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Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by * your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2007 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above. * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is * made subject to such option by the copyright holder. */ package com.intel.mtwilson.wlm.rest; import com.intel.mtwilson.wlm.business.MleBO; import com.intel.mtwilson.datatypes.MleData; import com.intel.mtwilson.datatypes.MleSource; import com.intel.mtwilson.datatypes.PCRWhiteList; import com.intel.mtwilson.datatypes.ModuleWhiteList; //import com.intel.mountwilson.wlm.rest.data.ModuleWhiteListData; //import com.intel.mountwilson.wlm.rest.data.PCRWhiteListData; import java.util.List; //import javax.annotation.security.RolesAllowed; import com.intel.mtwilson.security.annotations.*; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.validation.ValidationUtil; import com.intel.mtwilson.launcher.ws.ext.V1; //import javax.ejb.Stateless; //import javax.ejb.TransactionAttribute; //import javax.ejb.TransactionAttributeType; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import javax.ws.rs.GET; import javax.ws.rs.PUT; import javax.ws.rs.Produces; import javax.ws.rs.Consumes; import javax.ws.rs.DELETE; import javax.ws.rs.POST; import javax.ws.rs.QueryParam; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; import org.apache.shiro.authz.annotation.RequiresPermissions; /** * REST Web Service * * @author mkuchtiak */ @V1 //@Stateless @Path("/WLMService/resources/mles") public class Mle { MleBO mleBO = new MleBO(); /** * Adds the specified MLE to the database. If it can be added a success message * is returned. If not, an error message is returned. * Sample request: * POST http://localhost:8080/WLMService/resources/mles * {"Name":"OEM MLE A","Description":"OEM MLE Revised","Attestation_Type":"PCR","MLE_Manifests":[{"Name":"1","Value":"abcdefghijklmnop"},{"Name":"2","Value":"jklmnopabcdefghi"}],"MLE_Type":"VMM","Version":"1.2.3"} * Sample success output: * "true" * Sample error output: * { "error_message":"Unknown error - Error while creating MLE in WLM Service", "error_code":1002 } * * @param mleData record as described * @return */ @POST //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:create","mle_pcrs:create","mle_sources:create"}) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String addMle(MleData mleData) { ValidationUtil.validate(mleData); return mleBO.addMLe(mleData, null); } /** * Updates the specified MLE to the database. If it can be updated a success message * is returned. If not, an error message is returned. * Sample request: * PUT http://localhost:8080/WLMService/resources/mles * {"Name":"OEM MLE A","Description":"OEM MLE Revised","Attestation_Type":"PCR","MLE_Manifests":[{"Name":"1","Value":"abcdefghijklmnop"},{"Name":"2","Value":"jklmnopabcdefghi"}],"MLE_Type":"VMM","Version":"1.2.3"} * Sample success output: * "true" * Sample error output: * { "error_message":"Unknown error - Error while creating MLE in WLM Service", "error_code":1002 } * * @param mleData record as described * @return */ @PUT //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:store","mle_pcrs:create,store","mle_sources:create,store"}) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String updateMle(MleData mleData) { ValidationUtil.validate(mleData); return mleBO.updateMle(mleData, null); } /** * Returns the name, version, MLE type, description, attestation type, and manifests (list) for all MLEs that * match the search criteria. * * Searches for all MLEs with a name matching the search term. For example, * if the database contains MLE with name "OEM SW A" and "OEM SW B" * then a searchCriteria of "OEM" would return both, whereas "SW A" would * return only "OEM SW A". * * Sample request: * http://localhost:8080/WLMService/resources/mles?searchCriteria=EPSD * Sample output: * [ * {"Name":"EPSD","Version":"55","MLE_Type":"BIOS","Description":"","Attestation_Type":"PCR", * "MLE_Manifests":[{"Name":"0","Value":"E3A29BD603BF9982113B696CD37AF8AFC58E2877"}]}, * {"Name":"EPSD","Version":"60","MLE_Type":"BIOS","Description":"","Attestation_Type":"PCR", * "MLE_Manifests":[{"Name":"0","Value":"5E724D834FEC48C62D523D95D08884DCAC7F4F98"}]}, * {"Name":"EPSD","Version":"58","MLE_Type":"BIOS","Description":"","Attestation_Type":"PCR", * "MLE_Manifests":[{"Name":"0","Value":"365A73E405821F88A68346E73F2FDA1215C03696"}]} * ] * * @param searchCriteria a portion of the MLE name to search. * @return */ @GET //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) // @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_HTML) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:search","mle_pcrs:search","mle_sources:search"}) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public List<MleData> queryForMLE(@QueryParam("searchCriteria") String searchCriteria) { ValidationUtil.validate(searchCriteria); return mleBO.listMles(searchCriteria); } /** * Returns the name, version, MLE type, description, attestation type, and manifests (list) for the specified MLE. * Sample request: * GET http://localhost:8080/WLMService/resources/mles/manifest?mleName=EPSD&mleVersion=60 * Sample response: * {"Name":"EPSD","Version":"60","MLE_Type":"BIOS","Description":"","Attestation_Type":"PCR","MLE_Manifests":[{"Name":"0","Value":"5E724D834FEC48C62D523D95D08884DCAC7F4F98"}]} * * @param mleName * @param mleVersion * @return */ @GET //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:retrieve","mle_pcrs:retrieve","mle_sources:retrieve"}) @Path("/manifest") // @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_HTML) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public MleData getMLEDetails( @QueryParam("mleName") String mleName, @QueryParam("mleVersion") String mleVersion, @QueryParam("osName") String osName, @QueryParam("osVersion") String osVersion, @QueryParam("oemName") String oemName) { ValidationUtil.validate(mleName); ValidationUtil.validate(mleVersion); ValidationUtil.validate(osName); ValidationUtil.validate(osVersion); ValidationUtil.validate(oemName); return mleBO.findMle(mleName, mleVersion, osName, osVersion, oemName); } /** * Deletes an MLE from the database. The MLE is specified by name and version. * If successful, the string "true" will be returned. * * Sample request: * DELETE http://localhost:8080/WLMService/resources/mles?mleName=EPSD&mleVersion=60 * Sample response: * "true" * * @param mleName * @param mleVersion * @return */ @DELETE //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:delete","mle_pcrs:delete","mle_sources:delete","mle_modules:delete"}) // @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_HTML) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public String deleteMle( @QueryParam("mleName") String mleName, @QueryParam("mleVersion") String mleVersion, @QueryParam("osName") String osName, @QueryParam("osVersion") String osVersion, @QueryParam("oemName") String oemName) { ValidationUtil.validate(mleName); ValidationUtil.validate(mleVersion); ValidationUtil.validate(osName); ValidationUtil.validate(osVersion); ValidationUtil.validate(oemName); return mleBO.deleteMle(mleName, mleVersion,osName, osVersion, oemName, null); } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 20, 2012 * * Process the add request into the PCR manifest table. * * @param pcrData : White List data to be added to the PCR Manifest table * @return : "true" if success or else exception. */ @POST //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @Path("/whitelist/pcr") @RequiresPermissions({"mles:retrieve","mle_pcrs:create"}) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String addPCRWhiteList(PCRWhiteList pcrData) { ValidationUtil.validate(pcrData); return mleBO.addPCRWhiteList(pcrData); } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 20, 2012 * * Processes the update request into the PCR manifest table. * * @param pcrData : White List data to be updated in the PCR Manifest table * @return : "true" if success or else exception. */ @PUT //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:retrieve","mle_pcrs:store"}) @Path("/whitelist/pcr") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String updatePCRWhiteList(PCRWhiteList pcrData) { ValidationUtil.validate(pcrData); return mleBO.updatePCRWhiteList(pcrData); } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 20, 2012 * * Processes the delete request from the PCR manifest table. * * @param pcrName : Name of the PCR entry that needs to be deleted. * @param mleName : Name of the measured launch environment (MLE) associated with the white list. * @param mleVersion : Version of the MLE or Hypervisor * @param osName : Name of the OS running the hypervisor. OS Details need to be provided only * when the associated MLE is of VMM type. * @param osVersion : Version of the OS * @param oemName : OEM vendor of the hardware system. OEM Details have to be provided only * when the associated MLE is of BIOS type. * @return : "true" if success or else exception. */ @DELETE //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:retrieve","mle_pcrs:delete"}) @Path("/whitelist/pcr") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String deletePCRWhiteList( @QueryParam("pcrName") String pcrName, @QueryParam("mleName") String mleName, @QueryParam("mleVersion") String mleVersion, @QueryParam("osName") String osName, @QueryParam("osVersion") String osVersion, @QueryParam("oemName") String oemName) { ValidationUtil.validate(pcrName); ValidationUtil.validate(mleName); ValidationUtil.validate(mleVersion); ValidationUtil.validate(osName); ValidationUtil.validate(osVersion); ValidationUtil.validate(oemName); return mleBO.deletePCRWhiteList(pcrName, mleName, mleVersion,osName, osVersion, oemName, null); } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 21, 2012 * * Process the add request of the white list into the Module manifest table. * * @param moduleData : White List data to be added to the Module Manifest table * @return : "true" if success or else exception. */ @POST //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:retrieve","mle_modules:create"}) @Path("/whitelist/module") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String addModuleWhiteList(ModuleWhiteList moduleData) { ValidationUtil.validate(moduleData); return mleBO.addModuleWhiteList(moduleData); } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 21, 2012 * * Process the update request of the module manifest entry. * * @param moduleData : Module manifest entry details that needs to be updated * @return : "true" if success or else exception. */ @PUT //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:retrieve","mle_modules:store"}) @Path("/whitelist/module") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String updateModuleWhiteList(ModuleWhiteList moduleData) { ValidationUtil.validate(moduleData); return mleBO.updateModuleWhiteList(moduleData); } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 21, 2012 * * Deleted the specified module manifest entity from the module manifest table * * @param componentName : Name of the module/component * @param eventName : Event associated with the component * @param mleName : Name of the measured launch environment (MLE) associated with the white list. * @param mleVersion : Version of the MLE or Hypervisor * @param osName : Name of the OS running the hypervisor. OS Details need to be provided only * when the associated MLE is of VMM type. * @param osVersion : Version of the OS * @param oemName : OEM vendor of the hardware system. OEM Details have to be provided only * when the associated MLE is of BIOS type. * @return : "true" if success or else exception. */ @DELETE //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:retrieve","mle_modules:delete"}) @Path("/whitelist/module") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String deleteModuleWhiteList( @QueryParam("componentName") String componentName, @QueryParam("eventName") String eventName, @QueryParam("mleName") String mleName, @QueryParam("mleVersion") String mleVersion, @QueryParam("osName") String osName, @QueryParam("osVersion") String osVersion, @QueryParam("oemName") String oemName) { ValidationUtil.validate(componentName); ValidationUtil.validate(eventName); ValidationUtil.validate(mleName); ValidationUtil.validate(mleVersion); ValidationUtil.validate(osName); ValidationUtil.validate(osVersion); ValidationUtil.validate(oemName); return mleBO.deleteModuleWhiteList(componentName, eventName, mleName, mleVersion, osName, osVersion, oemName, null); } /** * Added By: Sudhir on June 21, 2012 * * Retrieves the list of module white lists for the specified MLE. * * @param mleName : Name of the measured launch environment (MLE) associated with the white list. * @param mleVersion : Version of the MLE or Hypervisor * @param osName : Name of the OS running the hypervisor. OS Details need to be provided only * when the associated MLE is of VMM type. * @param osVersion : Version of the OS * @param oemName : OEM vendor of the hardware system. OEM Details have to be provided only * when the associated MLE is of BIOS type. * @return : List of module white lists. */ @GET //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:retrieve","mle_modules:retrieve"}) @Path("/whitelist/module") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public List<ModuleWhiteList> getModuleWhiteList( @QueryParam("mleName") String mleName, @QueryParam("mleVersion") String mleVersion, @QueryParam("osName") String osName, @QueryParam("osVersion") String osVersion, @QueryParam("oemName") String oemName) { ValidationUtil.validate(mleName); ValidationUtil.validate(mleVersion); ValidationUtil.validate(osName); ValidationUtil.validate(osVersion); ValidationUtil.validate(oemName); return mleBO.getModuleWhiteList(mleName, mleVersion, osName, osVersion, oemName); } @POST //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:retrieve","mle_sources:create"}) @Path("/source") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String addMleSource(MleSource mleSourceObj) { ValidationUtil.validate(mleSourceObj); return mleBO.addMleSource(mleSourceObj, null, null); } @PUT //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:retrieve","mle_sources:store"}) @Path("/source") @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String updateMleSource(MleSource mleSourceObj) { ValidationUtil.validate(mleSourceObj); return mleBO.updateMleSource(mleSourceObj, null); } @DELETE //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:retrieve","mle_sources:delete"}) @Path("/source") @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) public String deleteMleSource( @QueryParam("mleName") String mleName, @QueryParam("mleVersion") String mleVersion, @QueryParam("osName") String osName, @QueryParam("osVersion") String osVersion, @QueryParam("oemName") String oemName) { ValidationUtil.validate(mleName); ValidationUtil.validate(mleVersion); ValidationUtil.validate(osName); ValidationUtil.validate(osVersion); ValidationUtil.validate(oemName); return mleBO.deleteMleSource(mleName, mleVersion, osName, osVersion, oemName, null); } @GET //@RolesAllowed({"Whitelist"}) @RequiresPermissions({"mles:retrieve","mle_sources:retrieve"}) @Path("/source") @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public String getMleSource( @QueryParam("mleName") String mleName, @QueryParam("mleVersion") String mleVersion, @QueryParam("osName") String osName, @QueryParam("osVersion") String osVersion, @QueryParam("oemName") String oemName) { ValidationUtil.validate(mleName); ValidationUtil.validate(mleVersion); ValidationUtil.validate(osName); ValidationUtil.validate(osVersion); ValidationUtil.validate(oemName); return mleBO.getMleSource(mleName, mleVersion, osName, osVersion, oemName); } }