/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation * All rights reserved. */ package com.intel.mtwilson.as.business; import com.intel.mtwilson.i18n.ErrorCode; import com.intel.mountwilson.as.common.ASException; import com.intel.mountwilson.as.common.ValidationException; import com.intel.mtwilson.My; import com.intel.mtwilson.agent.HostAgent; import com.intel.mtwilson.agent.HostAgentFactory; import com.intel.mtwilson.as.business.trust.HostTrustBO; import com.intel.mtwilson.as.data.TblHosts; import com.intel.mtwilson.as.ASComponentFactory; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.crypto.CryptographyException; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.crypto.SimpleKeystore; import com.intel.mtwilson.datatypes.*; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.io.ByteArrayResource; import com.intel.dcsg.cpg.io.Resource; import com.intel.mtwilson.model.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.security.KeyManagementException; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; //import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper; import org.junit.AfterClass; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; /** * * @author dsmagadx */ public class HostBOTest { //private static final HostTrustBO htbo = new HostTrustBO(); // private static final String knownHost = ""; private static final String knownHost = ""; private static HostBO hostBO; @BeforeClass public static void createBusinessObject() throws CryptographyException { hostBO = new HostBO(); // hostBO.setDataEncryptionKey(Base64.decodeBase64("nfiMuLDAdqmu1yqTEcgpng==")); } @AfterClass public static void releaseBusinessObject() { hostBO = null; } /* this works @Test(expected = ASException.class) public void testAddHostNullFails() { hostBO.addHost(null); } */ /* this condition not possible anymore because HostData now validates in the constructor @Test(expected = ASException.class) public void testAddHostEmptyFails() { hostBO.addHost(new HostData()); } * */ //@Test public void testQueryForHosts() { try { HostBO hostbo = new HostBO(); hostbo.queryForHosts("149"); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); System.out.println(ex.getStackTrace()); } } @Test public void testHostByUUID() throws IOException, CryptographyException{ //String UUID = "B21FD91B-EF72-E111-BD1D-001E67388954".toLowerCase(); String UUID = "b21fd91b-ef72-e111-bd1d-001e67388954"; TblHosts tblHosts = My.jpa().mwHosts().findByHwUUID(UUID); if(tblHosts != null) { System.err.println("found host!"); }else System.err.println("did not find host!"); } @Test public void testAddHostLocation() { HostTrustBO hostTBO = ASComponentFactory.getHostTrustBO(); boolean result = hostTBO.addHostLocation(new HostLocation("Folsom", "12345678")); System.out.println(result); } @Test public void testAddHostInvalidBiosFails() { try { /* TxtHost host = new TxtHost( "test-host-1", // String HostName, null, // String IPAddress, null, // Integer Port, "Unknown BIOS", // String BIOS_Name, null, // String BIOS_Version, "Unknown VMM", // String VMM_Name, null, // String VMM_Version, null, // String AddOn_Connection_String, null, // String Description, null // String Email ); * * */ TxtHostRecord hostinfo = new TxtHostRecord(); hostinfo.HostName = "test-host-1"; hostinfo.BIOS_Name = "Unknown BIOS"; hostinfo.VMM_Name = "Unknown VMM"; TxtHost host = new TxtHost(hostinfo); hostBO.addHost(host, null, null, null); fail("Should have thrown ASException"); } catch(ValidationException e) { System.out.println("testAddHostInvalidBiosFails: "+e.getMessage()); } catch(ASException e) { e.printStackTrace(); // System.out.println("testAddHostInvalidBiosFails: "+e.getSuppressed().length); System.out.println("testAddHostInvalidBiosFails: "+e.getMessage()); assertEquals(ErrorCode.AS_MISSING_INPUT, e.getErrorCode()); // assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("BIOS")); // ??? this fails because the ASEXception "loses" the error information because of the call to super:WebApplicationException }/* catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("testAddHostInvalidBiosFails Exception: "+e.getSuppressed().length); System.out.println("testAddHostInvalidBiosFails Exception: "+e.getMessage()); assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("BIOS")); }*/ } public TxtHost createKnownHost41() { // bios 2, vmm 6 /* TxtHost host = new TxtHost( "RHEL 62 KVM", // String HostName, "", // String IPAddress, 9999, // Integer Port, "EPSD", // String BIOS_Name, "60", // String BIOS_Version, "RHEL 6.2-KVM", // String VMM_Name, "0.12.1", // String VMM_Version, null, // String AddOn_Connection_String, "RHEL 62 KVM Integration ENV", // String Description, null // String Email ); * */ TxtHostRecord hostinfo = new TxtHostRecord(); hostinfo.HostName = "RHEL 62 KVM"; hostinfo.IPAddress =""; hostinfo.Port = 9999; hostinfo.BIOS_Name = "EPSD"; hostinfo.BIOS_Version = "60"; hostinfo.BIOS_Oem = "EPSD"; hostinfo.VMM_Name = "KVM"; hostinfo.VMM_Version = "0.12.1"; hostinfo.VMM_OSName = "RHEL"; hostinfo.VMM_OSVersion = "6.2"; hostinfo.AddOn_Connection_String = null; hostinfo.Description = "RHEL 62 KVM Integration ENV"; hostinfo.Email = null; TxtHost host = new TxtHost(hostinfo); return host; } private boolean isRegistered(TxtHost host) { HostResponse response = hostBO.isHostRegistered(host.getHostName().toString()); return response.getErrorCodeEnum().equals(ErrorCode.OK); // OK means it's registered } @Test public void testAddDuplicateHost() { TxtHost host = createKnownHost41(); // if the host is not in the database, add it if( !isRegistered(host) ) { hostBO.addHost(host, null, null, null); } // now that we know this host is in the database, adding it again should throw an error try { hostBO.addHost(host, null, null, null); fail("Should have thrown ASException"); } catch(ValidationException e) { System.out.println("testAddDuplicateHost: "+e.getMessage()); } catch(ASException e) { // expect a duplicate host exception, since the API does not include a "is this host registered query" e.printStackTrace(); // System.out.println("testAddHostInvalidBiosFails: "+e.getSuppressed().length); System.out.println("testAddHostInvalidBiosFails: "+e.getMessage()); assertEquals(ErrorCode.AS_MISSING_INPUT, e.getErrorCode()); } } @Test public void testDeleteAndCreateKnownHost() { TxtHost host = createKnownHost41(); // HostResponse registeredResponse = hostBO.isHostRegistered(host.getHostName().toString()); if( isRegistered(host) ) { HostResponse deleteResponse = hostBO.deleteHost(host.getHostName(), null); assertEquals(ErrorCode.OK, deleteResponse.getErrorCodeEnum()); } HostResponse addResponse = hostBO.addHost(host, null, null, null); assertEquals(ErrorCode.OK, addResponse.getErrorCodeEnum()); } /** * The known host should have trust status BIOS:0,VMM:0 * This is not a good unit test for AS, should be moved to integration test project */ @Test public void testGetTrustStatusForKnownHost() throws IOException { HostTrustBO htbo = ASComponentFactory.getHostTrustBO(); HostTrustStatus response = htbo.getTrustStatus(new Hostname(knownHost)); System.out.println("testGetTrustStatusForKnownHost response bios: "+response.bios+" vmm: "+response.vmm); // assertTrue("BIOS:0,VMM:0".equals(response)); String saml = htbo.getTrustWithSaml(knownHost, false); System.out.println("saml: "+saml); } @Test public void testCertificateMarkers() { String sampleBadCert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----AND_NO_NEWLINES_BETWEEN_MARKERS-----END CERTIFICATE-----"; String sampleGoodCert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nWITH_NEWLINES_BETWEEN_MARKERS\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"; assertTrue( sampleBadCert.indexOf("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n") < 0 && sampleBadCert.indexOf("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----") >= 0 ); assertTrue( sampleGoodCert.indexOf("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n") >= 0 ); assertTrue( sampleBadCert.indexOf("\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----") < 0 && sampleBadCert.indexOf("-----END CERTIFICATE-----") >= 0 ); assertTrue( sampleGoodCert.indexOf("\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n") >= 0 ); } @Test public void testAddHost146() { TxtHostRecord hostinfo = new TxtHostRecord(); hostinfo.HostName = ""; hostinfo.AddOn_Connection_String = "vmware:;Administrator;P@ssw0rd"; TxtHost host = new TxtHost(hostinfo); hostBO.addHost(host, null, null, null); } @Test public void testAddHost176() { TxtHostRecord hostinfo = new TxtHostRecord(); hostinfo.HostName = ""; hostinfo.BIOS_Oem = "Intel Corporation"; hostinfo.BIOS_Name = "Intel_VMware"; hostinfo.BIOS_Version = "0060"; hostinfo.VMM_OSName = "VMware_ESXi"; hostinfo.VMM_OSVersion = "5.1.0"; hostinfo.VMM_Name = "Intel_VMware_ESXi"; hostinfo.VMM_Version = "5.1.0-7"; hostinfo.AddOn_Connection_String = "vmware:;administrator;intel123!"; TxtHost host = new TxtHost(hostinfo); hostBO.addHost(host, null, null, null); } private static ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); @Test public void testAddHost154() throws IOException { InputStream in = getClass().getResourceAsStream("TxtHostRecord-154.json"); String json = IOUtils.toString(in); in.close(); System.out.println(json); // You can either deserialize into TxtHostRecord and then create a TxtHost: TxtHostRecord hostRecord = mapper.readValue(json, TxtHostRecord.class); TxtHost host1 = new TxtHost(hostRecord); // Or you can deserialize a TxtHostRecord directly into TxtHost: TxtHost host2 = mapper.readValue(json, TxtHost.class); hostBO.addHost(host2, null, null, null); } @Test public void txtHostMapping() throws MalformedURLException { TxtHostRecord hostInfo = new TxtHostRecord(); hostInfo.HostName = ""; hostInfo.IPAddress = ""; hostInfo.Port = 9999; hostInfo.BIOS_Name = "TestBiosMLE"; hostInfo.BIOS_Version = "1234"; hostInfo.BIOS_Oem = "TestOEM"; hostInfo.VMM_Name = "TestVMMMLE"; hostInfo.VMM_Version = "1234"; hostInfo.VMM_OSName = "TestOS"; hostInfo.VMM_OSVersion = "123"; hostInfo.AddOn_Connection_String = ""; TxtHost hostObj = new TxtHost(hostInfo); String connStr = hostObj.getAddOn_Connection_String(); System.out.println(connStr); } @Test public void addHost() throws IOException, CryptographyException, KeyManagementException { My.initDataEncryptionKey(); String hostName = ""; String connString = ""; //SimpleKeystore tlsKeystore = new SimpleKeystore(host.getTlsKeystoreResource(), password); TxtHostRecord hostInfo = new TxtHostRecord(); hostInfo.HostName = ""; //hostInfo.IPAddress = ""; hostInfo.Port = 9999; hostInfo.BIOS_Name = "Intel_Corp."; hostInfo.BIOS_Version = "01.00.T060"; hostInfo.BIOS_Oem = "Intel Corp."; hostInfo.VMM_Name = "Intel_Thurley_Xen"; hostInfo.VMM_Version = "11-4.1.0"; hostInfo.VMM_OSName = "SUSE_LINUX"; hostInfo.VMM_OSVersion = "11"; hostInfo.AddOn_Connection_String = connString; TxtHost hostObj = new TxtHost(hostInfo); TblHosts tblHosts = new TblHosts(); tblHosts.setName(hostName); tblHosts.setAddOnConnectionInfo(connString); tblHosts.setIPAddress(hostName); tblHosts.setPort(9999); HostAgentFactory factory = new HostAgentFactory(); HostAgent agent = factory.getHostAgent(tblHosts); HostBO hbo = ASComponentFactory.getHostBO(); PcrManifest pcrManifest = agent.getPcrManifest(); HostResponse response = hbo.addHost(hostObj, pcrManifest, null, null); //.getTrustStatus(new Hostname(hostName)); Resource resource = tblHosts.getTlsKeystoreResource(); SimpleKeystore clientKeystore = new SimpleKeystore(resource, My.configuration().getTlsKeystorePassword()); } @Test public void SavyTest() throws IOException, CryptographyException, KeyManagementException { My.initDataEncryptionKey(); String hostName = ""; HostTrustBO hbo = ASComponentFactory.getHostTrustBO(); hbo.getTrustStatus(new Hostname(hostName)); } }