/** * */ package com.intel.mountwilson.datamodel; /** * @author yuvrajsx * */ public class HostDetails { private String hostType; private String hostName; private String hostPortNo; private String vCenterString; private boolean vmWareType; private String status; private String biosWLTarget; private String vmmWLtarget; //private String selectionTarget; private boolean registered; private String tlsPolicyId; // optional private String tlsPolicyType; // optional, typically used instead of tlsPolicyId private String tlsPolicyData; // optional extra data to accompany tlsPolicyType, for example hex-encoded certificate fingerprint or a complete base64-encoded certificate or public key // Modified the BIOS and VMM target variables to be of String instead of HostWhiteListTarget for easier reverse mapping when it would be used in the ManagementConsoleServiceImpl file. public String getVmmWLtarget() { return vmmWLtarget; } public void setVmmWLtarget(String vmmWLtarget) { this.vmmWLtarget = vmmWLtarget; } public boolean isRegistered() { return registered; } // Modified the BIOS and VMM target variables to be of String instead of HostWhiteListTarget for easier reverse mapping when it would be used in the ManagementConsoleServiceImpl file. public String getBiosWLTarget() { return biosWLTarget; } public void setBiosWLTarget(String biosWLTarget) { this.biosWLTarget = biosWLTarget; } public void setRegistered(boolean registered) { this.registered = registered; } public String getHostType() { return hostType; } public void setHostType(String hostType) { this.hostType = hostType; } public String getHostName() { return hostName; } public String getHostPortNo() { return hostPortNo; } public String getvCenterString() { return vCenterString; } public boolean isVmWareType() { return vmWareType; } public String getStatus() { return status; } public void setHostName(String hostName) { this.hostName = hostName; } public void setHostPortNo(String hostPortNo) { this.hostPortNo = hostPortNo; } public void setvCenterString(String vCenterString) { this.vCenterString = vCenterString; } public void setVmWareType(boolean vmWareType) { this.vmWareType = vmWareType; } public void setStatus(String status) { this.status = status; } //public void setSelectionTarget(String selectionTarget) { // this.selectionTarget = selectionTarget; //} //public String getSelectionTarget() { // return this.selectionTarget; //} public String getTlsPolicyId() { return tlsPolicyId; } public String getTlsPolicyType() { return tlsPolicyType; } public String getTlsPolicyData() { return tlsPolicyData; } public void setTlsPolicyId(String tlsPolicyId) { this.tlsPolicyId = tlsPolicyId; } public void setTlsPolicyType(String tlsPolicyType) { this.tlsPolicyType = tlsPolicyType; } public void setTlsPolicyData(String tlsPolicyData) { this.tlsPolicyData = tlsPolicyData; } @Override public String toString() { return "HostDetails [hostType=" + hostType + ", hostName=" + hostName + ", hostPortNo=" + hostPortNo + ", vCenterString=" + vCenterString + ", vmWareType=" + vmWareType + ", status=" + status + ", config=" + vmmWLtarget + ", registered=" + registered //+ ", selectionTarget=" + selectionTarget + "]"; } }