import*; import java.util.*; public class Coin { private String heads; private int countH; private int countT; private double fairness, amount; private Random r = new Random(); private String type; public Coin() { heads = "Heads"; type = "penny"; amount = 0.01; fairness = 0.5; } public Coin(double value) { heads = "Heads"; fairness = 0.5; type = whatType(value); amount = value; } // GETTERS public int getHeads() { return countH; } public int getTails() { return countT; } public int getFlips() { return countH + countT; } public String getType() { return type; } public double getAmount() { return amount; } public double getFairness() { return fairness; } public String getFace() { return heads; } //SETTERS public String setFace(String face) { if (face == "heads" || face == "tails" || face == "Heads" || face == "Tails" || face == "HEADS" || face == "TAILS") { heads = face; return "Note that setting the face directly does not affect 'countH' or 'countT'"; } else { return "Sorry but" + face + "is not a valid input; must be heads or tails"; } } public void setFairness(double n) { fairness = n; } public void setAmount(double value){ amount = value; type = whatType(value); } //MISCELLANEOUS public String whatType(double value){ if (value == 0.005) { return "hapne"; } else if (value == 0.01) { return "penny"; } else if (value == 0.02) { return "tupence"; } else if (value == 0.05) { return "nickel" ; } else if (value == 0.1) { return "dime"; } else if (value == 0.25) { return "quarter" ; } else if (value == 0.5) { return "half-dollar"; } else if (value == 1.0) { return "silver dollar"; } else { return "coin"; } } public void flip() { if (r.nextBoolean()) { heads = "Heads"; countH += 1; } else { heads = "Tails"; countT += 1; } } public void reset () { countH = 0; countT = 0; } }