import*; import java.util.*; public class Driver { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(); System.out.println("*-* Testing class Sorter *-*"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("PART 1: Testing my Sorters"); System.out.println(); Sorter s = new Sorter(3,10); System.out.println("Original Int Array:"); System.out.println(s); s.radix(); System.out.println("Radix-Sorted Int Array:"); System.out.println(s); System.out.println(); Sorter t = new Sorter(3,10); System.out.println("Original Int Array:"); System.out.println(t); t.bubble(t.getnums()); System.out.println("Bubble-Sorted Int Array:"); System.out.println(t); System.out.println("Number of Comparisons: " + t.getComp()); System.out.println("Number of Swaps: " + t.getSwap()); System.out.println(); Sorter u = new Sorter(3,10); System.out.println("Original Int Array:"); System.out.println(u); u.selection(u.getnums()); System.out.println("Selection-Sorted Int Array:"); System.out.println(u); System.out.println("Number of Comparisons: " + u.getComp()); System.out.println("Number of Swaps: " + u.getSwap()); System.out.println(); Sorter v = new Sorter(3,10); System.out.println("Original Int Array:"); System.out.println(v); v.insertion(v.getnums()); System.out.println("Insertion-Sorted Int Array:"); System.out.println(v); System.out.println("Number of Comparisons: " + v.getComp()); System.out.println("Number of Swaps: " + v.getSwap()); System.out.println(); System.out.println("PART 2: Testing Speed of Sorters"); System.out.println("Each Sorter Sorts 100,000 3-digit numbers"); System.out.println(); long start, timer; Sorter a = new Sorter(3,100000); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); a.radix(); timer = System.currentTimeMillis()-start; System.out.println("Time for my Radix Sort: " + timer); Sorter b = new Sorter(3,100000); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); b.bubble(b.getnums()); timer = System.currentTimeMillis()-start; System.out.println("Time for my Bubble Sort: " + timer); Sorter c = new Sorter(3,100000); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); c.selection(c.getnums()); timer = System.currentTimeMillis()-start; System.out.println("Time for my Selection Sort: " + timer); Sorter d = new Sorter(3,100000); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); d.insertion(d.getnums()); timer = System.currentTimeMillis()-start; System.out.println("Time for my Insertion Sort: " + timer); Random rand = new Random(); int[] e = new int[100000]; int range = 1; for (int j = 0; j<3; j++) range = range * 10; for (int i = 0; i<100000; i++) e[i] = rand.nextInt(range); start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Arrays.sort(e); timer = System.currentTimeMillis()-start; System.out.println("Time for built-in java Sorting: " + timer); /* My radix sorter was faster than the built-in java sorter when I was trying to sort 10,000 3-digit numbers, however when I tried to sort 1,000,000 3-digit numbers, my radix sorter took 25391 while the built-in sorter only took 94*/ /*The bubble sorter is alot less effective than the radix and the java built-in sorter. For a sort of 100,000 3-digit numbers, the radix took 350, the built-in java took 49, and the bubble took 40408*/ } }