/* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.intel.mtwilson.attestation.client.jaxrs; import com.intel.mtwilson.jaxrs2.client.MtWilsonClient; import com.intel.mtwilson.as.rest.v2.model.Host; import com.intel.mtwilson.as.rest.v2.model.HostCollection; import com.intel.mtwilson.as.rest.v2.model.HostFilterCriteria; import java.net.URL; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Properties; import javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException; import javax.ws.rs.client.Entity; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; import javax.ws.rs.core.Response; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * <code>Hosts</code> is the class used for creation, updation and deletion of Hosts in the Mt.Wilson system. * @author ssbangal */ public class Hosts extends MtWilsonClient { Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass().getName()); public Hosts(URL url) throws Exception{ super(url); } public Hosts(Properties properties) throws Exception { super(properties); } /** * Registers the specified host with the system. As part of registration, a host has to be associated with both BIOS and * VMM/Hypervisor MLEs. So, these MLEs have to be configured before host registration. Also the TLS policy that should be used * to communicate with the host has to be specified. * @param obj Host object with the details of the host to be registered. The required parameters that specify * the host details are the host_name and add_on_connection_string [Open Source Hosts: intel:, Citrix XenServer: * citrix:;root;pwd, VMware ESXi:vmware:;Admin;password]. To associate * the host with the MLEs, both the OEM and OS UUIDs have to be specified. Also a valid TLS policy has to be specified for * communicating with the host. All other parameters are optional. * @return Host created in the system. * @since Mt.Wilson 2.0 * @mtwRequiresPermissions hosts:create * @mtwContentTypeReturned JSON/XML/YAML * @mtwMethodType POST * @mtwSampleRestCall * <pre> * https://server.com:8181/mtwilson/v2/hosts/ * Input: {"name":"","connection_url":";admin;pwd", * "bios_mle_uuid":"7e90c088-c9c7-486f-9480-9cd0a7a3b977","vmm_mle_uuid":"fb2cb173-5e19-446b-9161-aa7368c5c882", * "tls_policy_id":"e1a527b5-2020-49c1-83be-6bd8bf641258"}' * * Output: {"id":"2fbe5090-7eb7-4af5-aefd-afa5cd70bf4d","name":"","connection_url":";admin;pwd", * "bios_mle_uuid":"7e90c088-c9c7-486f-9480-9cd0a7a3b977","vmm_mle_uuid":"fb2cb173-5e19-446b-9161-aa7368c5c882", * "tls_policy_id":"e1a527b5-2020-49c1-83be-6bd8bf641258"} * </pre> * @mtwSampleApiCall * <pre> * Properties prop = My.configuration().getClientProperties(); * Hosts client = new Hosts(prop); * Host obj = new Host(); * obj.setName(""); * obj.setConnectionUrl(";admin;pwd"); * obj.setBiosMleUuid("7e90c088-c9c7-486f-9480-9cd0a7a3b977"); * obj.setVmmMleUuid("fb2cb173-5e19-446b-9161-aa7368c5c882"); * obj.setTlsPolicyId("e1a527b5-2020-49c1-83be-6bd8bf641258"); * Host createHost = client.createHost(obj); * </pre> */ public Host createHost(Host obj) { log.debug("target: {}", getTarget().getUri().toString()); Host newObj = getTarget().path("hosts").request().accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(Entity.json(obj), Host.class); return newObj; } /** * Deletes the host with the specified UUID. * @param uuid - UUID of the host to be deleted from the system. * @since Mt.Wilson 2.0 * @mtwRequiresPermissions hosts:delete * @mtwContentTypeReturned JSON/XML/YAML * @mtwMethodType DELETE * @mtwSampleRestCall * <pre> * https://server.com:8181/mtwilson/v2/hosts/e43424ca-9e00-4cb9-b038-9259d0307888 * </pre> * @mtwSampleApiCall * <pre> * Properties prop = My.configuration().getClientProperties(); * Hosts client = new Hosts(prop); * client.deleteHost("e43424ca-9e00-4cb9-b038-9259d0307888"); * </pre> */ public void deleteHost(String uuid) { log.debug("target: {}", getTarget().getUri().toString()); HashMap<String,Object> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("id", uuid); Response obj = getTarget().path("hosts/{id}").resolveTemplates(map).request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).delete(); log.debug(obj.toString()); } /** * Deletes the hosts matching the specified filter criteria. * @param criteria HostFilterCriteria object specifying the search criteria. Search options supported * include id, nameEqualTo, nameContains and descriptionContains. * @since Mt.Wilson 2.0 * @mtwRequiresPermissions hosts:delete,search * @mtwContentTypeReturned N/A * @mtwMethodType DELETE * @mtwSampleRestCall * <pre> * https://server.com:8181/mtwilson/v2/hosts?nameContains=192 * </pre> * @mtwSampleApiCall * <pre> * Hosts client = new Hosts(My.configuration().getClientProperties()); * HostFilterCriteria criteria = new HostFilterCriteria(); * criteria.nameContains = "192"; * client.deleteHost(criteria); * </pre> */ public void deleteHost(HostFilterCriteria criteria) { log.debug("target: {}", getTarget().getUri().toString()); Response obj = getTargetPathWithQueryParams("hosts", criteria).request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).delete(); if( !obj.getStatusInfo().getFamily().equals(Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL)) { throw new WebApplicationException("Delete hosts failed"); } } /** * Updates the host with the specified attributes. Except for the host name, all other attributes can be updated. * @param obj Host object with the values to be updated. * @return Updated <code>Host</code> object. * @since Mt.Wilson 2.0 * @mtwRequiresPermissions hosts:store * @mtwContentTypeReturned JSON/XML/YAML * @mtwMethodType PUT * @mtwSampleRestCall * <pre> * https://server.com:8181/mtwilson/v2/hosts/e43424ca-9e00-4cb9-b038-9259d0307888 * Input: {"name":"","connection_url":";admin;pwd","bios_mle_uuid":"823a4ae6-b8cd-4c14-b89b-2a3be2d13985", * "vmm_mle_uuid":"98101211-b617-4f59-8132-a5d05360acd6","tls_policy_id":"e1a527b5-2020-49c1-83be-6bd8bf641258"} * Output: {"id":"e43424ca-9e00-4cb9-b038-9259d0307888","name":"", * "connection_url":";admin;pwd","bios_mle_uuid":"823a4ae6-b8cd-4c14-b89b-2a3be2d13985", * "vmm_mle_uuid":"98101211-b617-4f59-8132-a5d05360acd6","tls_policy_id":"e1a527b5-2020-49c1-83be-6bd8bf641258"} * </pre> * @mtwSampleApiCall * <pre> * Properties prop = My.configuration().getClientProperties(); * Hosts client = new Hosts(prop); * Host obj = new Host(); * obj.setId(UUID.valueOf("e43424ca-9e00-4cb9-b038-9259d0307888")); * obj.setName(""); * obj.setConnectionUrl(";admin;pwd"); * obj.setBiosMleUuid("823a4ae6-b8cd-4c14-b89b-2a3be2d13985"); // updating the BIOS * obj.setVmmMleUuid("98101211-b617-4f59-8132-a5d05360acd6"); * obj.setTlsPolicyId("e1a527b5-2020-49c1-83be-6bd8bf641258"); * Host editHost = client.editHost(obj); * </pre> */ public Host editHost(Host obj) { log.debug("target: {}", getTarget().getUri().toString()); HashMap<String,Object> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("id", obj.getId().toString()); Host newObj = getTarget().path("hosts/{id}").resolveTemplates(map).request().accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).put(Entity.json(obj), Host.class); return newObj; } /** * Retrieves the details of the host with the specified UUID. * @param uuid - UUID of the Host to be retrieved. * @return Host retrieved from the system with the specified UUID. * @since Mt.Wilson 2.0 * @mtwRequiresPermissions hosts:retrieve * @mtwContentTypeReturned JSON/XML/YAML * @mtwMethodType GET * @mtwSampleRestCall * <pre> * https://server.com:8181/mtwilson/v2/hosts/2d026d64-ec08-4406-8a2d-3f90f2addd5e * Output: {"id":"e43424ca-9e00-4cb9-b038-9259d0307888","name":"", "connection_url":";admin;pwd", * "bios_mle_uuid":"823a4ae6-b8cd-4c14-b89b-2a3be2d13985", "vmm_mle_uuid":"98101211-b617-4f59-8132-a5d05360acd6"} * </pre> * @mtwSampleApiCall * <pre> * Properties prop = My.configuration().getClientProperties(); * Hosts hosts = new Hosts(prop); * Host retrieveHost = hosts.retrieveHost("6d0bbcf9-b662-4d59-bc71-7b360afeb94a"); * </pre> */ public Host retrieveHost(String uuid) { log.debug("target: {}", getTarget().getUri().toString()); HashMap<String,Object> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("id", uuid); Host obj = getTarget().path("hosts/{id}").resolveTemplates(map).request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(Host.class); return obj; } /** * Searches for the hosts with the specified criteria. * @param criteria HostFilterCriteria object that specifies the search criteria. * The possible search options include id, nameEqualTo, nameContains and descriptionContains. * If in case the caller needs the list of all records, filter option can to be set to false. [Ex: /hosts?filter=false] * @return HostCollection object with a list of Hosts that match the filter criteria. * @since Mt.Wilson 2.0 * @mtwRequiresPermissions hosts:search * @mtwContentTypeReturned JSON/XML/YAML * @mtwMethodType GET * @mtwSampleRestCall * <pre> * https://server.com:8181/mtwilson/v2/hosts?nameContains=192 * Output: {"hosts":[{"id":"de07c08a-7fc6-4c07-be08-0ecb2f803681","name":"", "connection_url":";admin;pwd", * "bios_mle_uuid":"823a4ae6-b8cd-4c14-b89b-2a3be2d13985","vmm_mle_uuid":"45c03402-e33d-4b54-9893-de3bbd1f1681"}]} * </pre> * @mtwSampleApiCall * <pre> * Properties prop = My.configuration().getClientProperties(); * Hosts client = new Hosts(prop); * HostFilterCriteria criteria = new HostFilterCriteria(); * criteria.nameContains = "192"; * HostCollection objCollection = client.searchHosts(criteria); * </pre> */ public HostCollection searchHosts(HostFilterCriteria criteria) { log.debug("target: {}", getTarget().getUri().toString()); HostCollection objCollection = getTargetPathWithQueryParams("hosts", criteria).request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(HostCollection.class); return objCollection; } }