package; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import*; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.shiro.authz.annotation.RequiresPermissions; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * REST Web Service * * * BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY: * Some POST and PUT methods accept TxtHost2 or TxtHostRecord2 with extended fields. * However, this class MUST NOT respond with those to the client because it would * break v1 clients. The v1 contract does not allow extra fields. * Therefore this class responds with TxtHost and TxtHostRecord. * */ @V1 //@Stateless @Path("/AttestationService/resources/hosts") public class Host { private HostBO hostBO = ASComponentFactory.getHostBO(); private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); /** * Returns the location of a host. * * Sample request: GET * http://localhost:8080/AttestationService/resources/hosts/location?hostName=Some+TXT+Host * * Sample output: San Jose * * @param inputHostname unique name of the host to query * @return the host location */ //@RolesAllowed({"Attestation", "Report"}) @RequiresPermissions("hosts:retrieve") @GET @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) @Path("/location") public HostLocation getLocation(@QueryParam("hostName") String hostName) { if( !ValidationUtil.isValidWithRegex(hostName, RegexPatterns.IPADDR_FQDN) ) {throw new ValidationException("Invalid hostName parameter"); } else return ASComponentFactory.getHostTrustBO().getHostLocation(new Hostname(hostName)); // datatype.Hostname } //@RolesAllowed({"Attestation", "Security"}) @RequiresPermissions("hosts:store") @POST @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) @Path("/location") public String addLocation(HostLocation hlObj) { ValidationUtil.validate(hlObj); Boolean result = ASComponentFactory.getHostTrustBO().addHostLocation(hlObj); return Boolean.toString(result); } //@RolesAllowed({"Attestation","Report"}) @RequiresPermissions("host_attestations:create,retrieve") @GET @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) @Path("/aik-{aik}/trust.json") public HostTrustResponse getTrustByAik(@PathParam("aik")String aikFingerprint) { ValidationUtil.validate(aikFingerprint); if( aikFingerprint == null || aikFingerprint.isEmpty() ) { throw new ValidationException("Missing hostNames parameter"); } else { try { // 0.5.1 returned MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN string like "BIOS:0,VMM:0" : return new HostTrustBO().getTrustStatusString(new Hostname(hostName)); // datatype.Hostname Sha1Digest aikId = new Sha1Digest(aikFingerprint); if( aikId.isValid() ) { HostTrustStatus trust = ASComponentFactory.getHostTrustBO().getTrustStatusByAik(aikId); return new HostTrustResponse(new Hostname(aikId.toString()), trust); } throw new ASException(ErrorCode.HTTP_INVALID_REQUEST, "Invalid AIK fingerprint: must be SHA1 digest"); } catch(ASException e) { throw e; }catch(Exception ex) { // throw new ASException(e); log.error("Error during retrieval of host trust status.", ex); throw new ASException(ErrorCode.AS_HOST_TRUST_ERROR, ex.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } } //@RolesAllowed({"Attestation","Report"}) @RequiresPermissions("host_attestations:create,retrieve") @GET @Produces({"application/samlassertion+xml"}) @Path("/aik-{aik}/trust.saml") public String getSamlByAik( @PathParam("aik")String aikFingerprint, @QueryParam("force_verify") @DefaultValue("false") Boolean forceVerify ) throws IOException { try { // 0.5.1 returned MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN string like "BIOS:0,VMM:0" : return new HostTrustBO().getTrustStatusString(new Hostname(hostName)); // datatype.Hostname Sha1Digest aikId = new Sha1Digest(aikFingerprint); if( aikId.isValid() ) { return ASComponentFactory.getHostTrustBO().getTrustWithSamlByAik(aikId, forceVerify); } throw new ASException(ErrorCode.HTTP_INVALID_REQUEST, "Invalid AIK fingerprint: must be SHA1 digest"); } catch(ASException e) { throw e; }catch(Exception e) { throw new ASException(e); } } /** * Implements SAFE AR "closing the loop" aka "tls-enforced attestation" and "host bind-data public key". * Given SHA1(AIK), returns DER-ENCODED X509 CERTIFICATE corresponding to the host in its current trust * policy -- even if the host is not currently trusted, the returned certificate corresponds to the current * trust policy for the host so that when the host becomes trusted the certificate will be valid. * If the whitelist for the host changes you will have to obtain a new certificate. * @author jbuhacoff * @since 1.2 * @param aikFingerprint * @return */ //@RolesAllowed({"Attestation","Report"}) @RequiresPermissions("host_aik_certificates:retrieve") @GET @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM}) @Path("/aik-{aik}/trustcert.x509") public byte[] getCurrentTrustCertificateByAik(@PathParam("aik")String aikFingerprint) { ValidationUtil.validate(aikFingerprint); if( aikFingerprint == null || aikFingerprint.isEmpty() ) { throw new ValidationException("Missing hostNames parameter"); } else{ try { // 0.5.1 returned MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN string like "BIOS:0,VMM:0" : return new HostTrustBO().getTrustStatusString(new Hostname(hostName)); // datatype.Hostname Sha1Digest aikId = new Sha1Digest(aikFingerprint); if( aikId.isValid() ) { TblHosts host = ASComponentFactory.getHostBO().getHostByAik(aikId); KeystoreCertificateRepository repository = new KeystoreCertificateRepository(host.getTlsKeystoreResource(),My.configuration().getTlsKeystorePassword()); List<X509Certificate> certificates = repository.getCertificates(); // guaranteed not to be null, but may be empty for(X509Certificate certificate : certificates) { // we are looking for a certificate that is marked with the AIK; the other one is the trust agent's or vcenter's ssl; for now we are putting the AIK fingerprint in the subject CN if( certificate.getSubjectX500Principal().getName().contains("CN="+aikId.toString()) ) { return certificate.getEncoded(); } } throw new ASException(ErrorCode.HTTP_NOT_FOUND, "Host does not have a certificate under that AIK"); } throw new ASException(ErrorCode.HTTP_INVALID_REQUEST, "Invalid AIK fingerprint: must be SHA1 digest"); } catch(ASException e) { throw e; }catch(Exception ex) { // throw new ASException(e); log.error("Error during retrieval of host trust certificate.", ex); throw new ASException(ErrorCode.AS_HOST_TRUST_CERT_ERROR, ex.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } } /** * Adds a new host to the database. This action involves contacting the host * to obtain trust-related information. If the host is offline, the request * will fail. * * Required parameters for all hosts are host name, BIOS name and version, * and VMM name and version. If the host is an ESX host then the vCenter * connection URL is also required. Otherwise, the host IP address and port * are required. Host description and contact email are optional. * * Parameter names: * HostName * IPAddress * Port * BIOS_Name * BIOS_Version * BIOS_Oem * VMM_Name * VMM_Version * VMM_OSName * VMM_OSVersion * AddOn_Connection_String * Description * Email * * @param host a form containing the above parameters * @return error status * * Response: * {"error_code":"",error_message:""} */ //@RolesAllowed({"Attestation"}) @RequiresPermissions("hosts:create") @POST @Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) public HostResponse post(TxtHostRecord hostRecord) { ValidationUtil.validate(hostRecord); if( hostRecord == null || hostRecord.HostName == null || hostRecord.HostName.isEmpty() ) { throw new ValidationException("Missing hostNames parameter"); } else return hostBO.addHost(new TxtHost(hostRecord), null, null, null); } /** * Updates an existing host in the database. This action involves contacting * the host to obtain trust-related information. If the host is offline, the * request will fail. * * Required parameters for all hosts are host name, BIOS name and version, * and VMM name and version. If the host is an ESX host then the vCenter * connection URL is also required. Otherwise, the host IP address and port * are required. Host description and contact email are optional. * * Parameter names: * HostName * IPAddress * Port * BIOS_Name * BIOS_Version * VMM_Name * VMM_Version * AddOn_Connection_String * Description * Email * * * @param host a form containing the above parameters * @return error status */ //@RolesAllowed({"Attestation"}) @RequiresPermissions("hosts:store") @PUT @Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) public HostResponse put(TxtHostRecord hostRecord) { ValidationUtil.validate(hostRecord); if( hostRecord == null || hostRecord.HostName == null || hostRecord.HostName.isEmpty() ) { throw new ValidationException("Missing hostNames parameter"); } else return hostBO.updateHost(new TxtHost(hostRecord), null, null, null); } /** * Returns the trust status of a host. * * Sample request: GET * http://localhost:8080/AttestationService/resources/hosts/trust?hostName=Some+TXT+Host * * Sample output for untrusted host: BIOS:0,VMM:0 * * Sample output for trusted host: BIOS:1,VMM:1 * * @param hostName unique name of the host to query * @param forceVerify * @return a string like BIOS:0,VMM:0 representing the trust status */ //@RolesAllowed({"Attestation", "Report"}) @RequiresPermissions({"host_attestations:retrieve"}) @GET @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) @Path("/trust") public HostTrustResponse get( @QueryParam("hostName") String hostName, @QueryParam("force_verify") @DefaultValue("false") Boolean forceVerify) throws ASException { if( !ValidationUtil.isValidWithRegex(hostName, RegexPatterns.IPADDR_FQDN) ) {throw new ValidationException("Invalid hostName parameter"); } try { // 0.5.1 returned MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN string like "BIOS:0,VMM:0" : return new HostTrustBO().getTrustStatusString(new Hostname(hostName)); // datatype.Hostname Hostname hostname = new Hostname(hostName); if(hostname.isValid()){ //HostTrustStatus trust = ASComponentFactory.getHostTrustBO().getTrustStatus(hostname); HostTrustStatus trust = ASComponentFactory.getHostTrustBO().getTrustStatusWithCache(hostName, forceVerify); return new HostTrustResponse(hostname, trust); } else throw new ASException(ErrorCode.AS_MISSING_INPUT, "hostName"); } catch (ASException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception ex) { // throw new ASException(e); log.error("Error during retrieval of host trust status.", ex); throw new ASException(ErrorCode.AS_HOST_TRUST_ERROR, ex.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } /** * Deletes a host from the database. * * Example request: DELETE * http://localhost:8080/AttestationService/resources/hosts?hostName=Some+TXT+Host * * @param hostName the unique host name of the host to delete * @return error status */ //@RolesAllowed({"Attestation"}) @RequiresPermissions("hosts:delete") @DELETE // @Consumes({"text/html"}) @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) public HostResponse delete(@QueryParam("hostName") String hostName) { if( !ValidationUtil.isValidWithRegex(hostName, RegexPatterns.IPADDR_FQDN) ) {throw new ValidationException("Invalid hostName parameter"); } else return hostBO.deleteHost(new Hostname(hostName), null); } /** * * @param searchCriteria optional, a string that would be contained in the host name; if not specified you will get a list of all the hosts * @return list of hosts whose hostname contains the value specified by searchCriteria; in SQL terms, WHERE hostname LIKE '%searchCriteria%' */ //@RolesAllowed({"Attestation", "Report", "Security"}) @RequiresPermissions("hosts:search") @GET @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) public List<TxtHostRecord> queryForHosts( @QueryParam("searchCriteria") String searchCriteria, @QueryParam("includeHardwareUuid") @DefaultValue("false") boolean includeHardwareUuid, @QueryParam("includeTlsPolicy") @DefaultValue("false") boolean includeTlsPolicy) { log.debug("queryForHosts api searchCriteria["+searchCriteria+"] "); ValidationUtil.validate(searchCriteria); //if( searchCriteria == null || searchCriteria.isEmpty() ) { throw new ValidationException("Missing hostNames parameter"); } //else List<TxtHostRecord> resultset; if(includeHardwareUuid) { resultset = hostBO.queryForHosts(searchCriteria,includeHardwareUuid); }else{ resultset = hostBO.queryForHosts(searchCriteria); } if( !includeTlsPolicy ) { for(TxtHostRecord record : resultset) { record.tlsPolicyChoice = null; } } return resultset; } // The following 2 APIs were being used internally. Since we are directly calling into the Attestation layer BO from the Management service // we do not need this API anymore. //@RolesAllowed({"Attestation"}) // @RequiresPermissions({"hosts:create","mles:search"}) // @POST // @Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) // @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) // @Path("/mle") // public HostResponse registerHostByFindingMLE(TxtHostRecord hostRecord) { // ValidationUtil.validate(hostRecord); // return ASComponentFactory.getHostTrustBO().getTrustStatusOfHostNotInDBAndRegister(hostRecord); // } // // //@RolesAllowed({"Attestation"}) // @RequiresPermissions({"hosts:create","mles:search"}) // @POST // @Consumes({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) // @Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON}) // @Path("/mle/verify") // public String checkMatchingMLEExists(TxtHostRecord hostRecord) { // ValidationUtil.validate(hostRecord); // String result = ASComponentFactory.getHostTrustBO().checkMatchingMLEExists(hostRecord, // hostRecord.Location.substring(0, hostRecord.Location.indexOf("|")), hostRecord.Location.substring(hostRecord.Location.indexOf("|")+1)); // System.out.println("checkMatchingMLEExists RESULT:" + result); // return result; // } }