package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vmware.vim25.*; import com.vmware.vim25.InvalidProperty; import com.vmware.vim25.RuntimeFault; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * How to use secure SSL connections: * * setSslHostnameVerifier(); * setSslTrustManager(SslUtil.createX509TrustManagerWithKeystore(simpleKeystore)); * connect(...) * * @author dsmagadX */ public class VMwareClient implements TlsClient { private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private static final ManagedObjectReference SVC_INST_REF = new ManagedObjectReference(); private static final String SVC_INST_NAME = "ServiceInstance"; protected ServiceContent serviceContent; private ManagedObjectReference propCollectorRef; private ManagedObjectReference rootRef; private ServiceInstance servInst; private VimPortType vimPort; private Folder rootFolder; private static final double MIN_VCENTER_VERSION_FOR_MODULE_ATTESTATION = 5.1; private static final double MIN_ESX_VERSION_FOR_MODULE_ATTESTATION = 5.1; //private VimService vimService; //private VimPortType vimPort; UserSession session = null; private String vcenterEndpoint = null; private String vmwareConnectionString; private TlsPolicy tlsPolicy = null; //private HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier = null; //private X509TrustManager trustManager = null; private boolean isConnected = false; private static String[] meTree = { "ManagedEntity", "ComputeResource", "ClusterComputeResource", "Datacenter", "Folder", "HostSystem", "ResourcePool", "VirtualMachine" }; private static String[] crTree = { "ComputeResource", "ClusterComputeResource" }; private static String[] hcTree = { "HistoryCollector", "EventHistoryCollector", "TaskHistoryCollector" }; public VMwareClient() { } // Bug: 579 - This method is added so that we can connect to the vCenter without any TLS policy settings and connection pooling options. // This would be needed by the Management Console to retrive the list of hosts from the cluster. protected void connect2(URL url, String userName, String password) throws KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException { log.debug("VMwareClient: connect2 | setting TlsPolicy..."); setTlsPolicy(new InsecureTlsPolicy()); log.debug("VMwareClient: calling connect..."); connect(url.toExternalForm(), userName, password); } /* public void setSslHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier) { this.hostnameVerifier = hostnameVerifier; } public void setSslCertificateTrustManager(X509TrustManager trustManager) { this.trustManager = trustManager; } */ /** * Disconnects the user session. * * @throws Exception */ public void disconnect() { try { if (isConnected()) { isConnected = false; servInst.getServerConnection().logout(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error while logging out from VCenter Api.", e); } } /** * Establishes session with the virtual center server. * * @throws RuntimeFaultFaultMsg * @throws InvalidLoginFaultMsg * @throws InvalidLocaleFaultMsg * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException * @throws KeyManagementException * * @throws Exception the exception */ public void connect(String url, String userName, String password) throws KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException { vcenterEndpoint = url; vmwareConnectionString = url + ";" + userName + ";" + password; /* if( hostnameVerifier == null ) { log.warn("SSL Hostname Verifier not set; will accept any remote hostname"); HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new NopX509HostnameVerifier()); } else { HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(hostnameVerifier); }*/ log.debug("Connecting to vcenter with URL: {}", url); log.debug("Connecting to vcenter with TlsPolicy: {}", tlsPolicy.getClass().getName()); log.debug("Connecting to vcenter with HostnameVerifier: {}", tlsPolicy.getHostnameVerifier().getClass().getName()); log.debug("Connecting to vcenter with TrustManager: {}", tlsPolicy.getTrustManager().getClass().getName()); log.debug("Connecting to vcenter with ProtocolSelector: {}", tlsPolicy.getProtocolSelector().preferred()); // TlsConnection tlsConnection = new TlsConnection(new URL(url), tlsPolicy); // sc = tlsConnection.getSSLContext(); // sc =; // issue #871 ssl protocol should be configurable; was hardcoded to "SSL" // sslsc = sc.getServerSessionContext(); // sslsc.setSessionTimeout(0); // sc.init(null, new[]{tlsPolicy.getTrustManager()}, null); // HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(sc.getSocketFactory()); // HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(TlsPolicyManager.getInstance().getHostnameVerifier()); // HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(new TlsPolicyAwareSSLSocketFactory()); // HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(TlsPolicyManager.getInstance().getHostnameVerifier()); TlsConnection tlsConnection = new TlsConnection(new URL(url), tlsPolicy); TlsUtil.setHttpsURLConnectionDefaults(tlsConnection); SVC_INST_REF.setType(SVC_INST_NAME); SVC_INST_REF.setVal(SVC_INST_NAME); try { log.debug("VSPHERE: login to vcenter with username: {} {}", userName, password == null || password.isEmpty() ? "without password" : "with password"); servInst = new ServiceInstance(new URL(url), userName, password, false); log.debug("VSPHERE: ServiceInstance created."); vimPort = servInst.getServerConnection().getVimService(); log.debug("VSPHERE: vimPort created."); serviceContent = servInst.getServiceContent(); log.debug("VSPHERE: serviceContent created."); rootFolder = servInst.getRootFolder(); log.debug("VSPHERE: rootFolder retrieved."); session = servInst.getServerConnection().getUserSession(); //vimPort.login(serviceContent.getSessionManager(), userName, password, null); log.debug("VSPHERE: login complete."); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Cannot login to vcenter: " + e.toString(), e); } // Map<String, Object> ctxt = ((BindingProvider)vimPort).getRequestContext(); // ctxt.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, url); // ctxt.put(BindingProvider.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY, true); printSessionDetails(); isConnected = true; propCollectorRef = serviceContent.getPropertyCollector(); rootRef = serviceContent.getRootFolder(); } private void printSessionDetails() { if (session != null) { log.debug("Logged in Session key " + session.getKey()); } else {"session is null"); } } public boolean isConnected() { if (!isConnected) { return false; } try { return vimPort.sessionIsActive(serviceContent.getSessionManager(), session.getKey(), session.getUserName()); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("session not active: {}", e.toString()); return false; } catch (Error e) { log.warn("session not active: {}", e.toString()); return false; } } public String getEndpoint() { return vcenterEndpoint; } public void connect(String vCenterConnectionString) throws KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, MalformedURLException, IOException { //ConnectionString cs = ConnectionString.forVmware(new URL(vCenterConnectionString)); /* String[] vcenterConn = vCenterConnectionString.split(";"); if (vcenterConn.length != 3) { throw new ASException(ErrorCode.AS_VMWARE_INVALID_CONNECT_STRING, vCenterConnectionString); } // Connect to the vCenter server with the passed in parameters connect(vcenterConn[0], vcenterConn[1], vcenterConn[2]); */ // log.debug("VSPHERE: Connection string: {}", vCenterConnectionString); ConnectionString.VmwareConnectionString vmware = ConnectionString.VmwareConnectionString.forURL(vCenterConnectionString); log.debug("VSPHERE: Connecting to vcenter: {} for host: {}", vmware.getVCenter().toString(), vmware.getHost().toString()); connect(vmware.toURL().toExternalForm(), vmware.getUsername(), vmware.getPassword()); } public static byte[] toByteArray(List<Byte> list) { byte[] ret = new byte[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) { ret[i] = list.get(i); } return ret; } /** * Issue #784 performance This method returns just the requested host, in * contrast to getEntitiesByType which returns all the hosts and then we * have to query each one to see if it's the one we want */ public ManagedObjectReference getHostReference(String hostname) throws RemoteException { //ManagedObjectReference searchIndex; //vimPort.findByDnsName and vimPort.findByIp .... first parameter is the searchindex mor, second is datacenter (optional, can be null), , third is the dnsname/ip, fourth is true for vm or false for host. // page 20: obtain manageed obejct reference by accessor method, for searchindex // ServiceContent sc = vimPort.retrieveServiceContent(hostRef) ManagedObjectReference searchIndex = serviceContent.getSearchIndex(); ManagedObjectReference hostRef = vimPort.findByDnsName(searchIndex, null, hostname, false); if (hostRef == null) { hostRef = vimPort.findByIp(searchIndex, null, hostname, false); } return hostRef; } // / <summary> // / Based on the Entity type this function searches through all the objects // and returns // / the matching objects. // / For getting just clusters call it with "ClusterComputeResource" // / For getting just Datacenters call it with "Datacenter" // / For getting just hosts call it with "ComputeResource" // / </summary> // / <param name="entityType">Type of the Entity that should be returned // back</param> // / <returns>Array of Management Oject References to all the objects of the // type specified.</returns> protected ManagedEntity[] getEntitiesByType(String entityType) throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { return new InventoryNavigator(rootFolder).searchManagedEntities(entityType); } protected String getHostInfo(ManagedObjectReference hostObj) throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { ManagedEntity me = new InventoryNavigator(rootFolder).searchManagedEntity(hostObj.type, hostObj.val); return me.getName(); } protected String getHostInfo(ManagedEntity hostObj) throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { return hostObj.getName(); } public String getStringMEProperty(String meType, String meName, String propertyName) throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { Object value = getMEProperty(meType, meName, propertyName); if( value == null ) { return null; } return value.toString(); } public Object getMEProperty(String meType, String meName, String propertyName) throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { return getMEProperties(meType, meName, new String[]{propertyName}).get(propertyName); } protected Hashtable getMEProperties(String meType, String meName, String[] properties) throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { log.debug("VSPHERE: meType: " + meType); log.debug("VSPHERE: meName: " + meName); for (String s : properties) { log.debug("VSPHERE: properties: " + s); } ManagedEntity me = new InventoryNavigator(rootFolder).searchManagedEntity(meType, meName); log.debug("VSPHERE: ManagedEntity: " + me.toString()); Hashtable ht = me.getPropertiesByPaths(properties); log.debug("VSPHERE: Hashtable: " + ht.toString()); return ht; } public List<String> getPropertyNames(TxtHostRecord hostObj) throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException, VMwareConnectionException { // Return object array ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); ManagedObjectReference moRef = getDecendentMoRef(null, "HostSystem", hostObj.HostName); if(moRef == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot get reference to specified host"); } // PropertySpec specifiesgetHostAttestationReport what properties to // retrieve and from type of Managed Object PropertySpec pSpec = new PropertySpec(); pSpec.setType(moRef.getType()); //pSpec.getPathSet().addAll(new ArrayList<String>()); for (String s : new ArrayList<String>()) { pSpec.getPathSet()[pSpec.getPathSet().length] = s; } // ObjectSpec specifies the starting object and // any TraversalSpecs used to specify other objects // for consideration ObjectSpec oSpec = new ObjectSpec(); oSpec.setObj(moRef); // PropertyFilterSpec is used to hold the ObjectSpec and // PropertySpec for the call PropertyFilterSpec pfSpec = new PropertyFilterSpec(); pfSpec.getPropSet()[0] = pSpec; pfSpec.getObjectSet()[0] = oSpec; // retrieveProperties() returns the properties // selected from the PropertyFilterSpec List<PropertyFilterSpec> pfSpecs = new ArrayList<PropertyFilterSpec>(); pfSpecs.add(pfSpec); ObjectContent[] ocs = vimPort.retrieveProperties(propCollectorRef, (PropertyFilterSpec[])pfSpecs.toArray()); for (ObjectContent oc : ocs) { DynamicProperty[] dps = oc.getPropSet(); for (DynamicProperty dp : dps) { list.add(dp.getName()); // and dp.getVal() } } return list; } public String getVCenterVersion() { return serviceContent.getAbout().getVersion(); } public HostTpmAttestationReport getAttestationReport( ManagedObjectReference hostObj) throws RuntimeFault, RemoteException { return vimPort.queryTpmAttestationReport(hostObj); } /** * performance of this method is very bad, it has been observed at 1 second * per iteration of the comparison loop. see getHostReference for obtaining * a managed object reference for a specific host (instead of for all hosts * and then querying each one for the name) */ public ManagedEntity getManagedObjectReference(String hostName) throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { // Get the host objects in the vcenter ManagedEntity[] hostObjects = getEntitiesByType("HostSystem"); if (hostObjects != null && hostObjects.length != 0) { for (ManagedEntity hostObj : hostObjects) { String hostNameFromVC = getHostInfo(hostObj); log.debug("getHostObject - comparing hostNameFromVC {} requested hostName {}", new Object[]{hostNameFromVC, hostName}); if (hostNameFromVC.equals(hostName)) { log.debug(String.format("Found Managed Object Reference for host %s ", hostName)); return hostObj; } } } // If the code reaches here that means that we did not find the host throw new ASException(ErrorCode.AS_HOST_NOT_FOUND_IN_VCENTER, hostName); } @Override public void setTlsPolicy(TlsPolicy tlsPolicy) { this.tlsPolicy = tlsPolicy; } /* private class TrustAllTrustManager implements, { @Override public[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return null; } @Override public void checkServerTrusted([] certs, String authType) throws { for ( cert : certs) { cert.checkValidity(); } return; } @Override public void checkClientTrusted([] certs, String authType) throws { for ( cert : certs) { cert.checkValidity(); } return; } } */ public String byteArrayToBase64String(List<Byte> digestValue) { String digest = Base64.encodeBase64String(toByteArray(digestValue)); return digest; } public static String byteArrayToHexString(List<Byte> digestValue) { return byteArrayToHexString(toByteArray(digestValue)); } public static String byteArrayToHexString(byte[] bytes) { BigInteger bi = new BigInteger(1, bytes); return String.format("%0" + (bytes.length << 1) + "X", bi); } public static byte[] hexStringToByteArray(String s) { int len = s.length(); byte[] data = new byte[len / 2]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 2) { data[i / 2] = (byte) ((Character.digit(s.charAt(i), 16) << 4) + Character.digit(s.charAt(i + 1), 16)); } return data; } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 15, 2012 * * Retrieves the list of Virtual machines for the specified host along with * the power state of the VM. * * @param hostName : Name of the host for which the VM details need to be * retrieved. * @param vCenterConnectionString : Connection string of the vCenter on * which the host is configured * @return : ArrayList consisting of all the VM along with the power state * information. VM Name::POWERED_ON * @throws Exception */ // public ArrayList getVMsForHost(String hostName, String vCenterConnectionString) throws VMwareConnectionException { // ArrayList vmList; // ManagedObjectReference hostMOR = null; // try { // connect(vCenterConnectionString); // // if (hostName != null) { // hostMOR = getDecendentMoRef(null, "HostSystem", hostName); // if (hostMOR == null) { // throw new Exception("Host configuration not found in the vCenter database."); // } // } // // vmList = getDecendentMoRefs(hostMOR, "VirtualMachine", null); // if (vmList.isEmpty()) { // return vmList; // } // // for (int i = 0; i < vmList.size(); i++) { // String vmName = getMORProperty((ManagedObjectReference) vmList.get(i), "name").toString(); // String vmPowerState = getMORProperty((ManagedObjectReference) vmList.get(i), "runtime.powerState").toString(); // vmList.set(i, vmName + "::" + vmPowerState); // } // } catch (Exception ex) { // throw new VMwareConnectionException(ex); // } finally { // disconnect(); // } // return vmList; // } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 15, 2012 * * Retrieves the h/w & s/w details of the host including BIOS, OS * information * * @param hostName : Name of the host for which the details need to be * retrieved * @param vCenterConnectionString : Connection string to the vCenter server * where the host is configured. * * NOTE: this method modifies the input object and then returns the same * object; it does NOT return a new object or a copy * * @deprecated use VmwareHostAgent.getHostDetails() * * * @return : Host object containing all the details. * @throws Exception */ public TxtHostRecord getHostDetails(TxtHostRecord hostObj) throws VMwareConnectionException { ManagedObjectReference hostMOR; boolean doNotDisconnect = false; try { // If we have already established a connection, we use it. This will // happen when this function will be called by the getHostDetailsForCluster // function, which would have opened the connection to vCenter server. if (!isConnected) { connect(hostObj.AddOn_Connection_String); } else { doNotDisconnect = true; } hostMOR = getDecendentMoRef(null, "HostSystem", hostObj.HostName); if (hostMOR == null) { throw new Exception("Host specified does not exist in the vCenter."); } hostObj.HostName = getStringMEProperty("HostSystem", hostObj.HostName, "name"); // hostObj.Description = serviceContent.getAbout().getVersion(); hostObj.VMM_OSName = getStringMEProperty("HostSystem", hostObj.HostName, ""); hostObj.VMM_OSVersion = getStringMEProperty("HostSystem", hostObj.HostName, "config.product.version"); hostObj.VMM_Version = getStringMEProperty("HostSystem", hostObj.HostName, ""); hostObj.BIOS_Oem = getStringMEProperty("HostSystem", hostObj.HostName, "hardware.systemInfo.vendor"); hostObj.BIOS_Version = getStringMEProperty("HostSystem", hostObj.HostName, "hardware.biosInfo.biosVersion"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new VMwareConnectionException(ex); } finally { if (!doNotDisconnect) { disconnect(); } } return hostObj; } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 15, 2012 * * Retrieves the list of hosts along with the s/w and h/w configuration * details within the VMware Cluster. * * @param clusterName : Name of the cluster from which we need to retrieve * the host details * @param vCenterConnectionString : Connection string to the vCenter server * @return : Array list of all the host names * @throws Exception */ public ArrayList getHostDetailsForCluster(String clusterName, String vCenterConnectionString) throws VMwareConnectionException, ASException { ArrayList hostList; ArrayList hostDetailList = new ArrayList<TxtHostRecord>(); ManagedObjectReference clusterMOR = null; ConnectionString.VmwareConnectionString vmwareURL; try { vmwareURL = ConnectionString.VmwareConnectionString.forURL(vCenterConnectionString); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ASException(ErrorCode.AS_VMWARE_INVALID_CONNECT_STRING, vCenterConnectionString); } try { // Connect to the vCenter server with the passed in parameters, but insecure tls policy since we don't know this host yet connect2(vmwareURL.toURL(), vmwareURL.getUsername(), vmwareURL.getPassword()); if (clusterName != null) { clusterMOR = getDecendentMoRef(null, "ClusterComputeResource", clusterName); if (clusterMOR == null) { throw new Exception("Cluster configuration not found in the vCenter database."); } } hostList = getDecendentMoRefs(clusterMOR, "HostSystem", null); if (hostList.isEmpty()) { return hostList; } for (int i = 0; i < hostList.size(); i++) { log.debug("VSPHERE: Host " + i + " = " + hostList.get(i).toString()); String hostName = getStringMEProperty("HostSystem", hostList.get(i).toString(), "name"); TxtHostRecord hostObj = new TxtHostRecord(); hostObj.HostName = hostName; hostObj.AddOn_Connection_String = vCenterConnectionString; hostObj = getHostDetails(hostObj); hostDetailList.add(hostObj); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new VMwareConnectionException(ex); } finally { disconnect(); } return hostDetailList; } /** * Added By: Savino on June 28, 2013 * * Retrieves the list of datacenters from the vcenter to populate dropdown * on webform. * * @param vCenterConnectionString : Connection string to the vCenter server * @return : string list of datacenter names * @throws Exception */ public List<String> getDatacenterNames() throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<>(); log.debug("Acquiring datacenters..."); ManagedEntity[] mes = new InventoryNavigator(rootFolder).searchManagedEntities("Datacenter"); for (ManagedEntity me : mes) { log.debug("Datacenter found: " + me.getName()); ret.add(me.getName()); } return ret; } /** * Added By: Savino on June 28, 2013 * * Retrieves the list of clusters from the vcenter to populate dropdown on * webform. * * @param vCenterConnectionString : Connection string to the vCenter server * @param datacenterName : Specify the datacenter that contains the desired * clusters * @return : string list of cluster names * @throws Exception */ public List<String> getClusterNamesWithDC() throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<String>(); log.debug("Acquiring clusters..."); ManagedEntity[] mes = new InventoryNavigator(rootFolder).searchManagedEntities("ComputeResource"); for (ManagedEntity me : mes) { log.debug("Cluster found: " + "[" + me.getParent().getParent().getName() + "] " + me.getName()); ret.add("[" + me.getParent().getParent().getName() + "] " + me.getName()); } return ret; } public ArrayList getHostNamesForCluster(String clusterName) throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { ArrayList<TxtHostRecord> hostDetailList = new ArrayList<>(); log.debug("Acquiring host systems..."); ManagedEntity[] mes = new InventoryNavigator(rootFolder).searchManagedEntities("HostSystem"); for (ManagedEntity me : mes) { if (me.getParent().getName().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(clusterName.trim())) { log.debug("Host System found for cluster " + clusterName + ": " + me.getName()); String connectionState = getMEProperty("HostSystem", me.getName(), "runtime.connectionState").toString().trim(); if (connectionState.equalsIgnoreCase("connected")) { log.debug("Adding host {} to the list of connected servers.", me.getName()); TxtHostRecord hostObj = new TxtHostRecord(); hostObj.HostName = me.getName(); hostObj.AddOn_Connection_String = vmwareConnectionString; hostObj.VMM_OSName = getMEProperty("HostSystem", hostObj.HostName, "").toString(); hostObj.VMM_OSVersion = getMEProperty("HostSystem", hostObj.HostName, "config.product.version").toString(); hostObj.VMM_Version = getMEProperty("HostSystem", hostObj.HostName, "").toString(); hostObj.BIOS_Oem = getMEProperty("HostSystem", hostObj.HostName, "hardware.systemInfo.vendor").toString(); hostObj.BIOS_Version = getMEProperty("HostSystem", hostObj.HostName, "hardware.biosInfo.biosVersion").toString(); hostDetailList.add(hostObj); } else {"Host {} is not currently connected to the vCenter. So, it would not be used for registration.", me.getName()); } } else { log.debug(me.getName() + ": parent \"" + me.getParent().getName() + "\" does not match cluster name \"" + clusterName + "\""); } } return hostDetailList; } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 14, 2012 * * This function provides the power on and power off functionality virtual * machines * * @param vmName : Name of the VM * @param hostName: Name of the host on which VM should be powered on. For * Power Off, this parameter is not needed. * @param powerOn: Flag that indicates whether to power on or off the VM * @param vCenterConnectionString : Connection string to the vCenter server. * @throws Exception */ public void powerOnOffVM(String vmName, String hostName, Boolean powerOn, String vCenterConnectionString) throws VMwareConnectionException { ManagedObjectReference hostMOR; ManagedObjectReference vmMOR; ManagedObjectReference powerTaskMOR; try { connect(vCenterConnectionString); vmMOR = getDecendentMoRef(null, "VirtualMachine", vmName); if (vmMOR == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid virtual machine specified for the power operation."); } if (powerOn) { hostMOR = getDecendentMoRef(null, "HostSystem", hostName); if (hostMOR == null) { throw new VMwareConnectionException("Invalid host specified for the virtual machine power on operation."); } powerTaskMOR = vimPort.powerOnVM_Task(vmMOR, hostMOR); } else { powerTaskMOR = vimPort.powerOffVM_Task(vmMOR); } // Wait for the power operation to complete and return back String result = waitForTask(powerTaskMOR); if (!result.toLowerCase().contentEquals("success")) { if (result.contains(".") || result.contains("\n")) { String delims = "[.\\n]+"; result = result.split(delims)[0]; } throw new Exception("Error during the VM power operation." + result); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new VMwareConnectionException(ex); } finally { disconnect(); } } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 14, 2012 * * Migrates the VM to the specified destination * * @param vmName : VM that needs to be migrated * @param destHostName : Target host on which the VM has to be migrated * @param vCenterConnectionString : Connection string to the vCenter server * @throws Exception */ public void migrateVM(String vmName, String destHostName, String vCenterConnectionString) throws VMwareConnectionException { ManagedObjectReference hostMOR; ManagedObjectReference vmMOR; ManagedObjectReference migrateTaskMOR; try { connect(vCenterConnectionString); hostMOR = getDecendentMoRef(null, "HostSystem", destHostName); vmMOR = getDecendentMoRef(null, "VirtualMachine", vmName); if (vmMOR == null || hostMOR == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid virtual machine or host specified for the VM migration."); } String vmPowerState = getStringMEProperty("VirtualMachine", vmName, "runtime.powerState"); if (vmPowerState != null && vmPowerState.equalsIgnoreCase("powered_on")) { migrateTaskMOR = vimPort.migrateVM_Task(vmMOR, null, hostMOR, VirtualMachineMovePriority.highPriority, VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOn); } else { migrateTaskMOR = vimPort.migrateVM_Task(vmMOR, null, hostMOR, VirtualMachineMovePriority.highPriority, VirtualMachinePowerState.poweredOff); } // Wait for the power operation to complete and return back String result = waitForTask(migrateTaskMOR); if (!result.equalsIgnoreCase("success")) { if (result.contains(".") || result.contains("\n")) { String delims = "[.\\n]+"; result = result.split(delims)[0]; } throw new Exception("Error during the VM migration." + result); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new VMwareConnectionException(ex); } finally { disconnect(); } } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 15, 2012 * * Retrieves the BIOS PCR 0 value from the attestation reports for the * specified host * * @param hostMOR: ManagedObjectReference for the host * @return : String containing the BIOS PCR 0 value. * @throws Exception */ /*public String getHostBIOSPCRHash(ManagedObjectReference hostMOR, String hostName) throws VMwareConnectionException { String biosPCRHash = ""; HostTpmDigestInfo[] pcrList; try { boolean tpmSupport = Boolean.parseBoolean(getMEProperty(hostMOR.type, hostName, "capability.tpmSupported").toString()); if (tpmSupport == true && serviceContent.getAbout().getVersion().contains("5.1")) { HostTpmAttestationReport hostTrustReport = vimPort.queryTpmAttestationReport(hostMOR); if (hostTrustReport != null) { pcrList = hostTrustReport.getTpmPcrValues(); for (int k = 0; k < pcrList.length; k++) { HostTpmDigestInfo pcrInfo = (HostTpmDigestInfo) pcrList[k]; switch (pcrInfo.getPcrNumber()) { case 0: biosPCRHash = byteArrayToHexString(pcrInfo.getDigestValue()); break; default: break; } } } } else if (tpmSupport == true && serviceContent.getAbout().getVersion().contains("5.0")) { // Refresh the runtime information HostRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = (HostRuntimeInfo) getMEProperty(hostMOR.type, hostName, "runtime"); // Now process the digest information pcrList = runtimeInfo.getTpmPcrValues(); for (int k = 0; k < pcrList.length; k++) { HostTpmDigestInfo pcrInfo = (HostTpmDigestInfo) pcrList[k]; switch (pcrInfo.getPcrNumber()) { case 0: biosPCRHash = byteArrayToHexString(pcrInfo.getDigestValue()); break; default: break; } } } else { // Since the host does not support TPM, we will not have these values. biosPCRHash = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new VMwareConnectionException(ex); } return biosPCRHash; }*/ /** * @deprecated just an adapter for now ; VmwareHostAgent uses * getHostAttestationReport(MOR,HostName,PcrList) * @param hostObj * @param pcrList * @return * @throws VMwareConnectionException */ public String getHostAttestationReport(TxtHostRecord hostObj, String pcrList) throws VMwareConnectionException { ManagedObjectReference hostMOR = getDecendentMoRef(null, "HostSystem", hostObj.HostName); if (hostMOR == null) { throw new VMwareConnectionException("Host specified does not exist in the vCenter."); } return getHostAttestationReport(hostMOR, hostObj.HostName, pcrList); } public boolean isModuleAttestationSupportedByVcenter(String vCenterVersion) { double version = Double.parseDouble(vCenterVersion.substring(0, vCenterVersion.lastIndexOf("."))); return (version >= MIN_VCENTER_VERSION_FOR_MODULE_ATTESTATION); } public boolean isModuleAttestationSupportedByESX(String esxVersion) { double version = Double.parseDouble(esxVersion.substring(0, esxVersion.lastIndexOf("."))); return (version >= MIN_VCENTER_VERSION_FOR_MODULE_ATTESTATION); } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 18, 2012 * * Retrieves the attestation report as a XML string * * @param hostName : Name of the host for which the attestation report has * to be retrieved * @param pcrList : Required PCR list separated by comma * @param vCenterConnectionString : Connection string to the vCenter server * on which the host is configured * @return : XML string equivalent of the attestation report. * @throws Exception */ public String getHostAttestationReport(ManagedObjectReference hostMOR, String hostName, String pcrList) throws VMwareConnectionException { log.debug("getHostAttestationReport >> START"); // boolean doNotDisconnect; XMLOutputFactory xof = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance(); XMLStreamWriter xtw; StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try { // Verify if the PCRList is sent. If not set the default values. if (pcrList == null || pcrList.isEmpty()) { pcrList = "0,17,18,20"; } // If we have already established a connection, we use it. This will // happen when this function will be called by the getHostDetailsForCluster // function, which would have opened the connection to vCenter server. /* if (!isConnected) connect(hostObj.AddOn_Connection_String); else doNotDisconnect = true; */ Boolean tpmSupport = Boolean.parseBoolean(getStringMEProperty(hostMOR.type, hostName, "capability.tpmSupported")); // Lets create the start of the XML document // xtw = xof.createXMLStreamWriter(new FileWriter("c:\\temp\\nb_xml.xml")); xtw = xof.createXMLStreamWriter(sw); xtw.writeStartDocument(); xtw.writeStartElement("Host_Attestation_Report"); xtw.writeAttribute("Host_Name", hostName); xtw.writeAttribute("vCenterVersion", serviceContent.getAbout().getVersion()); String hostVer = getStringMEProperty(hostMOR.type, hostName, "config.product.version"); xtw.writeAttribute("HostVersion", hostVer); xtw.writeAttribute("TXT_Support", tpmSupport.toString()); // if (tpmSupport == true && serviceContent.getAbout().getVersion().contains("5.1")) { if (tpmSupport == true && (isModuleAttestationSupportedByVcenter(getVCenterVersion()))) { log.debug("Querying TPM attestation report..."); HostTpmAttestationReport hostTrustReport = vimPort.queryTpmAttestationReport(hostMOR); log.debug("Query finished."); // Process the event log only for the ESXi 5.1 or higher // if (hostTrustReport != null && hostVer.contains("5.1")) { if (hostTrustReport != null && hostVer != null && (isModuleAttestationSupportedByESX(hostVer))) { log.debug("Retrieving TPM events..."); int numOfEvents = hostTrustReport.getTpmEvents().length; for (int k = 0; k < numOfEvents; k++) { log.debug(""); HostTpmEventLogEntry eventInfo = (HostTpmEventLogEntry) hostTrustReport.getTpmEvents()[k]; switch (eventInfo.getPcrIndex()) { // We will process only the components that gets extended into PCR 19. We // will ignore the rest of the event entries. case 0: break; case 17: break; case 18: break; case 20: break; // All the static components hash values are in this index. So, we will process // all the entries and store them into the database. case 19: log.debug("PCR 19: writing attributes..."); String eventName = eventInfo.getEventDetails().getClass().getSimpleName(); if (eventName.equalsIgnoreCase("HostTpmSoftwareComponentEventDetails")) { HostTpmSoftwareComponentEventDetails swEventLog = (HostTpmSoftwareComponentEventDetails) eventInfo.getEventDetails(); xtw.writeStartElement("EventDetails"); xtw.writeAttribute("EventName", "Vim25Api.HostTpmSoftwareComponentEventDetails"); //xtw.writeAttribute("ComponentName", swEventLog.getComponentName()); // Bug Fix #491 set componentName == to packageName - packageVersion // instead of componentName // Bug: 931: To uniquely identify the component name we need to use a combination of the component name without the autogenerated version, // VIB name and VIB version. First let us trim the component name to remove the autogenerated version. String compName = swEventLog.getComponentName().substring(0, swEventLog.getComponentName().lastIndexOf(".")); xtw.writeAttribute("ComponentName", compName+ "-" + swEventLog.getVibName()+ "-" +swEventLog.getVibVersion()); xtw.writeAttribute("DigestValue", byteArrayToHexString(swEventLog.getDataHash())); xtw.writeAttribute("ExtendedToPCR", String.valueOf(eventInfo.getPcrIndex())); xtw.writeAttribute("PackageName", swEventLog.getVibName()); xtw.writeAttribute("PackageVendor", swEventLog.getVibVendor()); xtw.writeAttribute("PackageVersion", swEventLog.getVibVersion()); xtw.writeAttribute("UseHostSpecificDigest", "False"); xtw.writeEndElement(); } else if (eventName.equalsIgnoreCase("HostTpmOptionEventDetails")) { HostTpmOptionEventDetails optEventLog = (HostTpmOptionEventDetails) eventInfo.getEventDetails(); xtw.writeStartElement("EventDetails"); xtw.writeAttribute("EventName", "Vim25Api.HostTpmOptionEventDetails"); xtw.writeAttribute("ComponentName", optEventLog.getOptionsFileName()); xtw.writeAttribute("DigestValue", byteArrayToHexString(optEventLog.getDataHash())); xtw.writeAttribute("ExtendedToPCR", String.valueOf(eventInfo.getPcrIndex())); xtw.writeAttribute("PackageName", ""); xtw.writeAttribute("PackageVendor", ""); xtw.writeAttribute("PackageVersion", ""); xtw.writeAttribute("UseHostSpecificDigest", "False"); xtw.writeEndElement(); } else if (eventName.equalsIgnoreCase("HostTpmBootSecurityOptionEventDetails")) { HostTpmBootSecurityOptionEventDetails bootEventLog = (HostTpmBootSecurityOptionEventDetails) eventInfo.getEventDetails(); xtw.writeStartElement("EventDetails"); xtw.writeAttribute("EventName", "Vim25Api.HostTpmBootSecurityOptionEventDetails"); xtw.writeAttribute("ComponentName", bootEventLog.getBootSecurityOption()); xtw.writeAttribute("DigestValue", byteArrayToHexString(bootEventLog.getDataHash())); xtw.writeAttribute("ExtendedToPCR", String.valueOf(eventInfo.getPcrIndex())); xtw.writeAttribute("PackageName", ""); xtw.writeAttribute("PackageVendor", ""); xtw.writeAttribute("PackageVersion", ""); xtw.writeAttribute("UseHostSpecificDigest", "False"); xtw.writeEndElement(); } else if (eventName.equalsIgnoreCase("HostTpmCommandEventDetails")) { HostTpmCommandEventDetails cmdEventLog = (HostTpmCommandEventDetails) eventInfo.getEventDetails(); xtw.writeStartElement("EventDetails"); xtw.writeAttribute("EventName", "Vim25Api.HostTpmCommandEventDetails"); // We should not store the actual command line data here since it is host specific. xtw.writeAttribute("ComponentName", ""); //cmdEventLog.commandLine); xtw.writeAttribute("DigestValue", byteArrayToHexString(cmdEventLog.getDataHash())); xtw.writeAttribute("ExtendedToPCR", String.valueOf(eventInfo.getPcrIndex())); xtw.writeAttribute("PackageName", ""); xtw.writeAttribute("PackageVendor", ""); xtw.writeAttribute("PackageVersion", ""); xtw.writeAttribute("UseHostSpecificDigest", "True"); xtw.writeAttribute("HostName", hostName); xtw.writeEndElement(); } break; default: break; } } } // The TPM values have to be captured for both ESXi 5.0 or 5.1 hosts if (hostTrustReport != null) { log.debug("Getting TPM PCR values..."); List<String> pcrs = Arrays.asList(pcrList.split(",")); int numTPMValues = hostTrustReport.getTpmPcrValues().length; for (int j = 0; j < numTPMValues; j++) { HostTpmDigestInfo pcrInfo = hostTrustReport.getTpmPcrValues()[j]; if (pcrs.contains(String.valueOf(pcrInfo.getPcrNumber()))) { xtw.writeStartElement("PCRInfo"); xtw.writeAttribute("ComponentName", String.valueOf(pcrInfo.getPcrNumber())); xtw.writeAttribute("DigestValue", byteArrayToHexString(pcrInfo.getDigestValue())); xtw.writeEndElement(); } } } } else if (tpmSupport == true && serviceContent.getAbout().getVersion().contains("5.0")) { // Refresh the runtime information HostRuntimeInfo runtimeInfo = (HostRuntimeInfo) getMEProperty(hostMOR.type, hostName, "runtime"); if( runtimeInfo != null ) { // Now process the digest information List<String> pcrs = Arrays.asList(pcrList.split(",")); int numTPMValues = runtimeInfo.getTpmPcrValues().length; for (int j = 0; j < numTPMValues; j++) { HostTpmDigestInfo pcrInfo = runtimeInfo.getTpmPcrValues()[j]; if (pcrs.contains(String.valueOf(pcrInfo.getPcrNumber()))) { xtw.writeStartElement("PCRInfo"); xtw.writeAttribute("ComponentName", String.valueOf(pcrInfo.getPcrNumber())); xtw.writeAttribute("DigestValue", byteArrayToHexString(pcrInfo.getDigestValue())); xtw.writeEndElement(); } } } } else { xtw.writeStartElement("PCRInfo"); xtw.writeAttribute("Error", "Host does not support TPM."); xtw.writeEndElement(); } xtw.writeEndElement(); xtw.writeEndDocument(); xtw.flush(); xtw.close(); String attestationReport = sw.toString(); return attestationReport; } catch (RemoteException | XMLStreamException ex) { throw new VMwareConnectionException(ex); } finally {/* if (!doNotDisconnect) disconnect();*/ log.debug("getHostAttestationReport >> FINISH"); } } // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Code copied from VMware SDK's VMPowerOps.Java file."> /** * Uses the new RetrievePropertiesEx method to emulate the now deprecated * RetrieveProperties method * * @param listpfs * @return list of object content * @throws Exception */ private List<ObjectContent> retrievePropertiesAllObjects(List<PropertyFilterSpec> listpfs) throws VMwareConnectionException { RetrieveOptions propObjectRetrieveOpts = new RetrieveOptions(); List<ObjectContent> listobjcontent = new ArrayList<>(); try { RetrieveResult rslts = vimPort.retrievePropertiesEx(propCollectorRef, (PropertyFilterSpec[])listpfs.toArray(), propObjectRetrieveOpts); if (rslts != null && rslts.getObjects() != null && rslts.getObjects().length != 0) { listobjcontent = Arrays.asList(rslts.objects); } String token = null; if (rslts != null && rslts.getToken() != null) { token = rslts.getToken(); } while (token != null && !token.isEmpty()) { rslts = vimPort.continueRetrievePropertiesEx(propCollectorRef, token); token = null; if (rslts != null) { token = rslts.getToken(); if (rslts.getObjects() != null && rslts.getObjects().length != 0) { listobjcontent = Arrays.asList(rslts.getObjects()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new VMwareConnectionException(e); } return listobjcontent; } /** * This code takes an array of [typename, property, property, ...] and * converts it into a PropertySpec[]. handles case where multiple references * to the same typename are specified. * * @param typeinfo 2D array of type and properties to retrieve * * @return Array of container filter specs */ private List<PropertySpec> buildPropertySpecArray(String[][] typeinfo) { // Eliminate duplicates HashMap<String, Set> tInfo = new HashMap<String, Set>(); for (int ti = 0; ti < typeinfo.length; ++ti) { Set props = (Set) tInfo.get(typeinfo[ti][0]); if (props == null) { props = new HashSet<String>(); tInfo.put(typeinfo[ti][0], props); } boolean typeSkipped = false; for (int pi = 0; pi < typeinfo[ti].length; ++pi) { String prop = typeinfo[ti][pi]; if (typeSkipped) { props.add(prop); } else { typeSkipped = true; } } } // Create PropertySpecs ArrayList<PropertySpec> pSpecs = new ArrayList<PropertySpec>(); for (Iterator<String> ki = tInfo.keySet().iterator(); ki.hasNext();) { String type = (String); PropertySpec pSpec = new PropertySpec(); Set props = (Set) tInfo.get(type); pSpec.setType(type); pSpec.setAll(props.isEmpty() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); for (Iterator pi = props.iterator(); pi.hasNext();) { String prop = (String); pSpec.getPathSet().equals(prop); } pSpecs.add(pSpec); } return pSpecs; } /** * Retrieve content recursively with multiple properties. the typeinfo array * contains typename + properties to retrieve. * * @param collector a property collector if available or null for default * @param root a root folder if available, or null for default * @param typeinfo 2D array of properties for each typename * @param recurse retrieve contents recursively from the root down * * @return retrieved object contents */ private List<ObjectContent> getContentsRecursively(ManagedObjectReference collector, ManagedObjectReference root, String[][] typeinfo, boolean recurse) throws VMwareConnectionException { if (typeinfo == null || typeinfo.length == 0) { return null; } ManagedObjectReference usecoll = collector; if (usecoll == null) { usecoll = serviceContent.getPropertyCollector(); if (usecoll != null) { log.debug("usecoll = " + usecoll.getType()); } } ManagedObjectReference useroot = root; if (useroot == null) { useroot = serviceContent.getRootFolder(); } List<SelectionSpec> selectionSpecs = null; if (recurse) { selectionSpecs = buildFullTraversal(); } List<PropertySpec> propspecary = buildPropertySpecArray(typeinfo); ObjectSpec objSpec = new ObjectSpec(); objSpec.setObj(useroot); objSpec.setSkip(Boolean.FALSE); objSpec.getSelectSet().equals((PropertySpec[])selectionSpecs.toArray()); List<ObjectSpec> objSpecList = new ArrayList<>(); objSpecList.add(objSpec); PropertyFilterSpec spec = new PropertyFilterSpec(); spec.getPropSet().equals(propspecary); spec.getObjectSet().equals(objSpecList); List<PropertyFilterSpec> listpfs = new ArrayList<>(); listpfs.add(spec); List<ObjectContent> listobjcont = retrievePropertiesAllObjects(listpfs); return listobjcont; } private boolean typeIsA(String searchType, String foundType) { if (searchType.equals(foundType)) { return true; } else if (searchType.equals("ManagedEntity")) { for (int i = 0; i < meTree.length; ++i) { if (meTree[i].equals(foundType)) { return true; } } } else if (searchType.equals("ComputeResource")) { for (int i = 0; i < crTree.length; ++i) { if (crTree[i].equals(foundType)) { return true; } } } else if (searchType.equals("HistoryCollector")) { for (int i = 0; i < hcTree.length; ++i) { if (hcTree[i].equals(foundType)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Get the ManagedObjectReference for an item under the specified root * folder that has the type and name specified. * * @param root a root folder if available, or null for default * @param type type of the managed object * @param name name to match * * @return First ManagedObjectReference of the type / name pair found */ private ManagedObjectReference getDecendentMoRef(ManagedObjectReference root, String type, String name) throws VMwareConnectionException { if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { return null; } String[][] typeinfo = new String[][]{new String[]{type, "name"},}; List<ObjectContent> ocary = getContentsRecursively(null, root, typeinfo, true); if (ocary == null || ocary.size() == 0) { return null; } ObjectContent oc; ManagedObjectReference mor = null; List<DynamicProperty> propary; String propval; boolean found = false; for (int oci = 0; oci < ocary.size() && !found; oci++) { oc = ocary.get(oci); mor = oc.getObj(); DynamicProperty[] temp_propary = oc.getPropSet(); propary = Arrays.asList(temp_propary); propval = null; if (type == null || typeIsA(type, mor.getType())) { if (propary != null && !propary.isEmpty()) { propval = (String) propary.get(0).getVal(); } found = propval != null && name.equals(propval); } } if (!found) { mor = null; } return mor; } private String getProp(ManagedObjectReference obj, String prop) throws VMwareConnectionException { String propVal = null; try { List<DynamicProperty> dynaProArray = getDynamicProarray(obj, obj.getType(), prop); if (dynaProArray != null && !dynaProArray.isEmpty()) { if (dynaProArray.get(0).getVal() != null) { propVal = (String) dynaProArray.get(0).getVal(); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new VMwareConnectionException(e); } return propVal; } private ArrayList filterMOR(ArrayList mors, String[][] filter) throws VMwareConnectionException { ArrayList filteredmors = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < mors.size(); i++) { for (int k = 0; k < filter.length; k++) { String prop = filter[k][0]; String reqVal = filter[k][1]; String value = getProp(((ManagedObjectReference) mors.get(i)), prop); if (value == null && reqVal == null) { continue; } else if (value == null && reqVal != null) { k = filter.length + 1; } else if (value != null && value.equalsIgnoreCase(reqVal)) { filteredmors.add(mors.get(i)); } else { k = filter.length + 1; } } } return filteredmors; } private ArrayList getDecendentMoRefs(ManagedObjectReference root, String type, String[][] filter) throws VMwareConnectionException { String[][] typeinfo = new String[][]{new String[]{type, "name"},}; List<ObjectContent> ocary = getContentsRecursively(null, root, typeinfo, true); ArrayList refs = new ArrayList(); if (ocary == null || ocary.size() == 0) { return refs; } for (int oci = 0; oci < ocary.size(); oci++) { refs.add(ocary.get(oci).getObj()); } if (filter != null) { ArrayList filtermors = filterMOR(refs, filter); return filtermors; } else { return refs; } } /** * * @return TraversalSpec specification to get to the VirtualMachine managed * object. */ /* not used ... private TraversalSpec getVMTraversalSpec() { // Create a traversal spec that starts from the 'root' objects // and traverses the inventory tree to get to the VirtualMachines. // Build the traversal specs bottoms up //Traversal to get to the VM in a VApp TraversalSpec vAppToVM = new TraversalSpec(); vAppToVM.setName("vAppToVM"); vAppToVM.setType("VirtualApp"); vAppToVM.setPath("vm"); //Traversal spec for VApp to VApp TraversalSpec vAppToVApp = new TraversalSpec(); vAppToVApp.setName("vAppToVApp"); vAppToVApp.setType("VirtualApp"); vAppToVApp.setPath("resourcePool"); //SelectionSpec for VApp to VApp recursion SelectionSpec vAppRecursion = new SelectionSpec(); vAppRecursion.setName("vAppToVApp"); //SelectionSpec to get to a VM in the VApp SelectionSpec vmInVApp = new SelectionSpec(); vmInVApp.setName("vAppToVM"); //SelectionSpec for both VApp to VApp and VApp to VM List<SelectionSpec> vAppToVMSS = new ArrayList<SelectionSpec>(); vAppToVMSS.add(vAppRecursion); vAppToVMSS.add(vmInVApp); vAppToVApp.getSelectSet().addAll(vAppToVMSS); //This SelectionSpec is used for recursion for Folder recursion SelectionSpec sSpec = new SelectionSpec(); sSpec.setName("VisitFolders"); // Traversal to get to the vmFolder from DataCenter TraversalSpec dataCenterToVMFolder = new TraversalSpec(); dataCenterToVMFolder.setName("DataCenterToVMFolder"); dataCenterToVMFolder.setType("Datacenter"); dataCenterToVMFolder.setPath("vmFolder"); dataCenterToVMFolder.setSkip(false); dataCenterToVMFolder.getSelectSet().add(sSpec); // TraversalSpec to get to the DataCenter from rootFolder TraversalSpec traversalSpec = new TraversalSpec(); traversalSpec.setName("VisitFolders"); traversalSpec.setType("Folder"); traversalSpec.setPath("childEntity"); traversalSpec.setSkip(false); List<SelectionSpec> sSpecArr = new ArrayList<SelectionSpec>(); sSpecArr.add(sSpec); sSpecArr.add(dataCenterToVMFolder); sSpecArr.add(vAppToVM); sSpecArr.add(vAppToVApp); traversalSpec.getSelectSet().addAll(sSpecArr); return traversalSpec; }*/ // unused /** * Get the MOR of the Virtual Machine by its name. * * @param vmName The name of the Virtual Machine * @return The Managed Object reference for this VM */ /* private ManagedObjectReference getVmByVMname(String vmname) throws VMwareConnectionException { ManagedObjectReference retVal = null; try { TraversalSpec tSpec = getVMTraversalSpec(); // Create Property Spec PropertySpec propertySpec = new PropertySpec(); propertySpec.setAll(Boolean.FALSE); propertySpec.getPathSet().add("name"); propertySpec.setType("VirtualMachine"); // Now create Object Spec ObjectSpec objectSpec = new ObjectSpec(); objectSpec.setObj(rootRef); objectSpec.setSkip(Boolean.TRUE); objectSpec.getSelectSet().add(tSpec); // Create PropertyFilterSpec using the PropertySpec and ObjectPec // created above. PropertyFilterSpec propertyFilterSpec = new PropertyFilterSpec(); propertyFilterSpec.getPropSet().add(propertySpec); propertyFilterSpec.getObjectSet().add(objectSpec); List<PropertyFilterSpec> listpfs = new ArrayList<PropertyFilterSpec>(1); listpfs.add(propertyFilterSpec); List<ObjectContent> listobjcont = retrievePropertiesAllObjects(listpfs); if (listobjcont != null) { for (ObjectContent oc : listobjcont) { ManagedObjectReference mr = oc.getObj(); String vmnm = null; List<DynamicProperty> dps = oc.getPropSet(); if (dps != null) { for (DynamicProperty dp : dps) { vmnm = (String) dp.getVal(); } } if (vmnm != null && vmnm.equals(vmname)) { retVal = mr; break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new VMwareConnectionException(e); } return retVal; }*/ /* * @return An array of SelectionSpec covering VM, Host, Resource pool, * Cluster Compute Resource and Datastore. */ private List<SelectionSpec> buildFullTraversal() { // Terminal traversal specs // RP -> VM TraversalSpec rpToVm = new TraversalSpec(); rpToVm.setName("rpToVm"); rpToVm.setType("ResourcePool"); rpToVm.setPath("vm"); rpToVm.setSkip(Boolean.FALSE); // vApp -> VM TraversalSpec vAppToVM = new TraversalSpec(); vAppToVM.setName("vAppToVM"); vAppToVM.setType("VirtualApp"); vAppToVM.setPath("vm"); // HostSystem -> VM TraversalSpec hToVm = new TraversalSpec(); hToVm.setType("HostSystem"); hToVm.setPath("vm"); hToVm.setName("hToVm"); hToVm.getSelectSet().equals(getSelectionSpec("visitFolders")); hToVm.setSkip(Boolean.FALSE); // DC -> DS TraversalSpec dcToDs = new TraversalSpec(); dcToDs.setType("Datacenter"); dcToDs.setPath("datastore"); dcToDs.setName("dcToDs"); dcToDs.setSkip(Boolean.FALSE); // Recurse through all ResourcePools TraversalSpec rpToRp = new TraversalSpec(); rpToRp.setType("ResourcePool"); rpToRp.setPath("resourcePool"); rpToRp.setSkip(Boolean.FALSE); rpToRp.setName("rpToRp"); List<SelectionSpec> respools = new ArrayList<SelectionSpec>(); respools.add(getSelectionSpec("rpToRp")); respools.add(getSelectionSpec("rpToVm")); rpToRp.getSelectSet().equals((SelectionSpec[])respools.toArray()); TraversalSpec crToRp = new TraversalSpec(); crToRp.setType("ComputeResource"); crToRp.setPath("resourcePool"); crToRp.setSkip(Boolean.FALSE); crToRp.setName("crToRp"); List<SelectionSpec> crrp = new ArrayList<SelectionSpec>(); crrp.add(getSelectionSpec("rpToRp")); crrp.add(getSelectionSpec("rpToVm")); crToRp.getSelectSet().equals((SelectionSpec[])crrp.toArray()); TraversalSpec crToH = new TraversalSpec(); crToH.setSkip(Boolean.FALSE); crToH.setType("ComputeResource"); crToH.setPath("host"); crToH.setName("crToH"); TraversalSpec dcToHf = new TraversalSpec(); dcToHf.setSkip(Boolean.FALSE); dcToHf.setType("Datacenter"); dcToHf.setPath("hostFolder"); dcToHf.setName("dcToHf"); dcToHf.getSelectSet().equals(getSelectionSpec("visitFolders")); TraversalSpec vAppToRp = new TraversalSpec(); vAppToRp.setName("vAppToRp"); vAppToRp.setType("VirtualApp"); vAppToRp.setPath("resourcePool"); vAppToRp.getSelectSet().equals(getSelectionSpec("rpToRp")); TraversalSpec dcToVmf = new TraversalSpec(); dcToVmf.setType("Datacenter"); dcToVmf.setSkip(Boolean.FALSE); dcToVmf.setPath("vmFolder"); dcToVmf.setName("dcToVmf"); dcToVmf.getSelectSet().equals(getSelectionSpec("visitFolders")); // For Folder -> Folder recursion TraversalSpec visitFolders = new TraversalSpec(); visitFolders.setType("Folder"); visitFolders.setPath("childEntity"); visitFolders.setSkip(Boolean.FALSE); visitFolders.setName("visitFolders"); List<SelectionSpec> sspecarrvf = new ArrayList<SelectionSpec>(); sspecarrvf.add(getSelectionSpec("visitFolders")); sspecarrvf.add(getSelectionSpec("dcToVmf")); sspecarrvf.add(getSelectionSpec("dcToHf")); sspecarrvf.add(getSelectionSpec("dcToDs")); sspecarrvf.add(getSelectionSpec("crToRp")); sspecarrvf.add(getSelectionSpec("crToH")); sspecarrvf.add(getSelectionSpec("hToVm")); sspecarrvf.add(getSelectionSpec("rpToVm")); sspecarrvf.add(getSelectionSpec("rpToRp")); sspecarrvf.add(getSelectionSpec("vAppToRp")); sspecarrvf.add(getSelectionSpec("vAppToVM")); visitFolders.getSelectSet().equals((SelectionSpec[])sspecarrvf.toArray()); List<SelectionSpec> resultspec = new ArrayList<SelectionSpec>(); resultspec.add(visitFolders); resultspec.add(dcToVmf); resultspec.add(dcToHf); resultspec.add(dcToDs); resultspec.add(crToRp); resultspec.add(crToH); resultspec.add(hToVm); resultspec.add(rpToVm); resultspec.add(vAppToRp); resultspec.add(vAppToVM); resultspec.add(rpToRp); return resultspec; } private SelectionSpec getSelectionSpec(String name) { SelectionSpec genericSpec = new SelectionSpec(); genericSpec.setName(name); return genericSpec; } private List<DynamicProperty> getDynamicProarray(ManagedObjectReference ref, String type, String propertyString) throws VMwareConnectionException { PropertySpec propertySpec = new PropertySpec(); propertySpec.setAll(Boolean.FALSE); propertySpec.getPathSet().equals(propertyString); propertySpec.setType(type); // Now create Object Spec ObjectSpec objectSpec = new ObjectSpec(); objectSpec.setObj(ref); objectSpec.setSkip(Boolean.FALSE); objectSpec.getSelectSet().equals((SelectionSpec[])buildFullTraversal().toArray()); // Create PropertyFilterSpec using the PropertySpec and ObjectPec // created above. PropertyFilterSpec propertyFilterSpec = new PropertyFilterSpec(); propertyFilterSpec.getPropSet().equals(propertySpec); propertyFilterSpec.getObjectSet().equals(objectSpec); List<PropertyFilterSpec> listpfs = new ArrayList<PropertyFilterSpec>(1); listpfs.add(propertyFilterSpec); List<ObjectContent> listobjcont = retrievePropertiesAllObjects(listpfs); ObjectContent contentObj = listobjcont.get(0); List<DynamicProperty> objList = Arrays.asList(contentObj.getPropSet()); return objList; } // unused /* private boolean getTaskInfo(ManagedObjectReference taskmor) throws VMwareConnectionException { boolean valid = false; String res = waitForTask(taskmor); if(res.equalsIgnoreCase("success")) { valid = true; } else { valid = false; } return valid; } */ private void updateValues(List<String> props, Object[] vals, PropertyChange propchg) { for (int findi = 0; findi < props.size(); findi++) { if (propchg.getName().lastIndexOf(props.get(findi)) >= 0) { if (propchg.getOp() == PropertyChangeOp.remove) { vals[findi] = ""; } else { vals[findi] = propchg.getVal(); } } } } /** * Handle Updates for a single object. waits till expected values of * properties to check are reached Destroys the ObjectFilter when done. * * @param objmor MOR of the Object to wait for </param> * @param filterProps Properties list to filter * @param endWaitProps Properties list to check for expected values these be * properties of a property in the filter properties list * @param expectedVals values for properties to end the wait * @return true indicating expected values were met, and false otherwise */ private Object[] waitForValues(ManagedObjectReference objmor, List<String> filterProps, List<String> endWaitProps, Object[][] expectedVals) throws VMwareConnectionException { // version string is initially null String version = ""; Object[] endVals = new Object[endWaitProps.size()]; Object[] filterVals = new Object[filterProps.size()]; ObjectSpec objSpec = new ObjectSpec(); objSpec.setObj(objmor); objSpec.setSkip(Boolean.FALSE); PropertyFilterSpec spec = new PropertyFilterSpec(); spec.getObjectSet().equals(objSpec); PropertySpec propSpec = new PropertySpec(); propSpec.getPathSet().equals((String[])filterProps.toArray()); propSpec.setType(objmor.getType()); spec.getPropSet().equals(propSpec); ManagedObjectReference filterSpecRef; try { filterSpecRef = vimPort.createFilter(propCollectorRef, spec, true); } catch (Exception e) { throw new VMwareConnectionException(e); } boolean reached = false; UpdateSet updateset = null; List<PropertyFilterUpdate> filtupary; PropertyFilterUpdate filtup; List<ObjectUpdate> objupary; ObjectUpdate objup; List<PropertyChange> propchgary; PropertyChange propchg; while (!reached) { boolean retry = true; while (retry) { try { updateset = vimPort.waitForUpdates(propCollectorRef, version); retry = false; } catch (Exception e) { throw new VMwareConnectionException(e); } } if (updateset != null) { version = updateset.getVersion(); } if (updateset == null || updateset.getFilterSet() == null) { continue; } // Make this code more general purpose when PropCol changes later. filtupary = Arrays.asList(updateset.getFilterSet()); for (int fi = 0; fi < filtupary.size(); fi++) { filtup = filtupary.get(fi); objupary = Arrays.asList(filtup.getObjectSet()); for (int oi = 0; oi < objupary.size(); oi++) { objup = objupary.get(oi); if (objup.getKind() == ObjectUpdateKind.modify || objup.getKind() == ObjectUpdateKind.enter || objup.getKind() == ObjectUpdateKind.leave) { propchgary = Arrays.asList(objup.getChangeSet()); for (int ci = 0; ci < propchgary.size(); ci++) { propchg = propchgary.get(ci); updateValues(endWaitProps, endVals, propchg); updateValues(filterProps, filterVals, propchg); } } } } Object expctdval; // Check if the expected values have been reached and exit the loop if done. // Also exit the WaitForUpdates loop if this is the case. for (int chgi = 0; chgi < endVals.length && !reached; chgi++) { for (int vali = 0; vali < expectedVals[chgi].length && !reached; vali++) { expctdval = expectedVals[chgi][vali]; reached = expctdval.equals(endVals[chgi]) || reached; } } } // Destroy the filter when we are done. try { vimPort.destroyPropertyFilter(filterSpecRef); } catch (Exception e) { throw new VMwareConnectionException(e); } return filterVals; } private String waitForTask(ManagedObjectReference taskmor) throws VMwareConnectionException { List<String> infoList = new ArrayList<String>(); infoList.add("info.state"); infoList.add("info.error"); List<String> stateList = new ArrayList<String>(); stateList.add("state"); Object[] result = waitForValues( taskmor, infoList, stateList, new Object[][]{new Object[]{ TaskInfoState.success, TaskInfoState.error}}); if (result[0].equals(TaskInfoState.success)) { return "success"; } else { List<DynamicProperty> tinfoProps; tinfoProps = getDynamicProarray(taskmor, "Task", "info"); TaskInfo tinfo = (TaskInfo) tinfoProps.get(0).getVal(); LocalizedMethodFault fault = tinfo.getError(); String error = "Error Occured"; if (fault != null) { error = fault.getLocalizedMessage(); log.error("Message " + fault.getLocalizedMessage()); } return error; } } // </editor-fold> }