package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import; import; /** * @author ssbangal */ public class HostConfigData { private boolean biosWhiteList; private boolean vmmWhiteList; private HostWhiteListTarget biosWLTarget; private HostWhiteListTarget vmmWLTarget; private String biosPCRs; private String vmmPCRs; private String hostLocation; private boolean registerHost; private HostVMMType hostVmmType; private TxtHostRecord txtHostRecord; private boolean overWriteWhiteList; // By default we will use the OEM as the white list target for both BIOS and VMM. public HostConfigData() { this.biosWhiteList = false; this.vmmWhiteList = false; this.biosWLTarget = HostWhiteListTarget.BIOS_OEM; this.vmmWLTarget = HostWhiteListTarget.VMM_OEM; this.biosPCRs = ""; this.vmmPCRs = ""; this.hostLocation = ""; this.registerHost = false; this.hostVmmType = null; this.txtHostRecord = null; this.overWriteWhiteList = false; } public HostConfigData(HostConfigData obj) { this.biosWhiteList = obj.biosWhiteList; this.vmmWhiteList = obj.vmmWhiteList; this.biosWLTarget = obj.biosWLTarget; this.vmmWLTarget = obj.vmmWLTarget; this.biosPCRs = obj.biosPCRs; this.vmmPCRs = obj.vmmPCRs; this.hostLocation = obj.hostLocation; this.registerHost = obj.isRegisterHost(); this.hostVmmType = obj.hostVmmType; this.txtHostRecord = obj.txtHostRecord; this.overWriteWhiteList = obj.getOverWriteWhiteList(); } @JsonProperty("Host_VMM_Type") public HostVMMType getHostVmmType() { return hostVmmType; } @JsonProperty("Host_VMM_Type") public void setHostVmmType(HostVMMType hostVmmType) { this.hostVmmType = hostVmmType; } @JsonProperty("TXT_Host_Record") public TxtHostRecord getTxtHostRecord() { return txtHostRecord; } @JsonProperty("TXT_Host_Record") public void setTxtHostRecord(TxtHostRecord txtHostRecord) { this.txtHostRecord = txtHostRecord; } @JsonProperty("Add_BIOS_WhiteList") public boolean addBiosWhiteList() { return biosWhiteList; } @JsonProperty("Add_BIOS_WhiteList") public void setBiosWhiteList(boolean biosWhiteList) { this.biosWhiteList = biosWhiteList; } @JsonProperty("Add_VMM_WhiteList") public boolean addVmmWhiteList() { return vmmWhiteList; } @JsonProperty("Add_VMM_WhiteList") public void setVmmWhiteList(boolean vmmWhiteList) { this.vmmWhiteList = vmmWhiteList; } @JsonProperty("BIOS_WhiteList_Target") public HostWhiteListTarget getBiosWLTarget() { return biosWLTarget; } @JsonProperty("BIOS_WhiteList_Target") public void setBiosWLTarget(HostWhiteListTarget biosWLTarget) { this.biosWLTarget = biosWLTarget; } @JsonProperty("VMM_WhiteList_Target") public HostWhiteListTarget getVmmWLTarget() { return vmmWLTarget; } @JsonProperty("VMM_WhiteList_Target") public void setVmmWLTarget(HostWhiteListTarget vmmWLTarget) { this.vmmWLTarget = vmmWLTarget; } @JsonProperty("BIOS_PCRS") public String getBiosPCRs() { return biosPCRs; } @JsonProperty("BIOS_PCRS") public void setBiosPCRs(String biosPCRs) { this.biosPCRs = biosPCRs; } @JsonProperty("VMM_PCRS") public String getVmmPCRs() { return vmmPCRs; } @JsonProperty("VMM_PCRS") public void setVmmPCRs(String vmmPCRs) { this.vmmPCRs = vmmPCRs; } @JsonProperty("Host_Location") public String getHostLocation() { return hostLocation; } @JsonProperty("Host_Location") public void setHostLocation(String hostLocation) { this.hostLocation = hostLocation; } @JsonProperty("Register_Host") public boolean isRegisterHost() { return registerHost; } @JsonProperty("Register_Host") public void setRegisterHost(boolean registerHost) { this.registerHost = registerHost; } @JsonProperty("Overwrite_Whitelist") public boolean getOverWriteWhiteList() { return overWriteWhiteList; } @JsonProperty("Overwrite_Whitelist") public void setOverWriteWhiteList(boolean overWriteWhiteList) { this.overWriteWhiteList = overWriteWhiteList; } @Override @Regex(RegexPatterns.ANY_VALUE) public String toString() { return "WhiteListConfig [biosWhiteList=" + biosWhiteList + ", vmmWhiteList=" + vmmWhiteList + ", biosWLTarget=" + biosWLTarget + ", vmmWLTarget=" + vmmWLTarget + ", biosPCRs=" + biosPCRs + ", vmmPCRs=" + vmmPCRs + ", hostLocation=" + hostLocation + ", registerHost=" + registerHost + "]"; } }