjectCollectionFields; } public static Set<Method> getStringArrayMethods(Class<?> clazz) { HashSet<Method> stringMethods = new HashSet<Method>(); Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); for(Method method : methods ) { if( isStringArrayMethod(method) ) { stringMethods.add(method); } } return stringMethods; } public static Set<Method> getStringCollectionMethods(Class<?> clazz) { HashSet<Method> stringMethods = new HashSet<Method>(); Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); for(Method method : methods ) { if( isStringCollectionMethod(method) ) { stringMethods.add(method); } } return stringMethods; } public static Set<Method> getCustomObjectMethods(Class<?> clazz) { HashSet<Method> customMethods = new HashSet<Method>(); Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); for(Method method : methods ) { if( isCustomObjectMethod(method) ) { customMethods.add(method); } } return customMethods; } public static Set<Method> getCustomObjectCollectionMethods(Class<?> clazz) { HashSet<Method> customObjectCollectionMethods = new HashSet<Method>(); Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); for(Method method : methods ) { if( isCustomObjectCollectionMethod(method)) { customObjectCollectionMethods.add(method); } } return customObjectCollectionMethods; } public static Set<Method> getCustomObjectArrayMethods(Class<?> clazz) { HashSet<Method> customObjectArrayMethods = new HashSet<Method>(); Method[] methods = clazz.getDeclaredMethods(); for(Method method : methods ) { if( isCustomObjectArrayMethod(method)) { customObjectArrayMethods.add(method); } } return customObjectArrayMethods; } // TODO getStringCollectionMethods, getStringArrayMethods, getCustomObjectMethods , getCustomObjectCollectionMethods, getCustomObjectArrayMethods }