public class Driver { public static void main(String[] args) { Loops l = new Loops(); System.out.println(l.fact(5) + " should be 120."); System.out.println(l.fact2(3) + " should be 6."); System.out.println(l.gcd(20,30) + " should be 10."); System.out.println(l.gcd2(40,60) + " should be 20."); System.out.println(l.gcdfor(76,144) + " should be 4."); System.out.println(l.isPrime(13) + " should be true."); System.out.println(l.isPrime(24) + " should be false."); System.out.println(l.gcdcount(7919,7829) + " times loop is run. (COUNT METHOD!)"); System.out.println(l.gcd2count(7919,7829) + " times loop is run. (THEOREM LOOP!)\nThe theorem method is significantly faster, but it makes a very minor difference with respect to time."); System.out.println(l.reverse("Hello") + " should be olleH."); } }